検索結果 2,388 件
- 要約等...arkable people in Japanese American history, The Unknown Great illuminates the divers......nalist Greg Robinson delves into a range of t...... from race and interracial relat......onal identity. In accessible sho......er columns, Robinson examines the longstanding interactions between African Americans and Japanese Americans, the history of LGBTQ+ Japanese Americans, religion in Japanese American life, mixed-ra......sure to entertain and inform readers, bringing fresh perspec...... from Japanese American history and centering the lives of ...... their mark on American life"
- 内容細目Introduction/Reshaping Japanese American history A note from Jo......ter 1. African American allies. Erna P......ality Japanese Americans and the Macbeth legacy Seeking Will Thomas/A......n and Japanese Americans/Toward the bl......er 2. Japanese Americans and interracialism. F...... arts Way down in Egypt land/Tam......r/The power behind the music – C......er 3. Japanese Americans and African Americans. Stepping over the color line/Nikkei at his......sities African American scratches on a......ack characters in Japanese American literature / w......a The Japanese American press and the history of the N-word / with Jonathan...
- 件名Japanese Americans--United State......raphy Japanese Americans--United States--History Américains d'origine japonaise--É......aphies Américains d'origine japonaise--États-Unis--Hist...
- 要約等...tish manufacturing went "from Em......er that, following the Second Wo......lationship was in fact trans-Atl......elief that, during the twentieth......tish manufacturing declined irreparably, that Britain lost its industrial hegemo......oo simplistic. In fact, in the decades after 1945, Britain staked out a n......ey participant in a US-led proce...... Far from becoming merely a Euro......ve a key share in a global marke......ritish defence industry was, to ......rns to the original scholarly pa......ers of the decline controversy, ......d post-war decline in the fields of ......tional defence industrial base. Using the case ...
- ジャンル・形式用語History
- 件名Aircraft industry--Great Britain--History--20th century Industrial policy--Great Britain--History--20th century ......ons Great Britain--Foreign economic relations Industrie aérona......ècle Aircraft industry Industrial policy International eco......ons Great Britain United States
- 要約等...s that African Americans read and disc......d regularly during the Jim Crow ......f-Century Magazine. Jim Crow Net......how these magazines and newspape......ctivists and thinkers to advance......sist racism during the first hal......n Toomer wrote in the context of interracial and b......ence. This original study also e......the overlooked intersections bet......cal changes during a period of legalized segreg...
- 件名African American periodicals--History--20th century African American newspapers--History--20th century American literature--African American authors--Publishing--History African Americans and mass media African Americans--Legal status, laws, etc Rac...
- 関連情報Studies in print culture and the history of the book
- 要約等"A member of the art history generation fro......his key figure in post-war American and international art history. The book anal......rians, considering both those who influenced him an......ook will be of interest to scholars in art history, historiography, and heritage...
- ジャンル・形式用語History.
- 件名...United States--History--20th century Art--Historiogr...
- 要約等...tents of a working economist's t......ol-kit to explain, clearly and intuitively, when......four centuries individuals, fami......ided to locate in or around the ......est understood in the context of......what was happening elsewhere in the broader At...... Readers will find that the Atla...... toward clarifying otherwise quite perplexing historical events and trends...
- 件名Economic history. New York (N.Y.)--Economic co...
- 関連情報Palgrave studies in American economic history
- 要約等...uth Europe, Latin America, Asia ...... to the lesser intensity of their military involvement in the war (neutr......arch. However, in the last two d......nces of global history recovered thei......eties built during and after the......the war fought in the battlefields and their ho...
- ジャンル・形式用語History
- 件名...918 Mediation, International Wor......18 Neutrality--History--20th century Neutrality Worl...
- ジャンル・形式用語Criticism, interpretation, etc.
- 件名American literature--Jewish authors--History and criticism American literature--Jewish authors.
- 資料の内容に関する注記Jewish American Writing and World Lit......aybe to Nobody studies Jewish American writers' relat......, Jacob Glatstein, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Anna Margolin, Saul Bellow, ......cal Jewish and American audiences and ......of legibility, in which a threatened origin becomes the si......t this promise inevitably remains unfulfilled, ......alities, rendering impossible an......mplete arrival in the US and in the world. The work examined in this study was deeply informed by an intimate connecti......al network and institutional ambitions. Jewish American Writing and World Lit......anslation, to find a home for Jewish vernacular...
