Alternative Title触知探索における最適な区画数に関する研究
A Study on Optimum Number of Divisions in Haptic Search
Note (General)触地図は視覚障害者が二次元的な空間情報を獲得するための有効なツールである.しかし,視覚を通じて全体を一望できる晴眼者用の地図と異なり,手指を動かして部分を連続的に触察する必要のある触地図では,全体の構成を把握し,目標物を発見するのに時間がかかる.そのため,視覚障害者が触地図を利用する際,探索の効率は重要な要素である.触地図上の触知記号の探索時間を短くする手段として,触地図の周囲に目盛りを付与し触地図を分割する手法が提案・実証されているが,探索時間を最も短くする最適な区画数は明らかでない. そこで,本研究では,触地図の区画数と時間の関係について,晴眼者と視覚障害者,それぞれを対象とした実験により検証した.区画数が異なる5種類の触地図を用意し,探索時間を計測した.晴眼者を対象とした実験では,縦3×横4に分割した地図において探索時間が最も短くなった.視覚障害者を対象とした実験では,縦4×横5に分割した地図において探索時間は最も短くなり,晴眼者との比較では,全体の探索時間は半分以下になった.ただし,各条件間に有意な差は見られなかった.実験の結果,区画数が多いほど探索時間は短くなるが,一定の区画数を超えるとその効果は減少するという傾向が見られた. これらの結果を触地図自動作成システムに適用し,より効率的に探索可能な触地図の作成に役立てることとした.
The present study investigates the efficiency of haptic search facilitated by the division of the searchable area. Previous studies have shown that scales pro-vided around tactile maps for blind persons can shorten the search time for tactile symbols on the maps. However, the optimal number of divisions that shortens the search time the most has not been found. We conducted the experiments in which tactile maps with five different numbers of divisions were presented to the sighted and blind participants. The search times for tactile targets on the maps were measured and a movie that recorded searching behavior was analyzed. In the first experiment, maps with different numbers of divisions were presented to 11 blindfolded sighted participants. The results indicate the 3 × 4 divisions minimize the search time, and the relationship between the number of divisions and search time was not monotonic. However, there were no significant differences in search time among the numbers of divisions. In the second experiment, same conditions were presented to 16 blind participants. The results indicate the 4 × 5 divisions minimize the search time, and the relationship between the number of divisions and search time was not monotonic. Contrary to the hypothesis, the search time in the 2 × 3 condition was longer than in the non-scale condition. This could be the participants searched the entire map carefully in the non-scale condition and that led to short search times, on the other hand they searched only the divided area that had the target in the 2 × 3 condition and failed. Then, they had to start over the search and that led to long search times. The median searching time over the 3 × 4 and 5 × 6 conditions had no large difference. These results are assumed that the effect of the divided area on efficiency of the haptic searching has a limitation from a certain size. Therefore, for the future prospect, we should conduct a study of the different sizes of tactile maps in order to reveal the relationship between search time and the size of the map. This finding should be utilized for the optimization of automated tactile map creation system.
学位の種類: 博士(工学). 報告番号: 甲第4613号. 学位記番号: 新大院博(工)甲第490号. 学位授与年月日: 平成31年3月25日
開始ページ : 1
終了ページ : 88
Collection (particular)国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション > デジタル化資料 > 博士論文
Date Accepted (W3CDTF)2019-08-03T12:23:27+09:00
Data Provider (Database)国立国会図書館 : 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション