Pros. Doc. No. 490: Book, entitled "The Road to the Reconstruction of the World" by HASHIMOTO, Kingoro, permanent member of the Executive Committee of the I. R. A. A. (Imperial Rule Assistance Association)(文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47)
検察側文書第490号: 世界再建の道/ 橋本欣五郎著 [抜粹] (法廷証第177号)Pros. Doc. No. 490: The Road to Reconstruction of the World by Hashimoto By HASHIMOTO, Kingoro, 1941 (Court ...