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SpringerBriefs in mathematics

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Wavelets in functional data analysisLeave the NDL website. Generalized connectivity of graphsLeave the NDL website. Nevanlinna theoryLeave the NDL website. Fixed point of the parabolic renormalization operatorLeave the NDL website. Topics in extrinsic geometry of codimension-one foliationsLeave the NDL website. System identification using regular and quantized observations : applications of large deviations principlesLeave the NDL website. Post-optimal analysis in linear semi-infinite optimizationLeave the NDL website. Approximation of stochastic invariant manifolds : stochastic manifolds for nonlinear SPDEs ILeave the NDL website. Quandles and topological pairs : symmetry, knots, and cohomologyLeave the NDL website. Hypernumbers and extrafunctions : extending the classical calculusLeave the NDL website. A variational approach to Lyapunov type inequalities : from ODEs to PDEsLeave the NDL website. Mean field games and mean field type control theoryLeave the NDL website. The lower algebraic K-theory of virtually cyclic subgroups of the braid groups of the sphere and of Z[B[4](S[2])]Leave the NDL website. Approximation by multivariate singular integralsLeave the NDL website. Asymptotic analysis for functional stochastic differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Stochastic parameterizing manifolds and non-markovian reduced equations : stochastic manifolds for nonlinear SPDEs II/ Mickaël D. Chekroun, Honghu Liu, Shouhong WangLeave the NDL website. Spherical radial basis functions, theory and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Poset codes : partial orders, metrics and coding theoryLeave the NDL website. Graceful, harmonious and magic type labelings : relations and techniquesLeave the NDL website. An introduction to random interlacementsLeave the NDL website. Concentration inequalities for sums and martingalesLeave the NDL website. An invitation to hypoelliptic operators and Hörmander's Vector FieldsLeave the NDL website. Applications of discrete-time Markov chains and poisson processes to air pollution modeling and studiesLeave the NDL website. General pontryagin-type stochastic maximum principle and backward stochastic evolution equations in infinite dimensionsLeave the NDL website. An introduction to optimal control of FBSDE incomplete informationLeave the NDL website. Set operads in combinatorics and computer scienceLeave the NDL website. Mathematical Model of Spontaneous Potential Well-Logging and Its Numerical SolutionsLeave the NDL website. An introduction to inverse limits with set-valued functionsLeave the NDL website. Notes on the stationary p-Laplace equationLeave the NDL website. Graphs on surfaces : dualities, polynomials, and knotsLeave the NDL website. An introduction to viscosity solutions for fully nonlinear PDE with applications to calculus of variations in L∞Leave the NDL website. Arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay sets of points in P[1] x P[1]Leave the NDL website. On graph approaches to contextuality and their role in quantum theoryLeave the NDL website. Numerical methods and analysis of multiscale problemsLeave the NDL website. Entropy methods for diffusive partial differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Operator inequalities of Ostrowski and trapezoidal typeLeave the NDL website. Inequalities for the numerical radius of linear operators in Hilbert spacesLeave the NDL website. Applications of elliptic Carleman inequalities to Cauchy and inverse problemsLeave the NDL website. Symmetric discontinuous Galerkin methods for 1-D waves : Fourier analysis, propagation, observability and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Metric diffusion along foliationsLeave the NDL website. Regularity theory for mean-field game systemsLeave the NDL website. Function spaces with uniform, fine and graph topologiesLeave the NDL website. An introduction to ultrametric summability theoryLeave the NDL website. A kaleidoscopic view of graph coloringsLeave the NDL website. Harnack inequalities for stochastic partial differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Time-varying vector fields and their flowsLeave the NDL website. Discrete-time stochastic control and dynamic potential games : the Euler-equation approachLeave the NDL website. The compressed word problem for groupsLeave the NDL website. Non-Archimedean operator theoryLeave the NDL website. On the higher-order Sheffer orthogonal polynomial sequencesLeave the NDL website. Fuzzy differential equations in various approachesLeave the NDL website. Brakke's mean curvature flow : an introductionLeave the NDL website. An introduction to random currents and their applicationsLeave the NDL website. Real spinorial groups : a short mathematical introductionLeave