検索結果 13 件
- 要約等Overview of rape law and policy in 10......nited Kingdom, Australia, India, China, Iran, and the United States.
- 内容細目Introduction : approaches to rape / Nicole Westmarland and Geetanjali Gangoli Sexual assault law in Australia : contextual challenges and changes / Patricia Easteal Ending rape : the respon......bility of the Canadian state / Lee Lakeman Introduction ...... the issue of rape in China as a developing country / Qihua Ye Still little justice for rape victim survi......between policy and practice in England and Wales / Nicole Westmarland Controlling women's sexuality : rape law in India / Geetanjali Gangoli Breaking the silence : rape law in Iran and controlling women's sexuality / Nadia Aghtaie Meeting the challenge? : Responding to rape i...
- NDLCA751
- 著者標目Nicol, Eric, 1919- Walker, Alan, fl. 1972-
- 要約等...to White Supremacy illuminates the long and complex career of white supremacist and patriarchal violence in the United States, ranging across time and across impacted groups in ......der to provide a working volume......ognize, understand, name, and oppose it. W......y on the most catastrophic incide......of white supremacist domestic t......bing of the Oklahoma City federal building and more recent mass shootings at stores and places of worship--but also on the manifold ways that overt and covert white supremacy, supported b......often-violent patriarchy and gender norms, have shaped American law, life, and policy. A fie...
- 内容細目Thoughts on the Associated Press Stylebook / Kathleen Belew et al. Introduction / Ramón A. Gutiérrez and Kathleen Belew Bu......g, Protecting, and Profiting from Whiteness. Nation v. municipality: indigenous land recovery, se......er resentment, and taxation on the Oneida reservation / Doug Kiel ; A culture of racism / Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor ; Policing the boundaries of the whi......public: from slave codes to mass deportations / Juan F. Perea ; The arc of American Islamophobia: from early history thr......he present / Khaled A. Beydoun Iterations of White Supremacy. The longest war: rape culture and domestic violence / Rebecca...
- LCCE184.A1
- 内容細目Introduction : the value of diversity for democracy and a prosperous society / Earl Lewis and Nancy Cantor The "diver...... explosion" is America's twenty-first-century baby boom / William H. Frey Less separate, still unequal : diversity and equality in "post-civil rights" America / Thomas J. Sugrue Toward a connected society / Danielle Allen The economic value of diversity / Anthony Carnevale and Nicole Smith The div...... diversity / Kwame Anthony Appiah Group interactions in building a connected society / Patricia Gurin Diversity and institutional life : levels and objects / Ira Katznelson Diversity as a strategic advantage : a so...
- LCCE184.A1
- 件名Cultural pluralism--Political aspects--United States. Cultural pluralism--Economic aspects--United States. Democracy--Social aspects--United States. Civil society--United States. Political sociology. Demokratie Pluralismus Politisc......e Soziologie USA
- NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA14779401
- 著者標目Nicol, Eric Walker, Alan,
- 要約等This volume provides an international perspective on parental leave policies in ......yond this to examine a range of issues in depth, and aims to stimulate thinking about possible futures and how policy might underpin t...
- 内容細目Machine generated contents no......ion: much work still to do / Ann-Zofie Duvander pt. I Rece......t developments and the politics of leave policy Two. Spain: leave policy in ti...... Jesus Rogero-Garcia Three. Poland: leave policy and the process and goals of a major reform / Anna Kurowska Four. United Kingdom: leave policy and an attempt to take a new path / Margaret O'Brien Five. Israel: leave policy, familialism and the neoliberal welfare state / Nadav Perez-Vaisvidovsky Six. Japan: leave policy and attempts to increase fathers' take-up / Hideki Nakazato Seven. China: leave and population policies / Xiaoran Wang Eight. Mexico: leave...
- 件名Parental leave--Government policy. Parental leave--Law and legislation. Work and family--Government policy.
