Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications
Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications
- Other title on t.p. of v. 31: Encyclopaedia of mathematics and its applicationsOther title on spine of v. 31: Encyclopedia of mathematicsImprint varie...
- 資料種別
- 図書
- 著者・編者
- edited by G.-C. Rota
- 大きさ
- 24 cm
- 並列タイトル等
- Encyclopedia of mathematics
- 出版地(国名コード)
- us
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 一般注記
- Other title on t.p. of v. 31: Encyclopaedia of mathematics and its applicationsOther title on spine of v. 31: Encyclopedia of mathematicsImprint varies; published by: Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 1984-Vol. 101 edited by: P. Flajolet, M. Ismail, E. Lutwat
- 関連情報
- The theory of partitionsRepresentations and amalgamsModules over endomorphism ringsBasic category theoryThe Vidav-Palmer and Gelfand-Naimark theoremsRepresentation theory and the Zel'manov approachThe mountain pass theorem : variants, generalizations and some applicationsPadé approximantsJ-contractive matrix valued functions and related topicsA mathematical invitationThe Banach-Tarski paradoxApplied combinatorics on wordsBuchberger theory and beyondOriented matroidsProbabilistic methods in combinatorial analysisThe Racah-Wigner algebra in quantum theoryFinite fieldsGraph theoryInterval methods for systems of equationsThe Cauchy problemThe Racah-Wigner algebra in quantum theoryThe theory of information and coding : a mathematical framework for communicationFinite precision number systems and arithmeticBoolean models and methods in mathematics, computer science, and engineeringAggregation functionsErgodic control of diffusion processesGeometric applications of Fourier series and spherical harmonicsConvex bodies : the Brunn-Minkowski theoryBasic hypergeometric seriesAbstract regular polytopesLie's structural approach to PDE systemsTopics in structural graph theoryLie's structural approach to PDE systemsComparison of statistical experimentsGeometric tomographyAngular momentum in quantum physics : theory and applicationThe Cauchy problemVariational principles in mathematical physics, geometry, and economics : qualitative analysis of nonlinear equations and unilateral problemsPadé approximantsSymmetry and separation of variablesIntroduction to Radon transforms : with elements of fractional calculus and harmonic analysisNonuniform hyperbolicity : dynamics of systems with nonzero Lyapunov exponentsQuantum field theory for mathematiciansFactorization calculus and geometric probabilityCategories and structuresRepresentations and invariants of the classical groupsField extensions and Galois theoryConvex functions : constructions, characterizations and counterexamplesGeometric applications of Fourier series and spherical harmonicsContinued fractions : analytic theory and applicationsComputation with finitely presented groupsSkew fields : theory of general division ringsThe one-dimensional heat equationFinite fieldsAlgorithmic aspects of graph connectivityOriented matroidsIntroduction to the modern theory of dynamical systemsStochastic equations in infinite dimensionsQuantum field theory for mathematiciansProbabilistic methods in combinatorial analysisThe theory of information and codingAn algebraic introduction to K-theoryDesign theoryThe representation theory of the symmetric groupThe one-dimensional heat equationThe theory of information and coding : a mathematical framework for communicationInfinite dimensional optimization and control theoryGraph structure and monadic second-order logic : a language-theoretic approachThe theory of partitionsThe theory of information and codingMathematical theory of entropyComparison of statistical experimentsRepresentations and invariants of the classical groupsSpline functions on triangulationsContinuous lattices and domainsSperner theoryFinite fieldsCombinatorial games : tic-tac-toe theoryNoncommutative rational series with applicationsVolterra integral and functional equationsExact constants in approximation theorySymmetric generation of groups : with applications to many of the sporadic finite simple groupsMacaulay's paradigm and Gröbner technologyStochastic equations in infinite dimensionsAsymptotics and Mellin-Barnes integralsProduct integration with applications to differential equationsThe one-dimensional heat equationComputation and automataGeneral orthogonal polynomialsOperator algebras in dynamical systems : the theory of unbounded derivations in C[*]-algebrasTheory of distributions : a non-technical introductionVolterra integral and functional equationsStopping times and directed processesEigenspaces of graphsOrthonormal systems and Banach space geometryThe Cauchy problemStochastic partial differential equations with Lévy noise : an evolution equation approachHilbert transformsCombinatorial games : tic-tac-toe theoryPolynomials with special regard to reducibilityCombinatorial matrix theoryUltrametric pseudodifferential equations and applicationsBoolean functions : theory, algorithms, and applicationsThe logic of quantum mechanicsRegular variationAlgebraic combinatorics on wordsAlgorithmic algebraic number theoryArithmetic equivalentsCombinatorics on wordsThe Racah-Wigner algebra in quantum theoryMathematics of the bond market : a Lévy processes approachGeometric regular polytopesThe Banach-Tarski paradoxAsymptotic analysis of random walks : light-tailed distributionsTopics in algorithmic graph theoryBitangential direct and inverse problems for systems of integral and differential equationsThe representation theory of the symmetric groupReal analysis through modern infinitesimalsHadamard expansions and hyperasymptotic evaluation : an extension of the method of steepest descentsFunctional equations in several variablesThermodynamic formalism : the mathematical