検索結果 1,893 件
- 要約等"Agricultural Policy in the US: Evolution and Economics ......the present, using economic conc......to analyze and interpret politic......s. It also examines the processe......ress. The book includes arguments for and against common tools......olicy, without influencing the reader in a particular d......h chapter contains review questi......students' learning, and technica......terial is contained in optional appen......nd edition examines the Agricult......ultural Policy in the US is a va......ok for courses in agricultural economics and ag...
- 件名Agriculture and state--United States Agriculture--E......spects--United States Agricultural l......lation--United States
- 関連情報Routledge textbooks in environmental and agricultura...
- 国立国会図書館永続的識別子info:ndljp/pid/12358632
- 要約等... conflict lies in the fact that ......e, each possessing a nationhood project differing from and opposing the other. Ir......an outward looking entity seeking external patr......a pivotal role in the evolution of the Kurdish...... it from achieving independence. Thi......raqi Kurdistan into an unrecogni......tate, and the devolution of the Iraqi state into a recognised......is done by examining the protracte......t and by analysing the contradictions and incompatibilities......he author explains that Kurds as......oject which is in opposition to ......more, it fills in the literary g......ps which exist in relation to the Iraqi-Kurdish...
- 内容細目...cognised quasi-states The context of two quasi-states in Iraq The two c......nhood projects in Iraq The monar......all of Kurdish insurgency (1976-......after the 2003 invasion Oil for ......patronage and financial independence Independence referendum and the ...
- 件名Kurds--Iraq--Politics and government. Kurds--History--Autonomy and independence movements.
- 国立国会図書館永続的識別子info:ndljp/pid/13332229
- 国立国会図書館永続的識別子info:ndljp/pid/12303631
- 要約等...ector: its origins, growth and i......can society. Using theories from......opy, public administration and d......om surveys and interviews, the a...... make a compelling case for the ......tor's key role in America. They argue that in a time when Is...... a need to examine them closely, for the landsc...
- 内容細目... and nonprofit institutions in America Identi...... Philanthropy, institution building and legitimacy in Islamic schools in America Interlocutors of ......uture of Islam in America? : Islamic schools in the US Conclusion: Prospects ...
- 件名Islamic education--United States. Nonprofit org......ations--United States. Muslims--United States. Islamic educa......ations. United States.
- 内容細目...arm bills Planting flexibility a......al legislation in the twenty-first century International trade, is it the f...
- 件名Agriculture and state--United States. Agriculture--......spects--United States. Agricultural ......lation--United States. Agricultural ......spects. United States.
- タイトル標目Routledge textbooks in environmental and agricultura...
- 要約等...round the altering security role......rs - the US, China, and India. Each of th......as experienced incremental changes in their external......hich are determined by the range......f domestic and international fac...... toward performing its revised s......and conduct. Using the framework......lyses the role evolution of these count......lucidates its link with their se......urity policies in the Indo-Pacific and ...... global stage. In the process, it also examines the systemic......ors that determine the foreign a......these critical Indo-Pacific coun......ll be of great interest to schol......researchers of international relations, securit...
- 内容細目Introduction The United States of America: Fr...... Republic of China: From a Developing Country to a ......urious case of India's Security behaviour Concl...
- 件名Security, International--United States Security, International--China Security, International--India Geopolitics--United States Geopolitics--China Geopolitics--India Terrorism--Prevention--International coo......́opolitique--Chine Géopolitique--Inde Terrorisme--......--Coopération internationale Di......tics Security, International United States--Foreign relations China--Foreign relations India--Foreign re......extérieures Chine--Relations extérieures Inde--Relations extérieures China India United States
- 著者標目Constantin, Anghelache
- 要約等...d a major role in shaping and experimenting with law as an instrument of pow......This book] examines Russia's legal evolution from Peter the......to Vladimir Putin, addressing the continuities and disr......Russian law during the imperial,......rs key themes, including: law and empi......w; the role of intellectuals and dissidents in mobilizing the law; the evolution of Russian legal institutions; the struggle for h...
- 内容細目Introduction Law ......politics, and revolution Filling in the blanks : t......rm Vladimir Putin and the restoration of state ...
- 要約等This insightful book p......estern welfare states in this turbulent......es for welfare states of modern cris......c, and the war in Ukraine. Most importantly, it investigates how ......arce resources in the face of many competing demands and a......ove crisis funding whilst at the same time maintaining provision for......able groups. Bringing together a di......ced by welfare states in this turbulent era, including changing demographic c......dvances on working practices, financial crises, and shifting voter attitud......tions. Emphasizing how instability poses......rd for welfare states in years to come. Providing nuanced perspectives on welf...
- 内容細目Welfare states in turbulent time......aphy : once again and still challenging the welfare states / Cristiano Go......r society : saving for a rainy day without increasing poverty? / Ja......Sowula and Martin Seeleib-Kaiser The evolution of welfare attitudes in Europe over th......ect on welfare states / Ian Greener ......economics steering is back : end......state and handling health challenges / Caroline Rudisill Welfare states, growth regime...... social policy in turbulent time......es from (left-wing) protesters in Europe / Femke......Roosma Conflicting demands and financial abilitie...... welfare state in turbulent times : a perspecti...
- 要約等"Drawing on the case o......state policymaking and school practice in Japan, focusing on how nation......nacted locally in the classroom.......om its genesis in central govern......, through the Ministry of Educat......xtbooks to examine how teachers, school administrators and o......nslate, policy into practice in the Japanese c......ce has changed in response to the intentions of nat...... for understanding processes of ......licy enactment in the Japanese e......tion policy making, practice, and the gaps in between. It will be of interest to postg...... and academics in the fields of ......ion, school administration, and international a...
