
Springer briefs in molecular science


Springer briefs in molecular science

series editor, Seth C. Rasmussen



Other series editor, Sanjau K. SharmaOther series editor, George MaroulisOther series editor, Salvatore Parisi


Titration calorimetry : from concept to application外部サイトHaloalkyne chemistry外部サイトTransformation of carbon dioxide to formic acid and methanol外部サイトChemistry of foods : EU legal and regulatory approaches外部サイトMechanism of functional expression of the molecular machines外部サイトFrom the molecular world : a nineteenth-century science fantasy外部サイトSilicon containing copolymers外部サイトHow glass changed the world : the history and chemistry of glass from antiquity to the 13th century外部サイトChemistry of maillard reactions in processed foods外部サイトMicrobial toxins and related contamination in the food industry外部サイトQuantum chemical approach for organic ferromagnetic material design外部サイトRisk regulation in non-animal food imports : the European Union approach外部サイトTransition metal organometallic chemistry外部サイトBasics of flow microreactor synthesis外部サイトCalculations on nonlinear optical properties for large systems : The elongation method外部サイトMolybdenum cofactors and their role in the evolution of metabolic pathways外部サイトPolymer science from 1935-1953 : consolidating the paradigm外部サイトThe chemistry and applications of sustainable natural hair products外部サイトExcitation energies and properties of open-shell singlet molecules : applications to a new class of molecules for nonlinear optics and singlet fission外部サイトIron acquisition by the genus mycobacterium : history, mechanisms, role of siderocalin, anti-tuberculosis drug development外部サイトGraphene-carbon nanotube hybrids for energy and environmental applications外部サイトA primer on QSAR/QSPR modeling : fundamental concepts外部サイトSupramolecular assemblies of cucurbit[n]urils with metal ions : coordination, structures and properties外部サイトIron uptake in bacteria with emphasis on e. coli and pseudomonas外部サイトUltrasonic synthesis of functional materials外部サイトQCM-D studies on polymer behavior at interfaces外部サイトLocalized surface plasmon resonance based nanobiosensors外部サイトThe chemical history of color外部サイトHigh-energy charged particles : their chemistry and use as versatile tools for nanofabrication外部サイトClay materials for environmental remediation外部サイトFoods of non-animal origin : chemistry, technology, inspection procedures外部サイトPolyhydroxyalkanoates biopolymers : production strategies外部サイトAcoustic cavitation and bubble dynamics外部サイトElectrochemistry for corrosion fundamentals外部サイトBlends and graft copolymers of cellulosics : toward the design and development of advanced films and fibers外部サイトThe influence of chemistry on new foods and traditional products外部サイトThe medicinal chemistry of glucocorticoid receptor modulators外部サイトOrganic sonochemistry : challenges and perspectives for the 21st Century外部サイトFood sharing : chemical evaluation of durable foods外部サイトVibronic coupling density : understanding molecular deformation外部サイトChemicals in the food industry : toxicological concerns and safe use外部サイトThe importance of packaging design for the chemistry of food products外部サイト






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series editor, Seth C. Rasmussen
Springer Briefs in molecular science
SpringerBriefs in molecular science
Other series editor, Sanjau K. Sharma
Other series editor, George Maroulis
Other series editor, Salvatore Parisi
Titration calorimetry : from concept to application
Haloalkyne chemistry
Transformation of carbon dioxide to formic acid and methanol
Chemistry of foods : EU legal and regulatory approaches
Mechanism of functional expression of the molecular machines
From the molecular world : a nineteenth-century science fantasy
Silicon containing copolymers
How glass changed the world : the history and chemistry of glass from antiquity to the 13th century
Chemistry of maillard reactions in processed foods
Microbial toxins and related contamination in the food industry
Quantum chemical approach for organic ferromagnetic material design
Risk regulation in non-animal food imports : the European Union approach
Transition metal organometallic chemistry
Basics of flow microreactor synthesis
Calculations on nonlinear optical properties for large systems : The elongation method
Molybdenum cofactors and their role in the evolution of metabolic pathways
Polymer science from 1935-1953 : consolidating the paradigm
The chemistry and applications of sustainable natural hair products
Excitation energies and properties of open-shell singlet molecules : applications to a new class of molecules for nonlinear optics and singlet fission
Iron acquisition by the genus mycobacterium : history, mechanisms, role of siderocalin, anti-tuberculosis drug development
Graphene-carbon nanotube hybrids for energy and environmental applications
A primer on QSAR/QSPR modeling : fundamental concepts
Supramolecular assemblies of cucurbit[n]urils with metal ions : coordination, structures and properties
Iron uptake in bacteria with emphasis on e. coli and pseudomonas
Ultrasonic synthesis of functional materials
QCM-D studies on polymer behavior at interfaces
Localized surface plasmon resonance based nanobiosensors
The chemical history of color
High-energy charged particles : their chemistry and use as versatile tools for nanofabrication
Clay materials for environmental remediation
Foods of non-animal origin : chemistry, technology, inspection procedures
Polyhydroxyalkanoates biopolymers : production strategies
Acoustic cavitation and bubble dynamics
Electrochemistry for corrosion fundamentals
Blends and graft copolymers of cellulosics : toward the design and development of advanced films and fibers
The influence of chemistry on new foods and traditional products
The medicinal chemistry of glucocorticoid receptor modulators
Organic sonochemistry : challenges and perspectives for the 21st Century
Food sharing : chemical evaluation of durable foods
Vibronic coupling density : understanding molecular deformation
Chemicals in the food industry : toxicological concerns and safe use
The importance of packaging design for the chemistry of food products