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Also published by Mouton, The Hague

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Stages on Sartre's way 1938-52Leave the NDL website. Basic course in FinnishLeave the NDL website. Inlaws/outlaws, a semiotics of systemic interaction : "Robin Hood" and the "king's law"Leave the NDL website. Motif-index of the cuentos of Juan TimonedaLeave the NDL website. A comparative study of Chlorococcum meneghini, and other spherical, zoospore-producing genera of the ChlorococcalesLeave the NDL website. Whitman and Rolleston : a correspondenceLeave the NDL website. Jonathan Swift : an enquiry into the behavior of the Queen's last ministryLeave the NDL website. Sidney's appearance : a study in Elizabethan portraitureLeave the NDL website. Dagur Mongolian grammar, texts, and lexicon : based on the speech of Peter OnonLeave the NDL website. Yurak chrestomathyLeave the NDL website. A history of Finnish literatureLeave the NDL website. The dīvān of GadāʾīLeave the NDL website. Consonant quantity and phonological units in EstonianLeave the NDL website. Finnish structural sketchLeave the NDL website. Peter Hausted : playwright, poet, and preacherLeave the NDL website. Rush County, Indiana : a study in rural settlement geographyLeave the NDL website. Purism and language : a study in modern Ukrainian and Belorussian nationalism (1840-1967)Leave the NDL website. "Современные записки" : воспоминания редактораLeave the NDL website. The non-western areas in undergraduate education in IndianaLeave the NDL website. Aspects of Altaic civilization : proceedings of the Fifth Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference, held at Indiana University, June 4-9, 1962Leave the NDL website. Turkish folklore readerLeave the NDL website. A fourteenth century Turkic translation of Saʿdī's Gulistān = Sayf-i Sarāyī's Gulistān Bi't-TurkīLeave the NDL website. Basic course in EstonianLeave the NDL website. Mongolia and the MongolsLeave the NDL website. Studies in Cheremis folkloreLeave the NDL website. Introduction to the Kickapoo languageLeave the NDL website. The Livonian rhymed chronicleLeave the NDL website. Problems in lexicographyLeave the NDL website. Peter Hausted's the rival friendsLeave the NDL website. A history of finnish literatureLeave the NDL website. Whitman and Rolleston : a correspondenceLeave the NDL website. Arab village : a social structural study of a Transjordanian peasant communityLeave the NDL website. Index to the Secret history of the MongolsLeave the NDL website. Inner Asia : history, civilization, languages : a syllabusLeave the NDL website. Nama Hottentot grammarLeave the NDL website. Fundamental principles of Mongol lawLeave the NDL website. Cheremis musical stylesLeave the NDL website. The kinematics of vorticityLeave the NDL website. Ottoman diplomacy in Hungary : letters from the Pashas of Buda, 1590-1593Leave the NDL website. Senilis amorLeave the NDL website. Slavery in TennesseeLeave the NDL website. The old Estonian folk religionLeave the NDL website. The separation of supersonic flow from curved profilesLeave the NDL website. Studies on the Secret history of the MongolsLeave the NDL website. The effect of stress upon quantity in dissyllables : an experimental and historical studyLeave the NDL website. Affinitas linguae Hungaricae cum linguis Fennicae originis grammatice demonstrata ; Vocabularia dialectorum Tataricarum et Slavicarum cum Hungarica comparataLeave the NDL website. Cheremis-Chuvash lexical relationships : an index to Räsänen's 'Chuvash loanwords in Cheremis'Leave the NDL website. Indiana Slavic studies : a collection of studies by Members of the Faculty of Indiana UniversityLeave the NDL website. Commercial relations between Russia and Europe, 1400 to 1800 : collected essaysLeave the NDL website. Greek monetary developments, 1939-1948 : a case study of the consequences of the World War II for the monetary system of a small nationLeave the NDL website. Turkish literary readerLeave the NDL website. Selkup texts, with phonetic