
Routledge research in education


Routledge research in education



The charter school solution : distinguishing fact from rhetoric外部サイトMathematical relationships in education : identities and participation外部サイトLesson study : professional learning for our time外部サイトInternational perspectives on the goals of universal basic and secondary education外部サイトChildren's drawing and writing : the remarkable in the unremarkable外部サイトEducation and neoliberal globalization外部サイトTechnology-enhanced language learning for specialized domains : practical applications and mobility外部サイトEducation, philosophy and well-being : new perspectives on the work of John White外部サイトParticipation, facilitation, and mediation : children and young people in their social contexts外部サイトThe politics of knowledge in education外部サイトEducation, social background and cognitive ability : the decline of the social外部サイトEducation and sustainability : learning across the diaspora, indigenous, and minority divide外部サイトPerforming kamishibai : an emerging new literacy for a global audience外部サイトRefugees, immigrants, and education in the global south : lives in motion外部サイトDiverse pedagogies of place : educating students in and for local and global environments外部サイトLanguage, race, and power in schools : a critical discourse analysis外部サイトThe politics of structural education reform外部サイトAfrican American English and the achievement gap : the role of dialectal code-switching外部サイトEducation, social background and cognitive ability : the decline of the social外部サイトThe politics of teacher professional development : policy, research and practice外部サイトNeo-liberal educational reforms : a critical analysis外部サイトLandscapes of specific literacies in contemporary society : exploring a social model of literacy外部サイトVirtual literacies : interactive spaces for children and young people外部サイトTeacher development in higher education : existing programs, program impact, and future trends外部サイトInternational case studies of dyslexia外部サイトDiversity, intercultural encounters, and education外部サイトThe journey for inclusive education in the Indian sub-continent外部サイトQuality teaching and the capability approach : evaluating the work and governance of women teachers in rural sub-Saharan Africa外部サイトThe politics of education : challenging multiculturalism外部サイトStructure and agency in the neoliberal university外部サイトWhiteness and teacher education外部サイトOrganizational citizenship behavior in schools : examining the impact and opportunities within educational systems外部サイトMigration, education and change外部サイトLearning communities in education : issues, strategies and contexts外部サイトThe social psychology of the classroom外部サイトMultidisciplinary approaches to educational research : case studies from Europe and the developing world外部サイトSocial studies as new literacies in a global society : relational cosmopolitanism in the classroom外部サイトRethinking school bullying : dominance, identity and school culture外部サイトNew perspectives on intercultural language research and teaching : exploring learners' understandings of texts from other cultures外部サイトTeacher educators' professional learning in communities外部サイトTeacher educators' professional learning in communities外部サイトEducation and poverty in affluent countries外部サイトTransnationalism, education and empowerment : the latent legacies of empire外部サイトGlobal perspectives on spirituality and education外部サイトUniversities and global diversity : preparing educators for tomorrow外部サイトTeacher leadership : new conceptions for autonomous student learning in the age of the internet外部サイトArts-based and contemplative practices in research and teaching : honoring presence外部サイトCollaboration in education外部サイトPolitical approaches to educational administration and leadership外部サイトPicturebooks, pedagogy, and philosophy外部サイトCitizenship, education, and social conflict : Israeli political education in global perspective外部サイトPersonal epistemology and teacher education外部サイトThe politics of differentiation in schools外部サイトIntercultural and multicultural education : enhancing global interconnectedness外部サイトEducation, indigenous knowledges, and development in the global south : contesting knowledges for a sustainable future外部サイトGlobalization, the nation-state and the citizen : dilemmas and directions for civics and citizenship education外部サイトPolicy discourses, gender, and education : constructing women's status外部サイトGender, race, and the politics of role modelling : the influence of male teachers外部サイトStudies in science education in the Asia-Pacific region外部サイトManufacturing citizenship : education and nationalism in Europe, South Asia and China外部サイトSecrecy and tradecraft in educational administration : the covert side of educational life外部サイトService learning as a political act in education : bicultural foundations for a decolonizing pedagogy外部サイトTransnationalism, education and empowerment : the latent legacies of empire外部サイトLanguage teachers and teaching : global perspectives, local initiatives外部サイトEducational inequalities : difference and diversity in schools and higher education外部サイトSchooling and the making of citizens in the long nineteenth century : comparative visions外部サイトA new vision of liberal education : the good of the unexamined life外部サイトEducation in the black diaspora : perspectives, challenges, and prospects外部サイトPolitical approaches to educational administration and leadership外部サイトEducating adolescent girls around the globe : challenges and opportunities外部サイトEducation, social justice and inter-agency working : joined-up or fractured policy ?