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Mathematics in science and engineering : a series of monographs and textbooks

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Mathematics in science and engineering : a series of monographs and textbooks

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Academic Press
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Operator inequalitiesLeave the NDL website. Functional, partial, abstract, and complex differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Matrices and compact operatorsLeave the NDL website. Optimum design of digital control systemsLeave the NDL website. Concepts from tensor analysis and differential geometryLeave the NDL website. Logic, automata, and algorithmsLeave the NDL website. Control systems functions and programming approachesLeave the NDL website. An introduction to nonlinear boundary value problemsLeave the NDL website. Theory of partial differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Stochastic models, estimation and controlLeave the NDL website. Dynamic system identification : experiment design and data analysisLeave the NDL website. Foundations of the theory of learning systemsLeave the NDL website. Lectures on functional equations and their applicationsLeave the NDL website. Transversal theory : an account of some aspects of combinatorial mathematicsLeave the NDL website. The fractional calculus : theory and applications of differentiation and integration to arbitrary orderLeave the NDL website. Function theoretic methods in partial differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Inequalities for differential and integral equationsLeave the NDL website. Flows in transportation networksLeave the NDL website. Differential equations in abstract spacesLeave the NDL website. Differential geometry and the calculus of variationsLeave the NDL website. Methods of matrix algebraLeave the NDL website. Methods of nonlinear analysisLeave the NDL website. Decision and control in uncertain resource systemsLeave the NDL website. The computation and theory of optimal controlLeave the NDL website. Two-point boundary value problems : lower and upper solutionsLeave the NDL website. Formulations of classical and quantum dynamical theoryLeave the NDL website. Entire functionsLeave the NDL website. The theory of splines and their applicationsLeave the NDL website. Dynamic programming in chemical engineering and process controlLeave the NDL website. Computational error and complexity in science and engineeringLeave the NDL website. Quasilinearization and invariant imbedding : with applications to chemical engineering and adaptive controlLeave the NDL website. Integer programmingLeave the NDL website. Mathematical theory of connecting networks and telephone trafficLeave the NDL website. Stochastic modelling in process technologyLeave the NDL website. Search gamesLeave the NDL website. Stability of motionLeave the NDL website. Computational methods in engineering boundary value problemsLeave the NDL website. Optimal economic operation of electric power systemsLeave the NDL website. Bäcklund transformations and their applicationsLeave the NDL website. The Padé approximant in theoretical physicsLeave the NDL website. Stability of linear systems : some aspects of kinematic similarityLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear processes in engineering : dynamic programming, invariant imbedding, quasilinearization, finite elements, system identification, optimizationLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear boundary value problems in science and engineeringLeave the NDL website. Approximate methods in engineering designLeave the NDL website. Integer and mixed programming : theory and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Functional analysis and time optimal controlLeave the NDL website. Observers for linear systemsLeave the NDL website. Dynamic programming and partial differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Differential forms with applications to the physical sciencesLeave the NDL website. Riccati differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Introduction to stochastic control theoryLeave the NDL website. Applications of functional analysis and operator theoryLeave the NDL website. Convex structures and economic theoryLeave the NDL website. Nonserial dynamic programmingLeave the NDL website. Multiobjective programming and planningLeave the NDL website. Alternative mathematical theory of non-equilibrium phenomenaLeave the NDL website. Principles of combinatoricsLeave the NDL website. Theory of hierarchical, multilevel, systemsLeave the NDL website. Non-linear wave propagation : with applications to physics and magnetohydrodynamicsLeave the NDL website. Dynamic stochastic models from empirical dataLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear processesLeave the NDL website. Optimization of stochastic systems : topics in discrete-time systemsLeave the NDL website. Lyapunov matrix equation in system stability and controlLeave the NDL website. Discrete dynamical systems, bifurcations and chaos in economicsLeave the NDL website. Extensions