並列タイトル等ヒカリ オンキョウ イメージング ニ ヨル、リンパカン-サイジョウミャク フンゴウ ジュツゴ ニ オケル ミャッカン ヘンカ ノ 3ジゲンテキ カイセキ
Hikari onkyō imējingu ni yoru, rinpakan-saijōmyaku fungō jutsugo ni okeru myakkan henka no 3jigenteki kaiseki
Three-dimensional analysis of vascular changes after lymphangio-venular anastomosis by photoacoustic imaging
一般注記出版タイプ: VoR
Photoacoustic imaging was used to evaluate postoperative patency in lymphangio-venular anastomosis (LVA), a surgical treatment for lymphatic edema, and to evaluate changes in the lymphatic vessels and venous system. Focusing on the LVA, four patterns were observed: those in which both lymphatic vessels and veins could be identified, those in which either lymphatic vessels or veins appeared to have disappeared, and those in which both appeared to have disappeared. Of these, those that could be identified by both were thought to be findings indicating the patency of the anastomotic site. In some cases, it was possible to observe the dynamic lymphatic flow from the lymphatic vessels to the veins at the anastomotic site.
研究種目 : 若手研究
研究期間 : 2019~2020
課題番号 : 19K18191
研究分野 : 形成外科学
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)