the NDL website. How to label a graphLeave the NDL website. Machine scheduling to minimize weighted completion times : the use of the α-pointLeave the NDL website. Entire slice regular functionsLeave the NDL website. Algebraic coding theory over finite commutative ringsLeave the NDL website. Analyzing Markov chains using Kronecker products : theory and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Imaging convection and magnetism in the sunLeave the NDL website. Toeplitz operators on Kähler manifolds : examplesLeave the NDL website. Optimal control of PDEs under uncertainty : an introduction with application to optimal shape design of structuresLeave the NDL website. Basics of functional analysis with bicomplex scalars, and bicomplex Schur analysisLeave the NDL website. Properly colored connectivity of graphsLeave the NDL website. Complex systems and society : modeling and simulationLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear Vibrations and the Wave EquationLeave the NDL website. Stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control theory: open-loop and closed-loop solutionsLeave the NDL website. Ergodic theoretic methods in group homology : a minicourse on L[2]-Betti numbers in group theoryLeave the NDL website. Carleman estimates for second order partial differential operators and applications : a unified approachLeave the NDL website. Geometric invariant theory, holomorphic vector bundles and the Harder-Narasimhan filtrationLeave the NDL website. Abstract parabolic evolution equations and Łojasiewicz-Simon inequality II : ApplicationsLeave the NDL website. Discrete fractional calculus and fractional difference equationsLeave the NDL website. Sharkovsky orderingLeave the NDL website. Stabilization for some fractional-evolution systemsLeave the NDL website. Twisted isospectrality, homological wideness, and isometry : a sample of algebraic methods in isospectralityLeave the NDL website. Numerical solutions applied to heat transfer with the SPH method : a verification of approximations for speed and accuracyLeave the NDL website. Deep learning for fluid simulation and animation : fundamentals, modeling, and case studiesLeave the NDL website. Scalar conservation lawsLeave the NDL website. Numerical approximation of exact controls for wavesLeave the NDL website. Geodesic convexity in graphsLeave the NDL website. A simple introduction to the mixed finite element method : theory and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Lattices applied to coding for reliable and secure communicationsLeave the NDL website. Green's functions in the theory of ordinary differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Applied nonautonomous and random dynamical systems : applied dynamical systemsLeave the NDL website. Continuous average control of piecewise deterministic Markov processesLeave the NDL website. Advances on fractional inequalitiesLeave the NDL website. Elliptic-hyperbolic partial differential equations : a mini-course in geometric and quasilinear methodsLeave the NDL website. From kinetic models to hydrodynamics : some novel resultsLeave the NDL website. Stability of linear delay differential equations : a numerical approach with MATLABLeave the NDL website. Lyapunov-type inequalities : with applications to eigenvalue problemsLeave the NDL website. Hamiltonian group actions and equivariant cohomologyLeave the NDL website. Cryptography with shrinking generators : fundamentals and applications of keystream sequence generators based on irregular decimationLeave the NDL website. Lectures on gaussian processesLeave the NDL website. Input modeling with phase-type distributions and Markov models : theory and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Covering walks in graphsLeave the NDL website. A variational approach to nonsmooth dynamics : applications in unilateral mechanics and electronicsLeave the NDL website. Divergence operator and related inequalitiesLeave the NDL website. Sub-Riemannian geometry and optimal transportLeave the NDL website. The Kolmogorov-Obukhov theory of turbulence : a mathematical theory of turbulenceLeave the NDL website. Metric modular spaces : theory and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Spectral methods for non-standard eigenvalue problems : fluid and structural mechanics and beyondLeave the NDL website. Error estimates for well-balanced schemes on simple balance laws : one-dimensional position-dependent modelsLeave the NDL website. Multi-objective optimization problems : concepts and self-adaptive parameters with mathematical and engineering applicationsLeave the NDL website. Kato's type inequalities for bounded linear operators in Hilbert spacesLeave the NDL website. On Hilbert-type and Hardy-type integral inequalities and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Bounds and asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials for varying weightsLeave the NDL website. Color-Induced graph coloringsLeave the NDL website. Operator inequalities of the Jensen, Čebyšev and Grüss typeLeave the NDL website. Lectures on finitely generated solvable groupsLeave the NDL website. Spectral mapping theorems : a bluffer's guideLeave the NDL website. An invitation to the theory of the hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method : projections, estimates, toolsLeave the NDL website. A geometric algebra invitation to space-time physics, robotics and molecular geometryLeave the NDL website. A semidiscrete version of the Citti-Petitot-Sarti model as a plausible model for anthropomorphic image reconstruction and pattern recognitionLeave the NDL website. Attractors under discretisationLeave the NDL website. Periodic feedback stabilization for linear periodic evolution equationsLeave the NDL website. Exact boundary controllability of nodal profile for quasilinear hyperbolic systemsLeave the NDL website. Properties of closed 3-braids and braid representations of linksLeave the NDL website. Inequalities based on Sobolev representationsLeave the NDL website. Rainbow connections of graphsLeave the NDL website. Equations involving Malliavin calculus operators : applications and numerical approximationLeave the NDL website. Admissibility and hyperbolicityLeave the NDL website. Endotrivial ModulesLeave the NDL website. The convergence problem for dissipative autonomous systems : classical methods and recent advancesLeave the NDL website. hp-Version discontinuous Galerkin methods on polygonal and polyhedral meshesLeave the NDL website. The structure and stability of persistence modulesLeave the NDL website. Change of time methods in quantitative financeLeave the NDL website. Ricci flow for shape analysis and surface registration : theories, algorithms and applicationsLeave the NDL website. An introduction to quasisymmetric Schur functions : Hopf algebras, quasisymmetric functions, and Young composition tableauxLeave the NDL website. Optimization of polynomials in non-commuting variablesLeave the NDL website. Geometric and numerical optimal control : application to swimming at low Reynolds number and magnetic resonance imagingLeave the NDL website. Control of nonholonomic systems : from sub-riemannian geometry to motion planningLeave the NDL website. Convex duality and financial mathematicsLeave the NDL website. Certified reduced basis methods for parametrized partial differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Incompleteness for higher-order arithmetic : an example based on Harrington's principleLeave the NDL website. Applied summability methodsLeave the NDL website. An invitation to Alexandrov geometry : CAT(0) spacesLeave the NDL website. p-Laplace equation in the Heisenberg group : regularity of solutionsLeave the NDL website. Drinfeld moduli schemes and automorphic forms : the theory of elliptic modules with applicationsLeave the NDL website. Hecke's L-functions : Spring, 1964Leave the NDL website. The geometry of spherically symmetric finsler manifoldsLeave the NDL website. Moments of Linear Positive Operators and ApproximationLeave the NDL website. Ergodic optimization in the expanding case : concepts, tools and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Mathematical grammar of biologyLeave the NDL website. Notes on the infinity Laplace EquationLeave the NDL website. Tempered stable distributions : stochastic models for multiscale processesLeave the NDL website. Pancyclic and bipancyclic graphsLeave the NDL website. The classification of the virtually cyclic subgroups of the sphere braid groupsLeave the NDL website. Road map for sliding mode control designLeave the NDL website. An introduction to the topological derivative methodLeave the NDL website. Iitaka conjecture : an introductionLeave the NDL website. An Introduction to Compressible Flows with Applications : Quasi-One-Dimensional Approximation and General Formulation for Subsonic, Transonic and Supersonic FlowsLeave the NDL website. Multiple-scale analysis of boundary-value problems in thick multi-level junctions of type 3:2:2Leave the NDL website. Ricci flow for shape analysis and surface registration : theories, algorithms and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Time-fractional differential equations : a theoretical introductionLeave the NDL website. Test configurations, stabilities and canonical Kähler metrics : complex geometry by the energy methodLeave the NDL website. (In-)stability of differential inclusions : notions, equivalences, and Lyapunov-like characterizationsLeave the NDL website. Hybrid high-order methods : a primer with applications to solid mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Stochastic partial differential equations : an introductionLeave the NDL website. Non-Euclidean Laguerre geometry and incircular netsLeave the NDL