並列タイトル等Microbial resources and systematics Microbial resources and systematics
Microbial resources and systematics
Microbiology and culture collections
Official journal of the Japan Society for Culture Collections
Official publication of the Japan Society for Culture Collections
30巻2号までの並列タイトル: Microbiology and culture collections
並列タイトル関連情報変遷: Official publication of the Japan Society for Culture Collections (10巻1号-10巻2号)→ Official journal of the Japan Society for Culture Collections (11巻1号-11巻2号)→ Microbiology and culture collections (第12巻1号-第30巻2号)
雑誌記事索引採録期間国立国会図書館雑誌記事索引 15 (1) 1999.06~