
510: Transportation of Persons, Binder No. 4, 1 Apr - 15 Jul 1950 (文書名: Records of General Headquarters Far East Command ; Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4 = 極東軍総司令部文書 ; 参謀第4部) (Entry 65. ボックス番号: 83 ; フォルダ番号: 3)

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510: Transportation of Persons, Binder No. 4, 1 Apr - 15 Jul 1950(文書名: Records of General Headquarters Far East Command ; Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4 = 極東軍総司令部文書 ; 参謀第4部) (Entry 65. ボックス番号: 83 ; フォルダ番号: 3)

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原所蔵機関: 米国国立公文書館 (RG554)

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Travel of Infants Between the Ages of Six Weeks to Six Months on Military Sea Transportation Service Passenger Vessels, 1950/07/14, Transportation to Korea of New British Charge d'Affaires ad interim and Staff, 1950/07/10, S/A Trans for House Guest, 1950/07/09, Type of Travel Authorized for Indigenous Personnel Traveling in Interests of the Occupation, 1950/07/06, Verbal Requests for Travel Orders, 1950/07/05, Transportation to United States (Col. Sevilla), 1950/07/03, Travel of State Department Employees Via Government Surface Transportation, 1950/06/23, Travel for Foreign National Employees, 1950/06/19, DA Message WCL 26938 Discounting MSTS S/A Transportation for DAC's and DAFC's, 1950/06/15, Exit and Entrance Clearance and Travel Orders for Japanese National, 1950/06/09, Travel of Allied Personnel on Japanese Ferryboats, 1950/06/06, Transportation to the United States, 1950/06/05, Request for Transportation of Philippine Student, 1950/06/01, Space Allocation for Leave Travel to Japan, 1950/06/02, Eastbound Trans-Pacific Personnel Movement, 1950/05/05, Request for Travel Orders (Bernice Montgomery), 1950/04/29, Travel Authorization for Japanese National (Mr. Tsuneo Tamba), 1950/04/28, House Guests in Japan Who Travel Space Available, 1950/04/25, IG Investigation of Diversion From Air to Water Transportation, 1950/04/24, [List of IG Complaints of Personnel Arriving SEPE from FEC], Movement Order K 18228, 1950/04/07
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原所蔵機関: 米国国立公文書館 (RG554)