外部サイトNeoliberalism, pedagogy, and human development : exploring time, mediation, and collectivity in contemporary schools外部サイトThe future of physical education : building a new pedagogy外部サイトEducation and sustainability : learning across the diaspora, indigenous, and minority divide外部サイトEducating for diversity and social justice外部サイトNeoliberalism, pedagogy and human development : exploring time, mediation and collectivity in contemporary schools外部サイトEducating for peace in a time of permanent war : are schools part of the solution or the problem?外部サイトTeachers and the state : towards a directed profession外部サイトScience, society and sustainability : education and empowerment for an uncertain world外部サイトThe age of STEM : educational policy and practice across the world in science, technology, engineering and mathematics外部サイトStudies in science education in the Asia-Pacific region外部サイトGlobal pathways to abolishing physical punishment : realizing children's rights外部サイトLearning and collective creativity : activity-theoretical and sociocultural studies外部サイトPostcolonial perspectives on global citizenship education外部サイトResourcing early learners : new networks, new actors外部サイトArts-based and contemplative practices in research and teaching : honoring presence外部サイトFamily, community, and higher education外部サイトLearning technologies and the body : integration and implementation in formal and informal learning environments外部サイトIntercultural and multicultural education : enhancing global interconnectedness外部サイトPostmodern picturebooks : play, parody, and self-referentiality外部サイトTheorizing pedagogical interaction : insights from conversation analysis外部サイトCitizenship education in the United States : a historical perspective外部サイトAfrican Americans and homeschooling : motivations, opportunities and challenges外部サイトPedagogy in the novels of J.M. Coetzee : the affect of literature外部サイトPopulism, media and education : challenging discrimination in contemporary digital societies外部サイトInternational perspectives on drama and citizenship education : acting globally外部サイトUNESCO without borders : educational campaigns for international understanding外部サイトMultimodal signs of learning : tracking semiosis in the classroom外部サイトCritical approaches to teaching the high school novel : reinterpreting canonical literature外部サイトRelational aspects of parental involvement to support educational outcomes : parental communication, expectations, and participation for student success外部サイトMultidisciplinary approaches to art learning and creativity : fostering artistic exploration in formal and informal settings外部サイトDialogic pedagogy : discourse in contexts from pre-school to university外部サイトTrust and betrayal in educational administration and leadership外部サイトTraveller, nomadic, and migrant education外部サイトStructure and agency in the neoliberal university外部サイトParticipatory learning in the early years : research and pedagogy外部サイトEducational transitions : moving stories from around the world外部サイトSpatial theories of education : policy and geography matters外部サイトEmerging teachers and globalisation外部サイトEducation in computer generated environments外部サイトGeography and social justice in the classroom外部サイト9/11 and collective memory in US classrooms : teaching about terror外部サイトCross-cultural perspectives on policy and practice : decolonizing community contexts外部サイトConsidering trilingual education外部サイトPersonal epistemology and teacher education外部サイトEducational transitions : moving stories from around the world外部サイトCare in education : teaching with understanding and compassion外部サイトBlended basic language courses : design, pedagogy, and implementation外部サイトMemory and pedagogy外部サイトLiteracy, play and globalization : converging imaginaries in children's critical and cultural performances外部サイトTransforming education in the Gulf region : emerging learning technologies and innovative pedagogy for the 21st century外部サイトInclusive education in the Middle East外部サイトCommitment, character, and citizenship : religious education in liberal democracy外部サイトTheorizing pedagogical interaction : insights from conversation analysis外部サイトPolicy discourses, gender, and education : constructing women's status外部サイトMigration, education and change外部サイトSchool health education in changing times : curriculum, pedagogies and partnerships外部サイトEducation and neoliberal globalization外部サイトParticipatory learning in the early years : research and pedagogy外部サイトAffirming language diversity in schools and society : beyond linguistic apartheid外部サイト9/11 and collective memory in US classrooms : teaching about terror外部サイトSpirituality in education in a global, pluralised world外部サイトEducation policy, space and the city : markets and the (in)visibility of race外部サイトGoverning literate populations : the political uses of literacy in securing civil society外部サイトThe resegregation of schools : education and race in the twenty-first century外部サイトEducation, religion and society : essays in honour of John M. Hull外部サイトEducation and climate change : living and learning in interesting times外部サイトEducation for civic and political participation : a critical approach外部サイトCommunity-based media pedagogies : relational practices of listening in the commons外部サイトResearch for educational change : transforming researchers' insights into improvement in mathematics teaching and learning外部サイトAdolescent literacies in a multicultural context外部サイトPopular culture, pedagogy and teacher education : international perspectives外部サイトLanguage teaching through the ages外部サイトAristotelian character education外部サイトEducation policy, space and the city : markets and the (in)visibility of race外部サイトNew perspectives on intercultural language research and teaching : exploring learners' understandings of texts from other cultures外部サイトWhat's so important about music education?外部サイトBeyond binaries in education research外部サイトTrust and betrayal in educational administration and leadership外部サイトWorking-class minority students' routes to higher education外部サイトEducating for peace in a time of permanent war : are schools part of the solution or the problem?