
Report of the Round Table on Transport Economics


Report of the Round Table on Transport Economics

Round Table on Transport Economics
European Conference of Ministers of Transport
23-28 cm



Also available in French under the title: Table Ronde OECD/FITPublishers vary: Paris : OECD : International Transport Forum


Impact of infrastructural investment on industrial development外部サイトCharging for the use of urban roads外部サイトChanges in transport users' motivations for modal choice : freight transport外部サイトGoods distribution systems in urban areas外部サイトReport of the Sixty-sixth Round Table on Transport Economics : held in Paris on 27th-28th September 1984 on the following topic : transport sector investments 1960-1980 : analysis and implications for the future外部サイトReport of the Seventy-ninth Round Table on Transport Economics : held in Paris on 8th-9th December 1988 on the following topic : environment and transport infrastructures外部サイトEvaluating investment in transport infrastructure外部サイトTransport services : the limits of (de)regulation外部サイトReport of the hundred and eighth Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 13th-14th November 1997 on the following topic : what markets are there for transport by inland waterways?外部サイトPrivatisation of railways外部サイトEffect of productivity and technological progress on transport workers外部サイトQuantifying the socio-economic benefits of transport外部サイトRegional policy, transport networks and communications外部サイトOrganisation of taxi services in towns外部サイトTransport and economic development : report of the hundred and nineteenth Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 29-30th March 2001 on the following topic外部サイトValue of time外部サイトReport of the Sixty Third Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 17th-18th November 1983 on the following topic : costs and benefits on road safety measures外部サイトPrivatisation and regulation of urban transit systems外部サイトRegular interurban coach services in Europe : report of the hundred and fourteenth round table on transport economics, held in Paris on 11th-12th March 1999 on the following topic [i.e. Regular interurban coach services in Europe]外部サイトEconomic criteria for the maintenance, modification or creation of public urban and suburban transport services : which may not necessarily be profitable外部サイトThe wider economic benefits of transport : macro-, meso- and micro-economic transport planning and investment tools外部サイトPublic private partnerships for transport infrastructure : renegotiation and economic outcomes外部サイトFreight collection and delivery in urban areas外部サイトEconomic evaluation of road traffic safety measures : report of the hundred and seventeenth round table on transport economics, held in Paris on 26th-27th October 2000 on the following topic外部サイトReport of the Seventy-sixth Round Table on Transport Economics : held in Paris on 29th-30th April 1987 on the following topic : the role of shippers and transport operators in the logistics chain外部サイトInterurban transport costs外部サイトTransport and exceptional public events : report of the hundred and twenty second Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 7-8th March 2002 on the following topic外部サイトEuropean integration of rail freight transport : report of the hundred and twenty fifth Round Table on Transport Economics held in Paris on 28th-29th November 2002 on the following topic外部サイトOrganisation of regional passenger transport : report of the thirty-fifth Round Table on Transport Economics held in Paris on 28th and 29th October 1976 ...外部サイトBetter regulation of public-private partnerships for transport infrastructure外部サイトIntegration and competition between transport and logistics businesses外部サイトDemand for freight transport : practical results of studies on market operation外部サイトImplementing congestion charges外部サイトForeseeable cost trends in different modes of freight transport外部サイトPublic transport in rural areas : scheduled and non-scheduled services外部サイトDeregulation of freight transport外部サイトEconomic prospects for railways外部サイトEx-post assessment of transport investments and policy interventions外部サイトTransport and spatial distribution of activities外部サイトManaging commuters' behaviour : a new role for companies : report of the hundred and twenty first Round Table on transport economics, held in Paris on 29-30th November 2001 on the following topic外部サイトWhat role for the railways in Eastern Europe? : report of the hundred and twentieth round table on transport economics, held in Cambridge (United Kingdom) on 12th-13th September 2001 on the following topic外部サイトShort-distance passenger travel外部サイトNational systems of transport infrastructure planning外部サイトTransport and leisure : report of the hundred and eleventh round table on transport economics, held in Paris on 15th-16th October 1998 on the following topic外部サイトTransport infrastructure investment and economic productivity : report of the one hundred and thirty second Round Table on Transport Economics外部サイトLand access to sea ports : report of the hundred and thirteenth round table on transport economics, held in Paris on 10th-11th December 1998 