
The Jossey-Bass management series


The Jossey-Bass management series



The Boundaryless organization : breaking the chains of organizational structure外部サイトThe boundaryless organization : breaking the chains of organizational structure外部サイトThe creative manager : finding inner vision and wisdom in uncertain times外部サイトSolving costly organizational conflicts外部サイトMaking a leadership change : how organizations and leaders can handle leadership transitions successfully外部サイトThe executive guide to strategic planning外部サイトBusiness not as usual : rethinking our individual, corporate, and industrial strategies for global competition外部サイトAction science外部サイトCreating effective boards for private enterprises : meeting the challenges of continuity and competition外部サイトBeyond the myths and magic of mentoring : how to facilitate an effective mentoring program外部サイトWorking the shadow side : a guide to positive behind-the-scenes management外部サイトGreat ideas in management : lessons from the founders and foundations of managerial practice外部サイトDeveloping corporate character : how to successfully change an organization without destroying it外部サイトInstructor excellence : mastering the delivery of training外部サイトChange agents : new roles and innovation strategies for human resource professionals外部サイトCareer management and survival in the workplace : helping employees make tough career decisions, stay motivated, and reduce career stress外部サイトThe making of an adult educator : an autobiographical journey外部サイトDiscontinuous change : leading organizational transformation外部サイトSynergogy : a new strategy for education, training, and development外部サイトOrganizational structure, problem solving, and effectiveness : a comparative study of hospital emergency services外部サイトManaging public transit strategically : a comprehensive approach to strengthening service and monitoring performance外部サイトStrategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations : a guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement外部サイトAll organizations are public : bridging public and private organizational theories外部サイトBenchmarking staff performance : how staff departments can enhance their value to the customer外部サイトThe neurotic organization外部サイトManaging the new organization : a blueprint for networks and strategic alliances外部サイトUnderstanding and facilitating adult learning外部サイトTraining for impact : how to link training to business needs and measure the results外部サイトBeyond the quick fix : managing five tracks to organizational success外部サイトOrganizational architecture : designs for changing organizations外部サイトUnderstanding and managing public organizations外部サイトMaintaining professional competence : approaches to career enhancement, vitality, and success throughout a work life外部サイトManaging ego energy : the transformation of personal meaning into organizational success外部サイトRewarding teams : lessons from the trenches外部サイトOrganizational climate and culture外部サイトPaying the hospital : the organization, dynamics, and effects of differing financial arrangements外部サイトDoing research that is useful for theory and practice外部サイトWorking ethics : strategies for decision making and organizational responsibility外部サイトManaging workforce 2000 : gaining the diversity advantage外部サイトForecasting financial benefits of human resource development外部サイトAmerica and the new economy : how new competitive standards are radically changing American workplaces外部サイトImproving performance : how to manage the white space on the organization chart外部サイトLeading change : overcoming the ideology of comfort and the tyranny of custom外部サイトMaking people productive外部サイトEvery manager's guide to human resource development外部サイトSculpting the learning organization : lessons in the art and science of systemic change外部サイトAvoiding and surviving lawsuits : the executive guide to strategic legal planning for business外部サイトMarketing HRD within organizations : enhancing the visibility, effectiveness, and credibility of programs外部サイトOrganizational culture and leadership外部サイトManaging beyond the quick fix : a completely integrated program for creating and maintaining organizational success外部サイトPartnering with employees : a practical system for building empowered relationships外部サイトCreating high performance organizations : practices and results of employee involvement and Total Quality Management in Fortune 1000 companies外部サイトAchieving results from training : how to evaluate human resource development to strengthen programs and increase impact外部サイトTraining managers so they can really manage : confessions of a frustrated trainer外部サイトThe human side of mergers and acquisitions : managing collisions between people, cultures, and organizations外部サイトImproving on-the-job training : how to establish and operate a comprehensive OJT program外部サイトManaging human resource development外部サイトOrganizational culture and leadership : a dynamic view外部サイトManaging economic development : a guide to state and local leadership strategies外部サイトCareer choice and development : applying contemporary theories to practice外部サイトManaging with style : a guide to understanding, assessing, and improving decision making外部サイトEffective human resource development : how to build a strong and responsive HRD function外部サイトOrganizations and nation-states : new perspectives on conflict and cooperation外部サイトLearning to lead : the art of transforming managers into leaders外部サイトA responsive society : collected essays on guiding deliberate social change外部サイトGroups that work (and those that don't) : creating conditions for effective teamwork外部サイトManaging projects in organizations : how to make the