検索結果 4 件
- 著者標目Conference "Heat Tolerant Metals for Aerodynamic Applications, " U...
- 著者標目American Society for Metals Grobecker, D. W.
- 関連情報...nts Excitation and analysis technique for flight flutter......ee-dimensional supersonic/hypersonic flo......of propagation and digital transm......iques in noise and vibration prob......astic analysis and testing Specia......ation Critical metals conservation, recycling and substitution T...... data elements for recording on-going research and development efforts : a management information system F......the Structures and Materials Pane......ht of flexible aircraft in turbulence ......he description and modelling of a......ds measurement and evaluation Spe......investigations for wings and external store......n, development and implementation of an active c...
- 関連情報...ting Behaviour and analysis of me......high altitudes and its implications for spacecraft charging and communications......s Aerodynamics and aeroacoustics ......ante Selection and training advan......n sélection et formation des pers......the Propulsion and Energetics Pan......nt shear flows and transition Hum......nce, treatment and countermeasure......ng years : commandes, pilotage, c...... anne̊es Phase and frequency inst......lling Guidance and control for future air-def......ion, corrosion and foreign object dam......ature analysis and imaging of mil......d technologies for air and spacecraft esc......in aeronautics Aircraft flight instrumentation integr...