of linear-quadratic control, optimization and matrix theoryLeave the NDL website. Functional analysis in modern applied mathematicsLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear two point boundary value problemsLeave the NDL website. Systems and simulationLeave the NDL website. Linear and quasilinear elliptic equationsLeave the NDL website. Singular optimal control problemsLeave the NDL website. Fuzzy sets and systems : theory and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Differential geometry and the calculus of variationsLeave the NDL website. Topics in optimizationLeave the NDL website. Random differential equations in science and engineeringLeave the NDL website. Computational methods for modelling of nonlinear systemsLeave the NDL website. Dynamical systems method for solving operator equationsLeave the NDL website. Dynamical systems and their applications : linear theoryLeave the NDL website. Optimal adaptive control systemsLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear equations in the applied sciencesLeave the NDL website. Linear equations and quadratic criteriaLeave the NDL website. The art and theory of dynamic programmingLeave the NDL website. The special functions and their approximationsLeave the NDL website. Automaton theory and modeling of biological systemsLeave the NDL website. An introduction to applied optimal controlLeave the NDL website. Dynamic programming : sequential scientific managementLeave the NDL website. Volterra integral and differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Realizability theory for continuous linear systemsLeave the NDL website. Time-lag control systemsLeave the NDL website. Scientific computing with automatic result verificationLeave the NDL website. Integral equations and stability of feedback systemsLeave the NDL website. Statistical decision theory in adaptive control systemsLeave the NDL website. Adaptive, learning, and pattern recognition systems : theory and applicationsLeave the NDL website. The optimal design of chemical reactors : a study in dynamic programmingLeave the NDL website. Random integral equationsLeave the NDL website. Tracking and data associationLeave the NDL website. Regression and the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverseLeave the NDL website. Mathematical theories of traffic flowLeave the NDL website. Quadratic form theory and differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Invariant variational principlesLeave the NDL website. Linear dynamical systemsLeave the NDL website. Bilinear transformation methodLeave the NDL website. Linear systems of ordinary differentialequationsLeave the NDL website. Algorithms, graphs, and computersLeave the NDL website. Linear systems of ordinary differential equations with periodic and quasi-periodic coefficients (with revisions by the author for the English edition)Leave the NDL website. Pursuit games : an introduction to the theory and applications of differential games of pursuit and evasionLeave the NDL website. Vector-valued optimization problems in control theoryLeave the NDL website. Convex structures and economic theoryLeave the NDL website. Some successive approximation methods in control and oscillation theoryLeave the NDL website. Lie theory and special functionsLeave the NDL website. Methods of matrix algebraLeave the NDL website. The method of weighted residuals and variational principles : with application in fluid mechanics, heat and mass transferLeave the NDL website. Linear and quasilinear elliptic equationsLeave the NDL website. Introduction to operations researchLeave the NDL website. Singular and degenerate Cauchy problemsLeave the NDL website. Ordinary differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Computational methods for optimizing distributed systemsLeave the NDL website. The vector-valued maximinLeave the NDL website. Introduction to sensitivity and stability analysis in nonlinear programmingLeave the NDL website. Fractional differential equations : an introduction to fractional derivatives, fractional differential equations, to methods of their solution and some of their applicationsLeave the NDL website. Stability and time-optimal control of hereditary systemsLeave the NDL website. Functional equations in applied sciencesLeave the NDL website. Inequalities : theory of majorization and its applicationsLeave the NDL website. Differential equations : classical to controlledLeave the NDL website. Dynamic noncooperative game theoryLeave the NDL website. Algebraic linguistics : analytical modelsLeave the NDL website. From dimension-free matrix theory to cross-dimensional dynamic systemsLeave the NDL website. Introduction to nonparametric detection with applicationsLeave the NDL website. Information-theoretic methods for estimating complicated probability distributionsLeave the NDL website. Stability and periodic solutions of ordinary and functional differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Algebraic theory for multivariable linear systemsLeave the NDL website. Riccati differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Variational methods in statisticsLeave the NDL