- 内容細目Introduction Hist......s and the changing policymaking processes The disjoint between resea......ractice Policy evolution through the ministry Making textbooks for......bject Constructing a baseline on classroom practice Making sense of curriculum content in the school Enacting pedagogy in the school Translating policy in(to) the school......licy enactment in Japan
- 関連情報Routledge series in schools and schooling in Asia
- 要約等"Drawing on recent research in moral psycholo......ons shaped the evolution of the laws of war, and in particular law......were embryonic in earlier societ......civilizations, including Ancient China, early Islam,......tion rules are inherently fragil...... lies not just in failures of co......ance, but also in how moral emot......it is wrong to intentionally tar......basis for excusing states for incidental civili......hange how we think about the ethics of killing in war"--
- 内容細目Introduction : th...... emergence Mapping the mind : moral psychology and international hum......itarian law Taming the sovereign...... ethics of war in Ancient China War and peace in Islamic law : cultural evolution and the ethics of war in early Islam Mo......tenment Humanizing hell : The Ha......-1945 A moral revolution in the history of humankind : the Geneva ......he politics of international humanitarian law, ...
- 関連情報Cambridge studies in international relations
- 件名...th century. Business and politic......-20th century. Industrial policy--Japan--Histor...
- タイトル標目Routledge studies in the modern history of Asia (2...
- 要約等...public service evolution in the 15 post-so......countries from independence to d...... the diversity in their transfor......et legacy they inherited, as wel......cal will of ruling elites, all of which influenced the so......outcome of prominent practitione......y participated in the transforma......ocess, and leading scholars representing all 15 post-s......e of public administration, allowing for improved understanding of the comple......It provides an in-depth analysis of the public ...
- 内容細目...service reform in teh Republic o......service reform in the republic o...... civil service in the Repulic of Belarus: insights and chal......ce development in Estonia: from ......eritocracy / Tiina Randma-Liiv, Carlin Pesti, and Kü......civil service since regaining independence / Catherine Kardava Kazak......service reform in Kyrgyzstan: ch...... Latvia: designing reforms, understanding change, and anticipating hope / Iveta Reinholde Lithuania......rofessional administration / Vit......service system in the Republic o...... Mihai Furnica Evolution of public administration in the Russian Fe...... and public administration reforms in the years...
- 件名Public administration--Form......t countries Administration publi......ent. Public administration. Former communist co...
- 要約等... strengthened since the end of t......ced, been building security ties......ther partners, in the process reducing the centrality of the US in Japan's securi......this book explains why this is happening. Japan pursue......solationism during the Cold War,......ses and held joint military exer......ven while shunning contacts with...... the US. Yet, since the end of t......nsformation moving away from a singular focus on ......begun diversifying its security ......he country has initiated securit......eadership role in promoting regional mult......and begun building bilateral sec...... Australia and India to the European Union. Jap...
- 内容細目Introduction / Pa...... Vosse Decentering and recentering in security strat...... the fight within : the inward-looking nature of the......nstitutional reinterpretation wi...... Wakefield Lifting the ban on defense industrial produc......lia : 'decentering' underwrites 'recentering' / Thomas Wilkins Japan's policy toward India since 2000 and US leadership in East Asia / Na......ith the Philippines and Vietnam / Bjørn Grønning From a decentering and recentering imperative : ......n's engagement in counter-piracy......owards decentering of its securi......on with the EU in the nexus of d......rie Söderberg Evolution of Japan's non-US centric sec...
- 件名National security--Japan. Security, International--Japan. Japan--For...
- 要約等...military force in history, both in its destructiv...... firepower and in its ability to......en more surprisingly, it was rem......e be an underlying trait or char......eristic, which influenced the Ai......ng war? Surprisingly, there was ...... was quite prominent in the Air Force'...... Besides providing an historical...... for the following war (the 1991......ook will be of interest to stude......curity studies in general"--
- 内容細目Background and terminology The evolution of airpower Wo...... War I and the interwar years The air war in World War II T......am The air war in Vietnam The re......oof of the pudding : the Gulf War Discussion an...
- 件名United States. Air Force--History United States. Air Force--Operational readiness États-Unis......ulture--United States Air power--United States--History Air power--United States--Case studies Culture straté...
- 要約等Influenced by technological innovation, banks and their businesses are changing dramatically....... prospects of financial market institutions (banks, insurance compani......unds and microfinance organizations) in the context of......evelopment of financial innovation, financial engineering and financial technologies, taking into account risk......es to the sustainable development of financial and credit institutions, taking into account the ......eir activities in the macro and ......their expert opinions on the practice of financial intermediaries in the conditions......tion under the influence of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the Co...
- 内容細目Chapter 1: Financial Markets:......ts Chapter 2: Financial Markets:......ors that Determine the Functioning of Financial and Credit Institutions. Cha...... Paradoxes of Financial Market Institutions: Tra......: The role of financial intermediaries in digital econom......ent Chapter 5: Internationalization of Financial Markets. World Financial Centers ......hallenges for Financial Market Infrastructure Ri......ayment Systems in Digital Econom......nal Currencies in Transforming International Mon......s Chapter 10: Financial Innovations, Financial Engineering, and Financial Technolo......Opportunities? Innovations and New Financial Te...
- 件名Financial engineering Financial institutions--Eff...... technological innovations on Finance--Technological innovations Sustainable development Finance--Technological innovations. Financial engineering. Financial institutions--Eff...... technological innovations on. Sustainable development.