introd. and vocabularyLeave the NDL website. Literature under communism : the literary policy of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from the end of World War II to the death of StalinLeave the NDL website. Turkish literary readerLeave the NDL website. Mongolian epigraphical dictionary, in reverse listingLeave the NDL website. The Kalmyk Mongols : a study in continuity and changeLeave the NDL website. Studies in the behavior of social interactionLeave the NDL website. The Mexican corrido as a source for interpretive study of modern Mexico (1870-1950)Leave the NDL website. Czechoslovak-Polish Confederation and the Great Powers, 1940-43Leave the NDL website. Commercial relations between Russia and Europe, 1400 to 1800 : collected essaysLeave the NDL website. Latvian and Finnic linguistic convergencesLeave the NDL website. Vogul suffixes and pronouns : an index a tergoLeave the NDL website. The Tarascan suffixes of locative space : meaning and morphotacticsLeave the NDL website. Portrait of a symbolist hero : an existential study based on the work of Alain-FournierLeave the NDL website. The rub of cultures in modern Turkey : literary views of educationLeave the NDL website. The system of Hungarian sentence patternsLeave the NDL website. A comparative dictionary of the Finno-Ugric elements in the Hungarian vocabularyLeave the NDL website. Permajakisches Wörterverzeichnis aus dem Jahre 1833 auf Grund der Aufzeichnungen F.A. WolegowsLeave the NDL website. Grammatica Hungaro-LatinaLeave the NDL website. The development of written EstonianLeave the NDL website. The Lloyd-Manning lettersLeave the NDL website. Basic course in MongolianLeave the NDL website. Plato's mathematical imagination : the mathematical passages in the dialogues and their interpretationLeave the NDL website. The Turkic peoples : selected Russian entries from the Great Soviet encyclopedia, with an index in EnglishLeave the NDL website. Bibliography of American publications on East Central Europe, 1945-1957Leave the NDL website. Notes on the life of Edmund SpenserLeave the NDL website. Die Bezeichnungen für Himmelsrichtungen in den finnisch-ugrischen SprachenLeave the NDL website. Ballads and songs of IndianaLeave the NDL website. Uzbek structural grammarLeave the NDL website. The phonological system of a Hungarian dialect : an introduction to structural dialectologyLeave the NDL website. Nova grammatica UngaricaLeave the NDL website. An honest diplomat at the Hague : the private letters of Horatio Walpole, 1715-1716Leave the NDL website. The Second Soviet-Yugoslav dispute : full text of main documents April-June 1958 with an introductory analysisLeave the NDL website. Studies in Oenothera cytogenetics and phylogenyLeave the NDL website. Yakut manualLeave the NDL website. Economic theory in reviewLeave the NDL website. Four symposia on folkloreLeave the NDL website. Gonja : a phonological and grammatical studyLeave the NDL website. Bibliography and vocabulary of the Akan (Twi-Fante) language of GhanaLeave the NDL website. Die Verhältniswörter in den ostseefinnischen SprachenLeave the NDL website. An Eastern Cheremis manual : phonology, grammar, texts and glossaryLeave the NDL website. Three generations : the extreme right wing in Finnish politicsLeave the NDL website. An experimental study of phonological interference in the English of HungariansLeave the NDL website. Basic course in MongolianLeave the NDL website. Mongols of the twentieth centuryLeave the NDL website. Tatar manual : descriptive grammar and texts with a Tatar-English glossaryLeave the NDL website. The annals of KokonorLeave the NDL website. Finnish reader and glossaryLeave the NDL website. Basic course in FinnishLeave the NDL website. Tamazight verb structure : a generative approachLeave the NDL website. The Finno-Ugric peoplesLeave the NDL website. Hungarian language maintenance in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Perversity and error : studies on the "Averroist" John of JandunLeave the NDL website. A grammar of Orkhon TurkicLeave the NDL