
Ann Arbor paperbacks


Ann Arbor paperbacks

University of Michigan Press


The complete poetry外部サイトThe Indians of the western Great Lakes, 1615-1760外部サイトThe birds . The clouds . The wasps外部サイトChurch, state and education外部サイトImperial Germany and the industrial revolution外部サイトThe Puritan mind外部サイトNatives of my person外部サイトGalileo, science, and the church外部サイトLectures on the principles of political obligation外部サイトThe emigrants外部サイトRoman political ideas and practice外部サイトThe rise and fall of an urban school system : Detroit, 1907-81外部サイトRoman voting assemblies from the Hannibalic War to the dictatorship of Caesar外部サイトThe philosophy of physical science外部サイトThe Writer and his craft外部サイトSecret history外部サイトIn the castle of my skin外部サイトImagination : a psychological critique外部サイトPoetry and politics under the Stuarts外部サイトThe calculus of consent : logical foundations of constitutional democracy外部サイトTerrorism and communism : a reply to Karl Kaursky外部サイトCarolingian chronicles : Royal Frankish annals and Nithard's Histories外部サイトThe nature of true virtue外部サイトThe pleasures of exile外部サイトThe Taoist vision外部サイトThe mummy! : a tale of the twenty-second century外部サイトThe Ulysses theme : a study in the adaptability of a traditional hero外部サイトThe recognition of Edgar Allan Poe : selected criticism since 1829外部サイトEducation外部サイトMarxism : the unity of theory and practice外部サイトPower and the Soviet elite : "The letter of an Old Bolshevik" and other essays外部サイトSound and form in modern poetry : a study of prosody from Thomas Hardy to Robert Lowell外部サイトManifestoes of surrealism外部サイトPartial portraits外部サイトTo the young writer : Hopwood lectures, second series外部サイトNew pathways in science外部サイトThe nature of the physical world外部サイトImpressions of Lenin外部サイトStrategies of American water management外部サイトSeasons of life : the dramatic journey from birth to death外部サイトStory patterns in Greek tragedy外部サイトMonasticism外部サイトThe ABC of communism : a popular explanation of the program of the Communist Party of Russia外部サイトChekhov and other essays外部サイトStonewall Jackson, the good soldier外部サイトFree society & moral crisis外部サイトCarolingian portraits : a study in the ninth century外部サイトThe philosophy of Edmund Burke : a selection from his speeches and writings外部サイトCrashing thunder : the autobiography of an American Indian外部サイトFrance and Britain外部サイトWriting for business外部サイトThe Russian Revolution and Leninism or Marxism?外部サイトThe hero in America : a chronicle of hero-worship外部サイトCivil liberties and the Constitution外部サイトThe dropout : causes and cures外部サイトThe bamboo grove : an introduction to sijo外部サイトReflections of a Russian statesman外部サイトNew bearings in English poetry : a study of the contemporary situation外部サイトThe recognition of Herman Melville : selected criticism since 1846外部サイトShakespeare at work, 1592-1603外部サイトThe marrow of tradition外部サイトEarly Medieval Italy : central power and local society, 400-1000外部サイトThe Writer and his craft外部サイトMontesquieu and Rousseau : forerunners of sociology外部サイトThe sublime : a study of critical theories in XVIII-century England外部サイトThe culture of a new society : ethics, gender, the family, law, and problems of tradition外部サイトThe interior distance外部サイトThe Southern frontier, 1670-1732外部サイトLysistrata . The Acharnians . The congresswomen . The frogs外部サイトElizabethan poetry : a study in conventions, meaning, and expression外部サイトThe birth of the gods : the origin of primitive beliefs外部サイトAristotle : Poetics外部サイトThe new background of science外部サイトTranscendentalism and its legacy外部サイトOut of time : history and evolution in anthropological discourse外部サイトLaissez faire and the general-welfare state : a study of conflict in American thought, 1865-1901外部サイトThe cloud messenger外部サイトWilliam Penn : a biography外部サイトProspero and Caliban : the psychology of colonization外部サイトAntislavery origins of the Civil War in the United States外部サイトThe study of sociology外部サイトAn imagined world : a story of scientific discovery外部サイトLanguage, thought, & culture外部サイトThe Confucian vision外部サイトElizabethan plays and players外部サイトThomas Jefferson : the apostle of Americanism外部サイトMetaphysics外部サイトItaly外部サイトParadise lost and the seventeenth century reader外部サイトThe meaning of truth : a sequel to Pragmatism外部サイトThe ABC of communism : a popular explanation of the program of the Communist Party of Russia外部サイトScience and religion in seventeenth-century England外部サイトThe art of Vergil : image and symbol in the Aeneid外部サイトThe development of physical theory in the Middle Ages外部サイトA people numerous and armed : reflections on the military struggle for American independence外部サイトHobbes外部サイトPoems from the Greek anthology外部サイトSoviet ethics and morality外部サイトDeath and life in the tenth century外部サイトLifted masks, and other works外部サイトThe structure of complex words外部サイトChurch, state and education外部サイトLiterature and revolution外部サイトThe song of Roland外部サイトThe view from the barrio外部サイトThe walls of Jericho外部サイトThe wandering scholars外部サイトThe myth of the