検索結果 523 件
- 要約等... of artificial intelligence (AI) in business innovation and research. It p......lid foundation in AI technologies, such as machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision, and examines how they reshape business models and revolutionize industries. The b......ications of AI in enhancing customer experience, optimizing operations, and enabling data-driven decision-making. It explores the integration of AI with emerging trends like IoT, blockchain, and cloud computing for innovation. The role of AI in advancing scientific discovery and academic resea......plored, addressing challenges and opportunities in AI-driven me...
- 件名Business--Technological innovations Business--Data processing Artificial intelligence Affaires--Innovations Gestion--Informatique Intelligence arti......lle artificial intelligence.
- 一般注記2 bibliographic volumes in 3 physical volumes
- 要約等This handbook presents s......e-art research in reinforcement learning, focusing on its applications in the control and game theory of dynamic systems and future directi......lated research and technology. Th......tions gathered in this book deal......s faced when using learning and adaptation met......solve academic and industrial proble......s optimization in dynamic environments with single and multiple agents, convergence and performance analysis, and online implementatio......can be solved, and cover a wide r......related topics including: deep learning; artificial intelligence; app...... modality learning; and multi-agent reinforceme...
- 内容細目...for Perception and Cognition Roof......are Emergency Landing Planning for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Quantum Reinforcement Learning in Changing Environment T......Thermodynamics in the Future Res......rch Directions in Control and Learning Mixed Density Reinforcement Learning Methods for A......ynamic Programming Analyzing and Mitigating Link-Flooding DoS Attacks Using Stackelberg Games and Adaptive Learning Learning and Decision Making for Complex Systems Subjected to Uncertainties: A Stochas......c Distribution Control Approach Optimal Adaptive Control of Partially Unknown Linear Continuous-time Systems with Input a...
- 件名Reinforcement learning Reinforcement learning.
- 要約等...earch problems in the areas of modeling, control and drug development, and it presents va......revention modeling. The book also concentrates ...
- 内容細目Some computational and theoretical re......ematical Model Involving Caputo-Fabriz......ematical modelling approach in covid-19 transmission and interventions strategies Understanding COVID-19 in Brazil: socioe......tical analysis and future challenges Does Pandemics effects h......le of Covid 19 in human evolution
- 件名...hods COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020---Ma......dels COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020---Statistical metho...
- 要約等... of artificial intelligence methods for solving different pro......fferent fields and not only from medicine. The information contained in the book explo......t areas of machine and deep learning, advanced image processing, computational intelligence, IoT, robotics and automation, op......hematical modeling, neural networks, information techn......a, data processing, data mining, and likewise. More......, the chapters include the theory and methodologies ......erview of applying these tools t...... face the emerging disaster. The......k is primarily intended for researchers, decision makers, practitioners, and readers interested in these s...
- 内容細目Intro Preface Con......the Number of Handwashing Facilities by Using Artificial Intelligence 1 Li......3 Research Setting and Research Parad......thod 3 Results and Discussion 4 C......ences Big Data and Data Analytics......c Management 1 Introduction 2 Big Data and Big Data Analy......es of Big Data and Big Data Analytics in COVID-19 Pandemic 4 Challenges of Big Data and Big Data Analytics During COVID-19 Pandemic 5 Conclusi......n of COVID-19 Pandemic Using Artificial Intelligence 2 Pr......OVID-19) 3 Succinct Review on Tr......drome Outburst in the Year 2020 ...... of Artificial Intelligence in COVID-19 Pandemic 4.1 Prematu...
- 件名...)--Data processing COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020---Data processing Artificial intelligence--Med......ons Artificial intelligence--Med......)--Data processing. Electronic data processing.
- 要約等...s solutions to control problems in a number of robotic systems and provides a wea......ull analytical and numerical deta......strated to aid in reader compreh......sents relevant studies on and applications o......robotic system control approaches, as......as the latest findings from interdisciplinary theoretical studies. Featuring chapters on advanced control (fuzzy, neural, backstepping, sliding mode, adaptiv......ve, diagnosis, and fault-tolerant control), the book wil......cations. Accordingly, it offers ......esearchers, engineers, and students in the field of robotic systems.
- 内容細目Robust and adaptive state...... with a high gain approach Auton......rectional Drilling Intelligent control for an uncertain mobile robot w......timal lane merging for AGV ENMPC vs PID control strategies app......uated System Using Fast Terminal Synergetic Control Dynamic Modeling of a Quadroto......UAV prototype Finite Time Consen......er Multi Agent Systems with Mismatched Uncertainties Compound Fractional Integral Terminal Sliding Mode Control and Fractional PD Control of a MEMS Gyro......rs of Drones Using Current Sensors Flexible-link Manipulators:......avior Analysis and Advanced Nonlinear Control Strategies L1 Adaptive Contro...
- 件名Robots--Control systems.
- 要約等"This book presents the main ideas on shifting the economy, finance, and banking sectors among......SEAN countries into a new paradigm. Since the economy and finance, as well as the banking sector in the ASEAN regi...... have been growing years by year......e policymakers and relevant agenc...... ideas on shifting the ASEAN economy, finance, and banking towards globa......cent COVID-19 pandemic has affect......o the economic and financial sectors.......posed lockdown and moving control order (MCO) as......nditionally moving control order (CMCO). In this book, we tackle the main ideas on shifting the economy, finance, and ba...
- 件名COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020---Ec......ast Asia Banks and banking--Southeast Asia Pandémie de COVID-...... Sud-Est Banks and banking. Economic history. Economic ...
- タイトル標目Studies in systems, decision and control ; v. 382
- 件名Formation control (Machine theory) Control theory.
- 関連情報Studies in systems, decision and control
- 掲載誌Studies in systems, decision and control
- 要約等... recent trends and solutions to h......thcare sectors and medical staff ......ect themselves and others and limit the spre......s the problems and challenges researchers and academics face in tackling this monument......l task. Topics include: Unmanned......used to detect infected people in different areas; robots used in fighting the COVID-19 by protecting workers and staff dealing with infected people; blockchain technology tha......e transactions in strict confide......elp those creating and honing technology to......thcare sectors and medical staff ......ect themselves and patients and limit the spre...... the COVID-19; Includes technologies that can b...
- 内容細目Dynamic Models and Control Techniques for......of Medications and Other Healthcare Items in COVID-19 Hotsp......ti Sharma, Harvinder Singh, Deepak Kuma......darsh Kumar, Anand Nayyar, and Rajalakshmi Kr......shnamurthi Machine Learning-Based Scheme ......ntify COVID-19 in Human Bodies /......A. K. Solanki, and Sudeep Tanwar ......demic Analysis and Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms / Arun Solanki and Tarana Singh Big Data and Modern-Day Technologies in COVID-19 Pandemic: Opportuni......s, Challenges, and Future Avenues...... Tabrez Nafis, and Noushaba Feroz...... of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things for Detect...
- 件名Medical informatics COVID......)--Data processing Artificial intelligence--Med......ata Artificial intelligence--Med......)--Data processing. Medical informatics.
- 要約等...icant research and study topics r......ematical modelling and analysis of infectious diseases. It includes several models and modelling approaches wi......uch as identifying and analysing causes of occurrence and re-occurrence,......auses of spreading, treatments and control strategies. A ...... professionals and practitioners interested in gaining insights into various aspects of infectious diseases using mathematical modelling and mathematical a......al readers wanting to understand the dynamics o......rious diseases and related issues...... prevalence or incidence of infectious diseas......ematical tools and techniques to analyse data on...