- 要約等"Through a series of studies, the overarching aim of this book is to investigate if and how the digitalization/digital transformation process causes (or may cause) the autonomy of various labor functions, and its impact in creating (or stymieing) various job oppor......nities on the labor market. This book also seeks to illuminate what actors/groups are mostly benef......ed by the digitalization/digital transformation and which actors/groups that are put at risk by it. This book takes its point of departure from a 2016 OECD report that contends that the impact digitalization has on the future of labor is ambiguous as on the one...
- 内容細目Foreword: Galaxy incognito / Kjell A. Nordström A journey of a thousand miles : an introduction to the digitalization of labor / Anthony Larsson Behind the history of labor : technology as the driving force / Alexander Bard, Jan Söderqvist, and Anthony Larsson The substitution of labor : from technological feasibility to other factors influencing the potential of job automation / Jochem van der Zande, Karoline Teigland, Shahryar Siri, and Robin Teigland Minimum wages for online labor platforms? Regulating the global gig economy / Alex J. Wood, Mark Graham, and Mohammed Amir Anwar The digital disruption of...... : governments and scientists towards an "open...
- 件名Labor supply--Eff...... of technological innovations on. Labor supply--Effect of automation on. Automation--Social aspects. Precarious employment--Social aspects. Public welfare administration--Technological innovations. Arbeit Digitale Revolution
- 内容細目Challenges and Transformations in Women'......Leisure, Sport and Physical Education Movements / Beccy Watson et al. Feminism and PE: Does Gender Still Matter? / Sheila Scraton Sporting Females: Power, Diversity and the Body / Jessica Francombe-Webb, Kim Toffoletti Patricia Vertinsky on Becoming and Being a Feminist Sport Historian: A Dialogue with Beccy Watson On the Dev......pment of Sport and Masculinities Research: Feminism as a Discourse of Inspiration and Theoretical Legitimation / Richard Pringle Gender and the Body in Leisure and Tourism / Stephen Wearing et al. 'And Still Serena Rises': Celebrating the Cross-Generational Co...
- 件名Feminism and sports.
- 関連情報Palgrave handbooks
- 要約等Across a turbulent history, Black poets created a rich and multifaceted tradition that has been both a reckoning with American realities and an imaginative response t...... One of the great American art forms, African American poetry encompasses many kinds of verse: formal, experimental, vernacular, lyric, and protest. The anthology opens ......ith moving testaments to the power of poetry as a means of self-assertion, as enslaved people voice their passionate resistance to slavery. This volume captures the power and beauty of this diverse tradition and its challenge to American poetry and culture. The volume also features biographies of ea...
- 内容細目...ung Bury me in a free land: 1770-1899 L......1900-1918 The dark tower: 1919-1936 Ballads of remembrance: 1936-1959 Ideas of ancestry: 1959-1......Blue light sutras: 1976-1989 Praise songs for the day: 1990-2008 After the hurricane: 2009-2020 ONE: BURY ME IN A FREE LAND 1770-1899. On imagination ; On Recol......ion ; On the Death of the Rev. ......770 ; To S. M. a young African Painter, on seein......xcellency General Washington / Phillis Wheatley An Address to Miss Phillis Wheatly, Ethiopian Poetess, in B......ton / Jupiter Hammon [Bars Fight] / Lucy Terry A Mathematical Problem in Verse / Benjamin Banneker To Eliza ; The Sl...
- 件名American poetry / African American authors Social problems / Poetry Social problems Poetry
- 内容細目The philosophy of history, anthropology, and Marxism / Axel Honneth The Frankfurt school and social theory / Axel Honneth Constitutional law / William E. Scheuerman Pragmatism and ultimate justification / Matthias Kettner Hermeneutics and the linguist...... turn / Cristina Lafont Speech acts / Peter Niesen Psychoanalysis / Joel Whitebook Postmetaphysical thinking / Kenneth Baynes Kant / Ingeborg Maus Cognitive ps......ome of technocratic consciousness / Marcelo Neves Evolutionary theories / Klaus Eder Power discourses / Andreas Niederberger Juridical discourses / Klaus Günther The......heory of democracy / Rainer Schmalz-Bruns Mora...
- ジャンル・形式用語Handbooks and manuals.
- 件名Habermas, Jürgen--Handbooks, manuals, etc. Habermas, Jürgen. Philosophy--Handbooks, manuals, etc. Sociol......--Philosophy--Handbooks, manuals, etc. Philosophy. Sociology...
- 内容細目Part A. Markets on trial: toward a policy-oriente......ociology / Michael Lounsbury and Paul M. Hirsch The anatomy of the mortgage securitization crisis / Neil Fligstein and Adam Goldstein The...... of confidence and the collapse of Lehman Brothers / Richard Swedberg The role of ratings in the subprime mortgage crisis: the art of corporate and the science ......nsumer credit rating / Akos Rona-Tas and Stefanie Hiss Knowledge and liquidity: institutional and cognitive foundations of the su......is / Bruce G. Carruthers Terminal isomorphism and the self-des......ructive potential of success: l...... subprime mortgage origination and securitizat...
- 件名Global Financial Crisis, 2008-......ics--Sociological aspects. United States--Economic conditions--2001...
- タイトル標目Research in the sociology of organizations ; v. 30. 0733-558X
- 要約等"This newly expanded and revised thir......the most important and up-to-date hip-hop scholarship in one co......This intellectual mixtape is comprised of 47 readings that are organized into nine......g key concepts and themes: the ......ry of hip-hop, authenticity debates, gender, the globalization of hip-hop......identities, disability, politics, hip-hop and academia, and hip-hop and the media. This new edition also includes greater coverage of gender, sexuality and racial diversity in ...... hip-hop's global influence, and hip-hop's role in social movements and political activism. The pedagogical features include detailed cr...
- 内容細目Acknowledgements......oduction / Murray Forman Prologue : "what is hip-hop?" / Greg Tate Part I. "They rem......ip-hop history and historiography / Murray Forman. The politics of graffiti / Craig Castleman ; Zulus on a time bomb: hip......ntown / Jeff Chang ; Hip-hop's founding fathers speak the truth / N......eorge ; First ladies / Cristina Verán ; Physical graffiti : the his......ry of hip-hop dance / Jorge "Popmaster Fabel" Pabon ; Postindustrial soul : Black popular music at the crossroads / Mark Anthony Neal Part II. "Real niggas do real things": hip-hop culture and the authenticity debates / Mark Anthony Neal. Puert...
- 件名Rap (Music)--History and criticism Rap (Music)--Social aspects Hip-hop
- NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA00209063
- 一般注記Each sub-series (......eihe = Série) has its distincti......1: Deutsche Sprache und Literatur = Langue et littérature allemandes = German language and literature ISSN for s......Rechtswissenschaft = Law = Droit (Subt......tle slightly changed: Europäische Hochschul...... Recht = European university studies in law = Publications universitaires européenne...... Hilfswissenschaften = Histoire, sciences auxiliaires de l'histoire = History and allied studies I......Betriebswirtschaft = Sciences é......tle slightly changed: Economics and management = Volks-......Betriebswirtschaft = Sciences é......9: 05317371: Italienische Sprache und Literatu...
- 関連情報Zur politischen Durchsetzungsfähigkeit einer ö...... orientierten Marktwirtschaft : eine Analyse aus ökonomischer Sicht, dargestellt am Beispiel der ......publik Deutschland Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit und Sozialgerichtsbarkeit : Konverg......wendige Eigenständigkeit? Quality Circles in......publik Deutschland : hemmende und fördernde Faktoren einer erfolgreichen Realisierung Kultu......eit : ein Beitrag zu Lessings K......osophie "Geschmack" als Basis der Verständigung : Chr. ......e Intention in action : the phi......ophy of G.E.M. Anscombe Bedeutung und Umfang der Festnahmerechte von Staatsanwaltschaft und Polizei nach d...