外部サイトTest fraud : statistical detection and methodology外部サイトThe age of STEM : educational policy and practice across the world in science, technology, engineering and mathematics外部サイトRethinking school bullying : dominance, identity and school culture外部サイトLesson study : professional learning for our time外部サイトImagination for inclusion : diverse contexts of educational practice外部サイトThe role of research in teachers' work : narratives of classroom action research外部サイトEducation, philosophy and well-being : new perspectives on the work of John White外部サイトImproving teacher education through action research外部サイトBoys and their schooling : the experience of becoming someone else外部サイトIslamic education and indoctrination : the case in Indonesia外部サイトChanging schools in an era of globalization外部サイトThe politics of structural education reform外部サイトTest fraud : statistical detection and methodology外部サイトTracking adult literacy and numeracy skills : findings from longitudinal research外部サイトPostmodern picturebooks : play, parody, and self-referentiality外部サイトPostcolonial perspectives on global citizenship education外部サイトCitizenship education in the United States : a historical perspective外部サイトEducating young children in WPA nursery schools : federally funded early childhood education from 1933-1943外部サイトEducation and psychology in interaction : working with uncertainty in interconnected fields外部サイトCritical issues in peace and education外部サイトTeacher learning that matters : international perspectives外部サイトTransformative learning and teaching in physical education外部サイトLiberty and education : a civic republican approach外部サイトTeacher professional knowledge and development for reflective and inclusive practices外部サイトReconceptualising agency and childhood : new perspectives in childhood studies外部サイトHistory, theory and practice of philosophy for children : international perspectives外部サイトEducation and climate change : living and learning in interesting times外部サイトPlay, creativity and digital cultures外部サイトReflective practice : voices from the field外部サイトConstructing narratives of continuity and change : a transdisciplinary approach to researching lives外部サイトEducation, identity and women religious, 1800-1950 : convents, classrooms and colleges外部サイトUniversities and global diversity : preparing educators for tomorrow外部サイトEvidence-based practice in education : functions of evidence and causal presuppositions外部サイトEnglish language teacher education in Chile : a cultural historical activity theory perspective外部サイトMarkets for schooling : an economic analysis外部サイトParadigm shift in education : towards the third wave of effectiveness外部サイトThe changing world of outdoor learning in Europe外部サイトArts-based teaching and learning in the literacy classroom : cultivating a critical aesthetic practice外部サイトActivity theory and collaborative intervention in education : expanding learning in Japanese schools and communities外部サイトCurriculum and the generation of Utopia : interrogating the current state of critical curriculum theory外部サイトInterdisciplinary approaches to distance teaching : connecting classrooms in theory and practice外部サイトDigital storytelling in indigenous education : a decolonizing journey for a Métis community外部サイトMapping the affective turn in education : theory, research, and pedagogy外部サイトInterculturality and the political within education外部サイトCreative learning in digital and virtual environments : opportunities and challenges of technology-enabled learning and creativity外部サイトMultidisciplinary approaches to art learning and creativity : fostering artistic exploration in formal and informal settings外部サイトReconceptualising agency and childhood : new perspectives in childhood studies外部サイトDeveloping a didactic framework across and beyond school subjects : cross- and transcurricular teaching外部サイトTeachers and teacher unions in a globalised world : history, theory and policy in Ireland外部サイトParticipation, facilitation, and mediation : children and young people in their social contexts外部サイトFear and schooling : understanding the troubled history of progressive education外部サイトThe charter school solution : distinguishing fact from rhetoric外部サイトHistory, theory and practice of philosophy for children : international perspectives外部サイトTeacher professional knowledge and development for reflective and inclusive practices外部サイトQuantitative measures of mathematical knowledge : researching instruments and perspectives外部サイトEducation and poverty in affluent countries外部サイトTowards rational education : a social framework of moral values and practices外部サイトCreativity and learning in later life : an ethnography of museum education外部サイトExploring challenging picturebooks in education : international perspectives on language and literature learning外部サイトUNESCO without borders : educational campaigns for international understanding外部サイトDiverse pedagogies of place : educating students in and for local and global environments外部サイトNarratives of qualitative PhD research : identities, languages and cultures in transition外部サイトMapping the affective turn in education : theory, research, and pedagogies外部サイトCross-cultural perspectives on policy and practice : decolonizing community contexts外部サイトIslamic schooling and the identities of Muslim youth in Quebec : navigating national identity, religion, and belonging外部サイトNew perspectives on intercultural language research and teaching : exploring learners' understandings of texts from other cultures外部サイトThe role of the arts in learning : cultivating landscapes of democracy外部サイトMultiracial identity in children's literature外部サイトAssessment in mathematics education contexts : theoretical frameworks and new directions外部サイトThe social construction of meaning : reading literature in urban English classrooms外部サイトSport, physical education, and social justice : religious, sociological, psychological, and capability perspectives外部サイト



