検索結果 982 件
- 要約等"This is the first monograp......n influential Athenian politician from the fourth century......ece, including the Macedonian kin......Alexander III (the Great), and the orator Demosthenes. However, a......ing portion of the available evid......ontextualizing the sources within their historical a......ral framework, The Orator Demades......better reflect the educational ne......l realities of the Roman imperial......periods. Using the specific examp......r generations, the book raises a ......question about the problematic fo......ssical Greece. The evolving image......es illustrates the role played by rhetoric, as the basis of education and edific...
- 件名...atory, Ancient Orators--Greece--Athens--Biography P......ians--Greece--Athens--Biography
- 要約等"Publius Aelius Aristides Theodorus was among the most celebrated authors of the Second Sophist......tant figure in the transmission o......he studied in Athens and Pergamum......nically ill in the early 140s and...... on historical themes, polemical ......miliarity with the classical lite......stides, new to the Loeb Classical......texts based on the critical editions of Lenz-Beh...
- 内容細目vol. I. Orations 1-2. Panathenaic oration ; ...... In defense of the four ; A reply to Capito
- 内容細目...ntroduction 1. The preservation o....... Structure of the oration 3. Style of the oration 4. Orators and audience of the oration 5. The sermon of pious counsel 6. The Friday and Eid sermon 7. The battle oration 8. The political spee......s orations 11. The oration's infl...... continuum 12. The influence of the Classical Arab......: Early Arabic orators Glossary 2: Arabic literary t...
- 要約等...ied in 1494 at the age of thirty-...... was banned by the Catholic Churc...... short speech, The Oration on the Dignity of Man...... "Manifesto of the Renaissance," ......en regarded as the foundation of ......ver shows that the Oration is not...... an Oration on the Dignity of Man......m Jews to find the path to heaven......ver transforms the history of the idea of dignit......nderstood over the course of five......ies. Magic and the Dignity of Man......ismic shift in the study of one of the most remarkable thinkers of the Renaissance"--
- 内容細目...Robert Lehrman The Oratory of Joh......Robert Lehrman The Oratory of Lyn...... Andrew Taylor The Oratory of Rob...... Brendan Evans The Oratory of Jim......Robert Lehrman The Oratory of Edw......imothy Heppell The Oratory of Bil...... / Jon Herbert The Oratory of Al ....../ Robert Busby The Oratory of Joh....../ David S Moon The Oratory of Joh......ry / Jon Roper The Oratory of Jes......cia R. Stewart The Oratory of Hil......Mark Bennister The Oratory of Barack Obama / Rob...
- 関連情報New perspectives on the right
- 掲載誌New perspectives on the right
- 著者標目Posey, Alexander Lawrence, 1873-1908. Sivils, Matthew Wynn, 1971-
- 内容細目... An address to the prince of Denm......rk Writings on the new method A p......sal to abolish the requirement of......es Writings on the liberty of the press The preface to Aes......rs relating to the life of Anthon......f Shaftesbury Other writings on the Shaftesbury fa...... printed texts The transcription of manuscripts The presentation o......n Cromwell and the Dutch war Verses on the restoration of......ses on Queen Catherine's arrival ......gland Now our Athenian olive spre......hill Curses on the park Dramatic ......ok Writings on the English univer......es for society The rules of the dry club Locke's criticisms o...
- 資料の内容に関する注記"This is the first critical......in some cases, the first edition ever) of the various litera......al writings of the philosopher Jo......e (1632-1704). The writings publi......n, writings on the liberty of the press, and a m......ocke's patron, the first Earl of ......led account of the content and ci......composition of these works, and a......description of the manuscripts an......s consulted by the editors"--
- タイトル標目Works. Selections. 2019 The Clarendon edition of the works of John Locke
- 内容細目...ian questions: then, now, hence /......nd politics at the end of the Republic / K. Raaflaub The Commentarii in their propagandist......ars / J. Rüpke The politics of ge......by Nostri and "the other(s)" / A. John......taminations in the Commentarii / ......bs Speeches in the Commentarii / ...... works. Caesar the linguist: the debate about the Latin language...... / A. Corbeill The letters of Cae......raphy prior to the Commentarii / M. Chassignet The Corpus Caesari......seph Narrating the Gallic and Civ......r with Caesar: the Commentarii's afterlife in mi...