- 要約等...rom James Baldwin and Arthur Miller fetching record-breaking sums in recent years. ......hen offers the history of how this mu......lion dollar business developed f......on this burgeoning economy. The ......s for the swelling number of stu...... faculty following World War II.......pivot their businesses to serve living authors. Public interest surrounding celebrity wri......ry, and as Placing Papers illust......he best funded institutions were......cts that acquiring contemporary ......rohibitive and increasingly competitive"--
- 内容細目Introduction: Out......rchives Market Inside the Literary Archives Mar...
- ジャンル・形式用語Archives. History.
- 内容細目Making markets The c......Kim Phillips-Fein Producing, trading, and trafficking as human rela......: human rights in America / Amy ...... cloth : mastering the market for slave clothing in antebellum Ame......itical economy in the epoch of t......Rebellion, Virginia, 1829-1832 /......hristopher Tomlins "Knowing" capital Risk, uncertainty, and data : managing risk in twentieth-cent...... of capitalism in the gilded age......Value of life: insurance, slaver......l Ralph Refiguring space from th......and free trade in the age of the American / Revolution Eliga gould "Innovative soluti......capitalist farming, global competition, and the...
- 件名Capitalism--United States--History. United States......tes--Commerce--History.
- 一般注記Includes index.
- 要約等"In the immediate ......the wealthiest Americans could afford ......ed books and prints. But, by the......roductions of fine art and beaut......s period, explains the costs and...... one. Establishing new practices and investing in new technologi......gravers, and printers to reach an increasingly literate and discriminating American middle class. ......forts of early American illustrators, ......ers' understandings of the texts they encounter...
- 内容細目Ways and Means for Publishing Illustrated Poetry, 1785-182...
- 件名...--19th century American literature--Illustrations Printing--United States--History--18th century Printing--United States--History--19th century ......United States--History--18th century ......United States--History--19th century
- 著者紹介...体論・コーパス言語学。著書に、Investigating Dickens' Styl......著書に、Repetition in Dickens’s A Ta......An Exploration into His Linguistic Artistry(渓水社、2006)、『クラ...
- 要約等...gely self-contained country unti......came global during the 1990s, th...... other nations in East Asia and ......its annexation into the Empire of Japan in 1910 to the pr...... with the West in meeting the challenge...... cover the origins of Korea's de......ean immigrants in the United Sta......oyal-Dutch oil industry in Korea, militar......s, and prisons in the Japanese e......an communities in China, Japan, the R......tions from leading international sch...... modern Korean history, economy, gender studies, and migration is ideal for u...
- 内容細目...oberts The origins of democratic republicanism in Korea : the Ko......ica Convention in Riverside (191...... Korean oil business and the res...... A comparative history of prisons in Korea and Taiw......le / Cheng-Yu Lin Bulgaria's "hu...... the Korean Peninsula in the 1960s : inter-Korean conf......rean diasporas in Sakhalin and Japan : a ......eturn migrants in Sapporo (Japan...... and space imagination : the dil......of the left-behind Korean community in China / Jingyi Li Exhibiting Korean-ness :......Russian Korean History Museum" / Zach......orean migrants in Germany / Suin Roberts The Korean presence in Spain : a study of Korean com...
- ジャンル・形式用語History.
- 件名Agriculture--Great Plains--History Agriculture--Russia--History Agriculture--Soviet Union--History Steppes--Russi...... (Federation)--History Agriculture--T......s Diffusion of innovations--Russ......a Diffusion of innovations--Sovi......n Diffusion of innovations--Unit......ians--Great Plains--History
- 関連情報Studies in environment and history
- 掲載誌Studies in environment and history
- 内容細目Writing American consumption history Consumer culture theory in historical per......90 Consumption in a new nation, ......m 1945 to 1980 American consumption since 1980 Conclusion References Index.
- ジャンル・形式用語History.