best use of time, techniques, and people外部サイトManaging organizational performance外部サイトTraining in America : the organization and strategic role of training外部サイトControlling work stress : effective human resource and management strategies外部サイトEconomics of labor in industrial society外部サイトThe empowered manager : positive political skills at work外部サイトKnowledge for action : a guide to overcoming barriers to organizational change外部サイトService management effectiveness : balancing strategy, organization and human resources, operations, and marketing外部サイトTeaching writing to adults : strategies and concepts for improving learner performance外部サイトLarge-scale organizational change外部サイトFramebreak : the radical redesign of American business外部サイトDesigning team-based organizations : new forms for knowledge work外部サイトManaging technological innovation外部サイトHuman value management : the value-adding human resource management strategy for the 1990s外部サイトThe vision retreat : a participant's workbook外部サイトDriving fear out of the workplace : how to overcome the invisible barriers to quality, productivity, and innovation外部サイトGoverning boards : their nature and nurture外部サイトWhy didn't you say that in the first place? : how to be understood at work外部サイトProductive workplaces : organizing and managing for dignity, meaning, and community外部サイトThe postmodern organization : mastering the art of irreversible change外部サイトOrganizational transformation in health care : a work in progress外部サイトInternational negotiation : analysis, approaches, issues外部サイトManaging the unknowable : strategic boundaries between order and chaos in organizations外部サイトMaking computers people-literate外部サイトMaking groups effective外部サイトLeadership : the inner side of greatness : a philosophy for leaders外部サイトHuman systems development外部サイトParadoxes of group life : understanding conflict, paralysis, and movement in group dynamics外部サイトImproving supervisors' effectiveness外部サイトThe embattled fortress : strategies for restoring information systems productivity外部サイトStrategic management of human knowledge, skills, and abilities : workforce decision-making in the postindustrial era外部サイトStrategic issues in public sector productivity : the best of Public productivity review, 1975-1985外部サイトWorkplace basics : the essential skills employers want外部サイトThe T-form organization : using technology to design organizations for the 21st century外部サイトThe Migration of managerial innovation : diagnosis-related groups and health care administration in Western Europe外部サイトThe Family in business外部サイトLeaders, fools, and impostors : essays on the psychology of leadership外部サイトThe skilled facilitator : practical wisdom for developing effective groups外部サイトOpen organizations : a model for effectiveness, renewal, and intelligent change外部サイトEducating managers : executive effectiveness through liberal learning外部サイトVisionary leadership : creating a compelling sense of direction for your organization外部サイトOrganizational troubleshooters : resolving problems with customers and employees外部サイトIn search of meaning : managing for the health of our organizations, our communities, and the natural world外部サイトBeyond bureaucracy : essays on the development and evolution of human organization外部サイトExecutive and organizational continuity : managing the paradoxes of stability and change外部サイトExecutive integrity : the search for high human values in organizational life外部サイトDesigning effective work groups外部サイトThe comprehensive guide to successful conferences and meetings : detailed instructions and step-by-step checklists外部サイトInnovating to compete : lessons for diffusing and managing change in the work place外部サイトThe empowered manager : positive political skills at work外部サイトDesigning and conducting survey research : a comprehensive guide外部サイトJoint management and employee participation : labor and management at the crossroads外部サイトOrganizational economics外部サイトWorking with family businesses : a guide for professionals外部サイトMaking organizations competitive : enhancing networks and relationships across traditional boundaries外部サイトMastering the politics of planning : crafting credible plans and policies that make a difference外部サイトMarket-driven strategies in health care外部サイトThe leadership challenge : how to keep getting extraordinary things done in organizations外部サイトFuture work : seven critical forces reshaping work and the work force in North America外部サイトThe learning alliance : systems thinking in human resource development外部サイトTechnology and organizations外部サイトStakeholders of the organizational mind外部サイトSingle market Europe : opportunities and challenges for business外部サイトStrategic management of public and third sector organizations : a handbook for leaders外部サイトReframing organizations : artistry, choice, and leadership外部サイトStrategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations : a guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement外部サイトCreating workplaces where people can think外部サイトThe inventive organization : hope and daring at work外部サイトReframing organizations : artistry, choice, and leadership外部サイトCredibility : how leaders gain and lose it, why people demand it外部サイトManagement in transition外部サイトSuccessful training strategies : twenty-six innovative corporate models外部サイトInvesting in employee health : a guide to effective health promotion in the workplace外部サイトManaging to keep the customer : how to achieve and maintain superior customer service throughout the organization外部サイトWork and motivation外部サイトCommunicating for change : connecting the workplace with the marketplace外部サイトEffective social action by community groups外部サイトHow to make the