
014.12: General Headquarters G-2, Far East Command, G-2 File Copy, Line No. 1 - 49, Book No. 1, Jan - Dec 1950 (文書名:Records of General Headquarters Far East Command = 極東軍総司令部文書 ; Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2 = 参謀第2部) (Entry16A ; ボックス番号:17 ; フォルダ番号:3)

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014.12: General Headquarters G-2, Far East Command, G-2 File Copy, Line No. 1 - 49, Book No. 1, Jan - Dec 1950(文書名:Records of General Headquarters Far East Command = 極東軍総司令部文書 ; Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2 = 参謀第2部) (Entry16A ; ボックス番号:17 ; フォルダ番号:3)

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原所蔵機関: 米国国立公文書館(RG554); 日本占領関係資料Withdrawal Notice

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Material Type
Publication Date
Publication Date (W3CDTF)
Alternative Title
MPD News Release, 1950/06/03, MPD Police Plan for Control of Parades Demonstrations and Assemblies, 1950/06/02, Use of Maps by Japanese National Police Reserve, 1950/10/06, Australian Mission Request for Information on the Japanese National Police, 1950/10/10, Communists attempt to Undermine and Sabotage National Police Reserve, 1950/10/02, Japan Communist Party Police Infiltration, 1950/08/14, Japan Communist Party Anti-Police Activities, 1949/12/19, Propaganda Pamphlet Policeman's Demands Volume II, 1950/08/11, Request for Additional Logistic Support Funds, 1950/07/26, Sampling of National Police Reserve Applications, 1950/08/18, Status of Build-up of Japanese Police Force, 1950/10/14, Candidates for the National Rural Police Reserve, 1950/08/07, Nat & Metrop Police Control Assemblies Parades Rallies etc, 1950/06/14, Spaces available to Ryukyuans Maritime Safety Academy, 1950/05/29, Request by Yokohama Provost Marshal for Increase in Kawasaki City Police, 1950/06/08, Request for Termination of Japanese Police Guard at Korean Mission Office, 1950/05/19, Conference on Utilization of Japanese Police in Event of a Major Emergency, 1950/04/12, Request for Figures on Japanese Law Eenforcement Agencies, 1950/02/23, Indian Mission Request for Information on Police Codes, 1950/01/13, Japanese Police Training, 1950/01/19, Limitations on Maximum Number of Judicial Police Officials, 1950/03/01, Regulations Concerning Duties of Judicial police, 1950/01/13, Revolvers for CINCFE Project, 1950/03/24
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Note (General)
原所蔵機関: 米国国立公文書館(RG554); 日本占領関係資料
Withdrawal Notice
Note (Original Version)
原資料の出版事項: ; 1949/12-1950/10