- 資料種別
- 図書
- 出版地(国名コード)
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- MEL scripting for Maya animatorsJim Blinn's corner : Notation, notation, notationDigital video and HDTV : algorithms and interfacesMaking them move : mechanics, control, and animation of articulated figuresPrinciples of digital image synthesisLevel of detail for 3D graphicsGeometric and solid modeling : an introductionCurves and surfaces for CAGD : a practical guideGeometric tools for computer graphicsTexturing & modeling : a procedural approachReal-time shader programming : covering DirectX 9.0Principles of digital image synthesisSubdivision methods for geometric design : a constructive approachThe computer animator's technical handbookMEL scripting for Maya animatorsIntroduction to implicit surfacesWarping and morphing of graphical objectsComputer animation : algorithms and techniquesUnderstanding virtual reality : interface, application, and designFoundations of multidimensional and metric data structuresAdvanced RenderMan : creating CGI for motion picturesJim Blinn's corner : dirty pixelsNon-photorealistic computer graphics : modeling, rendering, and animationPyramid algorithms : a dynamic programming approach to curves and surfaces for geometric modelingUser interface management systems : models and algorithmsWavelets for computer graphics : theory and applicationsJim Blinn's corner : a trip down the graphics pipelineCurves and surfaces in geometric modeling : theory and algorithmsDigital geometry : geometric methods for digital picture analysisAdvanced Graphics Programming Using OpenGLAn extensive guide to MEL and the C++ APIAn in-depth guide to 3D fundamentals, geometry, and modeling
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
- 提供元機関・データベース
- CiNii Books
- https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA07517347 : BA07517347