検索結果 2 件
- 関連情報S.P.E. tract
- 掲載誌S.P.E. tract
- 著者標目Clark, G. N. (George Norman...... Otto Joseph, H. W. B. (Horace William Brindley) Sis...
- 一般注記Contents: no. 20. Index to tract....../ compiled by A.M. Savage -- no. 40. Index to tract....../ compiled by A.M. Alden (A.M. Savage)
- 関連情報...f human speech . On the use of ...... participle, &c. . Reviews & misc...... recollections . His work on th......self-criticism . Terminology in physics . The irregulari...... infinitive, &c. . Pictorial, picturesque, &c. . Correspondence......h vowel-sounds . On "ing" : a reply to Dr. Jespersen's pa......of members, Oct. 1919 A few pra......of members, etc. report to East...... pronunciation . Words from the......rench, -é, -ée . Pronunciation of clothes, &c. Arabic words i......h Needed words . Words wanted i......xion with arts . Jeremy Bentham......ish, Britisher . Preposition at end . Correspondence......k Fine writing The Bull's bellow . Veiled language . The word "person" . Word-division The l...
- 著者標目Society for Pure English Savage, A. M.