検索結果 228 件
- 要約等... short history and time line of criminal procedure legislation in China. It first dis......ts conventions and challenges resulting from human rights standards for Chinese criminal procedural law and practice. It m......damentals of Chinese criminal procedure such......the applicable law found in the Chinese CPC and the Supreme Pe......elevant actors in the Chinese criminal justice system......n them. Actors include crime victims and their role in criminal proceedings. Starting with pre-trial investigation proceedings (extending in particular to ......rcive measures and discretionary ......wers of police and prosecutors in the implementa...
- 内容細目The development of criminal procedure law Basic concepts Agencies in the criminal justice system......r participants in criminal proceedings Pre-trial investigation Pub......ic prosecution and first instance trial Criminal evidence Remedies Special pro...
- 件名Criminal procedure--China Criminal law--China Criminal procedure. Criminal law. China.
- 内容細目Introduction Egypt Tunisia Libya Yemen Reckoning with transitional justice.
- 件名...litical crimes and offenses--Law and legislation--Arab countries.
- 要約等Criminal law can no longer ......as the product and responsibility of domestic law. That this is ......ed by the ever-increasing amount of legislation stemming from the Euro...... both directly and indirectly, on criminal law. The involvement of the EU institutions in the substantive criminal law of its Member ......iderable legal and political sign...... with the emerging EU framework for creating, harmonizing and ensuring the application of EU criminal law.
- 内容細目The development of EU criminal law EU criminal law after Lisbon EU legislation in the field of information and communications technology Criminal law and the protection of intellectual prop......ent regulation and the criminal law Criminal law and the safeguarding of privacy Cy...... Conclusions : Criminalisation, harmonisation, Europe...
- 件名Criminal law--European Union countries. Internet--Law and legislation--European Union c...
- 内容細目Basic concepts Actors in the criminal justice system Pre-trial investigation Fro......gment at first instance Evidence Sentencing and enforcement : ......erview Appeals and post-conviction review.
- 件名Criminal procedure--Germany.
- 著者標目Bohlander, Michael, 1962-
- 内容細目Introduction From...... reae Mens rea in the common law of England and Wales, Australia and Canada Mens rea in the American Law Institute's Model...... code Mens rea in German and French criminal law Mens rea in Chinese and Russian criminal law Mens rea in Islamic criminal law Mens rea in post-World War......ide Convention and the work of the International Law Commission Men...... rea of crimes in the jurisprude......mer Yugoslavia and Rwanda Mens rea of perpetration and participation in the jurisprude......ce of the ICTY and ICTR Mens rea in the jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court General conclusions and recommendations.
- 件名Criminal intent. Criminal liability (International law)
- タイトル標目Studies in international and comparative criminal law ; v. 12.
- 内容細目The emerging system of international criminal justice Hybrid and internationalised...... study of existing practice Exclusions and proposals for future hybrid and internationalised......ibunals Hybrid and internationalised tribunals : in search of a definition Legal and jurisdictional......ases of hybrid and internationalised tribunals Lega...
- 件名Hybrid international criminal courts. International criminal courts. Trials (Crimes against humanity)
- タイトル標目Studies in international and comparative criminal law ; v. 9.
- 内容細目The UN international criminal tribunals: ICTY, ICTR, and SCSL The natio......dels : Germany and the United States The International Criminal Court's system......Conclusions on international counsel and misconduct.
- 件名International Criminal Court--Rules and practice. International criminal courts--Rules and practice. Defense (International criminal procedure) Legal ethics. Criminal defense lawyers.
- タイトル標目Studies in international and comparative criminal law ; v. 11.
- 内容細目Genesis : UCLAF and the transition to OLAF Mandate The regulat......the status quo and recent proposa......nal activities and due process Op......ds for persons and institutions Oper......ctiveness : expanding the civil route OLAF's interinstitutional relationships Rela...
- 件名...Appropriations and expenditures--...... supervision. Finance, Public--E......ountries--Auditing. Fraud--European Union count...
- 一般注記“Institute of Advanced Legal Studies.” “OLAF, the European Commiss...
