検索結果 142 件
- 内容細目DISC1〈KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep〉(1)De......KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep Version)(2)The Key of Light(3)The Promised Begin......Truths(6)Tears of the Light(7)Terra(8)Xehanort(9)The Worlds(10)The Secret Whisper......Times(13)Drops of Poison(14)Bibb......forgettable(21)The Silent Forest(22)The Rustling Forest(23)The Tumbling(24)Ventus(25)Enter the Darkness(26)Ra......KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep〉(1)Et......(10)Cheers for the Brave(11)A Dat......able Chains(18)The Key of Darkness(19)Rage Awakened-The Origin(20)Aqua(21)Dismiss(22)The Key(23)Enter the Void(24)Destiny's Union(25)Birth by Sleep-A Link to the Future DISC3〈KINGDOM HEARTS 3...
- 要約等"The first half of the volume is devoted to the exposition of the ancient eviden......nographic, for the traditions of Heracles' life......hapter each on the hero's childho......d his madness, the canonical cause of his Twelve Labors, each of the Labors themselves receive......cated chapter. The 'Parerga' or '......de-Labors' are then treated in a similar level of detail in seven further chapters. In the second half of the book the Heracles tradi......d from a range of thematic perspecti...... consideration of the contrasting projections of the figure across the major literary genres, Epic, Tragedy, Comedy, Philosophy, and in t...
- 内容細目Part I: Before the Labors. Birth and childhood ...... Corinne Pache The madness and the labors / KatherineLu Hsu Part II: The Labors (Athloi). Labor I : the Nemean Lion / ......rch Labor II : the Lernean Hydra ......ey Labor III : the Cerynean Hind ......ton Labor IV : the Erymanthian Bo......gden Labor V : the Augean Stables......ell Labor VI : the Stymphalian Bi......on Labor VII : the Cretan Bull / ......n Labor VIII : the Mares of Diomede (and A......den Labor IX : the girdle of the Amazon Hippoly......ayor Labor X : the Cattle of Geryon and the return from Ta......ass Labor XI : the Apples of the Hesperides / Gina Salapat...
- 要約等...eorge Osborne, Theresa May, Domin...... old Oxonians. They debated each other in tutorials,...... against each other in student el......, and attended the same balls and......k tie dinners. They aren't just colleagues - they are peers, ri......nds. And, when they walked out of the world of student debates onto the national stage, they brought their university politics with them. Eleven of the fifteen postwa......per traces how the rarefied and p......ged atmosphere of this narrowest of talent pools - and the friendships and worldviews it...
- 内容細目...cracy An elite of sorts Class wa......g Buller rules The children's parliament The bounder speaks...... and non-union Birth of Brexit A generation without tragedy Adults now Our......No fighting in the establishment Brexit and the Oxford Union M...... on your vote? The Chumocracy Pandemic What is t...
- 件名...ord University of Oxford--Influe......in) University of Oxford Cliques (Sociology) In...
- 要約等...l in love with the sakura, or che...... So taken with the plant, he brou...... back hundreds of cuttings with ......eated a garden of cherry varieti......e learned that the Great White Ch......triated it via the Trans-Siberian Express. In the years that fol...... 100 varieties of cherry tree to......w homes around the globe, from Au......much a history of the cherry blossom......Japan as it is the story of one remarkable man, the narrative follows the flower from it......e as an emblem of imperialism in the 1930s, to the present-day wo......th forecasting the exact moment of the trees' flowering"--
- 内容細目part 1. The birth of a dream: Famil......s ; Mayfair-by-the-Sea ; Triumphs......apan beckons ; The rising sun ; The birds and the bees ; Ingram's war ; Birth of a dream part 2...... Twin quests ; The Dejima doctors......d collection ; The Hokusai Collec......part 3. Saving the sakura: Pilgri......cas ; Guardian of the cherries ; Wil......nting ; Saving the sakura ; Ingra......'s homecoming: The restoration qu......cene" kanzan ; The cherry evangel...... Darwin versus the Church ; The sounds of war part 5. Fa......rry blossom brothers ; Flowers of mass destructi......eror worship ; The sakura ideology ; The Somei-yoshino invasion ; 100 ...
