検索結果 396 件
- 内容細目Overviews Innovations Individual MTMs Case studies "Thematic books."
- 件名Manuscripts--History Manuscripts, Medieval Manuscripts, Oriental Books and reading--History--To ...... Books and reading. Manuscripts. Manuscripts, Medieval. Manuscripts, Oriental. Transmission of t...
- 関連情報Table of contents Studies in manuscript cultures
- 要約等The number of manuscripts produced in the Indian sub-continent is astounding and is the re...... of time. Focusing on areas of Northern India and Nepal b......1300 CE and on manuscripts containing Sanskrit text...... present study investigates a fu......died aspect of manuscript production: vi......ategies to distinguish one text ......s sections within a single text (chapt......eir repertoire includes the use ...... different writing styles, the inclusion of symb......ls of various kind, the applicat......ion), or a combination of all th......se. This study includes a descri......s light on how manuscripts were produced, as well as on...
- 件名Manuscripts, Medieval--Nepal. Manuscripts, Medieval--India, North. Manuscripts, Medieval. Nepal. North India.
- 関連情報Studies in manuscript cultures
- 内容細目Collections Sanskrit manuscripts in the Cambridge ......he Cambridge Jain manuscripts : provenances......colophons / Nalini Balbir A tent......cal traditions in Nepal through the manuscript collections / Vincenzo Vergiani What information can b......from Cambodian inscriptions abou......practices relating to the transm......terature? / Dominic Goodall Codi......m orality to print) Tamil satell......va Wilden Teaching and learning Sanskrit thro...... evidence from manuscripts of the Amarak......l annotations (Studies in late Maniprava......fices of early Indic Buddhist manuscripts in historical per......pective / Cristina Scherrer-Schaub Typology of ...
- 件名Manuscripts, Indic--History. Manuscripts, Sanskrit--History. Manuscripts--South Asia--History. Manuscripts, Indic--England--C......idge--History. Manuscripts, Sanskrit--England--Cambridg...
- 関連情報Studies in manuscript cultures
- 要約等Most studies of manuscripts in different regi......haran Africa mainly aim at serving literary and ......ensions of the manuscript, i.e. material......he communities involved in the production, commercializa...
- 内容細目Introduction : Af......ry and islamic manuscript cultures / Mauro Nobili......New strategies in using watermarks to......aharan islamic manuscripts / Michaelle Biddle Fī Lawḥin Maḥfūẓ : towa......e space layout in West African islamic manuscripts / Dmitry Bondarev A preliminary appraisal of marginalia in West African manuscripts from the Mamm......u) / Susana Molins Lliteras Writing in Africa : the K......s Bamana texts in arabic charact......? / Xavier Luffin Moodibbo Bello......je, a handbook in an indigenous fulful...... Baru cemetery in Cape Town : a ......uran’ : The Making of a Bornuan manuscript in the twenty-first century /...
- 件名...tory--Sources--Manuscripts--Congresses. Manuscripts--Africa, Sub-...... civilization--Manuscripts--Congresses. Manuscripts, African--Con......n--Congresses. Manuscripts, Arabic--Africa, Sub-Saharan...
- ジャンル・形式用語Criticism, interpretation, etc. History. Sa...
- 件名Hinduism--Sacred books. Hinduism--Rituals-......and criticism. Manuscripts, Sanskrit--History. Manuscripts, Kannada--History. Hinduism. Hinduism--Rituals. Manuscripts, Kannada. Manuscripts, Sanskrit. Ta......c literature. Hinduismus Heilige Schrift Handsc...
- 関連情報Studies in manuscript cultures
- 内容細目...idence of learning in manuscripts from the first Byzantine humanism : th...... Brockmann Writing, copying, translating : Ethiopia as a manuscript culture / Ales......o Bausi Arabic manuscripts on the periph......a, Yemen and China / Florian Sob......j Multiglossia in West African manuscripts : the case of......mitry Bondarev Indian manuscripts / Dominik Wujastyk Gan......ls : rediscovering an ancient manuscript type / Stefan ...... of a Buddhist manuscript from the Gilgi......Melzer Tibetan manuscripts : between his......raphy : developing a typology of writing styles in early Tibet / ......ctuation marks in medieval Chinese manuscripts ...