website. America takes the stage : romanticism in American drama and theatre, 1750-1900Leave the NDL website. Napoleon, or, the man of the worldLeave the NDL website. Studies in folkloreLeave the NDL website. Defoe's sources for Robert Drury's journalLeave the NDL website. On the influence of Germanic languages on Finnic and Lapp : a historical linguistic inquiryLeave the NDL website. Goethe bicentennial studies by members of the faculty of Indiana UniversityLeave the NDL website. Tibet : a handbookLeave the NDL website. Uzbek newspaper reader (with glossary)Leave the NDL website. The American bibliography of Russian and East European studies for 1963Leave the NDL website. The age of PirandelloLeave the NDL website. Third annual Conference on African Linguistics, 7-8 April 1972 : [papers]Leave the NDL website. The American bibliography of Russian and East European studies for 1964Leave the NDL website. Estonian general readerLeave the NDL website. Hungarian reader (folklore and literature), with notesLeave the NDL website. Kazakh-English dictionaryLeave the NDL website. Motif-index of early Irish literatureLeave the NDL website. Semiotic approaches to psychotherapyLeave the NDL website. Albert Wesselski and recent folktale theoriesLeave the NDL website. On emphasis and word order in HungarianLeave the NDL website. Buriat grammarLeave the NDL website. Methods and principles of Hungarian ethnomusicologyLeave the NDL website. Die ostjakischen PronominaLeave the NDL website. Economic theory in reviewLeave the NDL website. Arts and signsLeave the NDL website. Basic course in MongolianLeave the NDL website. Die Frage des finnougrischen Substrats in der russischen SpracheLeave the NDL website. A critique of socioeconomic goalsLeave the NDL website. The American bibliography of Russian and East European studies for 1961Leave the NDL website. Die Mandschu-Sprachkunde in KoreaLeave the NDL website. Proverbia communia : a fifteenth century collection of Dutch proverbs together with the Low German versionLeave the NDL website. The Russian colonization of Kazakhstan, 1896-1916Leave the NDL website. Studies in the acoustic characteristics of Hungarian speech soundsLeave the NDL website. The phonological system of a Hungarian dialect : an introduction to structural dialectologyLeave the NDL website. Phases of RilkeLeave the NDL website. Methods of estimating vital statistics of fish populationsLeave the NDL website. Nazism, Neo-Nazism, and the peasantryLeave the NDL website. The Jacaltec languageLeave the NDL website. El príncipe despeñadoLeave the NDL website. Demonstratio : idioma Ungarorum et Lapponum idem esseLeave the NDL website. The measured and the not-yet-measured : the seerLeave the NDL website. Whitman and Rolleston : a correspondenceLeave the NDL website. On emphasis and word order in HungarianLeave the NDL website. Mongol readerLeave the NDL website. On the threshold of liberty : journal of a Frenchman's tour of the American Colonies in 1777Leave the NDL website. Tatar manual : descriptive grammar and texts with a Tatar-English glossaryLeave the NDL website. Basic course in MongolianLeave the NDL website. Pietro Bembo's Gli AsolaniLeave the NDL website. Beyond the Enlightenment : historians and folklore in nineteenth century FranceLeave the NDL website. The Samoyed peoples and languagesLeave the NDL website. The internal line-structure of thirty autograph plays of Lope de VegaLeave the NDL website. Über die Sprache der JakutenLeave the NDL website. Bilingualism in the barrioLeave the NDL website. Indiana Slavic studies : a collection of studies by Members of the Faculty of Indiana UniversityLeave the NDL website. Inner Asia : history, civilization, languages : a syllabusLeave the NDL website. Cripple CreekLeave the NDL website. Über die Sprache der JakutenLeave the NDL website. Alternative analyses of the phonemic system in central south-LappishLeave the NDL website. Peoples of Central AsiaLeave the NDL website. Bashkir manual : descriptive grammar and texts with a Bashkir-English glossaryLeave the NDL