
National university publications


National university publications

Kennikat Press


The clement vision : poetic realism in Turgenev and James外部サイトWolf masks : violence in contemporary poetry外部サイトInflux : essays on literary influence外部サイトDiscipline and the classroom teacher外部サイトBosses, machines, and urban voters : an American symbiosis外部サイトThe last chopper : the denouement of the American role in Vietnam, 1963-1975外部サイトHenry Wilson: practical radical : a portrait of a politician外部サイトThe ethics of deliberate death外部サイトUp to the front of the line : Blacks in the American political system外部サイトHenry Ford, ignorant idealist外部サイトChristian criticism in the twentieth century : theological approaches to literature外部サイトNew York : the centennial years, 1676-1976外部サイトNeighborhoods in urban America外部サイトThe venture of form in the novels of Virginia Woolf外部サイト"Unite or die" : intercolony relations, 1690-1763外部サイトSocialism and the cities外部サイトMilitary necessity and civil rights policy : Black citizenship and the Constitution, 1861-1868外部サイトJohn Bunyan : a study in narrative technique外部サイトFrom prescription to persuasion : manipulation of eighteenth century Virginia economy外部サイトUrban police in the United States外部サイトPoets' riddles : essays in seventeenth-century explication外部サイトThe early poetry of W.B. Yeats : the poetic quest外部サイトA Faulkner overview : six perspectives外部サイトLautréamont : the violent Narcissus外部サイトThe insular cases : the role of the judiciary in American expansionism外部サイトThe fellowship of the craft : Conrad on ships and seamen and the sea外部サイトThe politics of urban personnel policy : reformers, politicians, and bureaucrats外部サイトRighteous conquest : Woodrow Wilson and the evolution of the new diplomacy外部サイトLyricism in the poetry of T. S. Eliot外部サイトThe bureaucracy in court : commentaries and case studies in administrative law外部サイトThe forms of feeling : toward a mimetic theory of literature外部サイトThe rituals of life : patterns in narratives外部サイトThe city in southern history : the growth of urban civilization in the South外部サイトGide and Hemingway : rebels against God外部サイトBureaucracy and social justice : the allocation of jobs and services to minority groups外部サイトThe working poor : minority workers in low-wage, low-skill jobs外部サイトThe grim science : the struggle for power外部サイトRehearsal for republicanism : Free Soil and the politics of antislavery外部サイトLabor and socialism in America : the Gompers era外部サイトUnemployment and the multinationals : a strategy for technological change in Latin America外部サイトDiscordia concors : the wit of metaphysical poetry外部サイトThe Stream-of-consciousness technique in the modern novel外部サイトA search for a judicial philosophy : Mr. Justice Roberts and the constitutional revolution of 1937外部サイトThresholds of reality : George Santayana and modernist poetics外部サイトThe environment and the American experience : a historian looks at the ecological crisis外部サイトIn hoc signo? : a brief history of Catholic parochial education in America外部サイトAnother man gone : the Black runner in contemporary Afro-American literature外部サイトThe American diplomatic revolution : a documentary history of the Cold War, 1941-1947外部サイトThe devil, the gargoyle, and the buffoon : the Negro as metaphor in Western literature外部サイトSenator William J. Stone and the politics of compromise外部サイトTragic occasions : essays on several forms外部サイトBlack studies : threat-or-challenge外部サイトLegal foundations of compulsory school attendance外部サイトJacob A. Riis and the American city外部サイトJoyce between Freud and Jung外部サイトCourts and law in early New York : selected essays外部サイトThe aged are people, too : about William Posner and social work with the old外部サイトVan Wyck Brooks : the critic and his critics外部サイトFraud, corruption, and holiness : the controversy over the supervision of Jewish dietary practice in New York City, 1881-1940外部サイトAmerica without ethnicity外部サイトThe politics of justice : a study in law, social science, and public policy外部サイトThe comic spirit of eighteenth-century novels外部サイトThe future of the American suburbs : survival or extinction?外部サイトCrusade against radicalism : New York during the Red scare, 1914-1924外部サイトThe world of Elia : Charles Lamb's essayistic romanticism外部サイトJuvenile justice in America外部サイトThe intentional community movement : building a new moral world外部サイトIndustrialization and the American labor movement, 1850-1900外部サイトAmerica and the new ethnicity外部サイトThe Ghetto : readings with interpretations外部サイトStudent political involvement in the 1970s外部サイトThe magic circle : a study of Shelley's concept of love外部サイトThe legal enterprise外部サイトThe political economy of urban transportation外部サイトPhiladelphia--the Federalist city : a study of urban politics, 1789-1801外部サイトPrelude to disaster : the American role in Vietnam, 1940-1963外部サイトThe responsible administrator : an approach to ethics for the administrative role外部サイトUrsula K. Le Guin : voyager to inner lands and to outer space外部サイトWorkable design : action and situation in the fiction of Henry