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- Stages on Sartre's way 1938-52Basic course in FinnishInlaws/outlaws, a semiotics of systemic interaction : "Robin Hood" and the "king's law"Motif-index of the cuentos of Juan TimonedaA comparative study of Chlorococcum meneghini, and other spherical, zoospore-producing genera of the ChlorococcalesWhitman and Rolleston : a correspondenceJonathan Swift : an enquiry into the behavior of the Queen's last ministrySidney's appearance : a study in Elizabethan portraitureDagur Mongolian grammar, texts, and lexicon : based on the speech of Peter OnonYurak chrestomathyA history of Finnish literatureThe dīvān of GadāʾīConsonant quantity and phonological units in EstonianFinnish structural sketchPeter Hausted : playwright, poet, and preacherRush County, Indiana : a study in rural settlement geographyPurism and language : a study in modern Ukrainian and Belorussian nationalism (1840-1967)"Современные записки" : воспоминания редактораThe non-western areas in undergraduate education in IndianaAspects of Altaic civilization : proceedings of the Fifth Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference, held at Indiana University, June 4-9, 1962Turkish folklore readerA fourteenth century Turkic translation of Saʿdī's Gulistān = Sayf-i Sarāyī's Gulistān Bi't-TurkīBasic course in EstonianMongolia and the MongolsStudies in Cheremis folkloreIntroduction to the Kickapoo languageThe Livonian rhymed chronicleProblems in lexicographyPeter Hausted's the rival friendsA history of finnish literatureWhitman and Rolleston : a correspondenceArab village : a social structural study of a Transjordanian peasant communityIndex to the Secret history of the MongolsInner Asia : history, civilization, languages : a syllabusNama Hottentot grammarFundamental principles of Mongol lawCheremis musical stylesThe kinematics of vorticityOttoman diplomacy in Hungary : letters from the Pashas of Buda, 1590-1593Senilis amorSlavery in TennesseeThe old Estonian folk religionThe separation of supersonic flow from curved profilesStudies on the Secret history of the MongolsThe effect of stress upon quantity in dissyllables : an experimental and historical studyAffinitas linguae Hungaricae cum linguis Fennicae originis grammatice demonstrata ; Vocabularia dialectorum Tataricarum et Slavicarum cum Hungarica comparataCheremis-Chuvash lexical relationships : an index to Räsänen's 'Chuvash loanwords in Cheremis'Indiana Slavic studies : a collection of studies by Members of the Faculty of Indiana UniversityCommercial relations between Russia and Europe, 1400 to 1800 : collected essaysGreek monetary developments, 1939-1948 : a case study of the consequences of the World War II for the monetary system of a small nationTurkish literary readerSelkup texts, with phonetic introd. and vocabularyLiterature under communism : the literary policy of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from the end of World War II to the death of StalinTurkish literary readerMongolian epigraphical dictionary, in reverse listingThe Kalmyk Mongols : a study in continuity and changeStudies in the behavior of social interactionThe Mexican corrido as a source for interpretive study of modern Mexico (1870-1950)Czechoslovak-Polish Confederation and the Great Powers, 1940-43Commercial relations between Russia and Europe, 1400 to 1800 : collected essaysLatvian and Finnic linguistic convergencesVogul suffixes and pronouns : an index a tergoThe Tarascan suffixes of locative space : meaning and morphotacticsPortrait of a symbolist hero : an existential study based on the work of Alain-FournierThe rub of cultures in modern Turkey : literary views of educationThe system of Hungarian sentence patternsA comparative dictionary of the Finno-Ugric elements in the Hungarian vocabularyPermajakisches Wörterverzeichnis aus dem Jahre 1833 auf Grund der Aufzeichnungen F.A. WolegowsGrammatica Hungaro-LatinaThe development of written EstonianThe Lloyd-Manning lettersBasic course in MongolianPlato's mathematical imagination : the mathematical passages in the dialogues and their interpretationThe Turkic peoples : selected Russian entries from the Great Soviet encyclopedia, with an index in EnglishBibliography of American publications on East Central Europe, 1945-1957Notes on the life of Edmund