Evacuation of the Japanese from the West Coast final report and papers of the Adjutant General's Office
Evacuation of the Japanese from the West Coast final report and papers of the Adjutant General's Office
- Call No. (NDL)
- VE612-15
- Bibliographic ID of National Diet Library
- 028483025
- Material type
- 図書
- Author
- -
- Publisher
- UPA collection from LexisNexis
- Publication date
- c2005
- Material Format
- Microform
- Capacity, size, etc.
- 7 microfilm reels ; 35mm
- -
Notes on use at the National Diet Library
- 目録: マイクロフィルム付属の目録 (憲政資料室備付), ProQuest社のウェブサイトに掲載の目録PDF (Products & Services >Microform >View list of microform collections >「Evacuation of the Japanese from the West Coast: Final, Report and Papers of Adjutant General's Office」で検索)
- 米国国立公文書館が提供するデータベースJapanese-American Internee Data File, 1942-1946で, 第二次世界大戦中に戦時転住局 (War Relocation Authority, WRA) が WRA Form 26 から作成した強制収容者の情報を検索することができます. 留意事項 (網羅的ではない, 誤記・誤入力は未修正等) をご確認の上, ご利用ください.
- 米国国立公文書館の関連情報として, 概要を説明したWorld War II Incarceration of Japanese and Japanese Americans: Introductionや, World War II Japanese American Incarceration: Researching an Individual or Familyがあります.
- Names Registry (Densho Digital Repository)のDatasets内で, 米国国立公文書館所蔵資料等から翻刻した名簿データを公開しています.
Notes on use
Note (General):
- Reproduces a large number of documents ranging from camp publications to Army orders and reports to newspaper and periodical clippings from among the ...
Other physical details:
- Posi
Accompanying material:
- guide (xiii, 23p; 28cm)
Related materials as well as pre- and post-revision versions
Detailed bibliographic record
- Reel 1Prohibited and Restricted Zones as Recommended to the Attorney General, 1942Assembly Centers Publications: Volume 1, A to M. Fresno, California;...
Summary, etc.:
- 資料の概要: アメリカ西海岸の日系人強制移住最終報告書及び高級副官部文書. 米国西部防衛軍司令官John DeWitt関係資料, カリフォルニア州司法長官Earl Warren等の西海岸地域の政治家・調査団による報告書, 連邦保障局, 農業保障局, サンフランシスコ連邦準備銀行など政府機関や民間団体...
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Bibliographic Record
You can check the details of this material, its authority (keywords that refer to materials on the same subject, author's name, etc.), etc.
- Material Type
- 図書
- Publication, Distribution, etc.
- Publication Date
- c2005
- Publication Date (W3CDTF)
- 2005
- Extent
- 7 microfilm reels
- Other physical details
- Posi
- Size
- 35mm
- Accompanying material
- guide (xiii, 23p; 28cm)
- Alternative Title
- A guide to the microfilm edition of evacuation of the Japanese from the West Coast, final report and papers of the Adjutant General's Office
- Place of Publication (Country Code)
- US
- Text Language Code
- eng
- Note (Material Type)
- [microform]
- Note (General)
- Reproduces a large number of documents ranging from camp publications to Army orders and reports to newspaper and periodical clippings from among the records of the Adjutant General's Office, in the custody of the National Archives of the United States
- Note (Ownership and Custodial History)
- 資料の来歴: Adjutant General's Office, War Department旧蔵, 米国国立公文書館 (RG94, のちRG499) 原蔵. 2012年度に購入
- Collection (particular)
- 国立国会図書館 > 日系移民関係資料
- Holding library
- 国立国会図書館
- Call No.
- VE612-15
- Related Material
- 関連資料 : Manzanar War Relocation Center records, 1942-1946 [microform]関連資料 : Karl G. Yoneda papers [microform]関連資料 : Public hearings of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, 1981 [microform]関連資料 : Clarence Gillett papers, 1942-1948 [microform]関連資料 : Records of the War Relocation Authority, 1942-1946 [microform]関連資料 : The Internment of Japanese Americans [microform]関連資料 : Community analysis reports and community analysis trend reports of the War Relocation Authority, 1942-1946 [microform]関連資料 : Papers of the U.S. Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians. Part 1, Numerical file archive edited by Randolph Boehm ; guide compiled by Robert Lester関連資料 : Final report, Japanese evacuation from the West coast, 1942
- Data Provider (Database)
- 国立国会図書館 : 国立国会図書館蔵書
- Bibliographic ID (NDL)
- 028483025
- Bibliographic Record Category (NDL)
- 432