structures of classical equilibrium statistical mechanicsMeasurement theory with applications to decisionmaking, utility, and the social sciencesCategories of sheavesThermodynamic formalism : the mathematical structures of classical equilibrium statistical mechanicsProduct integration with applications to differential equationsGeometries on surfacesCategorical foundations : special topics in order, topology, algebra, and Sheaf theoryMultiple scattering : interaction of time-harmonic waves with N obstaclesConvex bodies : the Brunn-Minkowski theoryClassical and quantum orthogonal polynomials in one variableConvex bodies : the Brunn-Minkowski theoryMeasurement theory with applications to decisionmaking, utility, and the social sciencesStochastic integration with jumpsThe logic of quantum mechanicsOrthogonal polynomials and continued fractions : from Euler's point of viewAlgorithmic algebraic number theoryIterative functional equationsMinkowski geometryGeometry of chemical graphs : polycycles and two-faced mapsAbstract parabolic systemsMathematical theory of entropyAlgorithmic aspects of graph connectivityCombinatorial methods in discrete mathematicsDynamic data assimilation : a least squares approachLarge deviations and metastabilityLattice sums then and nowSolving polynomial equation systems IThe classical fields : structural features of the real and rational numbersAbsolute measurable spacesContact geometry and nonlinear differential equationsTheory of matroidsBasic hypergeometric seriesIsolated singularities in partial differential inequalitiesPurity, spectra and LocalisationSpecial functionsPetersen and tilde geometriesTopics in topological graph theoryInterval methods for systems of equationsPetersen and tilde geometriesCombinatorics, automata and number theoryAbstract hyperbolic-like systems over a finite time horizonAnalytic tomographyPadé approximantsMonoidal topology : a categorical approach to order, metric, and topologyCombinatorial species and tree-like structuresStochastic equations in infinite dimensionsCombinatorial geometriesSub-Riemannian geometry : general theory and examplesGeneral orthogonal polynomialsModel theoryCombinatorics on wordsStopping times and directed processesFactorization calculus and geometric probabilityClassical and quantum orthogonal polynomials in one variableNonnegative matrices and applicationsFinite fieldsThe logic of quantum mechanicsCombinatorial matrix classesModel theoryAngular momentum in quantum physics : theory and applicationNavier-Stokes equations and turbulenceStochastic integration with jumpsComputation with finitely presented groupsThe Banach-Tarski paradoxTopics in algebraic graph theoryThe foundations of mathematics in the theory of setsBanach algebras and the general theory of *-algebrasCrystallography and almost periodicitySemimodular lattices : theory and applicationsPermanentsSkew fields : theory of general division ringsRational approximation of real functionsRandom graphsEllipsoidal harmonics : theory and applicationsPermanentsBounded arithmetic, propositional logic, and complexity theoryAnalytic equivalentsAlgebras and Banach algebrasComputation and automataCodes and automataAlgebraic combinatorics on wordsMeasurement theory with applications to decisionmaking, utility, and the social sciencesIntegral geometry and geometric probabilityAn algebraic introduction to K-theorySpecial functionsIntegral geometry and geometric probabilitySymmetry and separation of variablesIntroduction to the network approximation method for materials modelingMathematical constantsThe foundations of mathematics in the theory of setsGeometric tomographyExact and approximate controllability for distributed parameter systems : a numerical approachEigenspaces of graphsBirkhoff interpolationAsymptotic analysis of random walks : heavy-tailed distributionsContinued fractions : analytic theory and applicationsBirkhoff interpolationIterative functional equationsNavier-Stokes equations and turbulenceFinite ordered sets : concepts, results and usesCombinatorial geometriesMatrices and graphs in geometryAngular momentum in quantum physics : theory and applicationIntroduction to the modern theory of dynamical systemsProof complexityRelational mathematicsRegular variationOrthogonal polynomials of several variablesTopics in chromatic graph theoryBirkhoff interpolationMatroid applicationsVariational methods for nonlocal fractional problemsQuasi-Hopf algebras : a categorical approachOrthogonal polynomials of several variablesThe Banach-Tarski paradoxAlgebraic solvingCombinatorial matrix theoryFunctional equations in several variables : with applications to mathematics, information theory and to the natural and social sciencesThe representation theory of the symmetric groupPadé approximantsCombinatorics, words and symbolic dynamicsContinued fractions : analytic theory and applicationsWell-posed linear systemsGraph theoryStochastic control and mathematical modeling : applications in economicsBimonoids for hyperplane arrangementsTime-domain scatteringHandbook of constructive mathematicsFoundations of constructive probability theoryLinear state/signal systemsCompound renewal processesCoxeter bialgebrasTheory of matroidsNumerical ranges of Hilbert space operatorsTopics in algorithmic graph theoryTopics in structural graph theoryOrthogonal polynomials in the spectral analysis of Markov processes : birth-death models and diffusionStrongly regular graphsFurther steps towards resolving the Riemann hypothesisHigher special functions : a theory of the central two-point connection problem based on a singularity approachHigher special functions : a theory of the central two-point connection problem based on a singularity approachStructured dependence between stochastic processes
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