- 要約等"A remarkable book analyzing the importance of ......oral values in the medieval Islam......-- ""And my brother Aaron - He is......irm (and strengthen) me: for I fear that they may accuse me......od." (Q 28:34)"The Prophet said, ......ave been given the keys of eloque......awe (cast into the hearts of the enemy) ...'" The sacred texts o......eech as one of the attributes or instruments of the charismatic authority of the prophets. Thou......5; Ex. 33:11), the Qur'an and the Bible coincide...... buttressed by the oratorical elo......ence of his brother Aaron. Similarly, the hadith show Mu...... acknowledging the power of eloquent speech and ...
- 内容細目...ion; 1. Laying the foundations; 2. The khutba: the 'central jewel......amic prose; 3. The khutba: rhetor......ing it all together: the khutba, texts,......ing it all together: the khutba, texts,......exts; Part II. Thematic and Occas......g: challenging the 'popular'; 7. 'The good eloquent ...... preachers; 8. The audience responds: participat...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Orators and philosophers.
- 並列タイトル等Orators and philosophers.
- 要約等The authors have d......and a host of other industry innovations. They recount the powerful influ......riendships and the debilitating d......-[book jacket] The fascinating st......Albert Lasker, the ingenius and tormented father of modern advertising.
- 内容細目The orator and the entrepreneur The Galveston hoth...... breaking down The greatest copyw......Leo Frank Into the tomato busines......ng a president The damnedest job in the world A family......tories Selling the unmentionable,......ing California The downward spira...... Finding peace The Lasker legacy.
- 内容細目Douglass's self-making and the culture of abo......er Identity in the autobiographie......Douglass among the Romantics / Bi......lack Atlantic: the Caribbean / Ifeoma C. K. Nwan...
- 一般注記... and essays by the Japanese second generation of...
- タイトル標目Orations and essays by the Japanese second generation of...
- 内容細目...acular legacy. The self in the labyrinth of t......nda Barolini ; The poem of memory......ned poetry and the poetics of exc...... and orations. The rebirth of the Romans as mode......one Marchesi ; The beginnings of ......ney ; Petrarch the courtier: five......oria Kirkham ; The unforgettable ...... Journeys into the soul. The burning questi......d cosmology in the secret (Secret....... Ann Matter ; The place of the itinerarium (I......esu Christi) / Theodore J. Cachey......turbulence. On the two faces of f......othy Kircher ; The art of invecti......no Cracolici ; The economy of inv......e and a man in the middle (De sui ipsius et mult...
- 内容細目Facts relating to the punishment of death in the metropolis … s......bbon Wakefield The hangman and the judge or, A le......stice Alderson The terrorstruck t......ts relating to the punishment of death in the metropolis., Reports from the Select Committe[i.e. Committe...
- 要約等Marcus Mosiah Garvey was once the most famous bl......as barred from the continent by c......try-writing aesthete was a shrewd......ageantry fired the imagination of...... followers. At the pinnacle of his fame in the early 1920s, G......al champion of the Harlem Renaiss......lace as one of the founders of bl...... key figure of the 20th century.--From publisher...
- 内容細目...ure death Bury the dead and take care of the living Almost ...... Englishman In the company of Neg......em No flag but the Stars and Stri......- and possibly the Union Jack If ......Flyin' home on the Black Star Line A star in the storm He who plays the king Last stop...... colour Behold the demagogue or m......messiah Caging the tiger Into the furnace Silence Mr. Garvey Go...
- 一般注記A treatise reprinted from the 1614 ed. print......ranslated from the French and reprinted from the 1616 ed. print......287; STC 6384. The triall of Chri......reprinted from the 1615 ed. printed at Douai; re...
- タイトル標目The triall of Christian truth ... the second parte. 1977.