  • The charter school solution : distinguishing fact from rhetoric

  • Mathematical relationships in education : identities and participation

  • Lesson study : professional learning for our time

  • International perspectives on the goals of universal basic and secondary education

  • Children's drawing and writing : the remarkable in the unremarkable





  • CiNii Research

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The charter school solution : distinguishing fact from rhetoric
Mathematical relationships in education : identities and participation
Lesson study : professional learning for our time
International perspectives on the goals of universal basic and secondary education
Children's drawing and writing : the remarkable in the unremarkable
Education and neoliberal globalization
Technology-enhanced language learning for specialized domains : practical applications and mobility
Education, philosophy and well-being : new perspectives on the work of John White
Participation, facilitation, and mediation : children and young people in their social contexts
The politics of knowledge in education
Education, social background and cognitive ability : the decline of the social
Education and sustainability : learning across the diaspora, indigenous, and minority divide
Performing kamishibai : an emerging new literacy for a global audience
Refugees, immigrants, and education in the global south : lives in motion
Diverse pedagogies of place : educating students in and for local and global environments
Language, race, and power in schools : a critical discourse analysis
The politics of structural education reform
African American English and the achievement gap : the role of dialectal code-switching
Education, social background and cognitive ability : the decline of the social
The politics of teacher professional development : policy, research and practice
Neo-liberal educational reforms : a critical analysis
Landscapes of specific literacies in contemporary society : exploring a social model of literacy
Virtual literacies : interactive spaces for children and young people
Teacher development in higher education : existing programs, program impact, and future trends
International case studies of dyslexia
Diversity, intercultural encounters, and education
The journey for inclusive education in the Indian sub-continent
Quality teaching and the capability approach : evaluating the work and governance of women teachers in rural sub-Saharan Africa
The politics of education : challenging multiculturalism
Structure and agency in the neoliberal university
Whiteness and teacher education
Organizational citizenship behavior in schools : examining the impact and opportunities within educational systems
Migration, education and change
Learning communities in education : issues, strategies and contexts
The social psychology of the classroom
Multidisciplinary approaches to educational research : case studies from Europe and the developing world
Social studies as new literacies in a global society : relational cosmopolitanism in the classroom
Rethinking school bullying : dominance, identity and school culture
New perspectives on intercultural language research and teaching : exploring learners' understandings of texts from other cultures
Teacher educators' professional learning in communities
Teacher educators' professional learning in communities
Education and poverty in affluent countries
Transnationalism, education and empowerment : the latent legacies of empire
Global perspectives on spirituality and education
Universities and global diversity : preparing educators for tomorrow
Teacher leadership : new conceptions for autonomous student learning in the age of the internet
Arts-based and contemplative practices in research and teaching : honoring presence
Collaboration in education
Political approaches to educational administration and leadership
Picturebooks, pedagogy, and philosophy
Citizenship, education, and social conflict : Israeli political education in global perspective
Personal epistemology and teacher education
The politics of differentiation in schools
Intercultural and multicultural education : enhancing global interconnectedness
Education, indigenous knowledges, and development in the global south : contesting knowledges for a sustainable future
Globalization, the nation-state and the citizen : dilemmas and directions for civics and citizenship education
Policy discourses, gender, and education : constructing women's status
Gender, race, and the politics of role modelling : the influence of male teachers
Studies in science education in the Asia-Pacific region
Manufacturing citizenship : education and nationalism in Europe, South Asia and China
Secrecy and tradecraft in educational administration : the covert side of educational life
Service learning as a political act in education : bicultural foundations for a decolonizing pedagogy
Transnationalism, education and empowerment : the latent legacies of empire
Language teachers and teaching : global perspectives, local initiatives
Educational inequalities : difference and diversity in schools and higher education
Schooling and the making of citizens in the long nineteenth century : comparative visions
A new vision of liberal education : the good of the unexamined life
Education in the black diaspora : perspectives, challenges, and prospects
Political approaches to educational administration and leadership
Educating adolescent girls around the globe : challenges and opportunities
Education, social justice and inter-agency working : joined-up or fractured policy ?
