検索結果 122 件
- その他のタイトルTHE GOLDEN APPLES OF THE SUN 太陽の黄金の林檎
- 要約等"The term 'Apple' i......unities across the country. It's ......osedly 'red on the outside, white on the inside.' Eric ......Apple (Skin to the Core). The story of his f......erywhere. From the horrible legacy of the government boa......ly lives up to the word heartbreaking." -- Insid...
- 内容細目...k hangs around the fort until he ......mony My grandmothers gain nicknam......tle Umma reads the ethnographer's...... and survival. The red album. A n......Early and late The spoiled brat I...... an alien What they leave us, when they leave us Metr......r test 2 My brother quietly tries......orphoses Lucky The boy who fell to the rez From Iron ......d things I buy the summer I am 13......ozie passes me the book Jaboozie'......t fire Beneath the constellations, the smoke moves ho......ozie passes me the atlas to my fu......de A: Come together ; Something ;...... B: Here comes the sun ; Because ...... Mustard ; Polythene Pam ; She came in through t...
- 要約等The golden age which is expected from the Great Ga'Hoole......ually worse as the owls' young king hunts for the truth about his ancestry.
- 要約等Describes how the hero Hercules searched for the golden apples that grew in the garden of the Hesperides, en......adversaries as the Old Man of the Sea and the giant Atlas.
- 一般注記"Originally published in the author's A wonder book under the title: The three golden apples."--Verso t.p.
- 要約等"This volume in the Library of Ame......ion brings together the complete texts...... twenty-seven other tales from the 1940s, '50s, a......est. Bound together by the mysterious fig......tooed outcast, the eighteen stories in The Illustrated Man explore the dehumanizing p......logy and plumb the dark heart of ......man brutality. The October Countr......and dark, with the original artwo......st and Fire,' 'The Pedestrian,' 'I Sing the Body Electric!......mageddon' and 'The Lost City of Mars.'"--Dust ja...
- 内容細目The Illustrated Man The October Country Other Stories. R Is......rmageddon Dark They Were, and Golden-eyed A Touch of Petulance The Screaming Woman The Fog Horn The Pedestrian The Playground A S......und of Thunder The Great Wide World Over There The Golden Apples of the Sun And the Rock Cried Out......t Midnight, in the Month of June The Strawberry Win......golfier Wright The End of the Beginning The Day It Rained ......of Rare Device The Kilimanjaro Device The Lost City of Mars I Sing the Body Electric!
- 関連情報The library of America
- 要約等The Oxford Handboo......eareans around the world. Collectively, these essays seek ......tistry in both the poems and the drama. The volume underst......e inclusive of the dramatic verse......tive concerns, the volume tackles......ative sources; the importance of ......me to meaning; the significance o......and ballads in the drama; the place of gender in the verse, including the relationship o......re's poetry to the visual arts; the different valu......hakespeare' in the theatre; and the adaptation of ......ormance) into other periods and languages. The largest sectio...... is devoted to the poems themselves: the Sonnets, plus 'A ...
- 内容細目...are's style in the 1590s / Goran ......hakespeare and the arts of cognit......Cleopatras and golden apples: economies of ......mmar rules' in the sonnets: Sidne......vulgarity, and the poetics of inc......d Cressida / Catherine Nicholson ......ular songs and the great temptati......d spectacle on the modern Shakesp......lehouse sign': the poetry of wome...... performing in the narrative poem......tgrowing Ovid: the disorienting n......, and pride in The rape of Lucrec...... Joshua Scodel The sonnets in the classroom: stu...... / L.E. Semler The conceptual inv...... Russ McDonald The poetics of fem......Craik Reading 'The phoenix and turtle' / John Ke...
- 内容細目A curtain of green and other stories The wide net and other stories The golden apples The bride of Innisfallen and other stories Other stories Selected essays One ...
- 件名... Biography. Southern States -- Social life and c...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)...green Wide net Golden apples Bride of Innisfallen One writ...
- 件名Work-life balance Diversity in the workplace Corporate culture
- 件名(識別子)Work-life balance Diversity in the workplace Corporate culture
- 並列タイトル等(連結)The golden apple : redefining work-life ...
- 内容細目The teaching profe...... you doing it? The classroom: whe...... path converge The teacher's word......d you can harm The teaching perso......re standing up there at the big desk The paperwork can ......or stresses in the teaching profe......r preparation: the programs of the Golden Apple Foundation in Illinois.
- 要約等The use of halluci......ecome aware of the significance that these plants have had in shaping the history of div......ser touch with the spirit worlds,...... health and as the sacred connection to the mystical. The authors of thi......e book examine the cross-cultural ceremonial and...
- 内容細目What are plant hallucinogens? The plant kingdom ......w of plant use The most important......ts Mainstay of the heavens Amanita (Fly agaric) The hexing herbs A......ora (Mandrake) The nectar of deli......Holy flower of the North star Dat......pple) Guide to the ancestors Tabernanthe (Iboga) Beans of the Hekula spirit Anadenanthera peregrina (Y......zation Anadenanthera colubrina (Cebíl) The magic drink of the Amazon Baniste......gs Trumpets of the angels Brugmansia (Golden angel's trumpe......gel's trumpet) The tracks of the little deer Lo......tle flowers of the gods Conocybe ......orum Cactus of the four winds (Trichocereus (San...
- 内容細目...ease To Love(9)The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise(10)Mar......lues[2](1)Over The Waves(2)Bugle ......s Blues(9)When The Saints Go Marc......ine Blues(8)In The Street Bye And......13)Mary Wore A Golden Chain[4](1)Put......less Love(3)In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree......Lang Syne~When The Saints Go Marc......And Break It(3)The Girl of My Dre......oser Walk With Thee(9)I'll Be Gla......Rugged Cross(4)The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise(5)South of The Border(6)Bill ......t Again(8)When The Saints Go Marc......l Walk Through The Street Of The City(3)Weary Blues(4)Golden Leaf Strut(5)P......(7)Jada(8)When The Moon Comes Over The Mountain(...