SpenserDie Bezeichnungen für Himmelsrichtungen in den finnisch-ugrischen SprachenBallads and songs of IndianaUzbek structural grammarThe phonological system of a Hungarian dialect : an introduction to structural dialectologyNova grammatica UngaricaAn honest diplomat at the Hague : the private letters of Horatio Walpole, 1715-1716The Second Soviet-Yugoslav dispute : full text of main documents April-June 1958 with an introductory analysisStudies in Oenothera cytogenetics and phylogenyYakut manualEconomic theory in reviewFour symposia on folkloreGonja : a phonological and grammatical studyBibliography and vocabulary of the Akan (Twi-Fante) language of GhanaDie Verhältniswörter in den ostseefinnischen SprachenAn Eastern Cheremis manual : phonology, grammar, texts and glossaryThree generations : the extreme right wing in Finnish politicsAn experimental study of phonological interference in the English of HungariansBasic course in MongolianMongols of the twentieth centuryTatar manual : descriptive grammar and texts with a Tatar-English glossaryThe annals of KokonorFinnish reader and glossaryBasic course in FinnishTamazight verb structure : a generative approachThe Finno-Ugric peoplesHungarian language maintenance in the United StatesPerversity and error : studies on the "Averroist" John of JandunA grammar of Orkhon TurkicAmerica takes the stage : romanticism in American drama and theatre, 1750-1900Napoleon, or, the man of the worldStudies in folkloreDefoe's sources for Robert Drury's journalOn the influence of Germanic languages on Finnic and Lapp : a historical linguistic inquiryGoethe bicentennial studies by members of the faculty of Indiana UniversityTibet : a handbookUzbek newspaper reader (with glossary)The American bibliography of Russian and East European studies for 1963The age of PirandelloThird annual Conference on African Linguistics, 7-8 April 1972 : [papers]The American bibliography of Russian and East European studies for 1964Estonian general readerHungarian reader (folklore and literature), with notesKazakh-English dictionaryMotif-index of early Irish literatureSemiotic approaches to psychotherapyAlbert Wesselski and recent folktale theoriesOn emphasis and word order in HungarianBuriat grammarMethods and principles of Hungarian ethnomusicologyDie ostjakischen PronominaEconomic theory in reviewArts and signsBasic course in MongolianDie Frage des finnougrischen Substrats in der russischen SpracheA critique of socioeconomic goalsThe American bibliography of Russian and East European studies for 1961Die Mandschu-Sprachkunde in KoreaProverbia communia : a fifteenth century collection of Dutch proverbs together with the Low German versionThe Russian colonization of Kazakhstan, 1896-1916Studies in the acoustic characteristics of Hungarian speech soundsThe phonological system of a Hungarian dialect : an introduction to structural dialectologyPhases of RilkeMethods of estimating vital statistics of fish populationsNazism, Neo-Nazism, and the peasantryThe Jacaltec languageEl príncipe despeñadoDemonstratio : idioma Ungarorum et Lapponum idem esseThe measured and the not-yet-measured : the seerWhitman and Rolleston : a correspondenceOn emphasis and word order in HungarianMongol readerOn the threshold of liberty : journal of a Frenchman's tour of the American Colonies in 1777Tatar manual : descriptive grammar and texts with a Tatar-English glossaryBasic course in MongolianPietro Bembo's Gli AsolaniBeyond the Enlightenment : historians and folklore in nineteenth century FranceThe Samoyed peoples and languagesThe internal line-structure of thirty autograph plays of Lope de VegaÜber die Sprache der JakutenBilingualism in the barrioIndiana Slavic studies : a collection of studies by Members of the Faculty of Indiana UniversityInner Asia : history, civilization, languages : a syllabusCripple CreekÜber die Sprache der JakutenAlternative analyses of the phonemic system in central south-LappishPeoples of Central AsiaBashkir manual : descriptive grammar and texts with a Bashkir-English glossaryModern Mongolian : a primer and readerEssays in Finno-Ugric and Finnic linguisticsThe Samoyed peoples and languagesPeter Hausted's Senile odiumA concise English-Mongolian dictionaryStructural tendencies in Uralic languagesSocial organization of the Mongol-Turkic pastoral