- 要約等...f developments in the field of t......ed crime under international law. It traces the......rganised crime and explores key concepts and norms relating to the practi......a multi-disciplinary perspective......e is extensive and detailed acade......development of international cri...... as war crimes and crime against humanity. Ho......erious crimes, including narcotics-rel...... human trafficking and money laundering, which do not......rily amount to international crimes in the traditiona...... fill this gap and offer a critic......f developments in the field of t......ed crime under international law. The book is divided into two...
- 内容細目Introduction Understanding organised cri......a multi-disciplinary perspective......f States under international law The role of non-state actors in suppression and prevention of ...... National case studies of Thailand, Serbia, Kosovo, and the UK The EU and transnational ......rganised crime International responses to trans...
- 件名... crime -- Case studies. International crimes. International crimes -- Case studies. International criminal law. Law. Internationale Kriminalität. Internationales Strafrecht.
- 内容細目Analysing the sentencing process in international justice Sentencing approaches to international crimes in national legal......ems The sentencing jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunals for ......mer Yugoslavia and Rwanda Quantitative ......ysis of sentencing data in the case law of the ad hoc ......als The sentencing system of the International Criminal Court Assessme......ant issues for international sentencing.
- 件名International Criminal Court. Sentences (Criminal procedure) International crimes. Criminal procedure (International law) International criminal courts.
- 要約等...esolution annexing provisions on......aggression, making it a crime un......Statute of the International Criminal Court (Rome St......plan, prepare, initiate or execu......illegal use of inter-State armed force"--
- 内容細目...Statute of the International Criminal Court : an introduction Criminalising aggression An......aggression The individual conduc......ession Prosecuting crimes of aggression
- 件名International Criminal Court Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (1998 Ju......7) Aggression (International law) International cri......ression (Droit international) Droit international pénal
- 内容細目Origin and development of......" The legal definition of "just culture" in aviation Legitimate and illegitimate behaviour in aviation "Just......blame culture" in aviation From ......"just culture" and back : the Ita......ian experience in the aviation field.
- 件名Aeronautics--Law and legislation--Italy. Mistake (Law)--Italy. Aeronautics--Law and legislation. Mistake (Law) Italy.
- タイトル標目Legal studies in international, European and comparative criminal law ; v. 3. 2524-8049
- 要約等...reaty establishing the International Criminal Court (ICC), includes a longer......n any previous instrument of international criminal law. The Statute's......rtunity to examine how successfu......e ICC has been in prosecuting those crimes,...... it has faced, and how its case law on these crime...... might develop in the future. Taking up that oppor......ICC's practice in prosecuting gender-based ......mes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in the ICC up unt......a detailed examination of court records and original interviews with prosecutors and gender experts......topics of emerging interest to practitioners in thi...
- 内容細目Seeing gender amid "unimaginable atrocities......oad from Rome Finding the positives Looking forward.
- 件名Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (1998 July 17) Criminal procedure (International law) Sex crimes (International law) Rape as a wea......men--Crimes against--Law and legislation.
- 内容細目...Victim redress and international criminal justice : an o......of reparations and victim support...... Reparations principles Proceedings and court orders r......of reparations and victim support......Victim redress and the Rome Statu......'s cooperation and enforcement re...... possibilities and limitations.
- 件名Reparation (Criminal justice) International Criminal Court. Victims......-Legal status, laws, etc. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (1998) Reparation (Criminal justice)--Philosophy.
- 要約等...Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) of...... an exhaustive and sophisticated ......the crime's definition, as well ......ovisions governing the ICC's exe......ikely to arise in prosecutions o......also offers an insight into the geopolit...... of aggression and the activation....... The author's intimate involvement in the crime's ne......otiations, combined with extensi......lection on the criminalisation of inter-State uses ...... all academics and practitioners interested in the crime of aggression"--
- 内容細目Machine generated con......Statute of the International Criminal Court: an introduction; 2. Criminalising aggression; 3......ession; 5. The individual conduc......ssion; 7. 2017 and beyond.