- 内容細目...n Transmission and Virulence are ......duction number and the shape of the spatial domain Cause and Control strategy for infectious diseases with nonlinear incidence and treatment rate......c transmission and cure rate Dyna......epidemic model and its solutions by nonstandard numerical s......ion Analytical and numerical solu......TB-HIV/AIDS co-infection model v......tives without singular kernel
- 関連情報Studies in systems, decision and control
- 要約等...rch directions in using the newly eme......echnologies during the era of COVID-19 pandemic. It mainly focuses on using emerging technologies and their impact o......re, education, and society. It also provides insights into the current challenges and constraints in using technologies during the era of COVID-19 pandemic and exposes new op......uture research in the domain
- 内容細目Intro Preface Lis...... A Survey of Using Machine Learning Algorithms During the COVID-19 Pandemic Abstract 1 Introduction 2 COVID-19 Infection Predict......Patients 4 Vaccine Development 5......s 7 Conclusion and Future Insights References 2 Deep Learning Techniques and COVID-19 Drug ......ate-of-the-Art and Future Directions 2 Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery......ategy: A Viewpoint 5 Future Dire......19 Detection Using Advanced CNN and X-rays 2 Previ......sed Model Building 5 Results and Observation 6 Conclusion 4 Integration of Deep Learning Machine Models with C......agnostic Tools in Medical Image ...... for Detection and Diagnosis of Novel Coronaviru...
- 件名Technological innovations COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- Technological innovations.
- 要約等This book includes recent r......orks on how business around the ......e of COVID-19 pandemic. The impac...... how countries and governments collect information. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced online service companies to maintain and build relation......orld turns. Businesses are now facing tension between generating sales during a period of s......nomic hardship and respect for threats to life and livelihoods that have changed...
- 内容細目Role of Intelligent Technology In Crises Managem......fect of Threat Control Management Str......gies on Number Infected by COVID......eak Prevention in Jordan: A Data......sis How the Business Intelligence in the New Startup Performance in UAE during COVID-19: The Mediating Role of Innovativeness CO......ID-19 outbreak in Jordan: A 150 ......ssful response and re-open strate......Transformation and Organization Decision Making During Covid19 Pandemic Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare: Th......erians Factors Influencing the Adoption ......f E-Payment during Pandemic Outbreak (......dence Customer Decision to Shift to e-Purchase throug...
- 件名COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020---Ec......mic aspects Business intelligence Entrepreneurship Pandémie de COVID-......repreneurs. Business intelligence. Entrepreneurship.
- 要約等... the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 pandemic has affect......over the world and has made a sig...... on daily life and healthcare facilities and treatment systems. The book covers the main recent emerging technologies ......ogies that are included in this book play......gnificant role in tackling COVID-19 in the future. Th...... advanced emerging technologies and artificial intelligence tech......es to fight against COVID-19 pandemic
- 内容細目Artificial Intelligence Technology against COVID19 Digital and Emerging Technologies for Monitoring and Controlling COVID-19 Social and Smart Networking and Cyber Security for Tracking COVID-19
- 件名COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- Artificial intelligence--Medical applicatio...
- 要約等...hapters discussing the problems and challenges and some future research points from the rec......technologies point of view such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of things (IoT) that c......he environment and healthcare sectors reducing COVID-19
- 内容細目The Role of Internet of Medical c in Monitoring the Environme......ID-19 COVID-19 and water resource......r virus spread and management using artificial intelligence tech......ent Challenges and the Impact of ......he Adoption of Intelligent Solut......ste Management in Taiwan Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Waste Management and Control during and post COVID-19 ......llution Monitoring Approach in Africa during COVID-19 Pandemic Applicatio......s of Deep Learning in Predicting Natural Disas...... the COVID-19 Pandemic: Short Review and Recommendations Sustainable Climate Ch......2 Reduction During COVID-19 The Correlation bet...
- 件名Artificial intelligence--Med......ions COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020---En......mental aspects Internet of things Artificial intelligence--Med...... applications. Internet of things.
- 件名COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020---Data processing Internet of things Cloud computing Pandémie de COVID-19, 2020---Informatique Internet des objets Infonuagique Elec......ic data processing
- タイトル標目Studies in systems, decision and control ; v. 378. 2198-4182
- 著者標目Hassanien, Aboul Ella Elghamrawy, Sally Zelinka, Ivan, 1965-
- 件名...fit theory. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS......al. Artificial intelligence.