transition from an entrepreneurship to a professionally managed firm外部サイトFair pay : the managerial challenge of comparable job worth and job evaluation外部サイトThe purposes of groups and organizations外部サイトDesigning performance appraisal systems : aligning appraisals and organizational realities外部サイトWorking scared : achieving success in trying times外部サイトStrategic pay : aligning organizational strategies and pay systems外部サイトEnhancing adult motivation to learn : a guide to improving instruction and increasing learner achievement外部サイトTeamwork for customers : building organizations that take pride in serving外部サイトEffective group problem solving : how to broaden participation, improve decision making, and increase commitment to action外部サイトProfessionalizing the organization : reducing bureaucracy to enhance effectiveness外部サイトThe politics of management外部サイトPlanning and marketing conferences and workshops : tips, tools, and techniques外部サイトStrategic choices for America's hospitals : managing change in turbulent times外部サイトThe charismatic leader : behind the mystique of exceptional leadership外部サイトThe dynamic decision maker : five decision styles for executive and business success外部サイトDual-career families外部サイトThe Trainer's professional development handbook外部サイトTraining, the competitive edge : introducing new technology into the workplace外部サイトBalancing act : how managers can integrate successful careers and fulfilling personal lives外部サイトThe executive mind外部サイトAdding value : a systematic guide to business-driven management and leadership外部サイトHigh-speed management : time-based strategies for managers and organizations外部サイトRiding the waves of change : developing managerial competencies for a turbulent world外部サイトHealing the wounds : overcoming the trauma of layoffs and revitalizing downsized organizations外部サイトWhy leaders can't lead : the unconscious conspiracy continues外部サイトCareer development in organizations外部サイトImproving government performance : evaluation strategies for strengthening public agencies and programs外部サイトConducting a successful capital campaign : a comprehensive fundraising guide for nonprofit organizations外部サイトManaging information systems : change and control in organizational computing外部サイトPositive management practices外部サイトBeyond ambition : how driven managers can lead better and live better外部サイトExecutives in crisis : recognizing and managing the alcoholic, drug-addicted, or mentally ill executive外部サイトTeam players and teamwork : the new competitive business strategy外部サイトRevitalizing western economies外部サイトThe innovation marathon : lessons from high technology firms外部サイトThe older worker : effective strategies for management and human resource development外部サイトChallenges in health care management : strategic perspectives for managing key stakeholders外部サイトThe horizontal revolution : reengineering your organization through teams外部サイトImproving performance : how to manage the white space on the organization chart外部サイトTaking charge of manufacturing : how companies are combining technological and organizational innovations to compete successfully外部サイトCultural change in family firms : anticipating and managing business and family transitions外部サイトVisionary leadership : creating a compelling sense of direction for your organization外部サイトThe race without a finish line : America's quest for total quality外部サイトInside teams : how 20 world-class organizations are winning through teamwork外部サイトBlueprint for quality : how training can turn strategy into real improvement外部サイトOrganizational career development : benchmarks for building a world-class workforce外部サイトManaging projects in organizations : how to make the best use of time, techniques, and people外部サイトStrategic management of human resources外部サイトDeveloping critical thinkers : challenging adults to explore alternative ways of thinking and acting外部サイトGetting disputes resolved : designing systems to cut the costs of conflict外部サイトThe human side of factory automation : managerial and human resource strategies for making automation succeed外部サイトSex and the workplace外部サイトTQManager : a practical guide for managing in a total quality organization外部サイトSpirit at work : discovering the spirituality in leadership外部サイトCollaborating : finding common ground for multiparty problems外部サイトThe ultimate advantage : creating the high-involvement organization外部サイトWorkplace basics training manual外部サイトMaking tough decisions : tactics for improving managerial decision making外部サイトOrganizational culture and leadership : a dynamic view外部サイトThe entrepreneurial experience : confronting career dilemmas of the start-up executive外部サイトThe thinking organization外部サイトBirth of a new world : an open moment for international leadership外部サイトWork, families, and organizations外部サイトManaging older employees外部サイトAbsenteeism外部サイトManaging the training enterprise : high-quality, cost-effective employee training in organizations外部サイトKeeping the family business healthy : how to plan for continuing growth, profitability, and family leadership外部サイトThe human element : productivity, self-esteem, and the bottom line外部サイトBeyond rational management : mastering the paradoxes and competing demands of high performance外部サイトManaging the new careerists外部サイトWhen talk works : profiles of mediators外部サイトDeveloping human resources外部サイトUnconventional wisdom : irreverent solutions for tough problems at work外部サイトManaging as a performing art : new ideas for a world of chaotic change外部サイトHow to manage change effectively外部サイトOrganizing for the future : the new logic for managing complex organizations外部サイトSmart growth : critical choices for business continuity