website. Modern Mongolian : a primer and readerLeave the NDL website. Essays in Finno-Ugric and Finnic linguisticsLeave the NDL website. The Samoyed peoples and languagesLeave the NDL website. Peter Hausted's Senile odiumLeave the NDL website. A concise English-Mongolian dictionaryLeave the NDL website. Structural tendencies in Uralic languagesLeave the NDL website. Social organization of the Mongol-Turkic pastoral nomadsLeave the NDL website. Phonological and lexical aspects of colloquial FinnishLeave the NDL website. GamesLeave the NDL website. The muscular tension reflex and two of its modifying conditionsLeave the NDL website. An objective psychology of grammarLeave the NDL website. Korean folklore reader : texts with presyntactic analysisLeave the NDL website. Wordsworth and Jeffrey in controversyLeave the NDL website. The Lappish nation : citizens of four countriesLeave the NDL website. Systematic studies in PlecopteraLeave the NDL website. Chuvash manual : introduction, grammar, reader and vocabularyLeave the NDL website. A grammar of the Votic languageLeave the NDL website. Poland's international affairs, 1919-1960 : a calendar of treaties, agreements, conventions, and other international acts, with annotations, references, and delections from documents and texts of treatiseLeave the NDL website. The siege of Mosul and Ottoman-Persian relations, 1718-1743 : a study of rebellion in the capital and war in the provinces of the Ottoman EmpireLeave the NDL website. Ozark folklore : a bibliographyLeave the NDL website. Libraries and bibliographic centers in the Soviet UnionLeave the NDL website. Über die Sprache der JakutenLeave the NDL website. Selkupisches Wörterverzeichnis : Tas-dialektLeave the NDL website. Khalkha structureLeave the NDL website. Morphemic and semantic analysis of the word families : Finnish ete- and Hungarian el- "fore-"Leave the NDL website. Basic course in UzbekLeave the NDL website. Estonian grammarLeave the NDL website. Hungarian metrics : some linguistic aspects of iambic verseLeave the NDL website. The phonology of modern standard TurkishLeave the NDL website. Customary law of the Nomadic tribes of SiberiaLeave the NDL website. The system of Hungarian sentence patternsLeave the NDL website. Selkup texts : with phonetic introduction and vocabularyLeave the NDL website. The oral tales of IndiaLeave the NDL website. Estonian literary readerLeave the NDL website. The inverted pyramid : an introduction to a semiotics of media languageLeave the NDL website. Mongolian newspaper reader : selections from ÜnenLeave the NDL website. The structure and development of the Finnish languageLeave the NDL website. The Uralic and Altaic program of the American Council of Learned Societies (1959-1965)Leave the NDL website. Estonian general readerLeave the NDL website. Buriat readerLeave the NDL website. Advanced Turkish reader : texts from the social sciences and related fieldsLeave the NDL website. Charles Morris and the criticism of discourseLeave the NDL website. Basic course in AzerbaijaniLeave the NDL website. Vogul chrestomathyLeave the NDL website. Peoples of Central AsiaLeave the NDL website. Motif-index of early Irish literatureLeave the NDL website. Publishing in the U.S.S.R.Leave the NDL website. A dictionary of Papago usageLeave the NDL website. Salish language and culture : a statistical analysis of internal relationships, history, and evolutionLeave the NDL website. The American bibliography of Russian and East European studies for 1962Leave the NDL website. Finnish reader and glossaryLeave the NDL website. Tuvan manual : area handbook, grammar, reader, glossary, bibliographyLeave the NDL website. American studies in Uralic linguisticsLeave the NDL website. The first Votyak grammar : text in RussianLeave the NDL website. The upper silesian industrial regionLeave the NDL website. Coup d'oeil sur le développement de la sémiotiqueLeave the NDL website. A reference grammar of modern TurkishLeave the NDL website. Resources and planning in Eastern EuropeLeave the NDL website. Hierarchy