website. Introduction to the theory and application of differential equations with deviating argumentsLeave the NDL website. Bilinear control processes : with applications to engineering, ecology, and medicineLeave the NDL website. Dynamic programming and its application to optimal controlLeave the NDL website. Random differential inequalitiesLeave the NDL website. Theory of multiobjective optimizationLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear autonomous oscillations : analytical theoryLeave the NDL website. Proper orthogonal decomposition methods for partial differential equationsLeave the NDL website. First order elliptic systems : a function theoretic approachLeave the NDL website. Design sensitivity analysis of structural systemsLeave the NDL website. Differential equations : stability, oscillations, time lagsLeave the NDL website. Stochastic systemsLeave the NDL website. Optimal shutdown control of nuclear reactorsLeave the NDL website. Stochastic processes and filtering theoryLeave the NDL website. Factorization methods for discrete sequential estimationLeave the NDL website. Differential equations and mathematical physics : proceedings of the international conference held at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, March 15-21, 1990Leave the NDL website. Numerical time-dependent partial differential equations for scientists and engineersLeave the NDL website. Computational methods in optimization : a unified approachLeave the NDL website. Differential equations with applications to mathematical physicsLeave the NDL website. Initial value methods for boundary value problems : theory and application of invariant imbeddingLeave the NDL website. Computer-oriented approaches to pattern recognitionLeave the NDL website. Priority queuesLeave the NDL website. Network flow, transportation and scheduling : theory and algorithmsLeave the NDL website. Finite state Markovian decision processesLeave the NDL website. On measures of information and their characterizationsLeave the NDL website. On applications and theory of functional equationsLeave the NDL website. System identification : advances and case studiesLeave the NDL website. Convex functions, partial orderings, and statistical applicationsLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear ordinary differential equations in transport processesLeave the NDL website. Sequential methods in pattern recognition and machine learningLeave the NDL website. General systems theory : mathematical foundationsLeave the NDL website. Optimization techniques, with applications to aerospace systemsLeave the NDL website. Approximation of nonlinear evolution systemsLeave the NDL website. Stability by Liapunov's direct method : with applicationsLeave the NDL website. Adaptation and learning in automatic systemsLeave the NDL website. Generalized functions : theory and techniqueLeave the NDL website. Dynamic programming and stochastic controlLeave the NDL website. Delay differential equations : with applications in population dynamicsLeave the NDL website. Decentralized control of complex systemsLeave the NDL website. Random integral equations with applications to life sciences and engineeringLeave the NDL website. Introduction to nonparametric detection with applicationsLeave the NDL website. Differential forms : with applications to the physical sciencesLeave the NDL website. Syntactic methods in pattern recognitionLeave the NDL website. Optimal control systemsLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear system theoryLeave the NDL website. Stochastic stability and controlLeave the NDL website. Qualitative analysis of large scale dynamical systemsLeave the NDL website. The Hamilton-Jacobi equation : a global approachLeave the NDL website. Equilibrium problems and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Sequence transformations and their applicationsLeave the NDL website. Dynamic programming and the calculus of variationsLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear partial differential equations in engineeringLeave the NDL website. Methods of intermediate problems for eigenvalues : theory and ramificationsLeave the NDL website. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Theory of difference equations : numerical methods and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Concepts from tensor analysis and differential geometryLeave the NDL website. Equilibrium models and variational inequalitiesLeave the NDL website. Probability methods for approximations in stochastic control and for elliptic equationsLeave the NDL website. Random processes in nonlinear control systemsLeave the NDL website. Theory of optimal searchLeave the NDL website. Applications of functional analysis and operator theoryLeave the NDL website. Discrete and continuous boundary problemsLeave the NDL website. An introduction to group representation theoryLeave the NDL website. Network flow, transportation and scheduling : theory and algorithmsLeave the NDL website. Variable phase approach to potential scatteringLeave the NDL website. Simulation : statistical foundations and methodologyLeave the NDL website. The stability of