
567: Terminal Facilities, Binder No. 1, 1 Jan - 31 Aug 1949 (文書名: Records of General Headquarters Far East Command ; Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4 = 極東軍総司令部文書 ; 参謀第4部) (Entry 65. ボックス番号: 92 ; フォルダ番号: 1)

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567: Terminal Facilities, Binder No. 1, 1 Jan - 31 Aug 1949(文書名: Records of General Headquarters Far East Command ; Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4 = 極東軍総司令部文書 ; 参謀第4部) (Entry 65. ボックス番号: 92 ; フォルダ番号: 1)

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原所蔵機関: 米国国立公文書館 (RG554)

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Approval of Proposed Contract for Stevedoring and Terminal Operation at RYCOM, 1949/08/31, Transportation Corps Depot Summary (QTO-14(R1)), 1949/08/22, Port Facilities in the Ryukyus, 1949/08/09, Clarification Command Status of Port Service Support Functions Manila, 1949/08/03, Revision of Rates Luzon Stevedoring Company, Contract W-94-704-TC-665, 1949/07/26, Manila Port Operations, 1949/07/29, United States Army Freight Forwarding Contract, 1949/07/26, Philippine Consolidated Freight Lines, Inc. ltr re Award of Contract to Bailey Stevedoring Co., 1949/07/22, Action re Investigation and Withholding Funds - Luzon Stevedoring Co., 1949/07/21, Message from C/S, 1949/07/21, Audits for Luzon Stevedoring Company Contracts for the Periods 1 January - 28 February, and 1 March - 30 April, 1949, 1949/07/19, U.S. Army Freight Forwarding Contract, 1949/07/13, Port Operations of Luzon Stevedoring Company, 1949/07/09, Purchasing and Contracting (Funds Other Than Civilian Relief), 1949/07/07, Manila Transportation, 1949/07/05, Rental of Equipment from Luzon Stevedoring Company, 1949/07/02, Stevedoring Charges for Handling Special Services Property, 1949/06/28, Investigation Luzon Stevedoring Company Renewal Contract with POSCO, 1949/06/27, Manila Port Operations, 1949/06/18, Petition for Use of Floating Pier at Shibaura, Tokyo, 1949/06/08, Port and Harbor Service Procurement Demand JPNO 1487 (Port of Yokohama), 1949/05/20, Present Port Operation Contract and Substitute Arrangement for Port Operation, Stevedoring, Reefer and Trucking Operations, PHILCOM, 1949/05/04, Suspicion of Fraud - Luzon Stevedoring Company, 1949/04/22, Request for Procurement Demand-Land and Barge Terminal Facilities at Kurihama, 1949/04/15, Alleged Irregularities in Ship Repair and Stevedore Contracts in PHILCOM, 1949/02/12
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原所蔵機関: 米国国立公文書館 (RG554)