and the structure of tropesLeave the NDL website. Finnish literary reader, with notesLeave the NDL website. Le dialecte monguor, parlé par les Mongols du Kansou occidentalLeave the NDL website. A treasury of aphoristic jewels : the Subhāṣitaratnanidhi of Sa Skya Paṇḍita in Tibetan and MongolianLeave the NDL website. Society of subordinates : inmate organization in a narcotic hospitalLeave the NDL website. Russia and the Rumanian national cause, 1858-1859Leave the NDL website. Animal poetry : in French & English literature & the Greek traditionLeave the NDL website. A critique of socioeconomic goalsLeave the NDL website. Turkish folklore readerLeave the NDL website. Bibliography on the genetics of drosophilaLeave the NDL website. Kirghiz manualLeave the NDL website. Motif-index of the Italian novella in proseLeave the NDL website. Lexical expansion due to technical change : as illustrated by the Arabic of Al Hasa, Saudi ArabiaLeave the NDL website. Negro tales from Pine Bluff, Arkansas, and Calvin, MichiganLeave the NDL website. Khalaj materialsLeave the NDL website. Notes on the life of Edmund SpenserLeave the NDL website. America takes the stage : romanticism in American drama and theatre, 1750-1900Leave the NDL website. Thesaurus linguae TschuvaschorumLeave the NDL website. Chagatay manualLeave the NDL website. Syrjänisch-deutsches Wörterbuch : nebst einem Wotjakisch-Deutschen im Anhange und einem deutschen RegisterLeave the NDL website. A Kashubian idiolect in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. South-Siberian oral literature : Turkic textsLeave the NDL website. American studies in Altaic linguisticsLeave the NDL website. Finnish folklore reader and glossaryLeave the NDL website. Northern Ostyak chrestomathyLeave the NDL website. The Nganasan : the material culture of the Tavgi SamoyedsLeave the NDL website. Popular beliefs and folklore tradition in SiberiaLeave the NDL website. Castigos e documentos para bien vivir ordenados por el Rey don Sancho IVLeave the NDL website. Old Estonia, the people and cultureLeave the NDL website. The Sutherland papersLeave the NDL website. Voces germanescas, recogidas y ordenadasLeave the NDL website. The Hungarian archeological collection of the American Museum of Natural History in New YorkLeave the NDL website. Scribe and critic at work in Pliny's letters : notes on the history and present status of the textLeave the NDL website. Eastern Ostyak chrestomathyLeave the NDL website. The legislative council in the American statesLeave the NDL website. Grammatik der samojedischen SprachenLeave the NDL website. Comparative Otomanguean phonologyLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Stages on Sartre's way 1938-52

  • Basic course in Finnish

  • Inlaws/outlaws, a semiotics of systemic interaction : "Robin Hood" and the "king's law"

  • Motif-index of the cuentos of Juan Timoneda

  • A comparative study of Chlorococcum meneghini, and other spherical, zoospore-producing genera of the Chlorococcales

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Note (General)
Also published by Mouton, The Hague
Related Material
Stages on Sartre's way 1938-52
Basic course in Finnish
Inlaws/outlaws, a semiotics of systemic interaction : "Robin Hood" and the "king's law"
Motif-index of the cuentos of Juan Timoneda
A comparative study of Chlorococcum meneghini, and other spherical, zoospore-producing genera of the Chlorococcales
Whitman and Rolleston : a correspondence
Jonathan Swift : an enquiry into the behavior of the Queen's last ministry
Sidney's appearance : a study in Elizabethan portraiture
Dagur Mongolian grammar, texts, and lexicon : based on the speech of Peter Onon
Yurak chrestomathy
A history of Finnish literature
The dīvān of Gadāʾī
Consonant quantity and phonological units in Estonian
Finnish structural sketch
Peter Hausted : playwright, poet, and preacher
Rush County, Indiana : a study in rural settlement geography
Purism and language : a study in modern Ukrainian and Belorussian nationalism (1840-1967)
"Современные записки" : воспоминания редактора
