
Ann Arbor paperbacks

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Ann Arbor paperbacks

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The complete poetryLeave the NDL website. The Indians of the western Great Lakes, 1615-1760Leave the NDL website. The birds . The clouds . The waspsLeave the NDL website. Church, state and educationLeave the NDL website. Imperial Germany and the industrial revolutionLeave the NDL website. The Puritan mindLeave the NDL website. Natives of my personLeave the NDL website. Galileo, science, and the churchLeave the NDL website. Lectures on the principles of political obligationLeave the NDL website. The emigrantsLeave the NDL website. Roman political ideas and practiceLeave the NDL website. The rise and fall of an urban school system : Detroit, 1907-81Leave the NDL website. Roman voting assemblies from the Hannibalic War to the dictatorship of CaesarLeave the NDL website. The philosophy of physical scienceLeave the NDL website. The Writer and his craftLeave the NDL website. Secret historyLeave the NDL website. In the castle of my skinLeave the NDL website. Imagination : a psychological critiqueLeave the NDL website. Poetry and politics under the StuartsLeave the NDL website. The calculus of consent : logical foundations of constitutional democracyLeave the NDL website. Terrorism and communism : a reply to Karl KaurskyLeave the NDL website. Carolingian chronicles : Royal Frankish annals and Nithard's HistoriesLeave the NDL website. The nature of true virtueLeave the NDL website. The pleasures of exileLeave the NDL website. The Taoist visionLeave the NDL website. The mummy! : a tale of the twenty-second centuryLeave the NDL website. The Ulysses theme : a study in the adaptability of a traditional heroLeave the NDL website. The recognition of Edgar Allan Poe : selected criticism since 1829Leave the NDL website. EducationLeave the NDL website. Marxism : the unity of theory and practiceLeave the NDL website. Power and the Soviet elite : "The letter of an Old Bolshevik" and other essaysLeave the NDL website. Sound and form in modern poetry : a study of prosody from Thomas Hardy to Robert LowellLeave the NDL website. Manifestoes of surrealismLeave the NDL website. Partial portraitsLeave the NDL website. To the young writer : Hopwood lectures, second seriesLeave the NDL website. New pathways in scienceLeave the NDL website. The nature of the physical worldLeave the NDL website. Impressions of LeninLeave the NDL website. Strategies of American water managementLeave the NDL website. Seasons of life : the dramatic journey from birth to deathLeave the NDL website. Story patterns in Greek tragedyLeave the NDL website. MonasticismLeave the NDL website. The ABC of communism : a popular explanation of the program of the Communist Party of RussiaLeave the NDL website. Chekhov and other essaysLeave the NDL website. Stonewall Jackson, the good soldierLeave the NDL website. Free society & moral crisisLeave the NDL website. Carolingian portraits : a study in the ninth centuryLeave the NDL website. The philosophy of Edmund Burke : a selection from his speeches and writingsLeave the NDL website. Crashing thunder : the autobiography of an American IndianLeave the NDL website. France and BritainLeave the NDL website. Writing for businessLeave the NDL website. The Russian Revolution and Leninism or Marxism?Leave the NDL website. The hero in America : a chronicle of hero-worshipLeave the NDL website. Civil liberties and the ConstitutionLeave the NDL website. The dropout : causes and curesLeave the NDL website. The bamboo grove : an introduction to sijoLeave the NDL website. Reflections of a Russian statesmanLeave the NDL website. New bearings in English poetry : a study of the contemporary situationLeave the NDL website. The recognition of Herman Melville : selected criticism since 1846Leave the NDL website. Shakespeare at work, 1592-1603Leave the NDL website. The marrow of traditionLeave the NDL website. Early Medieval Italy : central power and local society, 400-1000Leave the NDL website. The Writer and his craftLeave the NDL website. Montesquieu and Rousseau : forerunners of sociologyLeave the NDL website. The sublime : a study of critical theories in XVIII-century EnglandLeave the NDL website. The culture of a new society : ethics, gender, the family, law, and problems of traditionLeave the NDL website. The interior distanceLeave the NDL website. The Southern frontier, 1670-1732Leave the NDL website. Lysistrata . The Acharnians . The congresswomen . The frogsLeave the NDL website. Elizabethan poetry : a study in conventions, meaning, and expressionLeave the NDL website. The birth of the gods : the origin of primitive beliefsLeave the NDL website. Aristotle : PoeticsLeave the NDL website. The new background of scienceLeave the NDL website. Transcendentalism and its legacyLeave the NDL website. Out of time : history and evolution in anthropological discourseLeave the NDL website. Laissez faire and the general-welfare state : a study of conflict in American thought, 1865-1901Leave the NDL website. The cloud messengerLeave the NDL website. William Penn : a biographyLeave the NDL website. Prospero and Caliban : the psychology of colonizationLeave the NDL website. Antislavery origins of the Civil War in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The study of sociologyLeave the NDL website. An imagined world : a story of scientific discoveryLeave the NDL website. Language, thought, & cultureLeave the NDL website. The Confucian visionLeave the NDL website. Elizabethan plays and playersLeave the NDL website. Thomas Jefferson : the apostle of AmericanismLeave the NDL website. MetaphysicsLeave the NDL website. ItalyLeave the NDL website. Paradise lost and the seventeenth century readerLeave the NDL website. The meaning of truth : a sequel to PragmatismLeave the NDL website. The ABC of communism : a popular explanation of the program of the Communist Party of RussiaLeave the NDL website. Science and religion in seventeenth-century EnglandLeave the NDL website. The art of Vergil : image and symbol in the AeneidLeave the NDL website. The development of physical theory in the Middle AgesLeave the NDL website. A people numerous and armed : reflections on the military struggle for American independenceLeave the NDL website. HobbesLeave the NDL website. Poems from the Greek anthologyLeave the NDL website. Soviet ethics and moralityLeave the NDL website. Death and life in the tenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Lifted masks, and other worksLeave the NDL website. The structure of complex wordsLeave the NDL website. Church, state and educationLeave the NDL website. Literature and revolutionLeave the NDL website. The song of RolandLeave the NDL website. The view from the barrioLeave the NDL website. The walls of JerichoLeave the NDL website. The wandering scholarsLeave the NDL website. The myth of the ruling class : Gaetano Mosca and the "elite"Leave the NDL website. Buddhist thought in India : three phases of Buddhist philosophyLeave the NDL website. From the monopolists to the organization manLeave the NDL website. Season of adventureLeave the NDL website. Evolution and cultureLeave the NDL website. Theravada Buddhism in Southeast AsiaLeave the NDL website. Sound and form in modern poetryLeave the NDL website. Baroque times in old Mexico : seventeenth-century persons, places, and practicesLeave the NDL website. The expanding universeLeave the NDL website. Aubrey's Brief livesLeave the NDL website. From Babylon to the monopolistsLeave the NDL website. Life in a noble household, 1641-1700Leave the NDL website. The Satyricon of PetroniusLeave the NDL website. The life of CharlemagneLeave the NDL website. Six theosophic points and other writingsLeave the NDL website. Imperialism : a studyLeave the NDL website. The bow & the lyre : the art of Robert BrowningLeave the NDL website. Imperialism : a studyLeave the NDL website. Principles and privilege : two women's lives on a Georgia plantationLeave the NDL website. Population : the first essayLeave the NDL website. The recognition of Emily Dickinson : selected criticism since 1890Leave the NDL website. Creating Soviet cultural forms : art, architecture, music, film, and the new tasks of educationLeave the NDL website. The loyalties of Robinson JeffersLeave the NDL website. Aspects of Islamic civilization : as depicted in the original textsLeave the NDL website. The image : knowledge in life and societyLeave the NDL website. The Spanish cockpit : an eye-witness account of the political and social conflicts of the Spanish Civil WarLeave the NDL website. The Desert fathersLeave the NDL website. The conjure womanLeave the NDL website. The Albigensian CrusadesLeave the NDL website. Galileo, science, and the churchLeave the NDL website. Edmund Burke and the natural lawLeave the NDL website. Aesthetics and the sociology of artLeave the NDL website. Literature and psychologyLeave the NDL website. The art of literatureLeave the NDL website. The Greek view of lifeLeave the NDL website. The mind of PlatoLeave the NDL website. Physics and philosophyLeave the NDL