
Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications

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Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications

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edited by G.-C. Rota
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co
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24 cm
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Other title on t.p. of v. 31: Encyclopaedia of mathematics and its applicationsOther title on spine of v. 31: Encyclopedia of mathematicsImprint varie...

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Structured dependence between stochastic processesLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • The theory of partitions

  • Representations and amalgams

  • Modules over endomorphism rings

  • Basic category theory

  • The Vidav-Palmer and Gelfand-Naimark theorems

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Material Type
edited by G.-C. Rota
Publication, Distribution, etc.
24 cm
Alternative Title
Encyclopedia of mathematics
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Note (General)
Other title on t.p. of v. 31: Encyclopaedia of mathematics and its applications
Other title on spine of v. 31: Encyclopedia of mathematics
Imprint varies; published by: Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 1984-
Vol. 101 edited by: P. Flajolet, M. Ismail, E. Lutwat