on the following topic [i.e. Land access to sea ports]外部サイトReport of the Eighty-first Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 11th-12th May 1989 on the following topic: private and public investment in transport外部サイトTransport and international trade : report of the one hundred thirtieth round table on transport economics, held in Paris on 21st-22nd October 2004 on the following topic外部サイトReport of the Hundred and fourth Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 3rd-4th October 1996 on the following topic : new trends in logistics in Europe外部サイトAirport demand forecasting for long-term planning外部サイトShort-sea shipping in the economy of inland transport in Europe外部サイトCompetitive interaction between airports, airlines and high-speed rail外部サイト"Social service" transport : transport for elderly and handicapped persons外部サイトScope for the use of certain old-established urban transport techniques : trams and trolley-buses外部サイトReport of the Eighty-second Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 1st-2nd June 1990 on following topic : promoting regional transport外部サイトFreight transport and the city外部サイト(De)regulation of the taxi industry : report of the one hundred and thirty third round table on transport economics on the following topic外部サイトAims and effects of public financial support for passenger transport外部サイトThe cost of combined transport外部サイトAirports as multimodal interchange nodes : report of the one hundred and twenty sixth Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 20th-21st March 2003 on the following topic外部サイトThe cost and effectiveness of policies to reduce vehicle emissions外部サイトCompetitive position and future of inland waterway transport : report of the forty-ninth Round Table on Transport Economics : held in Paris on 31st and1st February, 1980 on the following topic外部サイトTransforming the structure of the freight transport sector外部サイトGeneral transport plans : methods gaps and prospects外部サイトInternational coach transport : report of the Seventy-second Round Table on Transport Economics held in Paris on 26th-27th March 1987外部サイトPort investment and container shipping markets外部サイトBetter economic regulation : the role of the regulator外部サイトScope for railway transport in urban areas外部サイトPort competition and hinterland connections外部サイトTransport of waste products : report of the hundred and sixteenth round table on transport economics, held in Paris on 16th-17th December 1999 on the following topic外部サイトInfluence of measures designed to restrict the use of certain transport modes外部サイトThe future of the use of the car外部サイトThe case of large size conurbations外部サイトMarketing and service quality in public transport外部サイトCost benefit analysis : report of the Thirty-Sixth Round Table on Transport Economics held in Paris on 29th and 30th November, 1976 ...外部サイトOptimum structure and size of road haulage firms : positive and negative effects of specialization外部サイトThe role of the state in a deregulated transport market外部サイトThe role of transport in counter-cyclical policy外部サイトTime and transport : report of the one hundred and twenty seventh Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 4th-5th December 2003 on the following topic外部サイトIndicators for evaluating transport output : report of the forty-third Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 23rd and 24th November 1978外部サイトReport of the Hundred and fifth Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 7th-8th November 1996 on the following topic : Infrastructure-induced mobility外部サイトThe economics of investment in high-speed rail外部サイトPassenger transport demand in urban areas : methodology for analysing and forecasting外部サイトInternational road haulage : taxation systems : report of the Seventy-first Round Table on Transport Economics : held in Paris on 12th-13th December 1985 on the following topic外部サイトThe case of medium size conurbations外部サイトReport of the Seventy-fifth Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 28th-29th January 1987 on the following topic : research relevant to trends in transport over the coming decade外部サイトChanging daily urban mobility : less or differently?外部サイトPsychological determinants of user behaviour外部サイトPossibilities and limitations of combined transport外部サイトTransport and telecommunications外部サイトTolls on interurban road infrastructure : an economic evaluation : report of the hundred and eighteenth Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 30th November - 1st December 2000 on the following topic外部サイトHigh-speed trains外部サイトTransfers through the transport sector : evaluation of re-distribution effects外部サイトTransport and spatial policies : the role of regulatory and fiscal incentives : report of the hundred and twenty fourth Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 7th-8th November 2002 on the following topic外部サイトRoad freight transport for own account in Europe : report of the hundred and fifth [i.e. fifteenth] round table on transport economics, held in Paris on 4th-5th November 1999 on the following topic外部サイトImproving the practice of transport project appraisal外部サイトTerrorism and international