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- Mathematics in science and engineering
- 出版地(国名コード)
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- Operator inequalitiesFunctional, partial, abstract, and complex differential equationsMatrices and compact operatorsOptimum design of digital control systemsConcepts from tensor analysis and differential geometryLogic, automata, and algorithmsControl systems functions and programming approachesAn introduction to nonlinear boundary value problemsTheory of partial differential equationsStochastic models, estimation and controlDynamic system identification : experiment design and data analysisFoundations of the theory of learning systemsLectures on functional equations and their applicationsTransversal theory : an account of some aspects of combinatorial mathematicsThe fractional calculus : theory and applications of differentiation and integration to arbitrary orderFunction theoretic methods in partial differential equationsInequalities for differential and integral equationsFlows in transportation networksDifferential equations in abstract spacesDifferential geometry and the calculus of variationsMethods of matrix algebraMethods of nonlinear analysisDecision and control in uncertain resource systemsThe computation and theory of optimal controlTwo-point boundary value problems : lower and upper solutionsFormulations of classical and quantum dynamical theoryEntire functionsThe theory of splines and their applicationsDynamic programming in chemical engineering and process controlComputational error and complexity in science and engineeringQuasilinearization and invariant imbedding : with applications to chemical engineering and adaptive controlInteger programmingMathematical theory of connecting networks and telephone trafficStochastic modelling in process technologySearch gamesStability of motionComputational methods in engineering boundary value problemsOptimal economic operation of electric power systemsBäcklund transformations and their applicationsThe Padé approximant in theoretical physicsStability of linear systems : some aspects of kinematic similarityNonlinear processes in engineering : dynamic programming, invariant imbedding, quasilinearization, finite elements, system identification, optimizationNonlinear boundary value problems in science and engineeringApproximate methods in engineering designInteger and mixed programming : theory and applicationsFunctional analysis and time optimal controlObservers for linear systemsDynamic programming and partial differential equationsDifferential forms with applications to the physical sciencesRiccati differential equationsIntroduction to stochastic control theoryApplications of functional analysis and operator theoryConvex structures and economic theoryNonserial dynamic programmingMultiobjective programming and planningAlternative mathematical theory of non-equilibrium phenomenaPrinciples of combinatoricsTheory of hierarchical, multilevel, systemsNon-linear wave propagation : with applications to physics and magnetohydrodynamicsDynamic stochastic models from empirical dataNonlinear processesOptimization of stochastic systems : topics in discrete-time systemsLyapunov matrix equation in system stability and controlDiscrete dynamical systems, bifurcations and chaos in economicsExtensions of linear-quadratic control, optimization and matrix theoryFunctional analysis in modern applied mathematicsNonlinear two point boundary value problemsSystems and simulationLinear and quasilinear elliptic equationsSingular optimal control problemsFuzzy sets and systems : theory and applicationsDifferential geometry and the calculus of variationsTopics in optimizationRandom differential equations in science and engineeringComputational methods for modelling of nonlinear systemsDynamical systems method for solving operator equationsDynamical systems and their applications : linear theoryOptimal adaptive control systemsNonlinear equations in the applied sciencesLinear equations and quadratic criteriaThe art and theory of dynamic programmingThe special functions and their approximationsAutomaton theory and modeling of biological systemsAn introduction to applied optimal controlDynamic programming : sequential scientific managementVolterra integral and differential equationsRealizability theory for continuous linear systemsTime-lag control systemsScientific computing with automatic result verificationIntegral equations and stability of feedback systemsStatistical decision theory in adaptive control systemsAdaptive, learning, and pattern recognition systems : theory and applicationsThe optimal design of chemical reactors : a study in dynamic programmingRandom integral equationsTracking and data associationRegression and the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverseMathematical theories of traffic flowQuadratic form theory and differential equationsInvariant variational principlesLinear dynamical systemsBilinear transformation methodLinear systems of ordinary differentialequationsAlgorithms, graphs, and computersLinear systems of ordinary differential equations with periodic and quasi-periodic coefficients (with revisions by the author for the English edition)Pursuit games : an introduction to the theory and applications of differential games of pursuit and evasionVector-valued optimization problems in control theoryConvex structures and economic theorySome successive approximation methods in control and oscillation theoryLie theory and special functionsMethods of matrix algebraThe method of weighted residuals and variational principles : with application in fluid mechanics, heat and mass transferLinear and quasilinear elliptic equationsIntroduction to operations researchSingular and degenerate Cauchy problemsOrdinary differential equationsComputational methods for optimizing distributed systemsThe vector-valued maximinIntroduction to sensitivity and stability analysis in nonlinear programmingFractional differential equations : an introduction to fractional derivatives, fractional differential equations, to methods of their solution and some of their applicationsStability and time-optimal control of hereditary