
600.12: Projects and Programs, Binder No. 5, 1 Mar - 31 Aug 1950 (文書名: Records of General Headquarters Far East Command ; Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4 = 極東軍総司令部文書 ; 参謀第4部) (Entry 65. ボックス番号: 99 ; フォルダ番号: 3)

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600.12: Projects and Programs, Binder No. 5, 1 Mar - 31 Aug 1950(文書名: Records of General Headquarters Far East Command ; Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4 = 極東軍総司令部文書 ; 参謀第4部) (Entry 65. ボックス番号: 99 ; フォルダ番号: 3)

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原所蔵機関: 米国国立公文書館 (RG554)

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Project Request for Site Preparation and Development of Shop and Warehouse Area, Kadena AB, 1950/08/28, Construction of Receiving Building at Tokyo General Hospital, 1950/08/24, Master Planning and Construction Programming at Post-War Installations, 1950/08/20, Request Approval of Essential Korean Projects, 1950/08/14, Weekly Status Report on Major Engineer Projects, 1950/08/10, Project for Construction of Dog Kennels, RYCOM, 1950/08/04, Submission of Fiscal Year 1953 Construction Program, 1951/08/02, Priority List for Temporary Work Projects, 1950/07/14, Request for Authorization for Minor Construction Project, 1950/07/12, Major Construction Project for JFY 1950, 1950/06/28, Submission of FY 52 and 53 Construction Program and Analysis of FY 51 and Future Year's Programs (Except NG and ORC Programs), 1950/06/27, Awase School Addition, 1950/06/12, Far East Command Integrated Priority List for Construction Programs FY 52 and FY 53, 1950/06/05, Individual Project Estimate - Repairs and Utilities 5-25 #25 GCA Hardstands and Access Roads, 1950/06/01, Major Construction Projects Not Forecast for JFY 1950, 1950/05/29, FY 53 Construction Program, 1950/05/26, Project Planning Schedule, 1950/05/16, Defferred Maintenance Projects FY 1952, 1950/05/11, Temporary Work Projects, 1950/05/02, Accounting Classifications for Construction Projects in Japan, 1950/04/25, Submission of Estimated Yen Costs for Construction Projects, 1950/04/22, Project Request for Housing Facilities, Motobu, Okinawa, 1950/04/19, Approval of R&U and Construction Projects and Applicability of Funds, 1950/04/03, Non-Recurring Maintenance Projects Chargeable to Project 437, 1950/03/28, Construction Project - Tokyo Ordnance Center, 1950/03/24, Construction Projects Being Processed for Accomplishment from JFY 49 Budget, 1950/03/18, Project Request for Housing Facilities, Amami-O-Shima, 1950/03/10
Procurement Demand for Repairs to Seaplane Ramps and Dredging of Adjacent Area at NAF Oppama, Japan, 1950/03/06
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原所蔵機関: 米国国立公文書館 (RG554)