website. Heloise and abelardLeave the NDL website. The political ideas of the English romanticistsLeave the NDL website. The skalds : a selection of their poems, with introduction and notesLeave the NDL website. Voices of the industrial revolution : selected readings from the liberal economists and their criticsLeave the NDL website. Negro thought in America, 1880-1915 : racial ideologies in the age of Booker T. WashingtonLeave the NDL website. Organized crime in America : a book of readingsLeave the NDL website. RootsLeave the NDL website. Poems from the Greek anthologyLeave the NDL website. The origin of Attic comedyLeave the NDL website. Reinventing anthropologyLeave the NDL website. The praise of follyLeave the NDL website. The fate of man in the modern worldLeave the NDL website. The philosophy of surrealismLeave the NDL website. This was a poet : a critical biography of Emily DickinsonLeave the NDL website. Rage for order : essays in criticismLeave the NDL website. Milton's knowledge of musicLeave the NDL website. The masterpieceLeave the NDL website. Contemporary French poetry : fourteen witnesses of man's fateLeave the NDL website. Poems from the Greek anthologyLeave the NDL website. Capitalism in Amsterdam in the 17th centuryLeave the NDL website. Can these bones liveLeave the NDL website. The wife of his youth : and other stories of the color lineLeave the NDL website. From affluence to praxis : philosophy and social criticismLeave the NDL website. Frustration : the study of behavior without a goalLeave the NDL website. Sir Thomas Browne : a biographical and critical studyLeave the NDL website. The age of Attila : fifth-century Byzantium and the BarbariansLeave the NDL website. Universal natural history and theory of the heavensLeave the NDL website. The heavenly twinsLeave the NDL website. The story of the IliadLeave the NDL website. SebastopolLeave the NDL website. Political heretics : from Plato to Mao Tse-tungLeave the NDL website. Jean-Paul Sartre : the existentialist ethicLeave the NDL website. Carolingian art : a study of early medieval painting and sculpture in Western EuropeLeave the NDL website. Toward a mathematics of politicsLeave the NDL website. Richard Wright : impressions and perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Rage for order : essays in criticismLeave the NDL website. The merchant class of medieval London, 1300-1500Leave the NDL website. Man's place in natureLeave the NDL website. Auguste Comte and positivismLeave the NDL website. Devotions upon emergent occasions : together with Death's duelLeave the NDL website. The origin of Russian communismLeave the NDL website. Documents on the rape of NankingLeave the NDL website. Soliloquies in England and later soliloquiesLeave the NDL website. The praise of follyLeave the NDL website. The merchant class of medieval London, 1300-1500 : with a new introductionLeave the NDL website. Toward a social reportLeave the NDL website. ThucydidesLeave the NDL website. Beyond economics : essays on society, religion, and ethicsLeave the NDL website. The Reformation of the 16th century in its relation to modern thought and knowledgeLeave the NDL website. Ronsard : prince of poetsLeave the NDL website. Thomas MoreLeave the NDL website. A history of business : from Babylon to the monopolistsLeave the NDL website. AnthropologyLeave the NDL website. Negro thought in America, 1880-1915 : racial ideologies in the age of Booker T. Washington : with a new introductionLeave the NDL website. Multiparty government : the politics of coalition in EuropeLeave the NDL website. Rebel voices : an I.W.W. anthologyLeave the NDL website. Seedtime of reform : American social service and social action, 1918-1933Leave the NDL website. The conjure-man dies : a mystery tale of dark HarlemLeave the NDL website. A preface to politicsLeave the NDL website. The Indians of the western great lakes, 1615-1760Leave the NDL website. The intellectual milieu of John Dryden : studies in some aspects of seventeenth-century thoughtLeave the NDL website. The art of F. Scott FitzgeraldLeave the NDL website. Prisoner's dilemma : a study in conflict and cooperationLeave the NDL website. Matthew Arnold and the classical traditionLeave the NDL website. The march up country : a translation of Xenophon's AnabasisLeave the NDL website. Young cherry trees secured against hares = Jeunes cerisiers garantis contre les lievresLeave the NDL website. Baroque times in old Mexico : seventeenth-century persons, places, and practicesLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • The complete poetry