nomadsPhonological and lexical aspects of colloquial FinnishGamesThe muscular tension reflex and two of its modifying conditionsAn objective psychology of grammarKorean folklore reader : texts with presyntactic analysisWordsworth and Jeffrey in controversyThe Lappish nation : citizens of four countriesSystematic studies in PlecopteraChuvash manual : introduction, grammar, reader and vocabularyA grammar of the Votic languagePoland's international affairs, 1919-1960 : a calendar of treaties, agreements, conventions, and other international acts, with annotations, references, and delections from documents and texts of treatiseThe siege of Mosul and Ottoman-Persian relations, 1718-1743 : a study of rebellion in the capital and war in the provinces of the Ottoman EmpireOzark folklore : a bibliographyLibraries and bibliographic centers in the Soviet UnionÜber die Sprache der JakutenSelkupisches Wörterverzeichnis : Tas-dialektKhalkha structureMorphemic and semantic analysis of the word families : Finnish ete- and Hungarian el- "fore-"Basic course in UzbekEstonian grammarHungarian metrics : some linguistic aspects of iambic verseThe phonology of modern standard TurkishCustomary law of the Nomadic tribes of SiberiaThe system of Hungarian sentence patternsSelkup texts : with phonetic introduction and vocabularyThe oral tales of IndiaEstonian literary readerThe inverted pyramid : an introduction to a semiotics of media languageMongolian newspaper reader : selections from ÜnenThe structure and development of the Finnish languageThe Uralic and Altaic program of the American Council of Learned Societies (1959-1965)Estonian general readerBuriat readerAdvanced Turkish reader : texts from the social sciences and related fieldsCharles Morris and the criticism of discourseBasic course in AzerbaijaniVogul chrestomathyPeoples of Central AsiaMotif-index of early Irish literaturePublishing in the U.S.S.R.A dictionary of Papago usageSalish language and culture : a statistical analysis of internal relationships, history, and evolutionThe American bibliography of Russian and East European studies for 1962Finnish reader and glossaryTuvan manual : area handbook, grammar, reader, glossary, bibliographyAmerican studies in Uralic linguisticsThe first Votyak grammar : text in RussianThe upper silesian industrial regionCoup d'oeil sur le développement de la sémiotiqueA reference grammar of modern TurkishResources and planning in Eastern EuropeHierarchy and the structure of tropesFinnish literary reader, with notesLe dialecte monguor, parlé par les Mongols du Kansou occidentalA treasury of aphoristic jewels : the Subhāṣitaratnanidhi of Sa Skya Paṇḍita in Tibetan and MongolianSociety of subordinates : inmate organization in a narcotic hospitalRussia and the Rumanian national cause, 1858-1859Animal poetry : in French & English literature & the Greek traditionA critique of socioeconomic goalsTurkish folklore readerBibliography on the genetics of drosophilaKirghiz manualMotif-index of the Italian novella in proseLexical expansion due to technical change : as illustrated by the Arabic of Al Hasa, Saudi ArabiaNegro tales from Pine Bluff, Arkansas, and Calvin, MichiganKhalaj materialsNotes on the life of Edmund SpenserAmerica takes the stage : romanticism in American drama and theatre, 1750-1900Thesaurus linguae TschuvaschorumChagatay manualSyrjänisch-deutsches Wörterbuch : nebst einem Wotjakisch-Deutschen im Anhange und einem deutschen RegisterA Kashubian idiolect in the United StatesSouth-Siberian oral literature : Turkic textsAmerican studies in Altaic linguisticsFinnish folklore reader and glossaryNorthern Ostyak chrestomathyThe Nganasan : the material culture of the Tavgi SamoyedsPopular beliefs and folklore tradition in SiberiaCastigos e documentos para bien vivir ordenados por el Rey don Sancho IVOld Estonia, the people and cultureThe Sutherland papersVoces germanescas, recogidas y ordenadasThe Hungarian archeological collection of the American Museum of Natural History in New YorkScribe and critic at work in Pliny's letters : notes on the history and present status of the textEastern Ostyak chrestomathyThe legislative council in the American statesGrammatik der samojedischen SprachenComparative Otomanguean phonologyIndiana Slavic studies
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