and prosperity外部サイトMaking boards effective : the dynamics of nonprofit governing boards外部サイトStrategic health management : a guide for employers, employees, and policy makers外部サイトEmployees, careers, and job creation : developing growth-oriented human resource strategies and programs外部サイトManaging professionals in research and development外部サイトAndragogy in action外部サイトRecruiting, training, and retaining new employees : managing the transition from college to work外部サイトThe new leaders : guidelines on leadership diversity in America外部サイトThe leadership challenge : how to get extraordinary things done in organizations外部サイトEmployee involvement and total quality management : practices and results in Fortune 1000 companies外部サイトUsing learning contracts : practical approaches to individualizing and structuring learning外部サイトThe human resources revolution : implementing progressive management practices for bottom-line success外部サイトValues and ethics in organization and human systems development : responding to dilemmas in professional life外部サイトCollaborative management in health care : implementing the integrative organization外部サイトThe effective public manager : achieving success in government外部サイトDesigning organizations : an executive briefing on strategy, structure, and process外部サイトAuthentic leadership : courage in action外部サイトHuman resource accounting : advances in concepts, methods, and applications外部サイトThe vision retreat : a facilitator's guide外部サイトCorporate transformation : revitalizing organizations for a competitive world外部サイトGlobalwork : bridging distance, culture, and time外部サイトOrganizations on the couch : clinical perspectives on organizational behavior and change外部サイトOrganizational strategy and change外部サイトChange at work : a comprehensive management process for transforming organizations外部サイトMotivation in work organizations外部サイトDeveloping managers外部サイトTraining the technical work force外部サイトIt takes two : managing yourself when working with bosses and other authority figures外部サイトProductivity in organizations : new perspectives from industrial and organizational psychology外部サイトThe new project management : tools for an age of rapid change, corporate reengineering, and other business realities外部サイトEmpowered teams : creating self-directed work groups that improve quality, productivity, and participation外部サイトThe cynical Americans : living and working in an age of discontent and disillusion外部サイトIndustrial relations in a new age外部サイトGrowing pains : how to make the transition from an entrepreneurship to a professionally managed firm外部サイトTransforming the crisis-prone organization : preventing individual, organizational, and environmental tragedies外部サイトCareer choice and development外部サイトRekindling commitment : how to revitalize yourself, your work, and your organization外部サイトSelf-directed learning : a practical guide to design, development, and implementation外部サイトThe purpose-driven organization : unleashing the power of direction and commitment外部サイトUsing computers in human resources : how to select and make the best use of automated HR systems外部サイトThe executive guide to operational planning外部サイトGlobal assignments : successfully expatriating and repatriating international managers外部サイトTeam effectiveness and decision making in organizations外部サイトDesigning career development systems外部サイトThe changing nature of work外部サイトMastering the instructional design process : a systematic approach外部サイトHandbook of human performance technology : a comprehensive guide for analyzing and solving performance problems in organizations外部サイトManaging to keep the customer : how to achieve and maintain superior customer service throughout the organization外部サイトPersonnel selection in organizations外部サイトCutting back : retrenchment and redevelopment in human and community services外部サイトChanging the essence : the art of creating and leading fundamental change in organizations外部サイトManaging a small HRD department : you can do more than you think外部サイトStrategic financial management for conferences, workshops, and meetings外部サイトCross-functional teams : working with allies, enemies, and other strangers外部サイトLarge-scale organizational change外部サイトFostering critical reflection in adulthood : a guide to transformative and emancipatory learning外部サイトLeadership trapeze : strategies for leadership in team-based organizations外部サイトManaging public disputes : a practical guide to handling conflict and reaching agreements外部サイトCrisis management : a diagnostic guide for improving your organization's crisis-preparedness外部サイトMediation research : the process and effectiveness of third-party intervention外部サイトStrategic readiness : the making of the learning organization外部サイトThe hard problems of management : gaining the ethics edge外部サイトHigh-involvement management外部サイトMaking quality happen : how training can turn strategy into real improvement外部サイトThe consultant's calling : bringing who you are to what you do外部サイトThe leadership challenge : how to keep getting extraordinary things done in organizations外部サイトManaging human resources issues : confronting challenges and choosing options外部サイトTop decisions : strategic decision-making in organizations外部サイトInnovation in professional education : steps on a journey from teaching to learning : the story of change and invention at the Weatherhead School of Management外部サイトCharismatic leadership : the elusive factor in organizational effectiveness外部サイトStrategic issues management : how organizations influence and respond to public interests and policies外部サイトBuilding productive teams : an action guide and resource book外部サイトAppreciative management and leadership : the power of positive thought and action in organizations外部サイトGoverning boards : their nature and nurture外部サイトHighwire management : risk-taking tactics for leaders, innovators, and trailblazers外部サイトThe performance imperative : strategies for enhancing workforce effectiveness外部サイトCharismatic leadership : the elusive factor in organizational effectiveness外部サイト