ruling class : Gaetano Mosca and the "elite"外部サイトBuddhist thought in India : three phases of Buddhist philosophy外部サイトFrom the monopolists to the organization man外部サイトSeason of adventure外部サイトEvolution and culture外部サイトTheravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia外部サイトSound and form in modern poetry外部サイトBaroque times in old Mexico : seventeenth-century persons, places, and practices外部サイトThe expanding universe外部サイトAubrey's Brief lives外部サイトFrom Babylon to the monopolists外部サイトLife in a noble household, 1641-1700外部サイトThe Satyricon of Petronius外部サイトThe life of Charlemagne外部サイトSix theosophic points and other writings外部サイトImperialism : a study外部サイトThe bow & the lyre : the art of Robert Browning外部サイトImperialism : a study外部サイトPrinciples and privilege : two women's lives on a Georgia plantation外部サイトPopulation : the first essay外部サイトThe recognition of Emily Dickinson : selected criticism since 1890外部サイトCreating Soviet cultural forms : art, architecture, music, film, and the new tasks of education外部サイトThe loyalties of Robinson Jeffers外部サイトAspects of Islamic civilization : as depicted in the original texts外部サイトThe image : knowledge in life and society外部サイトThe Spanish cockpit : an eye-witness account of the political and social conflicts of the Spanish Civil War外部サイトThe Desert fathers外部サイトThe conjure woman外部サイトThe Albigensian Crusades外部サイトGalileo, science, and the church外部サイトEdmund Burke and the natural law外部サイトAesthetics and the sociology of art外部サイトLiterature and psychology外部サイトThe art of literature外部サイトThe Greek view of life外部サイトThe mind of Plato外部サイトPhysics and philosophy外部サイトHeloise and abelard外部サイトThe political ideas of the English romanticists外部サイトThe skalds : a selection of their poems, with introduction and notes外部サイトVoices of the industrial revolution : selected readings from the liberal economists and their critics外部サイトNegro thought in America, 1880-1915 : racial ideologies in the age of Booker T. Washington外部サイトOrganized crime in America : a book of readings外部サイトRoots外部サイトPoems from the Greek anthology外部サイトThe origin of Attic comedy外部サイトReinventing anthropology外部サイトThe praise of folly外部サイトThe fate of man in the modern world外部サイトThe philosophy of surrealism外部サイトThis was a poet : a critical biography of Emily Dickinson外部サイトRage for order : essays in criticism外部サイトMilton's knowledge of music外部サイトThe masterpiece外部サイトContemporary French poetry : fourteen witnesses of man's fate外部サイトPoems from the Greek anthology外部サイトCapitalism in Amsterdam in the 17th century外部サイトCan these bones live外部サイトThe wife of his youth : and other stories of the color line外部サイトFrom affluence to praxis : philosophy and social criticism外部サイトFrustration : the study of behavior without a goal外部サイトSir Thomas Browne : a biographical and critical study外部サイトThe age of Attila : fifth-century Byzantium and the Barbarians外部サイトUniversal natural history and theory of the heavens外部サイトThe heavenly twins外部サイトThe story of the Iliad外部サイトSebastopol外部サイトPolitical heretics : from Plato to Mao Tse-tung外部サイトJean-Paul Sartre : the existentialist ethic外部サイトCarolingian art : a study of early medieval painting and sculpture in Western Europe外部サイトToward a mathematics of politics外部サイトRichard Wright : impressions and perspectives外部サイトRage for order : essays in criticism外部サイトThe merchant class of medieval London, 1300-1500外部サイトMan's place in nature外部サイトAuguste Comte and positivism外部サイトDevotions upon emergent occasions : together with Death's duel外部サイトThe origin of Russian communism外部サイトDocuments on the rape of Nanking外部サイトSoliloquies in England and later soliloquies外部サイトThe praise of folly外部サイトThe merchant class of medieval London, 1300-1500 : with a new introduction外部サイトToward a social report外部サイトThucydides外部サイトBeyond economics : essays on society, religion, and ethics外部サイトThe Reformation of the 16th century in its relation to modern thought and knowledge外部サイトRonsard : prince of poets外部サイトThomas More外部サイトA history of business : from Babylon to the monopolists外部サイトAnthropology外部サイトNegro thought in America, 1880-1915 : racial ideologies in the age of Booker T. Washington : with a new introduction外部サイトMultiparty government : the politics of coalition in Europe外部サイトRebel voices : an I.W.W. anthology外部サイトSeedtime of reform : American social service and social action, 1918-1933外部サイトThe conjure-man dies : a mystery tale of dark Harlem外部サイトA preface to politics外部サイトThe Indians of the western great lakes, 1615-1760外部サイトThe intellectual milieu of John Dryden : studies in some aspects of seventeenth-century thought外部サイトThe art of F. Scott Fitzgerald外部サイトPrisoner's dilemma : a study in conflict and cooperation外部サイトMatthew Arnold and the classical tradition外部サイトThe march up country : a translation of Xenophon's Anabasis外部サイトYoung cherry trees secured against hares = Jeunes cerisiers garantis contre les lievres外部サイトBaroque times in old Mexico : seventeenth-century persons, places, and practices外部サイト