- 関連情報Studies in manuscript cultures
- 掲載誌Studies in manuscript cultures
- ジャンル・形式用語Criticism, interpretation, etc.
- タイトル標目Studies in manuscript cultures ; v. 3.
- 要約等"While European manuscripts have been the......art historical studies over the past ......an (Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic, Ta...... and the like) manuscript traditions remains a relatively ......eld. But Asian manuscripts, as the contr......onstrate, contain much more than......e semantic meaning of the words ......ide variety of manuscript traditions wit......y and the ways in they can be st......ke the cataloguing, comparative ......Each essay examines ways in which hand-pro...... Thai, Pali, Chinese, Central As......it, and Arabic manuscript traditions—shape both meaning and interpretation, a...... norms that define their use. Together, the ess...
- ジャンル・形式用語Conference papers and proceedings. Manuscripts.
- 件名Manuscripts--Asia. Manuscripts, Oriental. Illumination of books and manuscripts, Asian. Buddhism--Manuscripts. Manuscripts, Chinese. Codicology......m. Codicology. Manuscripts. Asia. CHR 2015.
- 要約等...ife story of a manuscript codex, British......3 E IV: the Latin Chronicle (fro......Nangis, copied in the abbey libr......ocess, identifying the illuminator of the Royal MS and naming the scribe. D......iled evidence links the codex to......portant events in history, such ......e other, narrating the entire life and interesting times of this...... now scattered in nine cities from L......to Vienna, placing each one in a scrupulously......icum and sketching its history
- 内容細目... and its Dissemination Chapter 1. The Latin World Chronicl...... Descent of 22 Manuscript Copies Chapter...... Library Royal Manuscript 13 E IV Part I......s of the Royal Manuscript Chapter 5 Crea......n of the Royal Manuscript at Saint-Denis Chapter 6 The Royal Manuscript in Paris, 1400-14......f Luxembourg, King of the Romans......f St. George, Windsor Chapter 9 ......olk Chapter 10 In the Library of......III Chapter 11 In the British Ro......ppendices A Latin Excerpts from ......IV B Arguments in the Rouleau de Saint-Denis, based ......The Leaves Missing from BL Royal......s Bibliography Index
- 件名...e 13th century Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and ...... Manuscrits latins médiévaux et modernes
- 要約等"Traditional scholarship on manuscripts has tended to...... issues concerning their product......atively little interest in the cultural contexts of the manuscript book. The Medieval Manuscript Book redresses this by focusing on aspects of...... medieval book in its cultural s......ten by experts in the study of t...... book before print, this volume combines bibliographi......e with broader insights into the theory and praxis of manuscript study in areas from bib......cial context, linguistics to loc...... facsimiles of manuscripts. Taken as a w......understand the manuscript book it must be analyzed in all its cultural complexity, ...
- 内容細目Introduction: Manuscripts and cultural ......erer What is a manuscript culture? : tec......ologies of the manuscript matrix / Steph....... Nichols Decoding the material ......ltural residue in medieval manuscripts / Erik Kwakkel Organizing manuscript and print : from compil......dd Knight Containing the book : the institutional aft......es of medieval manuscripts / Siân Echard Medieval manuscripts : media archa......nd the digital incunable / Martin K. Foys The ci......ation of texts in manuscript culture / Pascale Bourgain Multilingualism and late medieval manuscript culture / Luci......y and variance in the medieval book / Arthur Ba...
- 件名Manuscripts, Medieval--Eu......ory--400-1450. Manuscripts, Medieval--So...... Books and reading--Europe--Hist......ter. Texttradering--historia. Böcker och läsning--historia. Litteratur--histo...
