検索結果 440 件
- 内容細目...ons 4. Protein separation and purification 5. Edible films 6. Oil entrap...
- 内容細目...econtamination and reuse : a dig ......avy metal ions and organic toxins......econtamination and reuse Metal or......ater treatment and gas separation and purification.
- 要約等...d be used as a separation medium for the purification of dyes and pharmaceutical...... ethyl acetate and is effective in the purification of the basic dye Rhodamine B and the anti-malar......d of compounds separation and purification. In Chapter 2,...... of bubbles as separation media were cla......rescent probes and ultrafine bubb...... ethyl acetate and diethyl ether,...... of bubbles as separation media. Chapter...... shows a rapid purification method for chl......ylaminopentane and 4,7-dichloroqu......ent extraction and then recrystal......hydrophobicity and ionicity betwe......ource material and the product, achieving a rapi...
- 要約等...nium, thorium, and other nuclear ......erials, mining and milling of ore...... nuclear fuels and their physical......ion among fuel and fission produc......nt, accounting and control of nuc......ear materials, and safety aspects involved in handling and transportation......ear scientists and engineers, you......g researchers, and postgraduate s......try in general and those engaged ......uclear science and technology in particular. It ...
- 内容細目...ntents Editors and Contributors 1......? 1.2 Frontend and Backend of Fue...... Cycle with MA and Fission Produc......ining, Milling and Processing of ......re Exploration and Mining 2.1.1 G......2.1 Mineralogy and Comminution 2.......5 Solid-Liquid Separation and Clarification 2.2.6 Separation and Purification 2.2.7 Selective Separation of Uranium: Pr...... 2.2.8 Product Separation and Drying 2.2.9 M......10 Reclamation and Closure 2.3 Re......of Yellow Cake and Uranium Metal ......4.1 Processing and Production of ...... 2.5.1 Isotope Separation 2.5.2 Separation Processes for ......clear Reactors and Their Fuels 3.3 Nuclear Non-p...
- 内容細目Structure and properties of ......ic deformation and in high-streng......carbide phases and revised sequen......e for hydrogen separation and purification / H. Yukawa, T. Nambu, Y. Mat...
- 一般注記Includes bibliographical references and index.
- 内容細目Front Cover Dry Syngas Purification Processes for ......1.3 Wet syngas purification process 1.4 Hi...... of dry syngas purification processes 1.4.......ch history of candidates for dry ......bent stability and regenerability......p a dry syngas purification process Refere...... of dry syngas purification 2.1 Retaining sensible heat and steam concentr......aneous removal and separation of impurities ......as composition and moisture 3.2 S......es 3.4 Ammonia and nitrogen compo......ted impurities and status of iden...... in dry syngas purification 4.1 Metal oxid......ts for mercury and other trace elements 4.4 Coun...
- 件名...ication Gases--Purification Coal gasification. Gases--Purification. Integrated gasification comb...
- 改題前Gas Separation & Purification
- 件名Drugs--Separation Drugs--Purification Drugs--Synthes......s--isolation & purification Drugs--Purification. Drugs--Separation. Drugs--Synthesis. Pharmaceut...
- タイトル標目Handbook of analytical separations ; v. 8
- 一般注記...t issue Title: Separation and purification reviews. (-V.33) Publisher: M...
- 改題前Separation and Purification Methods
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Separation and purification reviews
- 内容細目...cai, Ecaterina Andronescu Nanotec......logy for water purification : applications......Reddy Kunduru [and 5 others] Nano......drinking water purification / Ratna G. Sut......drinking water purification / Alberto Figo......drinking water purification in developing ......aggy NB Momba [and 3 others] Deve......s for fluoride and organic matter......nment-friendly and energy-saving water purification / Mariana Oana......Mihaela Fufă [and 3 others] Poly......sénio de Sá [and 3 others] Phot......ic degradation and adsorption tec......based membrane-separation process for drinking-water purification / Santanu Sarkar, Ankur Sarka...
- 件名Water--Purification.
- 著者標目Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai.
- 要約等...al solid waste and algal blooms. ......biorefineries, and the hydrotherm......s, researchers and engineers work......al engineering and related areas
- 内容細目...Membrane Types and Their Importan......riven Membrane Separation Processes 2.2 ......riven Membrane Separation Processes 3 Me......Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology 3.1 Virus Purification 3.1.1 Purification of Biologicals......on 3.3 Racemic and Azeotropic Separations 3.4 Filtratio......es 4.1 Protein Purification and Concentration ...... 4.3 Skim Milk and Cheese Product......ation 4.5 Beer and Wine Productio...... Inoculum Size and Growth 3.1.3 O......-Waste Loading and Particle Size ......reactor Design and Its Operationa......Soil for Metal and Organic Pollut......nmental Toxins and Contaminants 1......ts in the Soil and Its Risks 1.3 Soil Remediatio...
- タイトル標目Handbook of environmental chemistr...