  • The complete poetry

  • The Indians of the western Great Lakes, 1615-1760

  • The birds . The clouds . The wasps

  • Church, state and education

  • Imperial Germany and the industrial revolution





  • CiNii Research

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An Ann Arbor paperback
Ann Arbor paperback
The complete poetry
The Indians of the western Great Lakes, 1615-1760
The birds . The clouds . The wasps
Church, state and education
Imperial Germany and the industrial revolution
The Puritan mind
Natives of my person
Galileo, science, and the church
Lectures on the principles of political obligation
The emigrants
Roman political ideas and practice
The rise and fall of an urban school system : Detroit, 1907-81
Roman voting assemblies from the Hannibalic War to the dictatorship of Caesar
The philosophy of physical science
The Writer and his craft
Secret history
In the castle of my skin
Imagination : a psychological critique
Poetry and politics under the Stuarts
The calculus of consent : logical foundations of constitutional democracy
Terrorism and communism : a reply to Karl Kaursky
Carolingian chronicles : Royal Frankish annals and Nithard's Histories
The nature of true virtue
The pleasures of exile
The Taoist vision
The mummy! : a tale of the twenty-second century
The Ulysses theme : a study in the adaptability of a traditional hero
The recognition of Edgar Allan Poe : selected criticism since 1829
Marxism : the unity of theory and practice
Power and the Soviet elite : "The letter of an Old Bolshevik" and other essays
Sound and form in modern poetry : a study of prosody from Thomas Hardy to Robert Lowell
Manifestoes of surrealism
Partial portraits
To the young writer : Hopwood lectures, second series
New pathways in science
The nature of the physical world
Impressions of Lenin
Strategies of American water management
Seasons of life : the dramatic journey from birth to death
Story patterns in Greek tragedy
The ABC of communism : a popular explanation of the program of the Communist Party of Russia
Chekhov and other essays
Stonewall Jackson, the good soldier
Free society & moral crisis
Carolingian portraits : a study in the ninth century
The philosophy of Edmund Burke : a selection from his speeches and writings
Crashing thunder : the autobiography of an American Indian
France and Britain
Writing for business
The Russian Revolution and Leninism or Marxism?
The hero in America : a chronicle of hero-worship
Civil liberties and the Constitution
The dropout : causes and cures
The bamboo grove : an introduction to sijo
Reflections of a Russian statesman
New bearings in English poetry : a study of the contemporary situation
The recognition of Herman Melville : selected criticism since 1846
Shakespeare at work, 1592-1603
The marrow of tradition
Early Medieval Italy : central power and local society, 400-1000
The Writer and his craft
Montesquieu and Rousseau : forerunners of sociology
The sublime : a study of critical theories in XVIII-century England
The culture of a new society : ethics, gender, the family, law, and problems of tradition
The interior distance
The Southern frontier, 1670-1732
Lysistrata . The Acharnians . The congresswomen . The frogs
Elizabethan poetry : a study in conventions, meaning, and expression
The birth of the gods : the origin of primitive beliefs
Aristotle : Poetics
The new background of science
Transcendentalism and its legacy
Out of time : history and evolution in anthropological discourse
Laissez faire and the general-welfare state : a study of conflict in American thought, 1865-1901
The cloud messenger
William Penn : a biography
Prospero and Caliban : the psychology of colonization
Antislavery origins of the Civil War in the United States
The study of sociology
An imagined world : a story of scientific discovery
Language, thought, & culture
The Confucian vision
Elizabethan plays and players
Thomas Jefferson : the apostle of Americanism
Paradise lost and the seventeenth century reader
The meaning of truth : a sequel to Pragmatism
The ABC of communism : a popular explanation of the program of the Communist Party of Russia
Science and religion in seventeenth-century England
The art of Vergil : image and symbol in the Aeneid
The development of physical theory in the Middle Ages
A people numerous and armed : reflections on the military struggle for American independence
Poems from the Greek anthology
Soviet ethics and morality
Death and life in the tenth century
Lifted masks, and other works
The structure of complex words
Church, state and education
Literature and revolution
The song of Roland
