
C China 3100: Regular Government, 1950 (文書名:Records of General Headquarters Far East Command = 極東軍総司令部文書 ; Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2 = 参謀第2部) (Entry18 ; ボックス番号:9 ; フォルダ番号:3)

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C China 3100: Regular Government, 1950(文書名:Records of General Headquarters Far East Command = 極東軍総司令部文書 ; Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2 = 参謀第2部) (Entry18 ; ボックス番号:9 ; フォルダ番号:3)

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原所蔵機関: 米国国立公文書館(RG554); 日本占領関係資料Withdrawal Notice

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Pieces of Information Suggestive of the Actual Condition in the Chinese Communist Regime and Our View Thereon, 1950/06/24, Organization of Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, 06/08, The Time of the Chinese Communist Invasion of Formosa, 06/04, Information on the Chinese Communists (No. 2), 04/17, The Chinese Communists' Attitude towards the Korean War, 08/14, State Administration Council Approvals List of Personnel of the East China Military and Political Commission, 03/20, Translation of Items Appearing in the LIBERATION DAILY, Shanghai, March 26-29, 1950, Communication and political Information, CHINA, 12/14, Political Affairs in CHINA, 11/21, Observation on the Peace Maintenance Issue under the Chinese Communist Government (with a Sketch), 11/10, Information on the Plot Operation Designed by LI CHI-SHEN (李済深), 10/20, Reported Communist Conference in Mukden, 08/31, A Turkistan's Account of His Fatherland Sinkiang, 08/18, Translation of Documents re Organization of Chinese Communist Government, 08/04, Recognition of the Red Government of China, 03/13, The Characteristics of Former Chinese War-Lords and the Prospect of the Chinese Communist Army, 03/11, Article by Captain Smith USN (Retired), 03/08, The Condition in North China as Told by a Former Japanese Army Officer Who Has Been to Tientsin for Conducting Illicit Trade, 02/27, A Third Report on the Chinese Communists' Recruitment of Japanese Airmen, 02/17, The Chinese Communists SHANTUNG Province, 02/16, Views on the Directive Regarding the "Productive and Constructive Operation of the Chinese Communist Army", from a Standpoint of the Character of Chinese Troops, 01/25, Questions and Answers on Current Topics, 01/24, Observation on the Chinese Communist Activities in the Mohammedan Sphere, 01/13, Report on Meeting of Intelligence Department of Chinese Communist Party, 01/10
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Note (General)
原所蔵機関: 米国国立公文書館(RG554); 日本占領関係資料
Withdrawal Notice
Note (Original Version)
原資料の出版事項: ; 1949/12-1950/12