検索結果 24 件
- 内容細目Modernist beginnings : Akutagawa ......deo The beauty of violence : Yas......idges" Objects of the sublime in literary writing : Yasuda Yojū......a The rhetoric of unspoken fascism : the essence of the national p......ty Sentimental fascism on screen : Mo...... An aesthetics of devotion : Kob......cism Filaments of fascism in postwar times Coda : Reading fascist aesthetics.
- 件名...and criticism. Fascism in literature. Fa...... 20th century. Fascism -- Japan -- History -- 20th c...
- 件名Fascism -- Europe.
- タイトル標目University of Reading. Reading University studies in fascism ; 1.
- LCCMicrofiche 1014 (E)
- 件名United States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
- 件名(識別子)United States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
- 関連情報European fascism Georg Lukács :......ideas Economic integration in Europe Trouble......tish relations in the twentieth ......ury The Nature of Fascism : proceedings of a Conference held by the Reading University Graduage School of Contemporary European Studies
- 一般注記...(series XIII, Linguistics, ), 07......ries XXVII, Feminist studies)
- 関連情報The voices of African Americ......omen : the use of narrative and ......uthorial voice in the works of Harriet Jacobs...... Romans 13:1-7 in modern Japan Villasandino y su hablante......ges The return of the gods : a p......al reappraisal of the writings of Ernest Becker ......cealed defense of the mother wor......opus 111 Anger in the Old Testam......e co-existence of God and evil C......al theoretical inquiry on the notion of act in the metaphysics of Aristotle and Saint Thomas Aquinas A linguistic study of American punct......a novela argentina contemporánea......omance closure in the Gawain-poet, Malory, Spenser, and Sh...
- 関連情報...ro : a history of Rome from 133 ......fe and thought in the Greek and ......heme : further interpretations of Shakespeare's tragedies including the Roman pla......cism : a study in the nature and development of man's spiritua......nsciousness An introduction to t......sent day Ideas in conflict : the......tical theories of the contemporary world Learning : a survey of psychological interpretations T......tates and Britain in the nineteenth century......ses to reality in Western litera......ure The course of German history : a survey of the development of German history since 1815 Politic......ory The metres of English poetry Medieval peopl...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)UP University paperback A University paperback Methuen university paperbacks
- 並列タイトル等UP University paperback A University paperback Methuen university paperbacks
- 関連情報Some religious aspects of Islam : a collection of articles The study of religion under the impact of fascism Syncretistic r......us communities in the Near East ......llected papers of the International Sym......osium "Alevism in Turkey and Com......us Communities in the Near East in the Past and Present" : Berlin, 14-17 April 1...... the challenge of the social sci...... for the study of religion Re-imagining South Asian r......gions : essays in honour of professors Harold G......ldt Gabriel's wing : a study into the religious ideas of Sir Muhammad I...... Sufism, and sainthood : the visionary career of Muhammad al-Zawâwî Meaning an...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Studies in the history of religions (sup......ents to Numen) Studies in the history of religions (Num......ts and sources in the history of religions
- 並列タイトル等Studies in the history of religions (sup......ents to Numen) Studies in the history of religions (Num......ts and sources in the history of religions
- 関連情報Army-Chaplain Schmelzle's jo......tz ; and, Life of Quintus Fixlein Goethe's Wilhe......els The guises of modesty : Mari...... critics : a profile of expressionism's leading playwright De......, and poplit : studies in modern German ......iction Confronting modernity : r...... communication in German literature of the 1980s The ......a poet Heights of reflection : mountains in the German imagination from the ......n to the works of Thomas Bernhar......Space and time in epic theater :......itical history of German film Jo......00-1766) : harbinger of German classicism Queering the canon : defying sights in German literature ...
- 著者標目Hardin, James N.
- 一般注記...ead East Asian Institute, Columbia University Publisher vari......ave Macmillan, University of California Pre......ishers, Oxford University Press, University of Hawaiʻi Press,......edge, Stanford University Press, MerwinAsia, University of Washington Press, The University of Chicago Press, Cornell University Press, Cambridge University Press, Princeton University Press, MIT Press, Duke University Press
- 関連情報Financial politics in contemporary J......on the history of the Chinese Communist m......d bibliography of materials in the East Asiatic Libray of Columbia University and the Division of Orientalia, Library of Congress Palace and politics in prewar Japan T......nam crisis : Chinese Communist s...... United States involvement, 1953-1954 Food of sinful demons : me......and the limits of Buddhism in Tibet Mobilizing without the m......and contention in China Inheritance of loss : China, Japan, and t......itical economy of redemption aft...... politics City of virtues : Nanjing in an age of utopian vision......Class conflict in Chinese socialism Resurrectin...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)A study of the East Asian Institute Studies of the East Asian Institute, Columbia University A studies of the East Asian Institute, Columbia University Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute A study of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University A study of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University
- 一般注記Imprint varies
- 関連情報Suum cuique : essays in music Geographic aspects of international rel......ions Addresses of John Hay Revie......ette portraits of the authors de......tur This torch of freedom : spee......American music in the twentieth ......ry The Western intellectual trad......ays The danger of being a gentleman, ......he human worth of rigorous thinking : essays and ......ses A pacifist in trouble Modern......primitive arts of Mexico, Guatem......ews : a series of twenty-five pa......to unpublished in book form Crit......e from a traveling bookman's lif......emporary novel in crisis Tomorrow in the making Criticism and...... muse : essays in criticism Values and ideals o...