  • The Boundaryless organization : breaking the chains of organizational structure

  • The boundaryless organization : breaking the chains of organizational structure

  • The creative manager : finding inner vision and wisdom in uncertain times

  • Solving costly organizational conflicts

  • Making a leadership change : how organizations and leaders can handle leadership transitions successfully





  • CiNii Research

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The Boundaryless organization : breaking the chains of organizational structure
The boundaryless organization : breaking the chains of organizational structure
The creative manager : finding inner vision and wisdom in uncertain times
Solving costly organizational conflicts
Making a leadership change : how organizations and leaders can handle leadership transitions successfully
The executive guide to strategic planning
Business not as usual : rethinking our individual, corporate, and industrial strategies for global competition
Action science
Creating effective boards for private enterprises : meeting the challenges of continuity and competition
Beyond the myths and magic of mentoring : how to facilitate an effective mentoring program
Working the shadow side : a guide to positive behind-the-scenes management
Great ideas in management : lessons from the founders and foundations of managerial practice
Developing corporate character : how to successfully change an organization without destroying it
Instructor excellence : mastering the delivery of training
Change agents : new roles and innovation strategies for human resource professionals
Career management and survival in the workplace : helping employees make tough career decisions, stay motivated, and reduce career stress
The making of an adult educator : an autobiographical journey
Discontinuous change : leading organizational transformation
Synergogy : a new strategy for education, training, and development
Organizational structure, problem solving, and effectiveness : a comparative study of hospital emergency services
Managing public transit strategically : a comprehensive approach to strengthening service and monitoring performance
Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations : a guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement
All organizations are public : bridging public and private organizational theories
Benchmarking staff performance : how staff departments can enhance their value to the customer
The neurotic organization
Managing the new organization : a blueprint for networks and strategic alliances
Understanding and facilitating adult learning
Training for impact : how to link training to business needs and measure the results
Beyond the quick fix : managing five tracks to organizational success
Organizational architecture : designs for changing organizations
Understanding and managing public organizations
Maintaining professional competence : approaches to career enhancement, vitality, and success throughout a work life
Managing ego energy : the transformation of personal meaning into organizational success
Rewarding teams : lessons from the trenches
Organizational climate and culture
Paying the hospital : the organization, dynamics, and effects of differing financial arrangements
Doing research that is useful for theory and practice
Working ethics : strategies for decision making and organizational responsibility
Managing workforce 2000 : gaining the diversity advantage
Forecasting financial benefits of human resource development
America and the new economy : how new competitive standards are radically changing American workplaces
Improving performance : how to manage the white space on the organization chart
Leading change : overcoming the ideology of comfort and the tyranny of custom
Making people productive
Every manager's guide to human resource development
Sculpting the learning organization : lessons in the art and science of systemic change
Avoiding and surviving lawsuits : the executive guide to strategic legal planning for business
Marketing HRD within organizations : enhancing the visibility, effectiveness, and credibility of programs
Organizational culture and leadership
Managing beyond the quick fix : a completely integrated program for creating and maintaining organizational success
Partnering with employees : a practical system for building empowered relationships
Creating high performance organizations : practices and results of employee involvement and Total Quality Management in Fortune 1000 companies
Achieving results from training : how to evaluate human resource development to strengthen programs and increase impact
Training managers so they can really manage : confessions of a frustrated trainer
The human side of mergers and acquisitions : managing collisions between people, cultures, and organizations
Improving on-the-job training : how to establish and operate a comprehensive OJT program
Managing human resource development
Organizational culture and leadership : a dynamic view
Managing economic development : a guide to state and local leadership strategies
Career choice and development : applying contemporary theories to practice