- 一般注記"Translated by the author"--Dust ......herry Ingram : the English saviour of Japan's cherry......herry" Ingram: the Englishman who......us, an imprint of Vintage Publis......ng, a division of Penguin Random House Ltd., Lo...
- 件名...merican drama (Tragedy) -- European influences.
- 要約等...ribes a number of nuclear mishap......lains how each of these accidents have furthered the study of the atom and nuclear energy.
- 内容細目A triumph of Soviet technol......Bill Crush and the hazards of steam under pr......ehension A bit of trouble in the great white north Birthing pains in Id......significant in the UK In nuclear research, even the goof-ups are fascinating The atomic man and......uel processing The military almos......nuclear weapon The China syndrome......rg and Pripyat Tragedy at Fukushima D......ichi Caught in the Rickover trap.
- 資料の内容に関する注記From the dozens of American bombs......missing during the Cold War, to the misuse and misunderstanding of Rickover's nuc......w insight into these catastrophes and reveals wh...
- 要約等"Jamaica, the largest of the English-speaki......than its size. The astonishing cultural reach of Jamaicans into the global mainstr......-known aspects of the island's power......ly recognized. The Jamaica Reader covers the sweeping story of Jamaica's past and present fr...
- 内容細目...Ramón Pané ; The first European account of Jamaica / Andr...... de Maçuelo ; The Spanish capita...... A description of Spanish Jamaic......e Villalobos ; The economy of Spanish Jamaic......o de Miranda ; The western design......ez ; Mountains of gold turned in...... / Anonymous ; The establishment of Maroon society......s / Government of Jamaica ; The rise of slave society ......Treaty between the British and the Maroons / Anon......ase / managers of Haughton Tower......ric G. Cassidy The War of 1760-1761 / Ed......te ; Cane and coffee / Robert Ch......ohn Monteith ; The Black church /...... Mary Turner ; The Second Maroon War / represent...
- 著者標目Paton, Diana, 1969- Smith, Matthew J. (Caribbean history schola...
- 要約等"In the late 1950s, Te......Geisel took on the challenge of creating a boo......ould have both the ability and the desire to read. The result was an ......ren's classic, The Cat in the Hat. But Geisel didn't stop there. Using The Cat in the Hat as a templ......e new category of readers that c......practices with the logical insanity of Dr. Seuss. The books were an ......uccess, giving the world such aut......s Are You My Mother?; Go, Dog. Go!; Put Me in the Zoo; and Green Eggs and Ham. The story of Beginner Books......r, and editor" of the line for thirt......us biographies of Dr. Seuss, but......All by Myself: The Beginner Books Story presents...
- 内容細目Part 1: The beginner books......nd Bennett got their book (1957) ; 3. The birth of beginner books......958-1959) ; 5. The golden age (19......Transition and tragedy (1965-1967) ; ......968-1974) ; 9. The end of the line? (1975-19......-2019) Part 2: The beginner books encyclopedia. The 1950s ; The 1960s ; The 1970s ; The 1980s ; The 1990s ; The 2000s ; The 2010s
- 内容細目...ietzsche's antithesis and source of inspiration / ......tephen Mulhall The Birth of Tragedy : transfigurat......Nietzsche's On the Genealogy of Morality : mor...... Nietzsche and the truth of history / Anth......n Nietzsche on the arts and scien......astian Gardner The will to power ......zsche's ethics of affirmation / Tom Stern Nietz...
- 一般注記Spine title : The Cambridge companion to Nietzs...
- 資料の内容に関する注記...0) remains one of the most challengi......ial figures in the history of philosophy. The New Cambridge ......eas, including the will to power and the affirmation of life, as well ...... his treatment of truth, science......ction sets out the nineteenth-cen......ury background of Nietzsche's li...... texts such as The Birth of Tragedy, Thus Spoke Za......nd Evil and On the Genealogy of Morality. Other chapters expl......s enduring and often divisive legacy. The volume will be......ing to enhance their understanding of Nietzsche's philosophy and of his role in the development of Western thought.