website. Computation and approximationLeave the NDL website. Analytic continuation and q-convexityLeave the NDL website. Pure metric geometryLeave the NDL website. Guaranteed computational methods for self-adjoint differential eigenvalue problemsLeave the NDL website. The Dual of L∞(X,L,λ), Finitely Additive Measures and Weak Convergence : A PrimerLeave the NDL website. Quaternionic de Branges spaces and characteristic operator functionLeave the NDL website. Stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control theory: differential games and mean-field problemsLeave the NDL website. Abstract parabolic evolution equations and Łojasiewicz-Simon inequality I : abstract theoryLeave the NDL website. Stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control theory : differential games and mean-field problemsLeave the NDL website. Stability of elastic multi-link structuresLeave the NDL website. Optimal design of multi-phase materials : with a cost functional that depends nonlinearly on the gradientLeave the NDL website. Locating eigenvalues in graphs : algorithms and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Stochastic calculus in infinite dimensions and SPDEsLeave the NDL website. From domination to coloring : Stephen Hedetniemi's graph theory and beyondLeave the NDL website. An introduction to the Kolmogorov-Bernoulli equivalenceLeave the NDL website. Biological models via interval type-2 fuzzy setsLeave the NDL website. Domination Games Played on GraphsLeave the NDL website. Control of degenerate and singular parabolic equations : Carleman estimates and observabilityLeave the NDL website. Irregularity in graphsLeave the NDL website. Stochastic optimal transportation : stochastic control with fixed marginalsLeave the NDL website. Domination Games Played on GraphsLeave the NDL website. Quantum codes for topological quantum computationLeave the NDL website. Variational approach to hyperbolic free boundary problemsLeave the NDL website. Topological dynamics of enveloping semigroupsLeave the NDL website. Partial differential inequalities with nonlinear convolution termsLeave the NDL website. Geometry of the unit sphere in polynomial spacesLeave the NDL website. Star-critical Ramsey numbers for graphsLeave the NDL website. Limit theorems for some long range random walks on torsion free nilpotent groupsLeave the NDL website. Tropical circuit complexity : limits of pure dynamic programmingLeave the NDL website. Spectra and normal formsLeave the NDL website. Topics in Gallai-Ramsey theoryLeave the NDL website. Theory of Algebraic SurfacesLeave the NDL website.

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Springer briefs in mathematics
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Related Material
Wavelets in functional data analysis
Generalized connectivity of graphs
Nevanlinna theory
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Topics in extrinsic geometry of codimension-one foliations
System identification using regular and quantized observations : applications of large deviations principles
Post-optimal analysis in linear semi-infinite optimization
Approximation of stochastic invariant manifolds : stochastic manifolds for nonlinear SPDEs I
Quandles and topological pairs : symmetry, knots, and cohomology
Hypernumbers and extrafunctions : extending the classical calculus
A variational approach to Lyapunov type inequalities : from ODEs to PDEs
Mean field games and mean field type control theory
The lower algebraic K-theory of virtually cyclic subgroups of the braid groups of the sphere and of Z[B[4](S[2])]
Approximation by multivariate singular integrals
Asymptotic analysis for functional stochastic differential equations
Stochastic parameterizing manifolds and non-markovian reduced equations : stochastic manifolds for nonlinear SPDEs II/ Mickaël D. Chekroun, Honghu Liu, Shouhong Wang
Spherical radial basis functions, theory and applications
Poset codes : partial orders, metrics and coding theory
Graceful, harmonious and magic type labelings : relations and techniques
An introduction to random interlacements
Concentration inequalities for sums and martingales
An invitation to hypoelliptic operators and Hörmander's Vector Fields
Applications of discrete-time Markov chains and poisson processes to air pollution modeling and studies
General pontryagin-type stochastic maximum principle and backward stochastic evolution equations in infinite dimensions
An introduction to optimal control of FBSDE incomplete information
Set operads in combinatorics and computer science
Mathematical Model of Spontaneous Potential Well-Logging and Its Numerical Solutions
An introduction to inverse limits with set-valued functions
Notes on the stationary p-Laplace equation
Graphs on surfaces : dualities, polynomials, and knots
An introduction to viscosity solutions for fully nonlinear PDE with applications to calculus of variations in L∞
Arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay sets of points in P[1] x P[1]
On graph approaches to contextuality and their role in quantum theory
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Entropy methods for diffusive partial differential equations
Operator inequalities of Ostrowski and trapezoidal type
Inequalities for the numerical radius of linear operators in Hilbert spaces
Applications of elliptic Carleman inequalities to Cauchy and inverse problems
Symmetric discontinuous Galerkin methods for 1-D waves : Fourier analysis, propagation, observability and applications
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Regularity theory for mean-field game systems
Function spaces with uniform, fine and graph topologies
An introduction to ultrametric summability theory
A kaleidoscopic view of graph colorings
Harnack inequalities for stochastic partial differential equations
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Imaging convection and magnetism in the sun
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Ergodic theoretic methods in group homology : a minicourse on L[2]-Betti numbers in group theory
Carleman estimates for second order partial differential operators and applications : a unified approach
Geometric invariant theory, holomorphic vector bundles and the Harder-Narasimhan filtration
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Twisted isospectrality, homological wideness, and isometry : a sample of algebraic methods in isospectrality
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From kinetic models to hydrodynamics : some novel results
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Spectral methods for non-standard eigenvalue problems : fluid and structural mechanics and beyond
Error estimates for well-balanced schemes on simple balance laws : one-dimensional position-dependent models
Multi-objective optimization problems : concepts and self-adaptive parameters with mathematical and engineering applications
Kato's type inequalities for bounded linear operators in Hilbert spaces
On Hilbert-type and Hardy-type integral inequalities and applications
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Color-Induced graph colorings
Operator inequalities of the Jensen, Čebyšev and Grüss type
Lectures on finitely generated solvable groups
Spectral mapping theorems : a bluffer's guide
An invitation to the theory of the hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method : projections, estimates, tools
A geometric algebra invitation to space-time physics, robotics and molecular geometry
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Ricci flow for shape analysis and surface registration : theories, algorithms and applications
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p-Laplace equation in the Heisenberg group : regularity of solutions
Drinfeld moduli schemes and automorphic forms : the theory of elliptic modules with applications
Hecke's L-functions : Spring, 1964
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Ergodic optimization in the expanding case : concepts, tools and applications
Mathematical grammar of biology
Notes on the infinity Laplace Equation
Tempered stable distributions : stochastic models for multiscale processes
Pancyclic and bipancyclic graphs
The classification of the virtually cyclic subgroups of the sphere braid groups
Road map for sliding mode control design
An introduction to the topological derivative method
Iitaka conjecture : an introduction
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Multiple-scale analysis of boundary-value problems in thick multi-level junctions of type 3:2:2
Ricci flow for shape analysis and surface registration : theories, algorithms and applications
Time-fractional differential equations : a theoretical introduction
Test configurations, stabilities and canonical Kähler metrics : complex geometry by the energy method
(In-)stability of differential inclusions : notions, equivalences, and Lyapunov-like characterizations
Hybrid high-order methods : a primer with applications to solid mechanics
Stochastic partial differential equations : an introduction
Non-Euclidean Laguerre geometry and incircular nets
Computation and approximation
Analytic continuation and q-convexity
Pure metric geometry
Guaranteed computational methods for self-adjoint differential eigenvalue problems
The Dual of L∞(X,L,λ), Finitely Additive Measures and Weak Convergence : A Primer
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Stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control theory : differential games and mean-field problems
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From domination to coloring : Stephen Hedetniemi's graph theory and beyond
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Domination Games Played on Graphs
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