
360.7: Civilian and Commercial Aviation, Aviation and Aeronautics, Binder No. 1, 1 Jan 1949 - 31 Oct 1950 (文書名:Records of General Headquarters Far East Command = 極東軍総司令部文書 ; Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4 = 参謀第4部) (Entry65 ; ボックス番号:35 ; フォルダ番号:1)

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360.7: Civilian and Commercial Aviation, Aviation and Aeronautics, Binder No. 1, 1 Jan 1949 - 31 Oct 1950(文書名:Records of General Headquarters Far East Command = 極東軍総司令部文書 ; Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4 = 参謀第4部) (Entry65 ; ボックス番号:35 ; フォルダ番号:1)

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原所蔵機関: 米国国立公文書館(RG554); 日本占領関係資料日本語あり

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Request to Operate Private Plane in Japan, 1950/10/27, Japan Domestic Airline Company, 1950/10/24, Proposed Amendments of SCAP General Orders 15 (6 Aug 49) and SCAP Circular No. 1 (28 Jan 50), 1950/10/23, Resumption of Northwest Airlines Commercial Service to Korea, 1950/10/06, Internal Air Transportation in Japan, 1950/10/04, Transmission of AF Form 32 - BOAC, 1950/08/27, Procedure for Establishing a Domestic Airline in Japan, 1950/07/29, Revision of SCAP Cir No. 6, International Air Traffic in Japan, 9 March 1950, 1950/07/07, Request for Directives Concerning Commercial Aviation within Japan, 1950/06/28, Licensing and Organization Criteria for a Non-Japanese Domestic Airline, 1950/06/22, Non-Japanese Civil Aviation for Japan, 1950/06/15, Commercial Airline to Hokkaido, 1950/05/01, Pacific Overseas Airways (Siam) Ltd., Request for Landing Rights in Japan and Okinawa, 1950/04/21, Policy for Civil Aviation for Japan, 1950/04/18, Internal Airlines in Japan, 1950/04/17, Letter of Transmittal (AF Forms 32 and 33), 1950/03/30, Use of Itami Airport, Osaka, Japan, 1950/03/10, Preliminary Survey for Refueling Station on Okinawa for Commercial Airlines, 1950/03/06, Application of Unimac Trading Company, Ltd., 1950/03/06, U.S. Civil Aviation Policy Toward the USSR and its Satellites, 1950/02/20, Policy Regarding Processing of Application from Commercial Airlines to Utilize USAF Facilities in the Far East Command, 1950/01/09, Qantas Empire Airways Ltd. Operations into Japan, 1949/12/17, Amendments to U.S. Proposal for Civil Aviation Policy in Japan, 1949/05/19, Agreement Covering Civil (Domestic or Foreign) Aircraft Operations at United States Air Force Bases Overseas, 1949/02/15, Inauguration of Civil Flights from Tokyo to Hong Kong via Okinawa, 1949/01/27
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原所蔵機関: 米国国立公文書館(RG554); 日本占領関係資料