systemsFunctional equations in applied sciencesInequalities : theory of majorization and its applicationsDifferential equations : classical to controlledDynamic noncooperative game theoryAlgebraic linguistics : analytical modelsFrom dimension-free matrix theory to cross-dimensional dynamic systemsIntroduction to nonparametric detection with applicationsInformation-theoretic methods for estimating complicated probability distributionsStability and periodic solutions of ordinary and functional differential equationsAlgebraic theory for multivariable linear systemsRiccati differential equationsVariational methods in statisticsIntroduction to the theory and application of differential equations with deviating argumentsBilinear control processes : with applications to engineering, ecology, and medicineDynamic programming and its application to optimal controlRandom differential inequalitiesTheory of multiobjective optimizationNonlinear autonomous oscillations : analytical theoryProper orthogonal decomposition methods for partial differential equationsFirst order elliptic systems : a function theoretic approachDesign sensitivity analysis of structural systemsDifferential equations : stability, oscillations, time lagsStochastic systemsOptimal shutdown control of nuclear reactorsStochastic processes and filtering theoryFactorization methods for discrete sequential estimationDifferential equations and mathematical physics : proceedings of the international conference held at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, March 15-21, 1990Numerical time-dependent partial differential equations for scientists and engineersComputational methods in optimization : a unified approachDifferential equations with applications to mathematical physicsInitial value methods for boundary value problems : theory and application of invariant imbeddingComputer-oriented approaches to pattern recognitionPriority queuesNetwork flow, transportation and scheduling : theory and algorithmsFinite state Markovian decision processesOn measures of information and their characterizationsOn applications and theory of functional equationsSystem identification : advances and case studiesConvex functions, partial orderings, and statistical applicationsNonlinear ordinary differential equations in transport processesSequential methods in pattern recognition and machine learningGeneral systems theory : mathematical foundationsOptimization techniques, with applications to aerospace systemsApproximation of nonlinear evolution systemsStability by Liapunov's direct method : with applicationsAdaptation and learning in automatic systemsGeneralized functions : theory and techniqueDynamic programming and stochastic controlDelay differential equations : with applications in population dynamicsDecentralized control of complex systemsRandom integral equations with applications to life sciences and engineeringIntroduction to nonparametric detection with applicationsDifferential forms : with applications to the physical sciencesSyntactic methods in pattern recognitionOptimal control systemsNonlinear system theoryStochastic stability and controlQualitative analysis of large scale dynamical systemsThe Hamilton-Jacobi equation : a global approachEquilibrium problems and applicationsSequence transformations and their applicationsDynamic programming and the calculus of variationsNonlinear partial differential equations in engineeringMethods of intermediate problems for eigenvalues : theory and ramificationsNumerical solution of ordinary differential equationsTheory of difference equations : numerical methods and applicationsConcepts from tensor analysis and differential geometryEquilibrium models and variational inequalitiesProbability methods for approximations in stochastic control and for elliptic equationsRandom processes in nonlinear control systemsTheory of optimal searchApplications of functional analysis and operator theoryDiscrete and continuous boundary problemsAn introduction to group representation theoryNetwork flow, transportation and scheduling : theory and algorithmsVariable phase approach to potential scatteringSimulation : statistical foundations and methodologyThe stability of input-output dynamical systemsA rational finite element basisSparse matricesPlastic flow and fracture in solidsAn algorithmic approach to nonlinear analysis and optimizationQuantitative and qualitative gamesSystem identificationVariational methods in optimum control theoryVolterra integral and differential equationsMaximum principles and their applicationsQuantum detection and estimation theoryFunctional analysis and linear control theoryAdaptive processes in economic systemsDiscrete numerical methods in physics and engineeringVariational methods in nonconservative phenomenaCausality and dispersion relationsMathematical models of the cell and cell associated objectsGraphs, dynamic programming, and finite gamesA mathematical treatment of economic cooperation and competition among nations : with Nigeria, USA, UK, China and Middle East examplesGeneral dynamical processes : a mathematical introductionDiakoptics and networksComparison and oscillation theory of linear differential equationsMarkov processes and learning modelsStochastic optimal control : the discrete time caseDifferential-difference equationsStability of functional differential equationsAn introduction to continuum mechanicsGraph theory in modern engineering : computer aided design, control, optimization, reliability analysisAnalysis and control of nonlinear infinite dimensional systemsStability of nonlinear control systemsL-system fractalsMathematical models for the study of the reliability of systemsIntroduction to algebraic system theoryNon-standard and improperly posed problemsThree-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations for turbulenceRandom differential equations in science and engineeringTransmutations, singular and fractional differential equations with applications to mathematical physicsCalculus for engineering students : fundamentals, real problems, and computers
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- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
- 提供元機関・データベース
- CiNii Books