検索結果 24 件
- 件名Gide, André, 1869-1951.
- 関連情報The Johns Hopkins studies in Roma...
- 掲載誌The Johns Hopkins studies in Roma...
- 件名Gide, André, 1869-1951 -- Dramatic works ...
- 件名(識別子)Gide, André, 1869-1951 -- Dramatic works ...
- 一般注記Reprint of the ed. Copyright 1953, The Johns Hopkins P. Bibliography...
- 一般注記...mile made from the master copy of the original book. Further unauthorized ......ishing service of UMI" - - add. t.p.
- 関連情報...: ethics and esthetics Racine and the Art poétique of Boileau The influence of Cervantes in France in the seventeenth century The "courtisane" in the French theatre from Hugo ......ue (1831-1885) The theatre of André Gide : evolution of a moral philosopher Agrippa d...
- 関連情報...re et Zéphyr ; The yellowplush correspondence ; The tremendous adventures of Major Gahagan ......man Melville's The confidence-man......his masquerade The Regency compan......on Archaeology of prehistoric na......n encyclopedia The new Arthurian encyclopedia The musical microc......: a collection of critical essay......de to research The "Jewish questi......a bibliography The lives of Jesus : a hist......and literature of the British Isles ......phs and slides of paintings in the visual collect...... research Snow of fire : symbolic meaning in The rainbow and Women in love The Romantic movem......A bibliography of the writings of Walter H. Pat...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Garland reference library in the humanities
- 並列タイトル等Garland reference library in the humanities
- 関連情報The profession of king in sevent......y French drama The dialogues of Guy de Brués :......and relativism The role of money in Frenc...... comedy during the reign of Louis XIV A study of the Tragoediae sacrae of Father Caussin Chate......ish literature The first French t......: with a study of some of the French sources of his classical ......uitième siècle The sources of A dictionarie of the French and Eng......e lexicography The theatre of André Gide : evolution of a moral philosopher The Comédie frança......French thought of the eighteenth cen......ontribution to the study of the descriptive technique of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Gatien ...
- 関連情報Thésée A une sérén......la relation Le théâtre d'ombres à...... Écrits sur le théâtre Le marin d......ermé Lettres à André Breton : 1918-......ature ancienne Théâtre Locus Solu......livré : poèmes Thèmes anglais pou...... les plis Le mythe de Sisyphe Un ......e classique et théâtre du XIXe si......de Tamerlan La thèse Amers Le cha......a sagesse de Gœthe L'entretien de......ïse et Abélard André Gide et notre temps...... ; suivi de Le théâtre de la crua......es de l'esprit Théories du portra......es sur l'art Catherine : roman Le...... d'histoire du théâtre en France ......ommencement L'athéisme dans le ch......esburg-en-Ohio Thérèse et Isabelle : texte intég...
- 関連情報...raphy Elégie : the fortunes of a classical ge......Surrealism and the literary imagi......tion : a study of Breton and Bachelard The theme of death in French poetry of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Se......conjointure in the Chevalier de l...... Vie et Oeuvre The religious symbolism of André Gide L'homme aux qu......écus : a study of Voltairian themes The critical reception of Gustave Flaubert in the United States, 1860-1960 The sentimental ad......an examination of Flaubert's Edu......tale Six modes of sensibility in...... Montaigne and the introspective ......: Pierre Poupo The poetics of Prosper Mérimée Jean Moréas :...
- 関連情報Éthique et esthétique dans la l......tre scène : le théâtre de Marguer......eau's rhetoric of perception André Gide and the codes of homotextuality......oustian optics of clothes : mirrors, ma...... approaches to the Rumanian verb ......m : in defense of structuralism ......ought in honor of Henri Peyre Ways of art : literatu......fragrance from the desert : poetr......in France from the sixteenth to the twentieth cent......des Valentines The brazen tower :......cal imagery in the French Renaiss......nd friendship, the self and the other Chateaubriand...... transcendance The banquet Étude ......le An allegory of form : literary self-consciou...
- 関連情報Baudelaire and the symbolists : f......elected essays The twentieth century theatre : observations on the contemporary E......American stage The supreme law The American mind J'accuse! : the men who betray......rance Conflict of loyalties : a series of addresses and ......are : a series of addresses and ...... recollections of Maxim Gorky, J......dney Howard & others Daughters of Eve Caesars in......ogy : a course of selected readi......and religion : the problem of religion in the school : a series of addresses Masters of dramatic comedy and their social themes Symbolism a......ry recreations The vagabond in literature Upstag...
- 関連情報The Haiti issue : ......inas Men/women of letters Locus-......tions Concepts of closure The new dramatists......nity Exploring the conversible wo......ciability from the classical age to the enlightenment ......alism and its others Depositions ......, Macherey and the labor of reading Graphe......hy Mallarmé Another look, another woman : retranslations of French feminism The anxiety of anticipation B......ss (1908-2009) The power of rhetoric, the rhetoric of power : Jean P......ity Discourses of Jewish identit......ance Fragments of revolution The Politics of tradition : pl...... symbolism and the rhetoric of history Drafts Hu...