The non-western areas in undergraduate education in Indiana
Aspects of Altaic civilization : proceedings of the Fifth Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference, held at Indiana University, June 4-9, 1962
Turkish folklore reader
A fourteenth century Turkic translation of Saʿdī's Gulistān = Sayf-i Sarāyī's Gulistān Bi't-Turkī
Basic course in Estonian
Mongolia and the Mongols
Studies in Cheremis folklore
Introduction to the Kickapoo language
The Livonian rhymed chronicle
Problems in lexicography
Peter Hausted's the rival friends
A history of finnish literature
Whitman and Rolleston : a correspondence
Arab village : a social structural study of a Transjordanian peasant community
Index to the Secret history of the Mongols
Inner Asia : history, civilization, languages : a syllabus
Nama Hottentot grammar
Fundamental principles of Mongol law
Cheremis musical styles
The kinematics of vorticity
Ottoman diplomacy in Hungary : letters from the Pashas of Buda, 1590-1593
Senilis amor
Slavery in Tennessee
The old Estonian folk religion
The separation of supersonic flow from curved profiles
Studies on the Secret history of the Mongols
The effect of stress upon quantity in dissyllables : an experimental and historical study
Affinitas linguae Hungaricae cum linguis Fennicae originis grammatice demonstrata ; Vocabularia dialectorum Tataricarum et Slavicarum cum Hungarica comparata
Cheremis-Chuvash lexical relationships : an index to Räsänen's 'Chuvash loanwords in Cheremis'
Indiana Slavic studies : a collection of studies by Members of the Faculty of Indiana University
Commercial relations between Russia and Europe, 1400 to 1800 : collected essays
Greek monetary developments, 1939-1948 : a case study of the consequences of the World War II for the monetary system of a small nation
Turkish literary reader
Selkup texts, with phonetic introd. and vocabulary
Literature under communism : the literary policy of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from the end of World War II to the death of Stalin
Turkish literary reader
Mongolian epigraphical dictionary, in reverse listing
The Kalmyk Mongols : a study in continuity and change
Studies in the behavior of social interaction
The Mexican corrido as a source for interpretive study of modern Mexico (1870-1950)
Czechoslovak-Polish Confederation and the Great Powers, 1940-43
Commercial relations between Russia and Europe, 1400 to 1800 : collected essays
Latvian and Finnic linguistic convergences
Vogul suffixes and pronouns : an index a tergo
The Tarascan suffixes of locative space : meaning and morphotactics
Portrait of a symbolist hero : an existential study based on the work of Alain-Fournier
The rub of cultures in modern Turkey : literary views of education
The system of Hungarian sentence patterns
A comparative dictionary of the Finno-Ugric elements in the Hungarian vocabulary
Permajakisches Wörterverzeichnis aus dem Jahre 1833 auf Grund der Aufzeichnungen F.A. Wolegows
Grammatica Hungaro-Latina
The development of written Estonian
The Lloyd-Manning letters
Basic course in Mongolian
Plato's mathematical imagination : the mathematical passages in the dialogues and their interpretation
The Turkic peoples : selected Russian entries from the Great Soviet encyclopedia, with an index in English
Bibliography of American publications on East Central Europe, 1945-1957
Notes on the life of Edmund Spenser
Die Bezeichnungen für Himmelsrichtungen in den finnisch-ugrischen Sprachen
Ballads and songs of Indiana
Uzbek structural grammar
The phonological system of a Hungarian dialect : an introduction to structural dialectology
Nova grammatica Ungarica
An honest diplomat at the Hague : the private letters of Horatio Walpole, 1715-1716
The Second Soviet-Yugoslav dispute : full text of main documents April-June 1958 with an introductory analysis
Studies in Oenothera cytogenetics and phylogeny
Yakut manual
Economic theory in review
Four symposia on folklore
Gonja : a phonological and grammatical study
Bibliography and vocabulary of the Akan (Twi-Fante) language of Ghana