Managing with style : a guide to understanding, assessing, and improving decision making
Effective human resource development : how to build a strong and responsive HRD function
Organizations and nation-states : new perspectives on conflict and cooperation
Learning to lead : the art of transforming managers into leaders
A responsive society : collected essays on guiding deliberate social change
Groups that work (and those that don't) : creating conditions for effective teamwork
Managing projects in organizations : how to make the best use of time, techniques, and people
Managing organizational performance
Training in America : the organization and strategic role of training
Controlling work stress : effective human resource and management strategies
Economics of labor in industrial society
The empowered manager : positive political skills at work
Knowledge for action : a guide to overcoming barriers to organizational change
Service management effectiveness : balancing strategy, organization and human resources, operations, and marketing
Teaching writing to adults : strategies and concepts for improving learner performance
Large-scale organizational change
Framebreak : the radical redesign of American business
Designing team-based organizations : new forms for knowledge work
Managing technological innovation
Human value management : the value-adding human resource management strategy for the 1990s
The vision retreat : a participant's workbook
Driving fear out of the workplace : how to overcome the invisible barriers to quality, productivity, and innovation
Governing boards : their nature and nurture
Why didn't you say that in the first place? : how to be understood at work
Productive workplaces : organizing and managing for dignity, meaning, and community
The postmodern organization : mastering the art of irreversible change
Organizational transformation in health care : a work in progress
International negotiation : analysis, approaches, issues
Managing the unknowable : strategic boundaries between order and chaos in organizations
Making computers people-literate
Making groups effective
Leadership : the inner side of greatness : a philosophy for leaders
Human systems development
Paradoxes of group life : understanding conflict, paralysis, and movement in group dynamics
Improving supervisors' effectiveness
The embattled fortress : strategies for restoring information systems productivity
Strategic management of human knowledge, skills, and abilities : workforce decision-making in the postindustrial era
Strategic issues in public sector productivity : the best of Public productivity review, 1975-1985
Workplace basics : the essential skills employers want
The T-form organization : using technology to design organizations for the 21st century
The Migration of managerial innovation : diagnosis-related groups and health care administration in Western Europe
The Family in business
Leaders, fools, and impostors : essays on the psychology of leadership
The skilled facilitator : practical wisdom for developing effective groups
Open organizations : a model for effectiveness, renewal, and intelligent change
Educating managers : executive effectiveness through liberal learning
Visionary leadership : creating a compelling sense of direction for your organization
Organizational troubleshooters : resolving problems with customers and employees
In search of meaning : managing for the health of our organizations, our communities, and the natural world
Beyond bureaucracy : essays on the development and evolution of human organization
Executive and organizational continuity : managing the paradoxes of stability and change
Executive integrity : the search for high human values in organizational life
Designing effective work groups
The comprehensive guide to successful conferences and meetings : detailed instructions and step-by-step checklists
Innovating to compete : lessons for diffusing and managing change in the work place
The empowered manager : positive political skills at work
Designing and conducting survey research : a comprehensive guide
Joint management and employee participation : labor and management at the crossroads
Organizational economics
Working with family businesses : a guide for professionals
Making organizations competitive : enhancing networks and relationships across traditional boundaries
Mastering the politics of planning : crafting credible plans and policies that make a difference
Market-driven strategies in health care
The leadership challenge : how to keep getting extraordinary things done in organizations
Future work : seven critical forces reshaping work and the work force in North America
The learning alliance : systems thinking in human resource development
Technology and organizations
Stakeholders of the organizational mind
Single market Europe : opportunities and challenges for business
Strategic management of public and third sector organizations : a handbook for leaders
Reframing organizations : artistry, choice, and leadership
Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations : a guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement
Creating workplaces where people can think
The inventive organization : hope and daring at work
Reframing organizations : artistry, choice, and leadership
Credibility : how leaders gain and lose it, why people demand it
Management in transition
Successful training strategies : twenty-six innovative corporate models
Investing in employee health : a guide to effective health promotion in the workplace
Managing to keep the customer : how to achieve and maintain superior customer service throughout the organization