- 関連情報...des structures thématiques : le "......ité, 1872-1914 Thématique et poét......upault Visions of a new hero : the heroic life according to André Malraux and ea......lier advocates of human grandeur......d'Antoine : au Théâtre libre Jean......liographie L'esthétique du pli da......dans l'œuvre d'André Gide André Gide et l'attente d......es, amitiés et théories littérair......, étude sur le théâtre d'Albert Camus André Antoine, direc......a tentation du théorique Géograph......ique du second théâtre beckettien......riture dans le théâtre moderne et contemporain
- 関連情報...nterpretations of church and state The European revol......bineau Anatomy of an African kin......om : a history of Bunyoro-Kitara......y A short life of Kierkegaard Af......ical adventure The awkward age The language of genes : solving the mysteries of our genetic pa......A scientist in the city Science in the later middle a......-wide disaster The Bible for students of literature and art Death of the soul : from Descartes to the computer Queen......hy Five stages of Greek religion The age of Constantine the Great Modern C......nfucian past : the problem of intellectual c......al development The language of life : an introdu...
- 関連情報Astronomy through the ages : the story of the human attempt to understand the universe Befor......onomic history of Russia from emancipation to the first five-yea......ial Russia and the Soviet Union I......ctrine between the wars Plateau's problem and the calculus of variations (MN......n introduction The lyrical novel ......Hermann Hesse, André Gide, and Virginia Woolf The epistolary moment : the poetics of the eighteenth-cen......st in Japan On the constitution of the church and state The idea of the actor : drama and the ethics of performance Ag......n's experience The transformation of theology, 1830-1890 : positivism ...
- 関連情報Problems of pattern in Ler......dang : a study of the collective thought of an eastern Ind......1885 : a study of the Ottoman polici......overnments and their political an......quences during the period 1870-18...... : reflections of a medieval tradition in the poetic imagination of a Russian symb......to Khon-Ngan : the growing divide...... literature in the Soviet Union 1......parative study of measurement an......d Kingdom, and the United States of America The sociology of knowledge and the curriculum : a......k for studying the conceptions of teachers in the middle school years The rapprochement between the Federal Republic of Germany a...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)British theses
- 並列タイトル等British theses
- 関連情報The social and religious designs of J.S. Bach's Br......burg concertos The search for mathematical roots, ...... : logics, set theories and the foundations of mathematics from Can...... Thayer's life of Beethoven Essa......onal economics The politics of institutional choice : the formation of the Russian State ...... After Brown : the rise and retreat of school desegre......on Baseball on the border : a tale of two Laredos Sc......s and fictions The story of the Odyssey Americ......acy, 1760-1860 The rivals Why big......l law Rubens : the artist as coll......rs : designing the decent society The monkey as mirror : symbolic t...
- 関連情報Trade tokens issued in the seventeenth ce......Sovet-Union veröffentlichten 190...... des pièces de théatre décrites d......ue de la bibliothèque de M. de Soleinne The theatre of the gold rush deca......) Bibliography of the works of Rudyard Kiplin......es Confessions of William-Henry ......d : containing the particulars of his fabrication of the Shakspeare manuscripts : together with anecdotes and opinions of many distingui......hed persons in the literary, political, and theatrical world /......ish travellers of the Renaissance Bi......osant la bibliothèque de feu M. l......hschild A list of printed catalogs of manuscrip...
- 関連情報Zone of evaporation : ......on at Oxford : the drama of the text : proceedings of the conference hel......re and culture The comic text : p...... and images in the old French fab......et Sand Relire Théophile Gautier ......grated Reading of the Novels of Boris Vian L'e...... de sémantique offerts à Andrée Borillo par u......ence Mauriac : the poetry of a novelist Évé......kett, NDiaye : the aesthetics, emotions and politics of failure Territ......ncounters with the other : a journey to the limits of language throu......irty voices in the feminine Poéti......olitics and aesthetics in ninetee......, illusion and the poetic idea Baudelaire, Rimba...
- 関連情報...iraudoux et le Thème d'Electre Es......dans l'œuvre d'André Gide Aujourd'hui, R......D.G. Rossetti, The House of Life : quelque...... de l'art, des thèmes et du symbo......x-monnayeurs d'André Gide Les Quatre dim......uieu, 1970 "Agathe", ou, "Le manu......stave Flaubert André Malraux et le ......le Faust de Goethe Explication de......Paul Sartre Le théâtre de Raymond......eillement et profanation Duplica......tion humaine d'André Malraux : poét...... de Singapour" Gide entre Benda et...... d'une "comedy of manners" Vigny......ou, Le Café du théâtre comédie va......, Le Café d'un théâtre (scènes I ......a peinture Métathéâtre et intertexte : aspects d...
- 関連情報...ies Proust and the Middle Ages La Bibliothèque nationale d......ythologie et mythe dans le théâtre français (1650-1676) The merveilleux in......oque en France The Persistent voi......terature since the 18th century in honor of Professor Henri M. ......u XVIIe siècle André Malraux et l'E......ats : mélanges offerts à Madelei......tesquieu : and the Parlement of Bordeaux Malla......hanghai, Bibliothèque nationale d......critical study of its primary so...... genèse d'un mythe De l'Europe en......John Perse and the imaginary read......ses : mélanges offerts à Corrado......extuality : in the French neo-cla......exive readings of La Fontaine, Molière, Racine,...