The view from the barrio
The walls of Jericho
The wandering scholars
The myth of the ruling class : Gaetano Mosca and the "elite"
Buddhist thought in India : three phases of Buddhist philosophy
From the monopolists to the organization man
Season of adventure
Evolution and culture
Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia
Sound and form in modern poetry
Baroque times in old Mexico : seventeenth-century persons, places, and practices
The expanding universe
Aubrey's Brief lives
From Babylon to the monopolists
Life in a noble household, 1641-1700
The Satyricon of Petronius
The life of Charlemagne
Six theosophic points and other writings
Imperialism : a study
The bow & the lyre : the art of Robert Browning
Imperialism : a study
Principles and privilege : two women's lives on a Georgia plantation
Population : the first essay
The recognition of Emily Dickinson : selected criticism since 1890
Creating Soviet cultural forms : art, architecture, music, film, and the new tasks of education
The loyalties of Robinson Jeffers
Aspects of Islamic civilization : as depicted in the original texts
The image : knowledge in life and society
The Spanish cockpit : an eye-witness account of the political and social conflicts of the Spanish Civil War
The Desert fathers
The conjure woman
The Albigensian Crusades
Galileo, science, and the church
Edmund Burke and the natural law
Aesthetics and the sociology of art
Literature and psychology
The art of literature
The Greek view of life
The mind of Plato
Physics and philosophy
Heloise and abelard
The political ideas of the English romanticists
The skalds : a selection of their poems, with introduction and notes
Voices of the industrial revolution : selected readings from the liberal economists and their critics
Negro thought in America, 1880-1915 : racial ideologies in the age of Booker T. Washington
Organized crime in America : a book of readings
Poems from the Greek anthology
The origin of Attic comedy
Reinventing anthropology
The praise of folly
The fate of man in the modern world
The philosophy of surrealism
This was a poet : a critical biography of Emily Dickinson
Rage for order : essays in criticism
Milton's knowledge of music
The masterpiece
Contemporary French poetry : fourteen witnesses of man's fate
Poems from the Greek anthology
Capitalism in Amsterdam in the 17th century
Can these bones live
The wife of his youth : and other stories of the color line
From affluence to praxis : philosophy and social criticism
Frustration : the study of behavior without a goal
Sir Thomas Browne : a biographical and critical study
The age of Attila : fifth-century Byzantium and the Barbarians
Universal natural history and theory of the heavens
The heavenly twins
The story of the Iliad
Political heretics : from Plato to Mao Tse-tung
Jean-Paul Sartre : the existentialist ethic
Carolingian art : a study of early medieval painting and sculpture in Western Europe
Toward a mathematics of politics
Richard Wright : impressions and perspectives
Rage for order : essays in criticism
The merchant class of medieval London, 1300-1500
Man's place in nature
Auguste Comte and positivism
Devotions upon emergent occasions : together with Death's duel
The origin of Russian communism
Documents on the rape of Nanking
Soliloquies in England and later soliloquies
The praise of folly
The merchant class of medieval London, 1300-1500 : with a new introduction
Toward a social report
Beyond economics : essays on society, religion, and ethics
The Reformation of the 16th century in its relation to modern thought and knowledge
Ronsard : prince of poets
Thomas More
A history of business : from Babylon to the monopolists
Negro thought in America, 1880-1915 : racial ideologies in the age of Booker T. Washington : with a new introduction
Multiparty government : the politics of coalition in Europe
Rebel voices : an I.W.W. anthology
Seedtime of reform : American social service and social action, 1918-1933
The conjure-man dies : a mystery tale of dark Harlem
A preface to politics
The Indians of the western great lakes, 1615-1760
The intellectual milieu of John Dryden : studies in some aspects of seventeenth-century thought
The art of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Prisoner's dilemma : a study in conflict and cooperation
Matthew Arnold and the classical tradition
The march up country : a translation of Xenophon's Anabasis
Young cherry trees secured against hares = Jeunes cerisiers garantis contre les lievres
Baroque times in old Mexico : seventeenth-century persons, places, and practices
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books