prepared by F. Bochicchio, J.P. McLaughling, S. Piermattei, reviewed and approved by the Steering Committee.Office for Official Publications of the European Communities1995.<A163-B2072>
contractor, T. Vickers.The Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General XIII, Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Research1994.<A163-B2048>
prepared by Working Group 12, Servando Alvarez [fourteen others], reviewed and approved by the Steering Committee.Office for Official Publications of the European Communities1996.<A163-B2074>
prepared by Working Group 9, Björn Lundgren [and eight others], reviewed and approved by the Steering Committee.Office for Official Publications of the European Communities1994<A163-B2071>
prepared by Maurizio De Bortoli, Stylianos Kephalopoulos, Helmut Knöppel, reviewed and approved by the Steering Committee.Office for Official Publications of the European Communities1995.<A163-B2073>
G. van Slype, J. Page, J. van Halm.Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General Telecommunications, Information Industries and Innovation1987.<A163-B2053>