- 要約等"The introduction of new medicines ......cally improved the quantity and quality of individual and......ting trillions of dollars to the global economy. In spite of these past success......indeed because of them--our ability ......d. Moving from the twentieth century to the present, this ......s have altered the way new medici......oth health and the economy"--
- 内容細目...lations Dreams of greatness : the birth of the pharmaceutical......ry Triumph and tragedy Ivory tower of power The DNA of biotechnology ......: pressures on the pharmaceutical......anels Drama on the I-270 tech cor......gy Three views of a train wreck Bridging the valley.
- タイトル標目Luther H. Hodges, Jr. and Luther H. Hodges, Sr. series on bus...
- 要約等...n eminent team of international ......ensive account of the Ancient Greek ......reek. A series of original chapters comes together as an authori......ative overview of the language from a variety of historical, ge......erspectives." "The volume include......discussions on the survival and transmission of Ancient Greek and the materials on w......eserved. A set of chapters is de......to discussions of typology, incl....... In addition, the book contains chapters on the origins and history of the language as well as on langua...
- 内容細目Mycenaean texts : the Linear B table......n alphabet for the Greek language......rthur Verhoogt The manuscript tra......ek dialects in the archaic and cl......lvin Greek and the languages of Asia Minor to the classical peri......a Minor during the Empire : Koine and the non-Greek lang......ek in Egypt / Sofia Torallas Tov......en Fögen Forms of address and markers of status / Elean......Olga Tribulato The Greek of epic / Olav Hackstein The language of Greek lyric po....../ Michael Silk The Greek of Athenian tragedy / Richard Rutherford Kunstpros...... / Victor Bers The literary herit......n Ophuijsen -- The birth of grammar in Greece / ...
- 一般注記Related URL: Table of contents http: //bvbr.bib-bvb...
- 要約等"The definitive work in the field, Interna......nsive analysis of this wide and ......, this book is the successor to the widely acclaim......wide selection of materials from......illuminate key themes. They carefully gui......sed throughout the book in order ......ces, including the first three chapters of the book, available for download....
- 内容細目...nd Discourse ; The Human Rights R......Background and Birth. Part 2: Norma......ive foundation of international ...... Terrorism and the Law of Armed Conflict......s and dilemmas of universalism. ......organizations. The United Nations......Treaty Bodies: The ICCPR Human Ri...... and enforcers of human rights. ......nd Enforcement of Human Rights ; Institutional ...
- 件名Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900. Birth of tragedy
- 件名(識別子)Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900. Birth of tragedy
- 件名...er Tragödie Aesthetics Music -- P......losophy and aesthetics Tragedy Greek drama (Tragedy) -- History an......ticism Tragic, The Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883
- 件名(識別子)...er Tragödie Aesthetics Music -- P......losophy and aesthetics Tragedy Greek drama (Tragedy) -- History an......ticism Tragic, The Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883
- 一般注記Notes: p. 163-180 Further reading: p. 181-189 Includes...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Geburt der Tragödie Birth of tragedy : out of the spirit of music
- 並列タイトル等Geburt der Tragödie Birth of tragedy : out of the spirit of music
- 件名Greek drama (Tragedy) -- History and criticism Tragic, The Music -- Philosophy and aesthetics
- 件名(識別子)Greek drama (Tragedy) -- History and criticism Tragic, The Music -- Philosophy and aesthetics
- 件名Greek drama (Tragedy) -- History an......ticism Tragic, The Ethics Music -......losophy and aesthetics Aesthetics
- 件名(識別子)Greek drama (Tragedy) -- History an......ticism Tragic, The Ethics Music -......losophy and aesthetics Aesthetics
- 関連情報Cambridge texts in the history of philosophy
- 掲載誌Cambridge texts in the history of philosophy
- 件名Greek drama (Tragedy) -- History and criticism
- 件名(識別子)Greek drama (Tragedy) -- History and criticism