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Report of the Round Table on Transport Economics

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Report of the Round Table on Transport Economics

Material type
Round Table on Transport Economics
European Conference of Ministers of Transport
Publication date
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23-28 cm
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Note (General):

Also available in French under the title: Table Ronde OECD/FITPublishers vary: Paris : OECD : International Transport Forum

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Transport and decentralisation : report of the one hundred and thirty first round table on transport economics, held in Paris on 23rd-24th September 2004 on the following topicLeave the NDL website. Valuing convenience in public transportLeave the NDL website. Vandalism, terrorism and security in urban public transport : report of the hundred and twenty third Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris, on 11th-12th April 2002 on the following topicLeave the NDL website. Express delivery servicesLeave the NDL website. Expanding airport capacity in large urban areasLeave the NDL website. Report of the twenty-first Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 1st and 2nd February, 1973 on the following topic : a study of the economic influence of containerisation on transport systemsLeave the NDL website. Estimation and evaluation of transport costsLeave the NDL website. Short sea shippingLeave the NDL website. The separation of operations from infrastructure in the provision of railway services : report of the one hundred and third Round Table on Transport EconomicsLeave the NDL website. Economic problems of traffic peaksLeave the NDL website. Tariff policies for urban transport : (other than road pricing) : held in Paris on 8th and 9th March, 1979 ...Leave the NDL website. Changes in transport user's motivations for modal choice : passenger transportLeave the NDL website. Transport economics : past trends and future prospectsLeave the NDL website. Costs and benefits of general speed limits : (maximum and minimum speeds)Leave the NDL website. Biofuels : linking support to performanceLeave the NDL website. Transport infrastructure and systems for a new EuropeLeave the NDL website.

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Material Type
Publication, Distribution, etc.
Publication Date
23-28 cm
Alternative Title
ECMT Round Table
Round Table / ECMT
Round Table
Table Ronde OECD/FIT
Roundtable report
ITF Round Tables
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Note (General)
Also available in French under the title: Table Ronde OECD/FIT
Publishers vary: Paris : OECD : International Transport Forum