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National university publications

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The clement vision : poetic realism in Turgenev and JamesLeave the NDL website. Wolf masks : violence in contemporary poetryLeave the NDL website. Influx : essays on literary influenceLeave the NDL website. Discipline and the classroom teacherLeave the NDL website. Bosses, machines, and urban voters : an American symbiosisLeave the NDL website. The last chopper : the denouement of the American role in Vietnam, 1963-1975Leave the NDL website. Henry Wilson: practical radical : a portrait of a politicianLeave the NDL website. The ethics of deliberate deathLeave the NDL website. Up to the front of the line : Blacks in the American political systemLeave the NDL website. Henry Ford, ignorant idealistLeave the NDL website. Christian criticism in the twentieth century : theological approaches to literatureLeave the NDL website. New York : the centennial years, 1676-1976Leave the NDL website. Neighborhoods in urban AmericaLeave the NDL website. The venture of form in the novels of Virginia WoolfLeave the NDL website. "Unite or die" : intercolony relations, 1690-1763Leave the NDL website. Socialism and the citiesLeave the NDL website. Military necessity and civil rights policy : Black citizenship and the Constitution, 1861-1868Leave the NDL website. John Bunyan : a study in narrative techniqueLeave the NDL website. From prescription to persuasion : manipulation of eighteenth century Virginia economyLeave the NDL website. Urban police in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Poets' riddles : essays in seventeenth-century explicationLeave the NDL website. The early poetry of W.B. Yeats : the poetic questLeave the NDL website. A Faulkner overview : six perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Lautréamont : the violent NarcissusLeave the NDL website. The insular cases : the role of the judiciary in American expansionismLeave the NDL website. The fellowship of the craft : Conrad on ships and seamen and the seaLeave the NDL website. The politics of urban personnel policy : reformers, politicians, and bureaucratsLeave the NDL website. Righteous conquest : Woodrow Wilson and the evolution of the new diplomacyLeave the NDL website. Lyricism in the poetry of T. S. EliotLeave the NDL website. The bureaucracy in court : commentaries and case studies in administrative lawLeave the NDL website. The forms of feeling : toward a mimetic theory of literatureLeave the NDL website. The rituals of life : patterns in narrativesLeave the NDL website. The city in southern history : the growth of urban civilization in the SouthLeave the NDL website. Gide and Hemingway : rebels against GodLeave the NDL website. Bureaucracy and social justice : the allocation of jobs and services to minority groupsLeave the NDL website. The working poor : minority workers in low-wage, low-skill jobsLeave the NDL website. The grim science : the struggle for powerLeave the NDL website. Rehearsal for republicanism : Free Soil and the politics of antislaveryLeave the NDL website. Labor and socialism in America : the Gompers eraLeave the NDL website. Unemployment and the multinationals : a strategy for technological change in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Discordia concors : the wit of metaphysical poetryLeave the NDL website. The Stream-of-consciousness technique in the modern novelLeave the NDL website. A search for a judicial philosophy : Mr. Justice Roberts and the constitutional revolution of 1937Leave the NDL website. Thresholds of reality : George Santayana and modernist poeticsLeave the NDL website. The environment and the American experience : a historian looks at the ecological crisisLeave the NDL website. In hoc signo? : a brief history of Catholic parochial education in AmericaLeave the NDL website. Another man gone : the Black runner in contemporary Afro-American literatureLeave the NDL website. The American diplomatic revolution : a documentary history of the Cold War, 1941-1947Leave the NDL website. The devil, the gargoyle, and the buffoon : the Negro as metaphor in Western literatureLeave the NDL website. Senator William J. Stone and the politics of compromiseLeave the NDL website. Tragic occasions : essays on several formsLeave the NDL website. Black studies : threat-or-challengeLeave the NDL website. Legal foundations of compulsory school attendanceLeave the NDL website. Jacob A. Riis and the American cityLeave the NDL website. Joyce between Freud and JungLeave the NDL website. Courts and law in early New York : selected essaysLeave the NDL website. The aged are people, too : about William Posner and social work with the oldLeave the NDL website. Van Wyck Brooks : the critic and his criticsLeave the NDL website. Fraud, corruption, and holiness : the controversy over the supervision of Jewish dietary practice in New York City, 1881-1940Leave the NDL website. America without ethnicityLeave the NDL website. The politics of justice : a study in law, social science, and public policyLeave the NDL website. The comic spirit of eighteenth-century novelsLeave the NDL website. The future of the American suburbs : survival or extinction?Leave the NDL website. Crusade against radicalism : New York during the Red scare, 1914-1924Leave the NDL website. The world of Elia : Charles Lamb's essayistic romanticismLeave the NDL website. Juvenile justice in AmericaLeave the NDL website. The intentional community movement : building a new moral worldLeave the NDL website. Industrialization and the American labor movement, 1850-1900Leave the NDL website. America and the new ethnicityLeave the NDL website. The Ghetto : readings with interpretationsLeave the NDL website. Student political involvement in the 1970sLeave the NDL website. The magic circle : a study of Shelley's concept of loveLeave the NDL website. The legal enterpriseLeave the NDL website. The political economy of urban transportationLeave the NDL website. Philadelphia--the Federalist city : a study of urban politics, 1789-1801Leave the NDL website. Prelude to disaster : the American role in Vietnam, 1940-1963Leave the NDL website. The responsible administrator : an approach to ethics for the administrative roleLeave the NDL website. Ursula K. Le Guin : voyager to inner lands and to outer spaceLeave the NDL website. Workable design : action and situation in the fiction of Henry JamesLeave the NDL website. Pynchon : creative paranoia in Gravity's rainbowLeave the NDL website. White on red : images of the American IndianLeave the NDL website. Homage to MalthusLeave the NDL website. Small town Chicago : the comic perspective of Finley Peter Dunne, George Ade, Ring LardnerLeave the NDL website. Law and order in American historyLeave the NDL website. The imprisoned splendor : a study of Victorian critical theoryLeave the NDL website. William Faulkner's gothic domainLeave the NDL website. Les américanistes : new French criticism on modern American fictionLeave the NDL website. Politics, programs, and bureaucratsLeave the NDL website. The Bull Moose years : Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive PartyLeave the NDL website. Fundamental legal concepts of China and the West : a comparative studyLeave the NDL website. Hawthorne's historical allegory : an examination of the American conscienceLeave the NDL website. Marxism and culture : the CPUSA and aesthetics in the 1930sLeave the NDL website. American visionary fiction : mad metaphysics as salvation psychologyLeave the NDL website. Milton's unchanging mind : three essaysLeave the NDL website. Immigrants and the city : ethnicity and mobility in a nineteenth century midwestern communityLeave the NDL website. Ulysses, The waste land, and modernism : a jubilee studyLeave the NDL website. Democracy's railroads : public enterprise in Jacksonian MichiganLeave the NDL website. Damn Yankee! : the first career of Frederick A.P. Barnard, educator, scientist, idealistLeave the NDL website. The mask of love : corrections in America, toward a mutual aid alternativeLeave the NDL website. Theodore Roethke, poetry of the earth, poet of the spiritLeave the NDL website. Administering public assistance : a constitutional and administrative perspectiveLeave the NDL website. On the endings of warsLeave the NDL website. Essays in law and politicsLeave the NDL website. In Hitler's shadow : the anatomy of American NazismLeave the NDL website. Arkansas and reconstruction : the influence of geography, economics, and personalityLeave the NDL website. Congress and the waning of the New DealLeave the NDL website. Pathway to the national character, 1830-1861Leave the NDL website. The paradox of progressive education : the Gary plan and urban schoolingLeave the NDL website. Critical approaches to Mark Twain's short storiesLeave the NDL website. Ethical perspective in the novels of Thomas HardyLeave the NDL website. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the city bossesLeave the NDL website. System management : planning and controlLeave the NDL website. Management of business ethicsLeave the NDL website. The Palestine State : a rational approachLeave the NDL website. Main line to oblivion : the disintegration of New York railroads in the twentieth centuryLeave the NDL website. Self-reliance and social security, 1870-1917Leave the NDL website. The American ideal of equality : from Jefferson's Declaration to the Burger courtLeave the NDL website. Comedy and America : the lost world of Washington IrvingLeave the NDL website. The New egalitarianism : questions and challengesLeave the NDL website. The right of mobilityLeave the NDL website. Roosevelt's image brokers : poets, playwrights, and the use of the Lincoln symbolLeave the NDL website. The roots of Black nationalismLeave the NDL website. Frontier elements in a Hudson River villageLeave the NDL website. The war generation : veterans of the First World WarLeave the NDL website. Totalitarianism reconsideredLeave the NDL website. The nationalization of the Bill of Rights : Fourteenth Amendment due process and procedural rightsLeave the NDL website. Philadelphia, 1776-2076 : a three hundred year viewLeave the NDL website. Affidavits of genius : Edgar Allan Poe and the French critics, 1847-1924Leave the NDL website. Beckett, Nabokov, Nin : motives and modernismLeave the NDL website. The commentators' despair : the interpretation of Kafka's MetamorphosisLeave the NDL website. The first student movement : student activism in the United States during the 1930sLeave the NDL website. Public policy toward corporate growth : the ITT merger casesLeave the NDL website. Troubled philosopher : John Dewey and the struggle for world peaceLeave the NDL website. Will the real Norman Mailer please stand upLeave the NDL website. The temple of eternity : Thomas Traherne's philosophy of timeLeave the NDL website. The Afro-American woman : struggles and imagesLeave the NDL website. From wilderness to wasteland : the trial of the Puritan God in the American imaginationLeave the NDL website. Contemporary issues in criminal justice : some problems and suggested reformsLeave the NDL website. Dogma, depression, and the New Deal : the debate of political leaders over economic recoveryLeave the NDL website. Scottish and Scotch-Irish contributions to early American life and cultureLeave the NDL website. Self-help in urban America : patterns of minority business enterpriseLeave the NDL website. Edgar Allan Poe, an American imagination : three essaysLeave the NDL website. The politics of diversity : essays in the history of colonial New YorkLeave the NDL website. The American Revolution and the West IndiesLeave the NDL website. The Revolution that wasn't : a contemporary assessment of 1776Leave the NDL website. New left diplomatic histories and historians : the American revisionistsLeave the NDL website. The Brownsville affair : national crisis and Black reactionLeave the NDL website. Flaubert, the problem of aesthetic discontinuityLeave the NDL website. The American absurd : Pynchon, Vonnegut, and BarthLeave the NDL website. The New American radicalism : Alfred M. Bingham and non-Marxian insurgency in the New Deal eraLeave the NDL website. Judicial review and the reasonable doubt testLeave the NDL website. Local government reform and reorganization : an international perspectiveLeave the NDL website. War, business, and American society : historical perspectives on the military-industrial complexLeave the NDL website. The subversive vision : American romanticism in literatureLeave the NDL website. Populism : a psychohistorical perspectiveLeave the NDL website. The middle Colonies and the coming of the American RevolutionLeave the NDL website. Walter White and the Harlem RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. Insult and society : patterns of comparative interactionLeave the NDL website. The impact of the cold war : reconsiderationsLeave the NDL website. American modern : essays in fiction and poetryLeave the NDL website. No pledge of privacy : the Watergate tapes litigationLeave the NDL website. William Gibbs McAdoo : a passion for change, 1863-1917Leave the NDL website. No mentor but myself : a collection of articles, essays, reviews, and letters on writing and writersLeave the NDL website. Essays on the Constitution of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The revolution in the New York party systems, 1840-1860Leave the NDL website. The Negroes in AmericaLeave the NDL website. Essays in the history of New York City : a memorial to Sidney PomerantzLeave the NDL website. From Main Street to State Street : town, city, and community in AmericaLeave the NDL website. Cities and schools in the gilded age : the evolution of an urban institutionLeave the NDL website. Rebels and victims : the fiction of Richard Wright and Bernard MalamudLeave the NDL website. Black men and businessmen : the growing awareness of a social responsibilityLeave the NDL website. Rainstorms and fire : ritual in the novels of John UpdikeLeave the NDL website. New towns and the suburban dream : ideology and utopia in planning and developmentLeave the NDL website. Playful fictions and fictional players : game, sport, and survival in contemporary American fictionLeave the NDL website. Portrait of an American city : the novelists' New YorkLeave the NDL website. The American founding : politics, statesmanship, and the constitutionLeave the NDL website. Vonnegut : a preface to his novelsLeave the NDL website. A portrait of the artist : the plays of Tennessee WilliamsLeave the NDL website. Swords and scales : the development of the uniform code of military justiceLeave the NDL website. Progressivism and economic growth : the Wisconsin income tax, 1911-1929Leave the NDL website. Historical ecology : essays on environment and social changeLeave the NDL website. Urban professionals and the future of the metropolisLeave the NDL website. Statism in Plymouth ColonyLeave the NDL website. The Depression in the SouthwestLeave the NDL website. The United States and six Atlantic outposts : the military and economic considerationsLeave the NDL website. The sociological theory of C. Wright MillsLeave the NDL website. Inexpensive justice : self-representation in the small claims courtLeave the NDL website. The World turned upside down : prose and poetry of the American RevolutionLeave the NDL website. The age of urban reform : new perspectives on the progressive eraLeave the NDL website. The poetry of John BerrymanLeave the NDL website. Architects of adjustment : the history of the psychological profession in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The quarrel within : art and morality in Milton's poetryLeave the NDL website. The common continent of men : racial equality in the writings of Herman MelvilleLeave the NDL website. The image of the American city in popular literature, 1820-1870Leave the NDL website. Creating community services for widows : a pilot projectLeave the NDL website. Private pressure on public law : the legal career of Justice Thurgood MarshallLeave the NDL website. The mortal worm : Shakespeare's master themeLeave the NDL website. The future of state court managementLeave the NDL website. Leadership in crisis : FDR and the path to interventionLeave the NDL website. War, business, and world military-industrial complexesLeave the NDL website. Curious fragments : Jack London's tales of fantasy fictionLeave the NDL website.

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Kennikat Press national university publications
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The future of state court management
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War, business, and world military-industrial complexes
Curious fragments : Jack London's tales of fantasy fiction
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