- 内容細目...Satoshi Horike and Susumu Kitagaw......érôme Cavinet, and Alessandra Quadrelli pt......2. Gas storage and separation applications. ......diction of gas separation in flexible fr......ier Coudert 4. Separation and purification of gases by MO......abrizio Turra, and Jorge A. Rodrí...... natural gase, and syngas by adso...... D. Pirngruber and Philip L. Llew......d supports for separation and catalysis / Sonia Aguado and David Farrusse......Anne Dailly 8. Separation of xylen isome......, Dirk De Vos, and Philibert Lefl......ph Della Rocca and Wenbin Lin pt.......tina A. Bauer, and Mark D. Allend......élique Bétard, and Roland A. Fischer pt. 6. Larg...
- 要約等... international and interdisciplin......edical, energy and environmental ......tally friendly and scale up synth......rgy generation and storage, and water purification to their use a......s, biosensors, and their associat......nergy-related) and biomedical fie......he framework), and post-synthetic...... the synthesis and biomedical and environmental ...... in biomedical and environmental ......storage, water purification, and as therapeutic and diagnostic tools
- 内容細目...pter 1: Robust and Environmentall.......3.2 Synthesis and Purification Processes 1.3.......rocess Purification Processes 1.4 ......cale Synthesis and Shaping of Met.......5 Conclusions and Perspectives C.......1.1 Batteries and Supercapacitor......ic Principles, and Characteristic......ls: Conversion and Alloying 4.2.3......bining Organic and Inorganic Redo......on-innocent Ligands 4.3 MOFs as H......tor for Li-Ion and Li-Metal Batte......4.7 Conclusion and Prospects
- 要約等...considerations and current challe......ission problem and the current carbon capture and sequestration ......cy, combustion and emission chara......, applications and related challe......port membranes and their performa......in both oxygen separation units and oxygen transpo......n gas turbines and boilers. Compu......onal modelling and optimization o......ine combustors and boiler furnace......erical results and detailed analyses.
- 内容細目...; 1.3.1 Market and Industry Trend......Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Techniques and Limitations; 1......Oil/Gas Fields and Deep Saline Aq......8.3 Combustion and Emission Chara.......2.1 Reactions and Emission Chara......s; Air Separation Unit; Carbon Dioxide Purification Unit; .......3.1 Using Air Separation Unit and Conventional C......pply of Oxygen and Diluent to Oxy......ecent Advances and Technology Rea......Ms) for Oxygen Separation; 3.1 Introduct......on; 3.2 Oxygen Separation Membranes; 3.3 Gaseous Oxy-fu...
- 関連情報Green energy and technology
- 内容細目Fundamentals and use of hydroge......el / K.K. Pant and Ram B. Gupta P....../ Ryutaro Hino and Xing L. Yan Hy......s A. Bechrakis and Elli Varkaraki......kanth G. Dhere and Rajani S. Bennur Hydrogen separation and purification / Ashok Damle ......unita Satyapal and George J. Thom......n in pipelines and storage in pressurized and cryogenic tanks / Ming Gao and Ravi Krishnamu......es / K.K. Pant and Ram B. Gupta H......ls / K.K. Pant and Ram B. Gupta H......inya Hodoshima and Yasukazu Saito......Hydrogen codes and standards / James M.......drogen sensing and detection / Pr......u Soundarrajan and Frank Schweighardt Hydrogen s...
- 要約等...nes, terpenes, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and presents an ov......current status and future potenti......m plant, fungi and marine-derived......f plant, fungi and marine-derived...... undergraduate and post-graduate ......neering, etc., and also contains information per...
- 内容細目...ntents; Editor and Contributors; ......nts, Mushrooms and Fungi; 1 Glucosinolates and Respective Der......sis, Function, and Enzymatic Degr......mopreventative and Antimicrobial Activity; 5 GL and ITC Extraction.......3 Ultrasound- and Microwave-Assi......ost-harvesting and Process-Induce......t6.1 Packaging and Storage Condit...... from Mushroom and Their Applicat......cture, Growth, and Composition; 3......; 3.4 Peptides and Proteins; 3.5 ......ion; 2 Methods and Scope; 2.1 Pro...... Protein, Milk and Bioreactor Req......obacillus Cell Separation); 3.6.4 Membra......e (for Peptide Separation); 3.6.5 Ion-Exchange Purifica...
- 内容細目...telium Amoebae Purification and structural ana......omain proteins Purification and structural analysis of SUN and KASH domain proteins - Purification and lamins and soluble fragme......of NETs Simple separation of functionall......in chaperoning and kinase rescue Purification of protein chaperones and their function......iate filaments Purification and structural ana......sis of plectin and BPAG1e Purification and structural ana......nin Functional and genetic analys......lectin in skin and muscle Functional and genetic analys...... of periplakin and envoplakin, cy......letal linkers, and cornified enve......tion partners, and tissue-specific functions Fun...