input-output dynamical systemsLeave the NDL website. A rational finite element basisLeave the NDL website. Sparse matricesLeave the NDL website. Plastic flow and fracture in solidsLeave the NDL website. An algorithmic approach to nonlinear analysis and optimizationLeave the NDL website. Quantitative and qualitative gamesLeave the NDL website. System identificationLeave the NDL website. Variational methods in optimum control theoryLeave the NDL website. Volterra integral and differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Maximum principles and their applicationsLeave the NDL website. Quantum detection and estimation theoryLeave the NDL website. Functional analysis and linear control theoryLeave the NDL website. Adaptive processes in economic systemsLeave the NDL website. Discrete numerical methods in physics and engineeringLeave the NDL website. Variational methods in nonconservative phenomenaLeave the NDL website. Causality and dispersion relationsLeave the NDL website. Mathematical models of the cell and cell associated objectsLeave the NDL website. Graphs, dynamic programming, and finite gamesLeave the NDL website. A mathematical treatment of economic cooperation and competition among nations : with Nigeria, USA, UK, China and Middle East examplesLeave the NDL website. General dynamical processes : a mathematical introductionLeave the NDL website. Diakoptics and networksLeave the NDL website. Comparison and oscillation theory of linear differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Markov processes and learning modelsLeave the NDL website. Stochastic optimal control : the discrete time caseLeave the NDL website. Differential-difference equationsLeave the NDL website. Stability of functional differential equationsLeave the NDL website. An introduction to continuum mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Graph theory in modern engineering : computer aided design, control, optimization, reliability analysisLeave the NDL website. Analysis and control of nonlinear infinite dimensional systemsLeave the NDL website. Stability of nonlinear control systemsLeave the NDL website. L-system fractalsLeave the NDL website. Mathematical models for the study of the reliability of systemsLeave the NDL website. Introduction to algebraic system theoryLeave the NDL website. Non-standard and improperly posed problemsLeave the NDL website. Three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations for turbulenceLeave the NDL website. Random differential equations in science and engineeringLeave the NDL website. Transmutations, singular and fractional differential equations with applications to mathematical physicsLeave the NDL website. Calculus for engineering students : fundamentals, real problems, and computersLeave the NDL website.

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Material Type
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Alternative Title
Mathematics in science and engineering
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Related Material
Operator inequalities
Functional, partial, abstract, and complex differential equations
Matrices and compact operators
Optimum design of digital control systems
Concepts from tensor analysis and differential geometry
Logic, automata, and algorithms
Control systems functions and programming approaches
An introduction to nonlinear boundary value problems
Theory of partial differential equations
Stochastic models, estimation and control
Dynamic system identification : experiment design and data analysis
Foundations of the theory of learning systems
Lectures on functional equations and their applications
Transversal theory : an account of some aspects of combinatorial mathematics
The fractional calculus : theory and applications of differentiation and integration to arbitrary order
Function theoretic methods in partial differential equations
Inequalities for differential and integral equations
Flows in transportation networks
Differential equations in abstract spaces
Differential geometry and the calculus of variations
Methods of matrix algebra
Methods of nonlinear analysis
Decision and control in uncertain resource systems
The computation and theory of optimal control
Two-point boundary value problems : lower and upper solutions
Formulations of classical and quantum dynamical theory
Entire functions
The theory of splines and their applications
Dynamic programming in chemical engineering and process control
Computational error and complexity in science and engineering
Quasilinearization and invariant imbedding : with applications to chemical engineering and adaptive control
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Mathematical theory of connecting networks and telephone traffic
Stochastic modelling in process technology
Search games
Stability of motion
Computational methods in engineering boundary value problems
Optimal economic operation of electric power systems
Bäcklund transformations and their applications
The Padé approximant in theoretical physics
Stability of linear systems : some aspects of kinematic similarity
Nonlinear processes in engineering : dynamic programming, invariant imbedding, quasilinearization, finite elements, system identification, optimization
