並列タイトル等コヒーレント Xセン カイセツ ニ ヨル コウボ カクナイ ノ カクサン ブンプ イメージング
Kohīrento Xsen kaisetsu ni yoru kōbo kakunai no kakusan bunpu imējingu
Visualization on the distribution of nucreic acids in yeast nucleus by using coherent X-ray diffraction
一般注記出版タイプ: VoR
In this project, we improved fundamental techniques including automatic control procedures of diffraction apparatuses, preparation of frozen-hydrated biological specimens, and measurement of spatial coherence of X-ray beam, in cryogenic X-ray diffraction imaging tomography using synchrotron X-rays and cryogenic X-ray diffraction using X-ray free electron laser pulses. In addition, we developed methods to obtain reliable electron density maps in phase retrieval calculation in structure analyses including the utilization of manifold learning. Based on these developments, we successfully established X-ray diffraction imaging technique for non-crystalline biological specimens, such as cells and organelles, through the visualization of common structures in yeast nucleus and cyanobacterium cell as well as the three-dimensional structures of yeast and bacteria cells without sectioning and chemical labeling necessary in other imaging techniques.
研究種目 : 基盤研究 (A) (一般)
研究期間 : 2016~2018
課題番号 : 16H02218
研究分野 : 生物物理
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)