  • The Indians of the western Great Lakes, 1615-1760

  • The birds . The clouds . The wasps

  • Church, state and education

  • Imperial Germany and the industrial revolution

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An Ann Arbor paperback
Ann Arbor paperback
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The complete poetry
The Indians of the western Great Lakes, 1615-1760
The birds . The clouds . The wasps
Church, state and education
Imperial Germany and the industrial revolution
The Puritan mind
Natives of my person
Galileo, science, and the church
Lectures on the principles of political obligation
The emigrants
Roman political ideas and practice
The rise and fall of an urban school system : Detroit, 1907-81
Roman voting assemblies from the Hannibalic War to the dictatorship of Caesar
The philosophy of physical science
The Writer and his craft
Secret history
In the castle of my skin
Imagination : a psychological critique
Poetry and politics under the Stuarts
The calculus of consent : logical foundations of constitutional democracy
Terrorism and communism : a reply to Karl Kaursky
Carolingian chronicles : Royal Frankish annals and Nithard's Histories
The nature of true virtue
The pleasures of exile
The Taoist vision
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The recognition of Edgar Allan Poe : selected criticism since 1829
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The nature of the physical world
Impressions of Lenin
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Story patterns in Greek tragedy
The ABC of communism : a popular explanation of the program of the Communist Party of Russia
Chekhov and other essays
Stonewall Jackson, the good soldier
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Carolingian portraits : a study in the ninth century
The philosophy of Edmund Burke : a selection from his speeches and writings
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The bamboo grove : an introduction to sijo
Reflections of a Russian statesman
New bearings in English poetry : a study of the contemporary situation
The recognition of Herman Melville : selected criticism since 1846
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The marrow of tradition
Early Medieval Italy : central power and local society, 400-1000
The Writer and his craft
Montesquieu and Rousseau : forerunners of sociology
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The interior distance
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The song of Roland
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The mind of Plato
Physics and philosophy
Heloise and abelard
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The skalds : a selection of their poems, with introduction and notes
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Negro thought in America, 1880-1915 : racial ideologies in the age of Booker T. Washington
Organized crime in America : a book of readings
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Toward a social report
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Negro thought in America, 1880-1915 : racial ideologies in the age of Booker T. Washington : with a new introduction
Multiparty government : the politics of coalition in Europe
Rebel voices : an I.W.W. anthology
Seedtime of reform : American social service and social action, 1918-1933
The conjure-man dies : a mystery tale of dark Harlem
A preface to politics
The Indians of the western great lakes, 1615-1760
The intellectual milieu of John Dryden : studies in some aspects of seventeenth-century thought
The art of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Prisoner's dilemma : a study in conflict and cooperation
Matthew Arnold and the classical tradition
The march up country : a translation of Xenophon's Anabasis
Young cherry trees secured against hares = Jeunes cerisiers garantis contre les lievres
Baroque times in old Mexico : seventeenth-century persons, places, and practices
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