Nonlinear boundary value problems in science and engineering
Approximate methods in engineering design
Integer and mixed programming : theory and applications
Functional analysis and time optimal control
Observers for linear systems
Dynamic programming and partial differential equations
Differential forms with applications to the physical sciences
Riccati differential equations
Introduction to stochastic control theory
Applications of functional analysis and operator theory
Convex structures and economic theory
Nonserial dynamic programming
Multiobjective programming and planning
Alternative mathematical theory of non-equilibrium phenomena
Principles of combinatorics
Theory of hierarchical, multilevel, systems
Non-linear wave propagation : with applications to physics and magnetohydrodynamics
Dynamic stochastic models from empirical data
Nonlinear processes
Optimization of stochastic systems : topics in discrete-time systems
Lyapunov matrix equation in system stability and control
Discrete dynamical systems, bifurcations and chaos in economics
Extensions of linear-quadratic control, optimization and matrix theory
Functional analysis in modern applied mathematics
Nonlinear two point boundary value problems
Systems and simulation
Linear and quasilinear elliptic equations
Singular optimal control problems
Fuzzy sets and systems : theory and applications
Differential geometry and the calculus of variations
Topics in optimization
Random differential equations in science and engineering
Computational methods for modelling of nonlinear systems
Dynamical systems method for solving operator equations
Dynamical systems and their applications : linear theory
Optimal adaptive control systems
Nonlinear equations in the applied sciences
Linear equations and quadratic criteria
The art and theory of dynamic programming
The special functions and their approximations
Automaton theory and modeling of biological systems
An introduction to applied optimal control
Dynamic programming : sequential scientific management
Volterra integral and differential equations
Realizability theory for continuous linear systems
Time-lag control systems
Scientific computing with automatic result verification
Integral equations and stability of feedback systems
Statistical decision theory in adaptive control systems
Adaptive, learning, and pattern recognition systems : theory and applications
The optimal design of chemical reactors : a study in dynamic programming
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Tracking and data association
Regression and the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse
Mathematical theories of traffic flow
Quadratic form theory and differential equations
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Linear dynamical systems
Bilinear transformation method
Linear systems of ordinary differentialequations
Algorithms, graphs, and computers
Linear systems of ordinary differential equations with periodic and quasi-periodic coefficients (with revisions by the author for the English edition)
Pursuit games : an introduction to the theory and applications of differential games of pursuit and evasion
Vector-valued optimization problems in control theory
Convex structures and economic theory
Some successive approximation methods in control and oscillation theory
Lie theory and special functions
Methods of matrix algebra
The method of weighted residuals and variational principles : with application in fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer
Linear and quasilinear elliptic equations
Introduction to operations research
Singular and degenerate Cauchy problems
Ordinary differential equations
Computational methods for optimizing distributed systems
The vector-valued maximin
Introduction to sensitivity and stability analysis in nonlinear programming
Fractional differential equations : an introduction to fractional derivatives, fractional differential equations, to methods of their solution and some of their applications
Stability and time-optimal control of hereditary systems
Functional equations in applied sciences
Inequalities : theory of majorization and its applications
Differential equations : classical to controlled
Dynamic noncooperative game theory
Algebraic linguistics : analytical models
From dimension-free matrix theory to cross-dimensional dynamic systems
Introduction to nonparametric detection with applications
Information-theoretic methods for estimating complicated probability distributions
Stability and periodic solutions of ordinary and functional differential equations
Algebraic theory for multivariable linear systems
Riccati differential equations
Variational methods in statistics
Introduction to the theory and application of differential equations with deviating arguments
Bilinear control processes : with applications to engineering, ecology, and medicine
Dynamic programming and its application to optimal control
Random differential inequalities
Theory of multiobjective optimization
Nonlinear autonomous oscillations : analytical theory
Proper orthogonal decomposition methods for partial differential equations