Work and motivation
Communicating for change : connecting the workplace with the marketplace
Effective social action by community groups
How to make the transition from an entrepreneurship to a professionally managed firm
Fair pay : the managerial challenge of comparable job worth and job evaluation
The purposes of groups and organizations
Designing performance appraisal systems : aligning appraisals and organizational realities
Working scared : achieving success in trying times
Strategic pay : aligning organizational strategies and pay systems
Enhancing adult motivation to learn : a guide to improving instruction and increasing learner achievement
Teamwork for customers : building organizations that take pride in serving
Effective group problem solving : how to broaden participation, improve decision making, and increase commitment to action
Professionalizing the organization : reducing bureaucracy to enhance effectiveness
The politics of management
Planning and marketing conferences and workshops : tips, tools, and techniques
Strategic choices for America's hospitals : managing change in turbulent times
The charismatic leader : behind the mystique of exceptional leadership
The dynamic decision maker : five decision styles for executive and business success
Dual-career families
The Trainer's professional development handbook
Training, the competitive edge : introducing new technology into the workplace
Balancing act : how managers can integrate successful careers and fulfilling personal lives
The executive mind
Adding value : a systematic guide to business-driven management and leadership
High-speed management : time-based strategies for managers and organizations
Riding the waves of change : developing managerial competencies for a turbulent world
Healing the wounds : overcoming the trauma of layoffs and revitalizing downsized organizations
Why leaders can't lead : the unconscious conspiracy continues
Career development in organizations
Improving government performance : evaluation strategies for strengthening public agencies and programs
Conducting a successful capital campaign : a comprehensive fundraising guide for nonprofit organizations
Managing information systems : change and control in organizational computing
Positive management practices
Beyond ambition : how driven managers can lead better and live better
Executives in crisis : recognizing and managing the alcoholic, drug-addicted, or mentally ill executive
Team players and teamwork : the new competitive business strategy
Revitalizing western economies
The innovation marathon : lessons from high technology firms
The older worker : effective strategies for management and human resource development
Challenges in health care management : strategic perspectives for managing key stakeholders
The horizontal revolution : reengineering your organization through teams
Improving performance : how to manage the white space on the organization chart
Taking charge of manufacturing : how companies are combining technological and organizational innovations to compete successfully
Cultural change in family firms : anticipating and managing business and family transitions
Visionary leadership : creating a compelling sense of direction for your organization
The race without a finish line : America's quest for total quality
Inside teams : how 20 world-class organizations are winning through teamwork
Blueprint for quality : how training can turn strategy into real improvement
Organizational career development : benchmarks for building a world-class workforce
Managing projects in organizations : how to make the best use of time, techniques, and people
Strategic management of human resources
Developing critical thinkers : challenging adults to explore alternative ways of thinking and acting
Getting disputes resolved : designing systems to cut the costs of conflict
The human side of factory automation : managerial and human resource strategies for making automation succeed
Sex and the workplace
TQManager : a practical guide for managing in a total quality organization
Spirit at work : discovering the spirituality in leadership
Collaborating : finding common ground for multiparty problems
The ultimate advantage : creating the high-involvement organization
Workplace basics training manual
Making tough decisions : tactics for improving managerial decision making
Organizational culture and leadership : a dynamic view
The entrepreneurial experience : confronting career dilemmas of the start-up executive
The thinking organization
Birth of a new world : an open moment for international leadership
Work, families, and organizations
Managing older employees
Managing the training enterprise : high-quality, cost-effective employee training in organizations
Keeping the family business healthy : how to plan for continuing growth, profitability, and family leadership
The human element : productivity, self-esteem, and the bottom line
Beyond rational management : mastering the paradoxes and competing demands of high performance
Managing the new careerists
When talk works : profiles of mediators
Developing human resources
Unconventional wisdom : irreverent solutions for tough problems at work
Managing as a performing art : new ideas for a world of chaotic change
How to manage change effectively
Organizing for the future : the new logic for managing complex organizations
Smart growth : critical choices for business continuity and prosperity
Making boards effective : the dynamics of nonprofit governing boards
Strategic health management : a guide for employers, employees, and policy makers