James外部サイトPynchon : creative paranoia in Gravity's rainbow外部サイトWhite on red : images of the American Indian外部サイトHomage to Malthus外部サイトSmall town Chicago : the comic perspective of Finley Peter Dunne, George Ade, Ring Lardner外部サイトLaw and order in American history外部サイトThe imprisoned splendor : a study of Victorian critical theory外部サイトWilliam Faulkner's gothic domain外部サイトLes américanistes : new French criticism on modern American fiction外部サイトPolitics, programs, and bureaucrats外部サイトThe Bull Moose years : Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Party外部サイトFundamental legal concepts of China and the West : a comparative study外部サイトHawthorne's historical allegory : an examination of the American conscience外部サイトMarxism and culture : the CPUSA and aesthetics in the 1930s外部サイトAmerican visionary fiction : mad metaphysics as salvation psychology外部サイトMilton's unchanging mind : three essays外部サイトImmigrants and the city : ethnicity and mobility in a nineteenth century midwestern community外部サイトUlysses, The waste land, and modernism : a jubilee study外部サイトDemocracy's railroads : public enterprise in Jacksonian Michigan外部サイトDamn Yankee! : the first career of Frederick A.P. Barnard, educator, scientist, idealist外部サイトThe mask of love : corrections in America, toward a mutual aid alternative外部サイトTheodore Roethke, poetry of the earth, poet of the spirit外部サイトAdministering public assistance : a constitutional and administrative perspective外部サイトOn the endings of wars外部サイトEssays in law and politics外部サイトIn Hitler's shadow : the anatomy of American Nazism外部サイトArkansas and reconstruction : the influence of geography, economics, and personality外部サイトCongress and the waning of the New Deal外部サイトPathway to the national character, 1830-1861外部サイトThe paradox of progressive education : the Gary plan and urban schooling外部サイトCritical approaches to Mark Twain's short stories外部サイトEthical perspective in the novels of Thomas Hardy外部サイトFranklin D. Roosevelt and the city bosses外部サイトSystem management : planning and control外部サイトManagement of business ethics外部サイトThe Palestine State : a rational approach外部サイトMain line to oblivion : the disintegration of New York railroads in the twentieth century外部サイトSelf-reliance and social security, 1870-1917外部サイトThe American ideal of equality : from Jefferson's Declaration to the Burger court外部サイトComedy and America : the lost world of Washington Irving外部サイトThe New egalitarianism : questions and challenges外部サイトThe right of mobility外部サイトRoosevelt's image brokers : poets, playwrights, and the use of the Lincoln symbol外部サイトThe roots of Black nationalism外部サイトFrontier elements in a Hudson River village外部サイトThe war generation : veterans of the First World War外部サイトTotalitarianism reconsidered外部サイトThe nationalization of the Bill of Rights : Fourteenth Amendment due process and procedural rights外部サイトPhiladelphia, 1776-2076 : a three hundred year view外部サイトAffidavits of genius : Edgar Allan Poe and the French critics, 1847-1924外部サイトBeckett, Nabokov, Nin : motives and modernism外部サイトThe commentators' despair : the interpretation of Kafka's Metamorphosis外部サイトThe first student movement : student activism in the United States during the 1930s外部サイトPublic policy toward corporate growth : the ITT merger cases外部サイトTroubled philosopher : John Dewey and the struggle for world peace外部サイトWill the real Norman Mailer please stand up外部サイトThe temple of eternity : Thomas Traherne's philosophy of time外部サイトThe Afro-American woman : struggles and images外部サイトFrom wilderness to wasteland : the trial of the Puritan God in the American imagination外部サイトContemporary issues in criminal justice : some problems and suggested reforms外部サイトDogma, depression, and the New Deal : the debate of political leaders over economic recovery外部サイトScottish and Scotch-Irish contributions to early American life and culture外部サイトSelf-help in urban America : patterns of minority business enterprise外部サイトEdgar Allan Poe, an American imagination : three essays外部サイトThe politics of diversity : essays in the history of colonial New York外部サイトThe American Revolution and the West Indies外部サイトThe Revolution that wasn't : a contemporary assessment of 1776外部サイトNew left diplomatic histories and historians : the American revisionists外部サイトThe Brownsville affair : national crisis and Black reaction外部サイトFlaubert, the problem of aesthetic discontinuity外部サイトThe American absurd : Pynchon, Vonnegut, and Barth外部サイトThe New American radicalism : Alfred M. Bingham and non-Marxian insurgency in the New Deal era外部サイトJudicial review and the reasonable doubt test外部サイトLocal government reform and reorganization : an international perspective外部サイトWar, business, and American society : historical perspectives on the military-industrial complex外部サイトThe subversive vision : American romanticism in literature外部サイトPopulism : a psychohistorical perspective外部サイトThe middle Colonies and the coming of the American Revolution外部サイトWalter White and the Harlem Renaissance外部サイトInsult and society : patterns of comparative