transport : towards risk-based security policy外部サイトEmployment in transport : quantitative and qualitative evolution, substitution possibilities : report of the Seventy-third Round Table on Transport Economics held in Paris on 27th-28th November 1986外部サイトTransport and energy外部サイトMarket access, trade in transport services and trade facilitation : report of the one hundred and thirty fourth Round Table on Transport Economics外部サイトReport of the Eightieth Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 9th-10th February 1989 on the following topic : systems of road infrastructure cost coverage外部サイトBenefits of different transport modes外部サイトReport of the hundred and sixth Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 28th-29th November 1996 on the following topic : intercity transport markets in countries in transition外部サイトTransport, urban form and economic growth外部サイトLong-run trends in car use外部サイトReport of the Seventy-seventh Round Table on Transport Economics : held in Paris on 8th-9th October 1987 on the following topic : delinquency and vandalism in public transport外部サイトStimulating low-carbon vehicle technologies外部サイトPossibilities and limits of regulation in transport policy : report of the Sixty-second Round Table on Transport Economics : held in Paris limits on 29th-30th September, 1983 on the following topic外部サイトThe benefits and costs (at the national level) of government intervention in the normal process of setting freight transport prices外部サイトParatransit外部サイトInfluence of cost, quality and organisation of terminal transport and interchanges on the choice of passenger transport mode外部サイトTransport infrastructure charges and capacity choice : self-financing road maintenance and construction : report of the one hundred and thirty fifth round table on transport economics : on the following topic外部サイトOil dependence : is transport running out of affordable fuel?外部サイトTraffic congestion in Europe : report of the hundred and tenth round table on transport economics, held in Paris on 12th-13th March 1998 on the following topic外部サイトReport of the Seventy-eighth Round Table on Transport Economics : held in Paris on 13th-14th October 1988 on the following topic : telematics in goods transport外部サイトMajor transport infrastructure projects and economic development外部サイトReport of the hundred and seventh Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 26th-27th March 1998 on the following topic : User charges for railway infrastructure外部サイトReport of the Seventy-fourth Round Table on Transport Economics : held in Paris on 4th-5th December 1986 on the following topic : monitoring systems for goods transport外部サイトInfrastructural capacity problems raised by international transit : report of the Forty-fifth Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 8th and 9th February, 1979外部サイトThe working conditions of professional drivers : effects on productivity and road safety外部サイトReview of demand models : forecast/recorded traffic comparisons for urban and intercity transport : report of the fifty-eight [sic] Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 25th and 26th June, 1981 ....外部サイトTransport and ageing of the population : report of the hundred and twelfth round table on transport economics, held in Paris on 19th-20th November 1998 on the following topic外部サイトStructural changes in population and impact on passenger transport外部サイトTransport and decentralisation : report of the one hundred and thirty first round table on transport economics, held in Paris on 23rd-24th September 2004 on the following topic外部サイトValuing convenience in public transport外部サイトVandalism, terrorism and security in urban public transport : report of the hundred and twenty third Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris, on 11th-12th April 2002 on the following topic外部サイトExpress delivery services外部サイトExpanding airport capacity in large urban areas外部サイトReport of the twenty-first Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 1st and 2nd February, 1973 on the following topic : a study of the economic influence of containerisation on transport systems外部サイトEstimation and evaluation of transport costs外部サイトShort sea shipping外部サイトThe separation of operations from infrastructure in the provision of railway services : report of the one hundred and third Round Table on Transport Economics外部サイトEconomic problems of traffic peaks外部サイトTariff policies for urban transport : (other than road pricing) : held in Paris on 8th and 9th March, 1979 ...外部サイトChanges in transport user's motivations for modal choice : passenger transport外部サイトTransport economics : past trends and future prospects外部サイトCosts and benefits of general speed limits : (maximum and minimum speeds)外部サイトBiofuels : linking support to performance外部サイトTransport infrastructure and systems for a new Europe外部サイト






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23-28 cm
ECMT Round Table
Round Table / ECMT
Round Table
Table Ronde OECD/FIT
Roundtable report
ITF Round Tables
Also available in French under the title: Table Ronde OECD/FIT
Publishers vary: Paris : OECD : International Transport Forum