Neoliberalism, pedagogy, and human development : exploring time, mediation, and collectivity in contemporary schools
The future of physical education : building a new pedagogy
Education and sustainability : learning across the diaspora, indigenous, and minority divide
Educating for diversity and social justice
Neoliberalism, pedagogy and human development : exploring time, mediation and collectivity in contemporary schools
Educating for peace in a time of permanent war : are schools part of the solution or the problem?
Teachers and the state : towards a directed profession
Science, society and sustainability : education and empowerment for an uncertain world
The age of STEM : educational policy and practice across the world in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
Studies in science education in the Asia-Pacific region
Global pathways to abolishing physical punishment : realizing children's rights
Learning and collective creativity : activity-theoretical and sociocultural studies
Postcolonial perspectives on global citizenship education
Resourcing early learners : new networks, new actors
Arts-based and contemplative practices in research and teaching : honoring presence
Family, community, and higher education
Learning technologies and the body : integration and implementation in formal and informal learning environments
Intercultural and multicultural education : enhancing global interconnectedness
Postmodern picturebooks : play, parody, and self-referentiality
Theorizing pedagogical interaction : insights from conversation analysis
Citizenship education in the United States : a historical perspective
African Americans and homeschooling : motivations, opportunities and challenges
Pedagogy in the novels of J.M. Coetzee : the affect of literature
Populism, media and education : challenging discrimination in contemporary digital societies
International perspectives on drama and citizenship education : acting globally
UNESCO without borders : educational campaigns for international understanding
Multimodal signs of learning : tracking semiosis in the classroom
Critical approaches to teaching the high school novel : reinterpreting canonical literature
Relational aspects of parental involvement to support educational outcomes : parental communication, expectations, and participation for student success
Multidisciplinary approaches to art learning and creativity : fostering artistic exploration in formal and informal settings
Dialogic pedagogy : discourse in contexts from pre-school to university
Trust and betrayal in educational administration and leadership
Traveller, nomadic, and migrant education
Structure and agency in the neoliberal university
Participatory learning in the early years : research and pedagogy
Educational transitions : moving stories from around the world
Spatial theories of education : policy and geography matters
Emerging teachers and globalisation
Education in computer generated environments
Geography and social justice in the classroom
9/11 and collective memory in US classrooms : teaching about terror
Cross-cultural perspectives on policy and practice : decolonizing community contexts
Considering trilingual education
Personal epistemology and teacher education
Educational transitions : moving stories from around the world
Care in education : teaching with understanding and compassion
Blended basic language courses : design, pedagogy, and implementation
Memory and pedagogy
Literacy, play and globalization : converging imaginaries in children's critical and cultural performances
Transforming education in the Gulf region : emerging learning technologies and innovative pedagogy for the 21st century
Inclusive education in the Middle East
Commitment, character, and citizenship : religious education in liberal democracy
Theorizing pedagogical interaction : insights from conversation analysis
Policy discourses, gender, and education : constructing women's status
Migration, education and change
School health education in changing times : curriculum, pedagogies and partnerships
Education and neoliberal globalization
Participatory learning in the early years : research and pedagogy
Affirming language diversity in schools and society : beyond linguistic apartheid
9/11 and collective memory in US classrooms : teaching about terror
Spirituality in education in a global, pluralised world
Education policy, space and the city : markets and the (in)visibility of race
Governing literate populations : the political uses of literacy in securing civil society
The resegregation of schools : education and race in the twenty-first century
Education, religion and society : essays in honour of John M. Hull
Education and climate change : living and learning in interesting times
Education for civic and political participation : a critical approach
Community-based media pedagogies : relational practices of listening in the commons
Research for educational change : transforming researchers' insights into improvement in mathematics teaching and learning
Adolescent literacies in a multicultural context
Popular culture, pedagogy and teacher education : international perspectives
Language teaching through the ages
Aristotelian character education
Education policy, space and the city : markets and the (in)visibility of race
New perspectives on intercultural language research and teaching : exploring learners' understandings of texts from other cultures
What's so important about music education?
