
検索結果 13 件

edited by Hidetoshi Sato, Jürgen Popp, Bayden R Wood, Yukihiro OzakiWorld Scientific[2024]<SC231-D11>
  • 要約等"This book outlines the state-of-the-art advances in applications of Raman spectroscopy to human healt......s a wide range of human health s......e, physiology, biological molecules, pha......ess on various Raman techniques suc......rface-enhanced Raman scattering, tip-enhanced Raman scattering, non-linear Raman spectroscopy, Raman microscopy, and Raman imaging. Novel......s book will be of interest to spectroscopists, ...
  • 内容細目History of Challenges of Raman Spectroscopy to Medical Sci......ta science for Raman data analysis ......tric Treatment of Raman Spectra in Bio...... Pérez-Guaita Raman Spectroscopy and Machine Le......Igor K. Lednev Raman Spectroscopy for Health Sci......ctural Studies of Lipids in Food......al Sciences by Raman Spectroscopy / Hidetoshi Sa......ro Ozaki Point-of-Care Detection......rface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy / Sian Sloan-D...... Duncan Graham Raman imaging and screening of bioactive smal......nt Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering mic......oscopy and its applications in life scienc......d Hideaki Kano Raman spectroscopy for Infection Di...
  • 件名Spectrum Analysis, Raman Chemistry Techniques, Analyti...
edited by V.P. Gupta.Elsevier[2018]<MC93-B27>
  • 内容細目... Gupta Near-IR spectroscopy and its applications / Yukihiro Oza....... Huck, Krzysztof B. Beć Recent......pper Terahertz spectroscopy : advances and applications / Shriganesh S......herent optical spectroscopy/microscopy and applications / Vikas Kumar,......i, Dario Polli Applications of raman and infrared m......athy Resonance raman spectroscopy : principles and applications / Joydeep Chow......ury Two-photon spectroscopy of organic materi......ond stimulated raman spectroscopy / Palas Roy, S......an Dasgupta 2D spectroscopy and its applic......al and optical spectroscopy / Yizhuang Xu,...... M. Jung Laser spectroscopy and lasing actions in nanomat...
  • 件名Molecular spectroscopy. Laser spectroscopy. Molecular spectroscopy--Industrial applications. Laser spectroscopy--Industrial applications.
edited by Niranjan Karak.Elsevier[2019]<PA431-B253>
  • 内容細目...w Materials to Applications; Copyright; Co......laration; List of Abbreviations ......: Fundamentals of Nanomaterials ......oscope; 1.7.4. Raman Spectroscope; ...... Photoelectron Spectroscopy; 1.7.6. Dynami......nsor; Biological; 1.8.2. Polyme......ical; Biological; Cat......Balance; 1.10. Applications 1.10.1. Nanoma......oach; Biological Approach; 2.3....... the Synthesis of AgNPs;; Biological Routes; Synthesis of Silver Nanohyb.......5.1.1. UV-Vis Spectroscopy; Four......sform Infrared Spectroscopy; Raman Spectroscopy; X-Ray ...
edited by Yolanda Pico.Academic Press[2020]<PC25-D12>
  • 要約等Chemical Analysis of Food: Techniques and Applications, Second Editio...... in all stages of food analysis,......ribes the role of the latest dev......ing innovative applications and issues in ......ch as infrared spectroscopy and ultrasound, to newly emer...
  • 内容細目Part I: Chemical analysis of food: 1. Basic......riate analysis of chemical data ......-infrared, and Raman spectroscopy / Ouissam Abba......a Arora 6. Microfluidic devices ......nd Vincenzo Chiofalo 8. Liquid c......heodoridis 12. Applications of imaging techni......Zaima Part II: Applications: 13. Food auth......ane Karoui 14. Biologically active and h......ood components of nuts, oilseeds......ics evaluation of genetically mo......aci 20. Review of metal speciation and their applications since 2010 / Heena and Ashok ...