Die Verhältniswörter in den ostseefinnischen Sprachen
An Eastern Cheremis manual : phonology, grammar, texts and glossary
Three generations : the extreme right wing in Finnish politics
An experimental study of phonological interference in the English of Hungarians
Basic course in Mongolian
Mongols of the twentieth century
Tatar manual : descriptive grammar and texts with a Tatar-English glossary
The annals of Kokonor
Finnish reader and glossary
Basic course in Finnish
Tamazight verb structure : a generative approach
The Finno-Ugric peoples
Hungarian language maintenance in the United States
Perversity and error : studies on the "Averroist" John of Jandun
A grammar of Orkhon Turkic
America takes the stage : romanticism in American drama and theatre, 1750-1900
Napoleon, or, the man of the world
Studies in folklore
Defoe's sources for Robert Drury's journal
On the influence of Germanic languages on Finnic and Lapp : a historical linguistic inquiry
Goethe bicentennial studies by members of the faculty of Indiana University
Tibet : a handbook
Uzbek newspaper reader (with glossary)
The American bibliography of Russian and East European studies for 1963
The age of Pirandello
Third annual Conference on African Linguistics, 7-8 April 1972 : [papers]
The American bibliography of Russian and East European studies for 1964
Estonian general reader
Hungarian reader (folklore and literature), with notes
Kazakh-English dictionary
Motif-index of early Irish literature
Semiotic approaches to psychotherapy
Albert Wesselski and recent folktale theories
On emphasis and word order in Hungarian
Buriat grammar
Methods and principles of Hungarian ethnomusicology
Die ostjakischen Pronomina
Economic theory in review
Arts and signs
Basic course in Mongolian
Die Frage des finnougrischen Substrats in der russischen Sprache
A critique of socioeconomic goals
The American bibliography of Russian and East European studies for 1961
Die Mandschu-Sprachkunde in Korea
Proverbia communia : a fifteenth century collection of Dutch proverbs together with the Low German version
The Russian colonization of Kazakhstan, 1896-1916
Studies in the acoustic characteristics of Hungarian speech sounds
The phonological system of a Hungarian dialect : an introduction to structural dialectology
Phases of Rilke
Methods of estimating vital statistics of fish populations
Nazism, Neo-Nazism, and the peasantry
The Jacaltec language
El príncipe despeñado
Demonstratio : idioma Ungarorum et Lapponum idem esse
The measured and the not-yet-measured : the seer
Whitman and Rolleston : a correspondence
On emphasis and word order in Hungarian
Mongol reader
On the threshold of liberty : journal of a Frenchman's tour of the American Colonies in 1777
Tatar manual : descriptive grammar and texts with a Tatar-English glossary
Basic course in Mongolian
Pietro Bembo's Gli Asolani
Beyond the Enlightenment : historians and folklore in nineteenth century France
The Samoyed peoples and languages
The internal line-structure of thirty autograph plays of Lope de Vega
Über die Sprache der Jakuten
Bilingualism in the barrio
Indiana Slavic studies : a collection of studies by Members of the Faculty of Indiana University
Inner Asia : history, civilization, languages : a syllabus
Cripple Creek
Über die Sprache der Jakuten
Alternative analyses of the phonemic system in central south-Lappish
Peoples of Central Asia
Bashkir manual : descriptive grammar and texts with a Bashkir-English glossary
Modern Mongolian : a primer and reader
Essays in Finno-Ugric and Finnic linguistics
The Samoyed peoples and languages
Peter Hausted's Senile odium
A concise English-Mongolian dictionary
Structural tendencies in Uralic languages
Social organization of the Mongol-Turkic pastoral nomads
Phonological and lexical aspects of colloquial Finnish
The muscular tension reflex and two of its modifying conditions
An objective psychology of grammar
Korean folklore reader : texts with presyntactic analysis
Wordsworth and Jeffrey in controversy
The Lappish nation : citizens of four countries