Beyond binaries in education research
Trust and betrayal in educational administration and leadership
Working-class minority students' routes to higher education
Educating for peace in a time of permanent war : are schools part of the solution or the problem?
Test fraud : statistical detection and methodology
The age of STEM : educational policy and practice across the world in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
Rethinking school bullying : dominance, identity and school culture
Lesson study : professional learning for our time
Imagination for inclusion : diverse contexts of educational practice
The role of research in teachers' work : narratives of classroom action research
Education, philosophy and well-being : new perspectives on the work of John White
Improving teacher education through action research
Boys and their schooling : the experience of becoming someone else
Islamic education and indoctrination : the case in Indonesia
Changing schools in an era of globalization
The politics of structural education reform
Test fraud : statistical detection and methodology
Tracking adult literacy and numeracy skills : findings from longitudinal research
Postmodern picturebooks : play, parody, and self-referentiality
Postcolonial perspectives on global citizenship education
Citizenship education in the United States : a historical perspective
Educating young children in WPA nursery schools : federally funded early childhood education from 1933-1943
Education and psychology in interaction : working with uncertainty in interconnected fields
Critical issues in peace and education
Teacher learning that matters : international perspectives
Transformative learning and teaching in physical education
Liberty and education : a civic republican approach
Teacher professional knowledge and development for reflective and inclusive practices
Reconceptualising agency and childhood : new perspectives in childhood studies
History, theory and practice of philosophy for children : international perspectives
Education and climate change : living and learning in interesting times
Play, creativity and digital cultures
Reflective practice : voices from the field
Constructing narratives of continuity and change : a transdisciplinary approach to researching lives
Education, identity and women religious, 1800-1950 : convents, classrooms and colleges
Universities and global diversity : preparing educators for tomorrow
Evidence-based practice in education : functions of evidence and causal presuppositions
English language teacher education in Chile : a cultural historical activity theory perspective
Markets for schooling : an economic analysis
Paradigm shift in education : towards the third wave of effectiveness
The changing world of outdoor learning in Europe
Arts-based teaching and learning in the literacy classroom : cultivating a critical aesthetic practice
Activity theory and collaborative intervention in education : expanding learning in Japanese schools and communities
Curriculum and the generation of Utopia : interrogating the current state of critical curriculum theory
Interdisciplinary approaches to distance teaching : connecting classrooms in theory and practice
Digital storytelling in indigenous education : a decolonizing journey for a Métis community
Mapping the affective turn in education : theory, research, and pedagogy
Interculturality and the political within education
Creative learning in digital and virtual environments : opportunities and challenges of technology-enabled learning and creativity
Multidisciplinary approaches to art learning and creativity : fostering artistic exploration in formal and informal settings
Reconceptualising agency and childhood : new perspectives in childhood studies
Developing a didactic framework across and beyond school subjects : cross- and transcurricular teaching
Teachers and teacher unions in a globalised world : history, theory and policy in Ireland
Participation, facilitation, and mediation : children and young people in their social contexts
Fear and schooling : understanding the troubled history of progressive education
The charter school solution : distinguishing fact from rhetoric
History, theory and practice of philosophy for children : international perspectives
Teacher professional knowledge and development for reflective and inclusive practices
Quantitative measures of mathematical knowledge : researching instruments and perspectives
Education and poverty in affluent countries
Towards rational education : a social framework of moral values and practices
Creativity and learning in later life : an ethnography of museum education
Exploring challenging picturebooks in education : international perspectives on language and literature learning
UNESCO without borders : educational campaigns for international understanding
Diverse pedagogies of place : educating students in and for local and global environments
Narratives of qualitative PhD research : identities, languages and cultures in transition
Mapping the affective turn in education : theory, research, and pedagogies
Cross-cultural perspectives on policy and practice : decolonizing community contexts
Islamic schooling and the identities of Muslim youth in Quebec : navigating national identity, religion, and belonging
New perspectives on intercultural language research and teaching : exploring learners' understandings of texts from other cultures
The role of the arts in learning : cultivating landscapes of democracy
Multiracial identity in children's literature
Assessment in mathematics education contexts : theoretical frameworks and new directions
The social construction of meaning : reading literature in urban English classrooms
Sport, physical education, and social justice : religious, sociological, psychological, and capability perspectives
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA40494089 : BA40494089