Seiichi UchiyamaWiley-VCH[2024]<PA128-D6>
  • 内容細目....1 Temperature of Individuals 1.......3 Significance of Intracellular ......2.1 The Basics of Fluorescence 2.2 Responses of Fluorescent Mo......2 Introduction of Fluorescent Mo......t 3.4 Practice of Intracellular ......ar Thermometry of Brown Adipocyt.......7 Application of Intracellular ......try in Various Biological Fields 4 Cellu......hermometry 4.3 Raman Thermometry 4.4 Use of Transmission Spectroscopy 4.5 Thermocoup......l Independency of Fluorescent Mo.......3 Preparation of a Calibration Curve of Fluorescent Mo......y References 6 Applications of Intracellular ......y 6.1 Creation of New Biological Concepts 6.2 I...
Jean-Michel Mérillon, Kishan Gopal Ramawat, editors.Springer[2018]<PC21-B73>
  • 要約等...earchers and professionals. It d......the chemistry, biological and pharmacolo......ailability and applications of sweeteners. Th......stance classes of sweeteners, wh......d purification of the compounds,......, chemical and biological properties, ph...... discuss their applications in view of health and eco......erve the needs of graduate stude......earchers and professionals worki...... in the fields of chemistry, bot...... the marketing of sweeteners.
  • 内容細目... 3 Cultivation of Stevia rebaudi......transformation of Mogrosides ; Mass Production of the Taste-Modi......ellin Part III Biological effects The Role of Dietary Sugars......cal activities of Glycyrrhizinic......ficial Effects of Stevia Rebaudi......h Implications of Fructose Consu......inogenic risks of Aspartame ; 16......art IV Methods of analysis ; 20 ......aracterization of Artificial Sweeteners Using Raman Spectroscopy ; 22 Sweet-Tas......t V Industrial applications ; 23 The Recent Development of a Sweet-Tastin......ial Industrial Applications ; 24 Sugar Alcohols as Sugar ...
Hideyuki Kanematsu, Dana M. Barry.Springer[2020]<SC121-D3>
  • 要約等...d evaluating biofilms: sticky fi......roduce a range of industrial and......l to control biofilms and to est......nts. This book offers valuable, ......e fundamentals of biofilms, relates v......ubstrates to biofilms, and presents a variety of biofilm reactors. H......ortant feature of this book (unl...... Therefore, it offers an excellent practical gu...
  • 内容細目...amentals for Biofilms 2.1 Bacteria and Biofilms 2.2 General Sketch for Biofilm Formation a......d Growth 2.3 Biofilm Constituent...... Sensing 2.6 Biofilm Collapse an...... Removal 2.7 Biofilm and Infecti......ubstrata and Biofilms 3.1 Introd......uction 3.2.1 Biofilm on Leaves 3.3 Biofilms on Animal ......Happens Inside of Our Bodies, Wh......haracteristics of Bacteria in Biofilms 4 Biofilms in Nature ......5 Laboratory Biofilm Reactors 5.......and Evaluation of Biofilms 6.1 Biological Methods 6.1.1 ......ve X-Ray (EDX) Spectroscopy 6.2.5 Transmis......sible (UV-VIS) Spectroscopy 6.2.8 White Li......sform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) 6.2.10 Raman Spectrosc...
  • 件名Biofilms.
Paolo M. Ossi, editor.Springer[2018]<ND451-B65>
  • 要約等...mental science of lasers interac......is on emerging applications enabled by the irradiation of materials by p......areful control of the processing...... to biomedical applications.
  • 内容細目...rocessing, and Spectroscopy of Atomically-Thi...... the Synthesis of Atomically-Thi......and Processing of 2D Materials; ......ser Deposition of 2D Materials; ......ct Engineering of 2D Crystals; 1......ateless Growth of 2D Materials b......Laser Thinning of Layered Two-Di......ser Conversion of Two-Dimensiona...... and Annealing of TMDs; 1.3.7 La......ase Conversion of Two-Dimensiona......ure Directions of Laser Synthesi......and Processing of Atomically-Thi......verview; 1.4.2 Raman Spectroscopy of 2D Materials; ......toluminescence Spectroscopy of 2D Materials; ......ion Microscopy of 2D Materials; .......4.5 Ultrafast Spectroscopy of 2D Materials; 1.5 Summary;...
