並列タイトル等ショウケン シジョウ ニ オケル カカク ケイセイ ノ ドウガク ブンセキ
Shoken shijo ni okeru kakaku keisei no dogaku bunseki
A dynamic analysis of price formation in securities markets
This research undertakes an empirical analysis of Japan's share market and market for straight corporate bonds. A data base for initial public offerings (IPOs) of shares was constructed and publicly released. In relation to the puzzle that high initial returns are observed when an auction system where the underwriter has no incentive to underprice is adopted, a hypothesis explaining this outcome was suggested and verified using IPO data. Problems associated with the choice of "book building" as a mechanism to determine public prices were pointed out and some policy recommendations for reform were made. For the bond market, an empirical analysis of the impact of the past behavior of the issuing firm and underwriters on issuing volumes, prices etc was undertaken. To be concrete, the history of the relationship between the issuer and the underwriter was included in the empirical model, and the impact of this relationship was investigated.
研究種目 : 基盤研究(B)
研究期間 : 2009~2013
課題番号 : 21330079
研究分野 : 社会科学
科研費の分科・細目 : 経済学・財政学・金融論
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)