- 件名Aggression (International law) International cri......Statute of the International Criminal Court (1998) International Criminal Court. LAW / Criminal Law / General.
- 件名Prosecution. International crimes.
- 関連情報Publisher description Contributor biographical information
- タイトル標目Cambridge studies in international and comparative law (Cambridge, England : 1996)
- 要約等"This book fills a major gap in the scholarly ......erature concerning international criminal law, comparative criminal law, and human rights law. The principle of legali......vity of crimes and punishments and related doctrines) is fundamental to criminal law and human rights law. Yet this is t......us of legality in international law - in international criminal law, international human rights law, and international humanitarian law. This is also ......-retroactivity in all national c......utions, developing the patterns ......on of legality in the various le......such as Common Law, Civil Law, Islamic Law, and Asian Law a...
- 内容細目Legality in criminal law, its purposes, and its competitor......emberg, Tokyo, and other Post-War......development of international human rights law : practice involving multilateral treaties and the Universal ...... Rights Modern comparative law development : ......visions concerning legality Legality in the modern international and internationalized criminal courts and tribunals (wit......te on legality in internationally-s......e of customary international law today.
- 件名Criminal jurisdiction. International off...... Human rights. International criminal courts. Criminal law.
- 要約等"In this evaluation of the international legal standing of the right to reparation and its practical ......l level, Christine Evans outlines State responsibility and examines the jurisprudence of the International Cou......ibility of the International Law Commission and the convergence of norms in different branches of international law, notably human rights law, humanitarian law and international criminal law. Case studies of countries in which the Unit......gnificant role in peace negotiations and post-conflict ......r reparations, interacted with h......hts mechanisms and prompted subse......ic legislation and reparations policies. In conc...
- 内容細目Machine generated contents note: 1. Introduction, objectives and method; Part I......Responsibility and Legal Standards: 2. State ......nsibility, the international legal order and development of......n reparations, international and regional; 4. Victims' rights in international criminal law; 5. Legal stat......convergence of international law and reparation as an individual legal ......t II. Transferring Standards into Reality: 6. ......ictims' rights and reparations in practice; 7. C......y: reparations in Guatemala; 8. ......y: reparations in Sierra Leone; ......y: reparations in East Timor; 10......y: reparations in Colombia; 11. Reparations in ...
- 件名...for historical injustices. Reparation (Criminal justice) LAW / International.
- 要約等"Kate Parlett's study of the individual in the international legal system examines the way in which individuals have ......to have a certain status in international law, from the firs......reaties conferring rights and capacities on individuals throu...... across fields including human rights law, international investment law, international cla......, humanitarian law and international criminal law in order to draw ......uctural change in the international leg......ystem. By engaging with much new......n-state actors in international law, she seeks to ......state-centrism and the direction in which the international legal system conti...
- 内容細目Machine generated con......uctures of the international leg......; Part II. The Individual in International Law: 2. The individual and international claims; 3. The individual in international humanitarian law; 4. The individual in international criminal law; 5. The individual in international human rights law; Part III. Reassessing the Framework......uctures of the international legal system.
- 件名Persons (International law) Volkenrecht. Mensen.
- 内容細目The rise of Singapore as international financial centre :......olitical will, industrial policy, and rule of law / Jiangyu Wang Inside the Singapore financial centre /......ng : evolution and future as a leading international financial centre /......rner Level playing field as an institutional challenge to China as a socialis......u Zhang Regulating internationalizat...... of currency : comparative experience in Asia / Weitsen......all difference in wording, but a big difference in rule-making : a retrospective and prospective vi......velopment of China's economic zo....../ Jiaxiang Hu Finance, rule of law and human rights in China / M...
- 件名Capital market--Law and legislation--China--Congresses. ......apital market--Law and legislation--China--Hong Kong--C......apital market--Law and legislation--Singapore--Congresses.
- 一般注記Includes papers p......sium on Asian financial centres ......d by the Asian Law Centre of the KoGuan Law School, Shangh......or Asian Legal Studies and the Centre for Banking and Finance Law of the Nationa......University of Singapore held on ...... November 2014 in Shanghai.