- 関連情報Studies in systems, decision and control
- 掲載誌Studies in systems, decision and control
- 要約等This book addresses the Internet of Things (IoT), an essential topic in the technology industry, policy, and engineering circles, and one that has become headline news in both the specialty press and the popular me......iency concerns in IoT and the requirements related to Industry 4.0. It ......ethodological, and moral questions in any nations journey to reducing energy consumption in IoT devices. T......cient IoT, ranging from simple devices like indoor temperatur......al power measuring devices), act......e.g. HVAC room controllers, motors) and devices (e.g. industrial circui......for home, building or industrial automation). I...
- 件名Internet of things. Internet of things--Energy consumption.
- タイトル標目Studies in systems, decision and control ; v. 206.
- 要約等...ecent advances in the field of intelligent systems. Composed of f......m applications in industrial data s......ience to those in applied scienc......Today the word INNOVATION is more and more connected......with the words INTELLIGENT and SECURITY, as s......ses the theory and applications o......dge-based modeling and control of complex dynamical systems, sign-based syn......ty issues with intelligent systems, innovative intelligent control design, neurom......lassification, intelligent modeling and measurement innovations, mult......of peer review and scientometrics, intelligent resea......g report data, and clustering non-Gaussian data....
- 内容細目Non-conventional Control Design by Sigm......erated Fixed Point Transformation Using Fuzzy Approxi......n Architecture and Atanasoff's AB......ic Computation and Kasabov's NeuC......ns Data-Driven Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Modelling for the Class...... Network Flows and Risks Decreasing Influence of the ......ue to Acquired Inhomogeneity of ...... of Artificial Intelligence Pers......nal Assistants in a Virtual Educ......ractical Guidelines for Design of Human-in-the-Loop Systems: Lessons Learn......dge Based Modeling and Control of Complex Dynamical Systems Sign-Based Representation and World Model of......ive Production in Manufacturing: A Modular Arch...
- 件名Computational intelligence. Intelligent control systems. Expert systems (Computer scie......ce) Artificial intelligence.
- 要約等...he realization and control problems of finite-dimensional dynamical systems which contain linear and nonlinear systems. The author fo...... discussion of control problems of linear and non-linear dynamical systems. The book contains detailed exam......search experts in the field of control theory, but the book may also...
- 内容細目Introduction.-Input/output Map and Input response ma......e Function for Control Problem.-Syste...... Theory of Continuous-Time Linear Systems.-System Theory of Continuous Time So-called Linear Systems.-System Theory of Continuous Time Finite Dimensional Almost Linear Systems System Theory of Continuous Time Finite Dimensional Pseudo Linear Systems System Theory of Continuous-Time Finite-Dimensional Affine Dynamical Systems System Theory of Continuous-Time Finite Dimensional Linear Representation Systems.
- 件名Control theory. System theory.
- タイトル標目Studies in systems, decision and control ; v. 87.
- 著者標目Sładkowski, Aleksander, 1956-
- 内容細目Symbols; Introduction; 1 Introduction; 1.1......s; 2 Radiators in Hydronic Heating Installations. Historical Outline, Types and Structure; 2.1......Historical Outline; 2.2 Current ...... of a Radiator Intended for a Hydronic Heating Installation; 2.2.......6.1 Floor Heating Characteristics; Advantages and Disadvantages ......Underfloor Heating Systems The Structure ......onic Floor Heating SystemsMaximum Tempera......ure of the Heating Floor; 2.2.6.......ll Surface Heating Characteristi......s; Ceiling Surface Heating Characteristi......cteristic; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2......cteristic Assuming Constant Surface Film Conduc...
- 件名Radiators. Engineering. Engineering design. Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer Computational intelligence. Building Physics, HVAC
- 資料の内容に関する注記...ses key design and computational ......d to radiators in hydronic heating installations. A historical outline is included to highl......n of radiators and heating technologies.......ther, the book includes a chapte......ecisive factor in selecting the ideal heating system and radiator type.......n of the types and kinds of radiators currently in use, and to identifying the reasons f......ddressed, both in terms of the e......s of operation and of the thermal......the advantages and disadvantages ......ve theoretical and mathematical a...... that are used in selecting the radiator ......chapter presenting computational examples. It i...