- 一般注記Editors: Jenny Edkins, Nick Vaughan-Williams
- 関連情報Foucault and international rel......politics : rethinking the ontology of the political ......ace and racism in international rel......ions : confronting the global colour line Feminist international rel...... woman : analyzing transformations of the Central an...... theorists and international rel......tions Autonomy of migration? : appropriating mobility within biometric bord......ant resistance in contemporary E......cs and war Writing the self and transforming knowledge in international rel......rds a politics of liminality Postcolonial theory and international rel......s : a critical introduction Production of postcolonial India and Pakist...
- 著者標目Edkins, Jenny Vaughan-Williams, Nic...
- 関連情報...n conservatism in the age of enterprise, 18......1910 : a study of William Graham......The philosophy of mathematics : an introduction Franklin D. Roosevelt a......1940 The house of intellect A treasury of Russian spirit......ics The nature of life : the main problems and trends of thought in modern biology Preliminary studies for the Philosophical investigations : ......ks The travail of religious libe...... Homo viator : introduction to a metaphysic of hope Woodrow W......oked The Logic of scientific dis......overy A nation of immigrants The......lass structure of the advanced s......ties A history of the theories of aether and el...
- 関連情報...: a new theory of everything Anxiety and n......city A history of the United States The growth of the United Sta......tions for Britain Images of deviance In defence of politics England in the seventeent......uage A history of English archit......ersion The origins and growth of modern educati......entary history of the Middle Eas......flict The floating republic : an account of the mutinies at spithead and the nore in 1797 Mysticism in world religion......cal government in Britain : everyone's g...... two centuries of the English novel Against our will : m......social history of English law Ro......ety The defeat of John Hawkins : a biography of...
- 一般注記Publisher varies: Mentor (Penguin Group)
- 関連情報Oceanic art : the Sepik area of New Guinea The journals of Lewis and Clar...... short history of Ireland The Mentor book of Irish poetry :...... AE to Yeats : including translations ......ish George Washington : man and ......nument Anatomy of the law The Song of God, Bhagavad-......-1950 Patterns of culture The joy of music American...... mandate? Treblinka Among sister......ters The world of Copernicus The......erican poetry since 1940 Good reading : a helpful gu......panded version of 'The two cultu...... civilizations of Polynesia The ......thology Essays in the public phi...... short history of eighteenth-century England Ru...
- 関連情報... urban support of the National Front Studies in the economic policy of Frederick the ...... The evolution of the nursery-infant school : a history of infant and nursery education in Britain, 1800-1970 Banking in an unregulated......sis management in the power industry : an inside story Redefining politics : pe......onomic history of Rome from the origins to the empire......and classrooms International business handbook So......cy 1830-1914 : individualism, co......sm and the origins of the welfare st...... participation in British industry Non-rene...... contributions of John Maynard K...... 1909-1946 Banking policy in Japan : American e...
- 関連情報Dickens Greek ethics Outlines of the history of ethics for Eng......ton Warren Hastings Henry Fielding: Tom Jones : ...... The economics of welfare The ph......ophical theory of the state The growth of British industrial relati......rom the standpoint of 1906-14 Essays in philosophical psychology Business enterprise ......on The methods of ethics The British Prime Minister : a reader The living world of Shakespeare : ......Selected poems of Edith Sitwell ......ved : a sketch of a temperament ......the prevention of war Output, inflation and growth : an introduction to m...... society : original essays on co...... an epic-drama of the war with Napoleon Sir Phi...
- 関連情報... social change in North-Western ......l rule Negotiating international pac......rms and developing countries Dif......tions : proceedings from the Uppsala 1977 International Con......istorieuppfattning i Henrik Schü......wards a theory of aspect, tense ......nd actionality in Slavic Legislating death : socio-legal studies of the brain death controversy in Sweden Makt och mening : förutsättningar för en innehållsfokusera......dagogisk forskning Gnostica, Man......ferung der lateinischen Irenaeus......a construction interactive de la......Karia : proceedings of the international sym......sium commemorating sixty years of Swedish archa...
- 関連情報...igious designs of J.S. Bach's Br......he foundations of mathematics fr......Gödel Academic instincts Silent voices : public opinion and politic...... participation in America Thayer's life of Beethoven Essays in international eco......s The politics of institutional cho...... the formation of the Russian St......se and retreat of school desegre......order : a tale of two Laredos Sc......ions The story of the Odyssey Am......ve Great cases in constitutional......tor Adam Smith in his time and ours : designing the decent so......ransformations in Japanese histo......ic citizenship in twentieth-cent......rica The gathering Abraham Robinson : the creat...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Princeton paperback
- 並列タイトル等Princeton paperback
- 一般注記VINTAGE BOOKS are published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. and Random House, Inc.
- 関連情報... the evolution of a myth Fiction......March was made of yarn : reflect......rov speaks Man in modern fiction : some minority opinions on contemp......y American writing The casebook of Victor Frankenstein The high window Loss of the self in modern literat......mper : a study in literary culture Intellectual origins of American radic......ocracy & caste in America Perspe...... movie Ho Chi Minh : a political......zvous with destiny : a history of modern America......tary astronomy in the development of Western though...... : the process of revolution in Chile The nature of communism Feminism : the essen......historical writings The time traveler's wife Th...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Vintage books Vintage
- 一般注記Publisher varies: Cornell Selects, imprint of Cornell University Press
- 関連情報The Apocalypse in the Middle Ages The fear of conspiracy : images of un-American su......speak : or why insanity is not s......xian socialism in the United States Meaning, truth, and reference in historical rep...... civil society in Germany, 1700-......ath and return of God in modern German ......s not one Fighting faiths : the ......ee speech Locating migration : rescaling cities and migrants The university and military r...... at M.I.T. Machines as the measure of men : science,......and ideologies of Western dominance In the circle of the dance : notes of an outsider in Nepal Exotic n......tural identity in the United States and Brazil,...