First order elliptic systems : a function theoretic approach
Design sensitivity analysis of structural systems
Differential equations : stability, oscillations, time lags
Stochastic systems
Optimal shutdown control of nuclear reactors
Stochastic processes and filtering theory
Factorization methods for discrete sequential estimation
Differential equations and mathematical physics : proceedings of the international conference held at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, March 15-21, 1990
Numerical time-dependent partial differential equations for scientists and engineers
Computational methods in optimization : a unified approach
Differential equations with applications to mathematical physics
Initial value methods for boundary value problems : theory and application of invariant imbedding
Computer-oriented approaches to pattern recognition
Priority queues
Network flow, transportation and scheduling : theory and algorithms
Finite state Markovian decision processes
On measures of information and their characterizations
On applications and theory of functional equations
System identification : advances and case studies
Convex functions, partial orderings, and statistical applications
Nonlinear ordinary differential equations in transport processes
Sequential methods in pattern recognition and machine learning
General systems theory : mathematical foundations
Optimization techniques, with applications to aerospace systems
Approximation of nonlinear evolution systems
Stability by Liapunov's direct method : with applications
Adaptation and learning in automatic systems
Generalized functions : theory and technique
Dynamic programming and stochastic control
Delay differential equations : with applications in population dynamics
Decentralized control of complex systems
Random integral equations with applications to life sciences and engineering
Introduction to nonparametric detection with applications
Differential forms : with applications to the physical sciences
Syntactic methods in pattern recognition
Optimal control systems
Nonlinear system theory
Stochastic stability and control
Qualitative analysis of large scale dynamical systems
The Hamilton-Jacobi equation : a global approach
Equilibrium problems and applications
Sequence transformations and their applications
Dynamic programming and the calculus of variations
Nonlinear partial differential equations in engineering
Methods of intermediate problems for eigenvalues : theory and ramifications
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations
Theory of difference equations : numerical methods and applications
Concepts from tensor analysis and differential geometry
Equilibrium models and variational inequalities
Probability methods for approximations in stochastic control and for elliptic equations
Random processes in nonlinear control systems
Theory of optimal search
Applications of functional analysis and operator theory
Discrete and continuous boundary problems
An introduction to group representation theory
Network flow, transportation and scheduling : theory and algorithms
Variable phase approach to potential scattering
Simulation : statistical foundations and methodology
The stability of input-output dynamical systems
A rational finite element basis
Sparse matrices
Plastic flow and fracture in solids
An algorithmic approach to nonlinear analysis and optimization
Quantitative and qualitative games
System identification
Variational methods in optimum control theory
Volterra integral and differential equations
Maximum principles and their applications
Quantum detection and estimation theory
Functional analysis and linear control theory
Adaptive processes in economic systems
Discrete numerical methods in physics and engineering
Variational methods in nonconservative phenomena
Causality and dispersion relations
Mathematical models of the cell and cell associated objects
Graphs, dynamic programming, and finite games
A mathematical treatment of economic cooperation and competition among nations : with Nigeria, USA, UK, China and Middle East examples
General dynamical processes : a mathematical introduction
Diakoptics and networks
Comparison and oscillation theory of linear differential equations
Markov processes and learning models
Stochastic optimal control : the discrete time case
Differential-difference equations
Stability of functional differential equations
An introduction to continuum mechanics
Graph theory in modern engineering : computer aided design, control, optimization, reliability analysis
Analysis and control of nonlinear infinite dimensional systems
Stability of nonlinear control systems
L-system fractals
Mathematical models for the study of the reliability of systems
Introduction to algebraic system theory
Non-standard and improperly posed problems
Three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations for turbulence
Random differential equations in science and engineering
Transmutations, singular and fractional differential equations with applications to mathematical physics
Calculus for engineering students : fundamentals, real problems, and computers
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