Alternative TitleThe influence of different occupational therapy programs to the relation between health locus of control and outcome measures among the elderly : A randomized controlled trial
Note (General)本研究では,作業療法プログラムの違いが高齢者の健康統制感 (HLC) や効果指標にどのような影響を与えるのかをランダム化比較試験を用いて検討した.対象は65歳以上の健康な高齢者で,人間作業モデル(MOHO)プログラムを行う群と手芸プログラムを行う群にランダムに割り付けた.効果指標は,老人用うつスケール短縮版,生活満足度指標Z,SF-36を測定した.そしてHLCは,日本版主観的HLC尺度を用い,健康に関する信念を自分,家族,専門職,偶然,超自然ごとに測定した.その結果,MOHO群では自分,家族,専門職のHLCと効果指標項目に相関が見られたが,手芸群では相関が見られなかった.HLCは効果的な介護予防プログラムの立案において有用である可能性がある.
In this research, we use randomized control trial to discuss how the different occupational therapy programs influence health locus of control (HLC) and outcome measures of the elderly. The healthy elderly subjects who are 65 years or older are randomly divided into two groups. In one group, subjects received a wellness program based on the Model of Human Occupation (MOHO program), and other group, subjects received craft program. We used Geriatric Depression Scale-Short form, Life Satisfaction Index Z, and the MOS 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey as our outcome measures. And the Japanese version of the Health Locus of Control Scale is used to measure the HLC, in which contains five subscales: Internal, Family, Professional, Chance and Supernatural. In the results, the HLC subscale Internal, Family, Professional were significantly correlated to outcome measures in MOHO group. However, there were no significant correlation between HLC and outcome measures in craft group. HLC may be useful in prevention of dependence on long-term care program planning effectively.
首都大学東京, 2016-03-25, 博士(作業療法学), 乙第125号
副論文「地域高齢者の運動機能や健康関連QOLに及ぼす運動プログラムの影響 : 健康統制感尺度を用いて」『作業療法』31(4), p.342-352, 2012.8は別途登録(
副論文「内的健康統制感が高齢者に対する介入プログラムの効果に与える影響 : MOHOプログラムと運動プログラムの比較」『作業行動研究』19(4), 2016 は別途登録(
Collection (particular)国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション > デジタル化資料 > 博士論文
Date Accepted (W3CDTF)2016-08-02T06:56:17+09:00
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Data Provider (Database)国立国会図書館 : 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション