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- 図書
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- c2011-
- 出版年(W3CDTF)
- 2011
- 並列タイトル等
- Springer briefs in mathematics
- 出版地(国名コード)
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- Wavelets in functional data analysisGeneralized connectivity of graphsNevanlinna theoryFixed point of the parabolic renormalization operatorTopics in extrinsic geometry of codimension-one foliationsSystem identification using regular and quantized observations : applications of large deviations principlesPost-optimal analysis in linear semi-infinite optimizationApproximation of stochastic invariant manifolds : stochastic manifolds for nonlinear SPDEs IQuandles and topological pairs : symmetry, knots, and cohomologyHypernumbers and extrafunctions : extending the classical calculusA variational approach to Lyapunov type inequalities : from ODEs to PDEsMean field games and mean field type control theoryThe lower algebraic K-theory of virtually cyclic subgroups of the braid groups of the sphere and of Z[B[4](S[2])]Approximation by multivariate singular integralsAsymptotic analysis for functional stochastic differential equationsStochastic parameterizing manifolds and non-markovian reduced equations : stochastic manifolds for nonlinear SPDEs II/ Mickaël D. Chekroun, Honghu Liu, Shouhong WangSpherical radial basis functions, theory and applicationsPoset codes : partial orders, metrics and coding theoryGraceful, harmonious and magic type labelings : relations and techniquesAn introduction to random interlacementsConcentration inequalities for sums and martingalesAn invitation to hypoelliptic operators and Hörmander's Vector FieldsApplications of discrete-time Markov chains and poisson processes to air pollution modeling and studiesGeneral pontryagin-type stochastic maximum principle and backward stochastic evolution equations in infinite dimensionsAn introduction to optimal control of FBSDE incomplete informationSet operads in combinatorics and computer scienceMathematical Model of Spontaneous Potential Well-Logging and Its Numerical SolutionsAn introduction to inverse limits with set-valued functionsNotes on the stationary p-Laplace equationGraphs on surfaces : dualities, polynomials, and knotsAn introduction to viscosity solutions for fully nonlinear PDE with applications to calculus of variations in L∞Arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay sets of points in P[1] x P[1]On graph approaches to contextuality and their role in quantum theoryNumerical methods and analysis of multiscale problemsEntropy methods for diffusive partial differential equationsOperator inequalities of Ostrowski and trapezoidal typeInequalities for the numerical radius of linear operators in Hilbert spacesApplications of elliptic Carleman inequalities to Cauchy and inverse problemsSymmetric discontinuous Galerkin methods for 1-D waves : Fourier analysis, propagation, observability and applicationsMetric diffusion along foliationsRegularity theory for mean-field game systemsFunction spaces with uniform, fine and graph topologiesAn introduction to ultrametric summability theoryA kaleidoscopic view of graph coloringsHarnack inequalities for stochastic partial differential equationsTime-varying vector fields and their flowsDiscrete-time stochastic control and dynamic potential games : the Euler-equation approachThe compressed word problem for groupsNon-Archimedean operator theoryOn the higher-order Sheffer orthogonal polynomial sequencesFuzzy differential equations in various approachesBrakke's mean curvature flow : an introductionAn introduction to random currents and their applicationsReal spinorial groups : a short mathematical introductionHow to label a graphMachine scheduling to minimize weighted completion times : the use of the α-pointEntire slice regular functionsAlgebraic coding theory over finite commutative ringsAnalyzing Markov chains using Kronecker products : theory and applicationsImaging convection and magnetism in the sunToeplitz operators on Kähler manifolds : examplesOptimal control of PDEs under uncertainty : an introduction with application to optimal shape design of structuresBasics of functional analysis with bicomplex scalars, and bicomplex Schur analysisProperly colored connectivity of graphsComplex systems and society : modeling and simulationNonlinear Vibrations and the Wave EquationStochastic linear-quadratic optimal control theory: open-loop and closed-loop solutionsErgodic theoretic methods in group homology : a minicourse on L[2]-Betti numbers in group theoryCarleman estimates for second order partial differential operators and applications : a unified approachGeometric invariant theory, holomorphic vector bundles and the Harder-Narasimhan filtrationAbstract parabolic evolution equations and Łojasiewicz-Simon inequality II : ApplicationsDiscrete fractional calculus and fractional difference equationsSharkovsky orderingStabilization for some fractional-evolution systemsTwisted isospectrality, homological wideness, and isometry : a sample of algebraic methods in isospectralityNumerical solutions applied to heat transfer with the SPH method : a verification of approximations for speed and accuracyDeep learning for fluid simulation and animation : fundamentals, modeling, and case studiesScalar conservation lawsNumerical approximation of exact controls for wavesGeodesic convexity in graphsA simple introduction to the mixed finite element method : theory and applicationsLattices applied to coding for reliable and secure communicationsGreen's functions in the theory of ordinary differential equationsApplied nonautonomous and random dynamical systems : applied dynamical systemsContinuous average control of piecewise deterministic Markov processesAdvances on fractional inequalitiesElliptic-hyperbolic partial differential equations : a mini-course in geometric and quasilinear methodsFrom kinetic models to hydrodynamics : some novel resultsStability of linear delay differential equations : a numerical approach with MATLABLyapunov-type inequalities : with applications to eigenvalue problemsHamiltonian group actions and equivariant cohomologyCryptography with shrinking generators : fundamentals and applications of keystream sequence generators based on irregular decimationLectures on gaussian processesInput modeling with phase-type distributions and Markov models : theory and applicationsCovering walks in graphsA variational approach to nonsmooth dynamics : applications in unilateral mechanics and electronicsDivergence operator and related inequalitiesSub-Riemannian geometry and optimal transportThe Kolmogorov-Obukhov theory of turbulence : a mathematical theory of turbulenceMetric modular spaces : theory and applicationsSpectral methods for non-standard eigenvalue problems : fluid and structural mechanics and beyondError estimates for well-balanced schemes on simple balance laws : one-dimensional position-dependent modelsMulti-objective optimization problems : concepts and self-adaptive parameters with mathematical and engineering applicationsKato's type inequalities for bounded linear operators in Hilbert spacesOn Hilbert-type and Hardy-type integral inequalities and applicationsBounds and asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials for varying weightsColor-Induced graph coloringsOperator inequalities of the Jensen, Čebyšev and Grüss typeLectures on finitely generated solvable groupsSpectral mapping theorems : a bluffer's guideAn invitation to the theory of the hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method : projections, estimates, toolsA geometric algebra invitation to space-time physics, robotics and molecular geometryA semidiscrete version of the Citti-Petitot-Sarti model as a plausible model for anthropomorphic image reconstruction and pattern recognitionAttractors under discretisationPeriodic feedback stabilization for linear periodic evolution equationsExact boundary controllability of nodal profile for quasilinear hyperbolic systemsProperties of closed 3-braids and braid representations of linksInequalities based on Sobolev representationsRainbow connections of graphsEquations involving Malliavin calculus operators : applications and numerical approximationAdmissibility and hyperbolicityEndotrivial ModulesThe convergence problem for dissipative autonomous systems : classical methods and recent advanceshp-Version discontinuous Galerkin methods on polygonal and polyhedral meshesThe structure and stability of persistence modulesChange of time methods in quantitative financeRicci flow for shape analysis and surface registration : theories, algorithms and applicationsAn introduction to quasisymmetric Schur functions : Hopf algebras, quasisymmetric functions, and Young composition tableauxOptimization of polynomials in non-commuting variablesGeometric and numerical optimal control : application to swimming at low Reynolds number and magnetic resonance imagingControl of nonholonomic systems : from sub-riemannian geometry to motion planningConvex duality and financial mathematicsCertified reduced basis methods for parametrized partial differential equationsIncompleteness for higher-order arithmetic : an example based on Harrington's principleApplied summability methodsAn invitation to Alexandrov geometry : CAT(0) spacesp-Laplace equation in the Heisenberg group : regularity of solutionsDrinfeld moduli schemes and automorphic forms : the theory of elliptic modules with applicationsHecke's L-functions : Spring, 1964The geometry of spherically symmetric finsler manifoldsMoments of Linear Positive Operators and ApproximationErgodic optimization in the expanding case : concepts, tools and applicationsMathematical grammar of biologyNotes on the infinity Laplace EquationTempered stable distributions : stochastic models for multiscale processesPancyclic and bipancyclic graphsThe classification of the virtually cyclic subgroups of the sphere braid groupsRoad map for sliding mode control designAn introduction to the topological derivative methodIitaka conjecture : an introductionAn Introduction to Compressible Flows with Applications : Quasi-One-Dimensional Approximation and General Formulation for Subsonic, Transonic and Supersonic FlowsMultiple-scale analysis of boundary-value problems in thick multi-level junctions of type 3:2:2Ricci flow for shape analysis and surface registration : theories, algorithms and applicationsTime-fractional differential equations : a theoretical introductionTest configurations, stabilities and canonical Kähler metrics : complex geometry by the energy method(In-)stability of differential inclusions : notions, equivalences, and Lyapunov-like characterizationsHybrid high-order methods : a primer with applications to solid mechanicsStochastic partial differential equations : an introductionNon-Euclidean Laguerre geometry and incircular netsComputation and approximationAnalytic continuation and q-convexityPure metric geometryGuaranteed computational methods for self-adjoint differential eigenvalue problemsThe Dual of L∞(X,L,λ), Finitely Additive Measures and Weak Convergence : A PrimerQuaternionic de Branges spaces and characteristic operator functionStochastic linear-quadratic optimal control theory: differential games and mean-field problemsAbstract parabolic evolution equations and Łojasiewicz-Simon inequality I : abstract theoryStochastic linear-quadratic optimal control theory : differential games and mean-field problemsStability of elastic multi-link structuresOptimal design of multi-phase materials : with a cost functional that depends nonlinearly on the gradientLocating eigenvalues in graphs : algorithms and applicationsStochastic calculus in infinite dimensions and SPDEsFrom domination to coloring : Stephen Hedetniemi's graph theory and beyondAn introduction to the Kolmogorov-Bernoulli equivalenceBiological models via interval type-2 fuzzy setsDomination Games Played on GraphsControl of degenerate and singular parabolic equations : Carleman estimates and observabilityIrregularity in graphsStochastic optimal transportation : stochastic control with fixed marginalsDomination Games Played on GraphsQuantum codes for topological quantum computationVariational approach to hyperbolic free boundary problemsTopological dynamics of enveloping semigroupsPartial differential inequalities with nonlinear convolution termsGeometry of the unit sphere in polynomial spacesStar-critical Ramsey numbers for graphsLimit theorems for some long range random walks on torsion free nilpotent groupsTropical circuit complexity : limits of pure dynamic programmingSpectra and normal formsTopics in Gallai-Ramsey theoryTheory of Algebraic Surfaces