  • 件名Materials--Effect of lasers on. Las......rs--Industrial applications. Materials science. Technolog...
Ramón Aparicio, John Harwood, editors.Springer[2013]<PA545-B10>
  • 要約等The Handbook of Olive Oil pres......p-to-date view of all aspects of olive oil. It ......iplinary point of view and will be of use in researc......onomic aspects of new orchards a......al composition of olive oil. The......ytical aspects of the first edit......urrent success of virgin olive o......pters the role of lipids, in gen......ssed. The role of consumers in o......ve oil studies of marketing and ......the popularity of olive oil has ......playing tables of chemical and s......ctical aspects of olive oil. A second, more met...
  • 内容細目...: biosynthesis of triacylglycero......ecular Biology of Olives Chromat......sues Infrared, Raman and fluorescen......hodologies and applications Nuclear Magnet......hodologies and Applications Olive Oil Char......hodologies and Applications Olive oil cons......ntication Role of Lipids in Huma......Process Tables of olive oil chemical data.
Shahid-ul-Islam.Scrivener Publishing[2019]<PA151-B82>
  • 内容細目Third Generation Biofuels: A Promisi......ysts Influence of Interfaces, Mo......tic Conversion of Greenhouse Gas......rvesting: Role of Plasmonic Nano......tic Conversion of Biomass Derive......vi Upadhyayula Raman 'Green' Spectroscopy for Ultrasensi......for Ecological Applications: A Move Toward......er Farooq Role of Green and Inte......q Nawaz Bhatti Biological Nitrogen Fixation and Biofertilizers as I......t Gürses Role of Microbes in th......Bioremediation of Toxic Dyes / T......a Valorization of Wastes for the Remediation of Toxicants from......ling Potential of Natural Polyme......biotechnology: Applications of Nanomaterials in Biologica...
CRC Pressc2010.<RA87-B20>
  • 要約等"Carotenoids are of great interest......heir essential biological functions in b...... and functions of carotenoids in......emical aspects of these compound...... Chemical, and Biological Functions and ......s, and the use of novel analytic......aracterization of carotenoids an......as well as new applications of PCR and molecular biology met...
  • 内容細目The orange carotenoid protein of cyanobacteria ......ckwood The use of NMR detection of LC in caroteno...... determination of caroteoids in ......um Application of resonance Raman spectroscopy to the detection of cartenoids in ......Identification of cartenoids in ......: xanthophylls of the light harv...... Ruban Effects of self-assembled...... Tomáš Polívka Applications of EPR spectroscopy to understandi......mska Formation of cartenoid oxyg......al degradation of carotenoids / ......unctional role of xanthophylss i......rum Properties of cartenoid radi......ential role in biological systems / Ruth......he carotenoids of macular pigment and bisretino...
Masayoshi Yamaguchi, editor.Nova Science Publishersc2010.<RA87-B21>
  • 内容細目Resonance raman spectroscopy of carotenoids in...... Applicability of the measurement of visible spectr......n the analysis of food carotenoi......roduction, and applications / Helena M. Am......ication, and biofunctions / R. S......dra Extraction of carotenoids fr......ids : a review of their biomolec......r features and biological activity persp......e Ruberto Role of plant based na......nd colouration of fish : a case ......bitory effects of carotenoids on......al.] Potential applications of astaxanthin in......d on evidences of carotenoids in some fruit and...
edited by Mahmoud GhomiIOS Pressc2012
  • 件名Raman spectroscopy Spectrum Analysis, Raman Raman spectroscopy. fast
  • 件名(識別子)Raman spectroscopy Spectrum Analysis, Raman Raman spectroscopy. fast
  • 関連情報Advances in biomedical spectroscopy
