[Organizing Committee of the Congress][1997]<M18-A272>
International Ozone Association, Japan Ozone Association[Organizing Committee of the 13th Ozone World Congress][1997]
International Ozone Association, Japan Ozone Association[Organizing Committee of the 13th Ozone World Congress][1997]
- 関連情報Proceedings of 13th Ozone World Congress : Kyoto, Japan, 1997
- 掲載誌Proceedings of 13th Ozone World Congress : Kyoto, Japan, 1997
International Ozone Association, Japan Ozone Association[Organizing Committee of the 13th Ozone World Congress][1997]
- 関連情報Proceedings of 13th Ozone World Congress : Kyoto, Japan, 1997
- 掲載誌Proceedings of 13th Ozone World Congress : Kyoto, Japan, 1997