- 件名...United States--History. Consumer beha......United States--History. Consumer behavior. Consumpti...
- 件名Broadcasting--United States--History. Television broadcasting--United States--History. Radio broadcasting--United States--History.
- 要約等Using the Atlanta, Birmingham, and Nashv......raries as case studies, The Developme......nd the African American Quest for Libr......ries played an integral role in Southern citie......ism efforts during the New South......braries helped institutionalize segregation during the early twe......entury by refusing to serve African Americans, or only to a......d moral uplift influenced Southe......braries to remain open to the id......f slowly expanding library service to African Americans. Later, libra......rgets for breaking down the barr......of segregation in the post- World War II era. In this study, Da......ludes that dealing with the complicated and une...
- 内容細目...Development During The New South......ledge": Developing African American Library Service And Educating Black Librari......uestion To Eliminate The Colorline": The Develop......ibrary Service In Atlanta And The Integration Of Th......nnot Be Opened Indiscriminately To White ...... The Quest For Integrated Librar......ement, And The Integration Of The Birmingham Public Library
- ジャンル・形式用語History.
- 要約等"A major history of America's p...... from the founding to our embitt......uld be, locked in a polarized st......party politics in the Jacksonian......t once overbearing and ineffectual, have......erged from the interplay of mult......ck to the Founding. Daniel Schlo......am Rosenfeld paint unforgettable......es such as Martin Van Buren, whose pioneering Democrats invented the machinery of the mass......, and Abraham Lincoln and other ......New Deal order in the 1970s. Activists in the wake of th......residential nominations but fail......riven parties. Instead, modern American conservatism h......ty system, deeming it a mere instrument for pow...
- 内容細目...ation of party in antebellum Ame......he politics of industrialism and......the Democrats since 1981 Politic......e Republicans since 1994 Towards......tical parties, American political deve......ent, political history
- ジャンル・形式用語History
- 要約等...1 surveys existing tables from that standpoint. Chapter 2 sh......f Office of Business Economics a......e highlighted, including measurement d...... importance of individual sector......ve trade, shipping, manufacturing, and travel. ......s table to use in several ways: ......d balances within the table, str......ve trade, shipping, manufacturing, travel). Finally, Part VII ......rovides concluding comments. Law......iversity of Illinois at Chicago, USA
- 内容細目...payments. Existing Historical Ba......rs ; Capital ; Income Part V. Pr......vel ; Fares ; Financial ; Military and Slaves P...
- 件名Balance of payments--United States--History--19th century Balance of paym...
- 要約等...f World War II in the late twent......s led to searching questions abo......gion will play in the world. The......ibility that China will overtake......sis of the origins and developme......modern thought in East Asia and ......ates, reevaluating the influence of the ......s on East Asia in the twentieth century and giving greater voice......to East Asians in the growth of ......there is a gap in the prewar origins and developme......f modern ideas in the late nineteenth and ear......tieth century. In that time, influential intellectuals on ......rnity by rejecting the old order, and embracing progress, the new domain of ...
- 内容細目Introduction : historical writing and the limit......t of modernity in American thought, 1890s......ey's trip to China, Hu Shih, Lu Xun, and Chinese modernity, 1919-1920 American and Japanese internationalism and modernity in the 1920s Modernity in crisis, 1930s-1940s The postw...
- 件名...-Civilization--American influences.
- 要約等"In the decade leading up to the att......apan was expanding its influence in Asia, several Japanese institutions set about trying to convince Americans to support To......mbitions for China. This book se......nalyze the original publications......he Japanese to influence American attitudes and ......ions active during the 1930s, th......e particularly instrumental in targeting the US. This ...... that they routinely used specific terminology to appeal to Americans, such as 'New...... 'Manifest Destiny,' and 'Open D......nge of the growing communist thr......ograms would bring peace and prosperity to China. Nevertheless, American poli...
- 内容細目The "new deal" in Manchuria: the......'s efforts to win American approval The A......ciety and the Sino-Japanese Conf...... of the war on American policy.
- 件名Propaganda, Japanese--China--Manchuria. W......1945--Causes. Sino-Japanese Conf......t, 1931-1933. Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945. Jap...