interaction外部サイトThe impact of the cold war : reconsiderations外部サイトAmerican modern : essays in fiction and poetry外部サイトNo pledge of privacy : the Watergate tapes litigation外部サイトWilliam Gibbs McAdoo : a passion for change, 1863-1917外部サイトNo mentor but myself : a collection of articles, essays, reviews, and letters on writing and writers外部サイトEssays on the Constitution of the United States外部サイトThe revolution in the New York party systems, 1840-1860外部サイトThe Negroes in America外部サイトEssays in the history of New York City : a memorial to Sidney Pomerantz外部サイトFrom Main Street to State Street : town, city, and community in America外部サイトCities and schools in the gilded age : the evolution of an urban institution外部サイトRebels and victims : the fiction of Richard Wright and Bernard Malamud外部サイトBlack men and businessmen : the growing awareness of a social responsibility外部サイトRainstorms and fire : ritual in the novels of John Updike外部サイトNew towns and the suburban dream : ideology and utopia in planning and development外部サイトPlayful fictions and fictional players : game, sport, and survival in contemporary American fiction外部サイトPortrait of an American city : the novelists' New York外部サイトThe American founding : politics, statesmanship, and the constitution外部サイトVonnegut : a preface to his novels外部サイトA portrait of the artist : the plays of Tennessee Williams外部サイトSwords and scales : the development of the uniform code of military justice外部サイトProgressivism and economic growth : the Wisconsin income tax, 1911-1929外部サイトHistorical ecology : essays on environment and social change外部サイトUrban professionals and the future of the metropolis外部サイトStatism in Plymouth Colony外部サイトThe Depression in the Southwest外部サイトThe United States and six Atlantic outposts : the military and economic considerations外部サイトThe sociological theory of C. Wright Mills外部サイトInexpensive justice : self-representation in the small claims court外部サイトThe World turned upside down : prose and poetry of the American Revolution外部サイトThe age of urban reform : new perspectives on the progressive era外部サイトThe poetry of John Berryman外部サイトArchitects of adjustment : the history of the psychological profession in the United States外部サイトThe quarrel within : art and morality in Milton's poetry外部サイトThe common continent of men : racial equality in the writings of Herman Melville外部サイトThe image of the American city in popular literature, 1820-1870外部サイトCreating community services for widows : a pilot project外部サイトPrivate pressure on public law : the legal career of Justice Thurgood Marshall外部サイトThe mortal worm : Shakespeare's master theme外部サイトThe future of state court management外部サイトLeadership in crisis : FDR and the path to intervention外部サイトWar, business, and world military-industrial complexes外部サイトCurious fragments : Jack London's tales of fantasy fiction外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

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Kennikat Press national university publications
The clement vision : poetic realism in Turgenev and James
Wolf masks : violence in contemporary poetry
Influx : essays on literary influence
Discipline and the classroom teacher
Bosses, machines, and urban voters : an American symbiosis
The last chopper : the denouement of the American role in Vietnam, 1963-1975
Henry Wilson: practical radical : a portrait of a politician
The ethics of deliberate death
Up to the front of the line : Blacks in the American political system
Henry Ford, ignorant idealist
Christian criticism in the twentieth century : theological approaches to literature
New York : the centennial years, 1676-1976
Neighborhoods in urban America
The venture of form in the novels of Virginia Woolf
"Unite or die" : intercolony relations, 1690-1763
Socialism and the cities
Military necessity and civil rights policy : Black citizenship and the Constitution, 1861-1868
John Bunyan : a study in narrative technique
From prescription to persuasion : manipulation of eighteenth century Virginia economy
Urban police in the United States
Poets' riddles : essays in seventeenth-century explication
The early poetry of W.B. Yeats : the poetic quest
A Faulkner overview : six perspectives
Lautréamont : the violent Narcissus
The insular cases : the role of the judiciary in American expansionism
The fellowship of the craft : Conrad on ships and seamen and the sea
The politics of urban personnel policy : reformers, politicians, and bureaucrats
Righteous conquest : Woodrow Wilson and the evolution of the new diplomacy
Lyricism in the poetry of T. S. Eliot
The bureaucracy in court : commentaries and case studies in administrative law
The forms of feeling : toward a mimetic theory of literature
The rituals of life : patterns in narratives
The city in southern history : the growth of urban civilization in the South
Gide and Hemingway : rebels against God
Bureaucracy and social justice : the allocation of jobs and services to minority groups
The working poor : minority workers in low-wage, low-skill jobs
The grim science : the struggle for power
Rehearsal for republicanism : Free Soil and the politics of antislavery
Labor and socialism in America : the Gompers era
Unemployment and the multinationals : a strategy for technological change in Latin America
Discordia concors : the wit of metaphysical poetry
The Stream-of-consciousness technique in the modern novel
A search for a judicial philosophy : Mr. Justice Roberts and the constitutional revolution of 1937
Thresholds of reality : George Santayana and modernist poetics
The environment and the American experience : a historian looks at the ecological crisis
In hoc signo? : a brief history of Catholic parochial education in America
Another man gone : the Black runner in contemporary Afro-American literature
The American diplomatic revolution : a documentary history of the Cold War, 1941-1947
The devil, the gargoyle, and the buffoon : the Negro as metaphor in Western literature
Senator William J. Stone and the politics of compromise
Tragic occasions : essays on several forms
Black studies : threat-or-challenge
Legal foundations of compulsory school attendance
Jacob A. Riis and the American city
Joyce between Freud and Jung
Courts and law in early New York : selected essays
The aged are people, too : about William Posner and social work with the old
Van Wyck Brooks : the critic and his critics
Fraud, corruption, and holiness : the controversy over the supervision of Jewish dietary practice in New York City, 1881-1940
America without ethnicity
The politics of justice : a study in law, social science, and public policy
The comic spirit of eighteenth-century novels
The future of the American suburbs : survival or extinction?
Crusade against radicalism : New York during the Red scare, 1914-1924
The world of Elia : Charles Lamb's essayistic romanticism
Juvenile justice in America
The intentional community movement : building a new moral world
Industrialization and the American labor movement, 1850-1900
America and the new ethnicity
The Ghetto : readings with interpretations
Student political involvement in the 1970s
The magic circle : a study of Shelley's concept of love
The legal enterprise
The political economy of urban transportation
Philadelphia--the Federalist city : a study of urban politics, 1789-1801
Prelude to disaster : the American role in Vietnam, 1940-1963
The responsible administrator : an approach to ethics for the administrative role
Ursula K. Le Guin : voyager to inner lands and to outer space
Workable design : action and situation in the fiction of Henry James
Pynchon : creative paranoia in Gravity's rainbow
White on red : images of the American Indian
Homage to Malthus
Small town Chicago : the comic perspective of Finley Peter Dunne, George Ade, Ring Lardner
Law and order in American history
The imprisoned splendor : a study of Victorian critical theory
William Faulkner's gothic domain
Les américanistes : new French criticism on modern American fiction
Politics, programs, and bureaucrats
The Bull Moose years : Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Party
Fundamental legal concepts of China and the West : a comparative study
Hawthorne's historical allegory : an examination of the American conscience
Marxism and culture : the CPUSA and aesthetics in the 1930s
American visionary fiction : mad metaphysics as salvation psychology
Milton's unchanging mind : three essays
Immigrants and the city : ethnicity and mobility in a nineteenth century midwestern community
Ulysses, The waste land, and modernism : a jubilee study
Democracy's railroads : public enterprise in Jacksonian Michigan
Damn Yankee! : the first career of Frederick A.P. Barnard, educator, scientist, idealist
The mask of love : corrections in America, toward a mutual aid alternative
Theodore Roethke, poetry of the earth, poet of the spirit
Administering public assistance : a constitutional and administrative perspective
On the endings of wars
Essays in law and politics
In Hitler's shadow : the anatomy of American Nazism
Arkansas and reconstruction : the influence of geography, economics, and personality
Congress and the waning of the New Deal
Pathway to the national character, 1830-1861
The paradox of progressive education : the Gary plan and urban schooling
Critical approaches to Mark Twain's short stories
Ethical perspective in the novels of Thomas Hardy
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the city bosses
System management : planning and control
Management of business ethics
The Palestine State : a rational approach
Main line to oblivion : the disintegration of New York railroads in the twentieth century
Self-reliance and social security, 1870-1917
The American ideal of equality : from Jefferson's Declaration to the Burger court
Comedy and America : the lost world of Washington Irving
The New egalitarianism : questions and challenges
The right of mobility
Roosevelt's image brokers : poets, playwrights, and the use of the Lincoln symbol
The roots of Black nationalism
Frontier elements in a Hudson River village
The war generation : veterans of the First World War
Totalitarianism reconsidered
The nationalization of the Bill of Rights : Fourteenth Amendment due process and procedural rights
Philadelphia, 1776-2076 : a three hundred year view
Affidavits of genius : Edgar Allan Poe and the French critics, 1847-1924
Beckett, Nabokov, Nin : motives and modernism
The commentators' despair : the interpretation of Kafka's Metamorphosis
The first student movement : student activism in the United States during the 1930s
Public policy toward corporate growth : the ITT merger cases
Troubled philosopher : John Dewey and the struggle for world peace
Will the real Norman Mailer please stand up
The temple of eternity : Thomas Traherne's philosophy of time
The Afro-American woman : struggles and images
From wilderness to wasteland : the trial of the Puritan God in the American imagination
Contemporary issues in criminal justice : some problems and suggested reforms
Dogma, depression, and the New Deal : the debate of political leaders over economic recovery
Scottish and Scotch-Irish contributions to early American life and culture
Self-help in urban America : patterns of minority business enterprise
Edgar Allan Poe, an American imagination : three essays
The politics of diversity : essays in the history of colonial New York
The American Revolution and the West Indies
The Revolution that wasn't : a contemporary assessment of 1776
New left diplomatic histories and historians : the American revisionists
The Brownsville affair : national crisis and Black reaction
Flaubert, the problem of aesthetic discontinuity
The American absurd : Pynchon, Vonnegut, and Barth
The New American radicalism : Alfred M. Bingham and non-Marxian insurgency in the New Deal era
Judicial review and the reasonable doubt test
Local government reform and reorganization : an international perspective
War, business, and American society : historical perspectives on the military-industrial complex
The subversive vision : American romanticism in literature
Populism : a psychohistorical perspective
The middle Colonies and the coming of the American Revolution
Walter White and the Harlem Renaissance
Insult and society : patterns of comparative interaction
The impact of the cold war : reconsiderations
American modern : essays in fiction and poetry
No pledge of privacy : the Watergate tapes litigation
William Gibbs McAdoo : a passion for change, 1863-1917
No mentor but myself : a collection of articles, essays, reviews, and letters on writing and writers
Essays on the Constitution of the United States
The revolution in the New York party systems, 1840-1860
The Negroes in America
Essays in the history of New York City : a memorial to Sidney Pomerantz
From Main Street to State Street : town, city, and community in America
Cities and schools in the gilded age : the evolution of an urban institution
Rebels and victims : the fiction of Richard Wright and Bernard Malamud
Black men and businessmen : the growing awareness of a social responsibility
Rainstorms and fire : ritual in the novels of John Updike
New towns and the suburban dream : ideology and utopia in planning and development
Playful fictions and fictional players : game, sport, and survival in contemporary American fiction
Portrait of an American city : the novelists' New York
The American founding : politics, statesmanship, and the constitution
Vonnegut : a preface to his novels
A portrait of the artist : the plays of Tennessee Williams
Swords and scales : the development of the uniform code of military justice
Progressivism and economic growth : the Wisconsin income tax, 1911-1929
Historical ecology : essays on environment and social change
Urban professionals and the future of the metropolis
Statism in Plymouth Colony
The Depression in the Southwest
The United States and six Atlantic outposts : the military and economic considerations
The sociological theory of C. Wright Mills
Inexpensive justice : self-representation in the small claims court
The World turned upside down : prose and poetry of the American Revolution
The age of urban reform : new perspectives on the progressive era
The poetry of John Berryman
Architects of adjustment : the history of the psychological profession in the United States
The quarrel within : art and morality in Milton's poetry
The common continent of men : racial equality in the writings of Herman Melville
The image of the American city in popular literature, 1820-1870
Creating community services for widows : a pilot project
Private pressure on public law : the legal career of Justice Thurgood Marshall
The mortal worm : Shakespeare's master theme
The future of state court management
Leadership in crisis : FDR and the path to intervention
War, business, and world military-industrial complexes
Curious fragments : Jack London's tales of fantasy fiction
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books