Systematic studies in Plecoptera
Chuvash manual : introduction, grammar, reader and vocabulary
A grammar of the Votic language
Poland's international affairs, 1919-1960 : a calendar of treaties, agreements, conventions, and other international acts, with annotations, references, and delections from documents and texts of treatise
The siege of Mosul and Ottoman-Persian relations, 1718-1743 : a study of rebellion in the capital and war in the provinces of the Ottoman Empire
Ozark folklore : a bibliography
Libraries and bibliographic centers in the Soviet Union
Über die Sprache der Jakuten
Selkupisches Wörterverzeichnis : Tas-dialekt
Khalkha structure
Morphemic and semantic analysis of the word families : Finnish ete- and Hungarian el- "fore-"
Basic course in Uzbek
Estonian grammar
Hungarian metrics : some linguistic aspects of iambic verse
The phonology of modern standard Turkish
Customary law of the Nomadic tribes of Siberia
The system of Hungarian sentence patterns
Selkup texts : with phonetic introduction and vocabulary
The oral tales of India
Estonian literary reader
The inverted pyramid : an introduction to a semiotics of media language
Mongolian newspaper reader : selections from Ünen
The structure and development of the Finnish language
The Uralic and Altaic program of the American Council of Learned Societies (1959-1965)
Estonian general reader
Buriat reader
Advanced Turkish reader : texts from the social sciences and related fields
Charles Morris and the criticism of discourse
Basic course in Azerbaijani
Vogul chrestomathy
Peoples of Central Asia
Motif-index of early Irish literature
Publishing in the U.S.S.R.
A dictionary of Papago usage
Salish language and culture : a statistical analysis of internal relationships, history, and evolution
The American bibliography of Russian and East European studies for 1962
Finnish reader and glossary
Tuvan manual : area handbook, grammar, reader, glossary, bibliography
American studies in Uralic linguistics
The first Votyak grammar : text in Russian
The upper silesian industrial region
Coup d'oeil sur le développement de la sémiotique
A reference grammar of modern Turkish
Resources and planning in Eastern Europe
Hierarchy and the structure of tropes
Finnish literary reader, with notes
Le dialecte monguor, parlé par les Mongols du Kansou occidental
A treasury of aphoristic jewels : the Subhāṣitaratnanidhi of Sa Skya Paṇḍita in Tibetan and Mongolian
Society of subordinates : inmate organization in a narcotic hospital
Russia and the Rumanian national cause, 1858-1859
Animal poetry : in French & English literature & the Greek tradition
A critique of socioeconomic goals
Turkish folklore reader
Bibliography on the genetics of drosophila
Kirghiz manual
Motif-index of the Italian novella in prose
Lexical expansion due to technical change : as illustrated by the Arabic of Al Hasa, Saudi Arabia
Negro tales from Pine Bluff, Arkansas, and Calvin, Michigan
Khalaj materials
Notes on the life of Edmund Spenser
America takes the stage : romanticism in American drama and theatre, 1750-1900
Thesaurus linguae Tschuvaschorum
Chagatay manual
Syrjänisch-deutsches Wörterbuch : nebst einem Wotjakisch-Deutschen im Anhange und einem deutschen Register
A Kashubian idiolect in the United States
South-Siberian oral literature : Turkic texts
American studies in Altaic linguistics
Finnish folklore reader and glossary
Northern Ostyak chrestomathy
The Nganasan : the material culture of the Tavgi Samoyeds
Popular beliefs and folklore tradition in Siberia
Castigos e documentos para bien vivir ordenados por el Rey don Sancho IV
Old Estonia, the people and culture
The Sutherland papers
Voces germanescas, recogidas y ordenadas
The Hungarian archeological collection of the American Museum of Natural History in New York
Scribe and critic at work in Pliny's letters : notes on the history and present status of the text
Eastern Ostyak chrestomathy
The legislative council in the American states
Grammatik der samojedischen Sprachen
Comparative Otomanguean phonology
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