- 要約等...opular Culture in Early China is a comprehensive introduction to the manuscripts known as dayb......ave been found in Warring States, Qin, and Han tombs......0 CE). Their main content concer...... of hemerology in daily life and are invaluable source......d chapters examining the daybooks ......ectives, detailing their significance as manuscript-objects intended for ever......ay use and showing their connect...... still popular in Chinese communities......cal literature in medieval Europ....... Contributors include: Marianne......arper, Marc Kalinowski, Li Ling, Liu Lexian, Ala."--Provided...
- 件名Divination--China--History--Sources. China.
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Daybook manuscripts of the Warring States, Qin, and Han
- 件名Booksellers and bookselling--History--20th century. Independent books......-20th century. Independent books......-20th century. Independent books......erature publishing--History--20t...... Books and reading--Social aspects. Modernism (...
- 著者標目Osborne, Huw Edwin.
- 要約等"In recent years, a growing interest in "oriental manuscripts" in all their aspects, including the extrinsic ones, has b...... and authorial manuscripts in Arabic handwri......although these manuscripts raise importa......udy of the working methods of au...... from the past informs different disciplines: paleography......sm, ecdotics, linguistics and intellectual history. In this volume nine contributions and case studies are gathered that address the...
- 内容細目Introduction Comm......istics and terminology / Adam Ga......̄zī's handwriting / Frédéric ......The art of copying: Mamlūk manuscript culture in theory and pra......1/1603) / Kristina Richardson 'Aynī's working method for hi...... autographical manuscript / NobutakaNaka......iticism on the manuscripts of Ibn Khaldu......tobiographical manuscripts / Retsu Hashizume Les safīn...
- ジャンル・形式用語Conference papers and proceedings. History.
- 要約等... about the copying and circulati...... of literature in late medieval ......the variety of manuscripts surviving from this per......pied and disseminated these diverse manuscripts? Who read the......ween those copying literature and those reading it? To answer...... this book examines 202 literary manuscripts from the peri......hat most surviving manuscripts fall into four categories, depending on the proxim......onship of that manuscript's scribes and ......t beyond proposing these new cat......history of writing practices, an......eaucracies within late medieval ......took place within these numerous......oduction arose in such scattered bureaucracies,...
- 内容細目Introduction Nome......ook The streamlined book The evolving book The DIY ......ribes, I : the manuscript evidence The proliferation of...
- ジャンル・形式用語Criticism, interpretation, etc.
- 内容細目Mobilizing with manuscripts Ibadi communities in the Maghrib Writing a network, constructing a tradition Sharpening the boundarie......munity Formalizing the network P......per and people in northern Afric......oactive networking The end of a ......n Orbits Ibadi manuscript culture (Re)inventing an Ibadi tradition Extant manuscript copies of the Ibadi prosopogr...
- 件名...rth. Ibadites--Manuscripts. Manuscripts, Arabic--Africa, North. Manuscripts, Arabic--Morocco. Learning and scholarsh......a, North. Learning and scholarsh......rab countries. Manuscripts, Arabic. Learning and scholarship. Ibadites. M...
- 資料の内容に関する注記... little-known minority community, have lived in North Africa f......and years. Combining an analysis of Arabic manuscripts with digital tools used in network analys...... of a group of manuscripts and the Ibadi......e and space, bringing them together into a "written n......he Mzab valley in Algeria to the......sland of Jerba in Tunisia, from ......e Jebel Nafusa in Libya to the bustling metropolis of......d books worked in tandem to construct and maintain an Ibadi Muslim tradition in the Maghrib."--
- 件名Carolingians. Learning and scholarsh......500-1500. Learning and scholarship--Religious a...
- タイトル標目Collected studies ; CS974.
- 要約等"Medieval Manuscripts in the Digital Ag......ores one major manuscript repository's d......ons about studying books from a ......nce via the online environment. ......e group of distinguished international sch......he impact of being able to access and interpret these early manuscripts in new ways. The ......verse medieval manuscripts, comes as tha...... Access. Exploring the uses of d......utors consider manuscripts from multiple perspectives including production, m......and reception. In addition, the ......explicates new interdisciplinary frameworks ......ts, while centring on an appreci......aeographical, linguistic, and cultural to consi...
