検索結果 11,270 件
- 著者紹介... 2010)など。本書の原書はPoverty (1stEditon, Polity Press, 200...
- 典拠情報(件名/「を見よ」参照)貧窮 Poverty
- 一般注記原タイトル: POVERTY 原著第2版の翻訳
- 要約等Action on Poverty in the UK is a...... the action on poverty conversation -......ng on the anti-poverty agenda and to ......p in Action on Poverty, at Staffordsh......p in Action on Poverty, and Social We......p in Action on Poverty at Staffordshi......p in Action on Poverty and the Social Welfare Law, P...
- 件名Poverty--Great Britain--Prevention Poverty--Government po......nd government. Poverty--Government policy. Poverty--Prevention. Great Britain--P...
- 要約等...pment-oriented poverty reduction" as ......g to eradicate poverty. However, ther...... of the war on poverty. In addition t......pment-oriented poverty reduction expe......an outlook for poverty reduction in t......he governments poverty-reduction targets by 2020 wit...
- 内容細目Alleviating Poverty through Develo......nd Practice of Poverty Alleviation Th......cy Practice of Poverty Alleviation Th...... Education and Poverty Alleviation un......n of Financial Poverty Alleviation in......tion of Social Poverty Alleviation in China Overall Poverty Alleviation Strategy among Ar...
- 件名Poverty--China--Preven......onomic policy. Poverty--Prevention. China--Economic ...
- 要約等...esh debates on poverty and its impact...... and causes of poverty, as well as th......concerned with poverty and the welfar......tical studies, poverty studies, population and demog...
- 内容細目... I: Theorizing Poverty : Global South...... Transition 1. Poverty-Free Fantasy: ......ic Housing and Poverty Alleviation in......obalization on Poverty in India: Cros......cy Pursuits on Poverty in India: Limi......ayana PART II: Poverty and marginaliz......es 6. Reducing Poverty Requires Inves......mental Bane of Poverty Alleviation in......ephen Dauda 8. Poverty and Elderly's ......bdul Latiff 9. Poverty among Rural Ol......red Moonga 10. Poverty and Social Pro...... 12. Trouncing Poverty through Women'......K. Minimol 13. Poverty and Sex Work M......rk Briskey 15. Poverty and Microfinan......ubramaniam 16. Poverty and Access to Land in Rural E...
- 件名Poverty--Developing co......CIAL SCIENCE / Poverty SOCIAL SCIENCE / General Poverty Developing countries
- 要約等...ng deeper into poverty. Analysing how social safety ...
- 件名...Social aspects Poverty--Government po......-Aspect social Poverty--Government policy Developing...
- 要約等...ge research on poverty and inequality......onal trends in poverty and inequality......ues related to poverty and inequality...... have affected poverty and inequality...... analysis into poverty and inequality......ed in reducing poverty and inequality globally. --
- 内容細目Introduction to poverty and inequality......nal frameworks Poverty measurement: E......elative income poverty measurement: A...... approaches to poverty and gender ine......ltidimensional poverty / Francesco Bu......ltidimensional poverty in Latin Ameri......ltidimensional poverty in the United ......ltidimensional poverty in Hong Kong: ...... Siu Ming Chan Poverty, social mobili......ltidimensional poverty in India: A re......he dynamics of poverty and inequality......al protection, poverty, and inequalit......ndo Barrientos Poverty and inequality......s / Bent Greve Poverty in Mexico: Tre......crofinance and poverty reduction in Bangladesh / Moh...
- 件名Poverty Equality Pauvreté poverty.
- 要約等"Living with Energy Poverty: Perspectives ......ding of energy poverty and deepens ou......ence of energy poverty is an essentia......ture of energy poverty. The book is a......lity of energy poverty and wanting to better underst...
- 要約等...ell-being, and poverty reduction acro......ic growth, and poverty reduction and ......ic welfare and poverty reduction in A...... and alleviate poverty in Africa"--
- 件名...ng law--Africa Poverty--Africa Economic development-...
- 要約等... aid (ODA) and poverty alleviation in Sub-Saharan Af...
- 内容細目...CSR-ODA nexus: poverty reduction and mutually benefi...
- 件名...a, Sub-Saharan Poverty--Africa, Sub-Saharan Internat...
- 件名...uality--Brazil Poverty--Brazil Wealth......icy. Equality. Poverty. Wealth. Brazil--Economic con...
- 要約等...en tourism and poverty with a specific focus on natu...
- 内容細目Tourism development and poverty in Japan Touri......evelopment and poverty in Vietnam Yakushima Cu Lao C...
- 件名...--Chàm Island Poverty--Japan--Yaku Island Poverty--Vietnam--Chàm Island Natura...
- 件名Poverty--Prevention Poverty--Government po......ectronic books Poverty--Government policy. Poverty--Prevention. Sustainable deve...
- 要約等"Understanding Global Poverty introduces stu......nd analysis of poverty, helping them ......man aspects of poverty, keeping the v...... the causes of poverty and how poverty reduction prog......work to reduce poverty and what actio......lity relate to poverty. Fully interdi......tanding Global Poverty will also be a valuable resou...
- 内容細目... understanding poverty Development an......easurements of poverty and wellbeing Health and poverty Geographical and spatial poverty Race, class, gender, and poverty State institut......overnance, and poverty Conflict and poverty Migration and poverty reduction Education as poverty reduction The ......nvironment and poverty reduction Fina......o about global poverty? Appendix : careers in intern...
- 件名Poverty Economic development Economic development. Poverty.
- 内容細目...y 6 Specifying poverty lines 7 Poverty measures 8 Multi-dimensional poverty 9 The concentr...... inequality 16 Poverty price indices ......mic growth and poverty 18 Pro-poor growth
- 件名Equality--Economic aspects Poverty--Economic aspects Income dist...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Economic inequality & poverty