Employees, careers, and job creation : developing growth-oriented human resource strategies and programs
Managing professionals in research and development
Andragogy in action
Recruiting, training, and retaining new employees : managing the transition from college to work
The new leaders : guidelines on leadership diversity in America
The leadership challenge : how to get extraordinary things done in organizations
Employee involvement and total quality management : practices and results in Fortune 1000 companies
Using learning contracts : practical approaches to individualizing and structuring learning
The human resources revolution : implementing progressive management practices for bottom-line success
Values and ethics in organization and human systems development : responding to dilemmas in professional life
Collaborative management in health care : implementing the integrative organization
The effective public manager : achieving success in government
Designing organizations : an executive briefing on strategy, structure, and process
Authentic leadership : courage in action
Human resource accounting : advances in concepts, methods, and applications
The vision retreat : a facilitator's guide
Corporate transformation : revitalizing organizations for a competitive world
Globalwork : bridging distance, culture, and time
Organizations on the couch : clinical perspectives on organizational behavior and change
Organizational strategy and change
Change at work : a comprehensive management process for transforming organizations
Motivation in work organizations
Developing managers
Training the technical work force
It takes two : managing yourself when working with bosses and other authority figures
Productivity in organizations : new perspectives from industrial and organizational psychology
The new project management : tools for an age of rapid change, corporate reengineering, and other business realities
Empowered teams : creating self-directed work groups that improve quality, productivity, and participation
The cynical Americans : living and working in an age of discontent and disillusion
Industrial relations in a new age
Growing pains : how to make the transition from an entrepreneurship to a professionally managed firm
Transforming the crisis-prone organization : preventing individual, organizational, and environmental tragedies
Career choice and development
Rekindling commitment : how to revitalize yourself, your work, and your organization
Self-directed learning : a practical guide to design, development, and implementation
The purpose-driven organization : unleashing the power of direction and commitment
Using computers in human resources : how to select and make the best use of automated HR systems
The executive guide to operational planning
Global assignments : successfully expatriating and repatriating international managers
Team effectiveness and decision making in organizations
Designing career development systems
The changing nature of work
Mastering the instructional design process : a systematic approach
Handbook of human performance technology : a comprehensive guide for analyzing and solving performance problems in organizations
Managing to keep the customer : how to achieve and maintain superior customer service throughout the organization
Personnel selection in organizations
Cutting back : retrenchment and redevelopment in human and community services
Changing the essence : the art of creating and leading fundamental change in organizations
Managing a small HRD department : you can do more than you think
Strategic financial management for conferences, workshops, and meetings
Cross-functional teams : working with allies, enemies, and other strangers
Large-scale organizational change
Fostering critical reflection in adulthood : a guide to transformative and emancipatory learning
Leadership trapeze : strategies for leadership in team-based organizations
Managing public disputes : a practical guide to handling conflict and reaching agreements
Crisis management : a diagnostic guide for improving your organization's crisis-preparedness
Mediation research : the process and effectiveness of third-party intervention
Strategic readiness : the making of the learning organization
The hard problems of management : gaining the ethics edge
High-involvement management
Making quality happen : how training can turn strategy into real improvement
The consultant's calling : bringing who you are to what you do
The leadership challenge : how to keep getting extraordinary things done in organizations
Managing human resources issues : confronting challenges and choosing options
Top decisions : strategic decision-making in organizations
Innovation in professional education : steps on a journey from teaching to learning : the story of change and invention at the Weatherhead School of Management
Charismatic leadership : the elusive factor in organizational effectiveness
Strategic issues management : how organizations influence and respond to public interests and policies
Building productive teams : an action guide and resource book
Appreciative management and leadership : the power of positive thought and action in organizations
Governing boards : their nature and nurture
Highwire management : risk-taking tactics for leaders, innovators, and trailblazers
The performance imperative : strategies for enhancing workforce effectiveness
Charismatic leadership : the elusive factor in organizational effectiveness
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA00116847 : BA00116847