- 内容細目Introduction / Benjamin Albritton and Elaine Treharne I. T......pecialist: Chasing Medieval Materials in a Sea of Pixel......th From the Divine to the Digita...... Functionality in Digital Manuscript Studies / Abigail G. R......son Ways of Seeing Manuscripts: Exploring Parker 2.0 / ......rt II: A Study in (Digital) Codi......Anya Adair Rolling with It: Navigating Absence in the Digital Re......ls of St Augustine as a Codex in Translation / Mateusz Fafinski Encyclopaedic Notes in Cambridge, Cor...... and the Multilingual Fragmentat...... and Wholeness in Cambridge, Cor......d 402: Mercian Intellectual Culture in pre-Conquest England (and bey...
- 件名Codicology--Technological innovations Manuscripts, Medieval--Di......n Codicologie--Innovations Manus......n Codicologie--Innovations technologiques. Manu...
- 要約等"Broadening the notion of......modern censors in the fashioning of a distinct English literature in the sixteenth ......nth centuries. In early modern E......at authors penning both plays an...... to systematic intervention but ......specific texts in a specific tim......y acknowledged in this edited co...... task consists in finding the exact mom......e balance tips in favour of crea......he zone where, in matters of art......hey show that, in the Elizabetha......albeit through indirect channels. By contrast, in the 1630s, the increased supremacy of the Churc...
- 内容細目General introduction: to ......phie Chiari An incident in the history of......glish book burning / Edward Pale...... collaboration in early modern dramatic manuscripts / Janet Clare...... Dutton Revisiting an old contro......sy: censorship in Doctor Faustus......n "An you talk in blank verse": ......ics of liberty in As you like it......e subject / Pelin Dogan "Let him...... the repressed in the English rendering of Montaigne'...... strategies of indirect representation in the Faerie Que......lf-)censorship in Lady Mary Wrot...... Aurélie Griffin "No cloudy stu...... puzzle the brain": "fair editing" and censorship in John Bens...
- 関連情報Routledge studies in Renaissance literature and cu...
- 要約等Shahnama Studies III focuses on......ma or Book of Kings, completed b......as a source of inspiration for a......iterature, leaving its traces in manifold ways....... and offer new insights in Shahnama manuscript studies, the illustrat......d the Shahnama in later texts and contexts.
- 内容細目...s Banu Gushasp in the Shahnama :....... 2926 and the Interpolated Banu......tam's Grandson in Central Asia :......n den Berg The Interplay of Oral......ten Traditions in Persian Epics ...... the Barzunama in the Haft Lashk......Yamamoto A New Manuscript of the Shahriy......of the Ancient India and Iran Tr....... The Shahnama in Later Contexts The Shahnama in Timurid Histor......Michele Bernardini The Sulaiman-......ource / Fatma Sinem Eryilmaz A S......hahnama Legacy in a Late 15th-Ce......art 3. Textual Studies Persian Mediev......husrau and Shirin as a Case-Study / Christine van Ruymbeke ......rt History and Manuscript Studies Zahhak from Cambridge...
- タイトル標目Studies in Persian cultural history ; v....
- 内容細目...ty's Cavendish manuscript : Wolsey, Eliz......nd Milton / Elaine Treharne Text......h Knight Analysing a private lib......e Young Milton in his letters / ...... K. Hale The itinerant sibling : Christopher Milton in London and Suf......attentive Mr Skinner, and the ac......ric C. Brown Printing the Gospels in Arabic in Rome in 1590 / Neil Ha......nd tragicomedy in Milton's reading of The tempes......ela Lares Misprinting Bartholomew F......ae and the shaping of the sevent...... and the Dutch in 1665 / Martin Dzelzainis Did Milton r......n? / Sharon Achinstein Hands on / Nei......nce : dismembering and remembering Titus Andron...
- ジャンル・形式用語Criticism, interpretation, etc. History.
- 件名...-Criticism and interpretation. M......y. Codicology. Manuscripts, Renaissance. Books and reading--History--16t...... Books and reading--History--17th century. Printing--History--16th century. Printing--History--17t...... Books and reading. English lite......arly modern. Printing.